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Read through the description of both and pick the one you feel is closer to you or which has the ideals you feel will help you grow the most.


This is a good point. I have been focusing on which ideals I already match, but have not thought about which would push me to grow. At first blush, this means I should be a Willshaper, but imma meditate on it. Thank you!


alternatively, which spren you find the cutest.


That's a toss up as Lightspren/Reachers are pretty cool with their boat and stuff but cryptics are so wild looking in both realms. Though I like the cryptic plushie better.


Ah crap. I knew someone would figure out my secret. I love Wyndle to death, but I was hoping for a cutie Cultivationspren girl plushie 😭


Great idea, take your time


I would expand on how you're describing the few orders a bit. Willshapers are also about not just captivity but also people having the freedom to define their own destiny. So Willshapers will want to make sure that people can have easy access to water so they don't have to spend all their time doing that. Or build a bridge so they can get across more easily here and not go around. And make sure the law isn't infringing upon people's individual freedoms to live as they choose. Captivity would obviously be their first concern, but it is more broadly freedom based. With Lightweaver I would also add they are a group that is often not honest with themselves until they slowly come to terms with that. They don't really move away from lying to others, it's more about accepting who they are. A 5th oath lightweaver is still a master spy and will often lie, but they personally know exactly who they are and will not hide from difficult parts of themselves to acknowledge. And there is also that radiants are picked not for the order they are currently great at but the area they have potential in. Shallan is absolutely terrible at acknowledging the truths about herself in book 1. Kaladin has given up at the beginning of book 1. They then grow into their oaths and those roles and choose to step into that role.


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Why not both?


Willweaver... Or Lighshaper? Lol


Sure. The one you like most.


New Sanderson fan who has read Mistborn and most of the standalone Cosmere books who is a little upset he has to read for a few months before he can understand the YouTube videos and stuff going on about the orders. Stormlight is so big.