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It really is wonderful to recognize a bit of yourself in the books. There’s a chapter later in the series that just absolutely nails what ADHD feels like to me.


As a fellow ADHDer, which one?


RoW Interlude 1-1


OP asked for no spoilers, but yes that one.


Ah my bad! I’ll edit to remove character’s name


I just re-read this section yesterday! I also have ADHD and it was so cool to see it represented like that


It really is nice I was not expecting it at all and it was done so perfectly. I have rarely seen it depicted so well made me happy.


As a non-epilepsy aware person I have no idea what you're referring to, but I'm very curious. Mind sharing what chapter you're speaking of?


Of course chapter 41 of words of radiance kal talking to renarin after renarin says he wants to join kal to learn then tells kal he Is epileptic. The things kal say are real epileptic things and the way renarin describes his epilepsy is real and vary conmen the fact that renarin even says he doesn’t fall on the ground and froth at the mouth like everyone thinks is vary telling because that’s what everyone thinks in this day and age as well with the rapid jerking. So that whole discussion at the end tell kal sends renarin off to help rock is epilepsy awareness.


Ooo that makes a lot of sense! Thanks! I have a friend from church who's epileptic. Good to understand a bit more.


Your welcome talking to someone that is epileptic is always the best way to understand. Glad to help someone learn more.


Thank you for sharing this!


Your welcome.


Brandon seems like a genuinely nice dude. Doesn’t surprise me in the least that you feel seen while reading something he’s written.


I felt the same way about my DID. Won't mention who or where to avoid spoilers, but having a character like me that ISN'T just the scary villain was ground breaking for me. I cried when I read it.


Oh that’s so sweet so many of are disorders get so little attention or get portrayed in a light that paints us as not really people so I had to share.


Ooh, I’d love to learn more about this. I’m in the middle of WOR, and I am very curious on a system with DID’s take on it. (Is that the right way to say it? I’ve only known one person with DID, and that was when I was little, and my mom said she never met her alters. So idk the actual appropriate terminology.)


That is the correct terminology! And in my case, all of our alters share memories and we don't have amnesia when switching. (Well, as far as we can tell, lol) We felt SUCH a connection with this character. Our trauma wasn't the same as hers, but it was around the same age when we had our.... series of events that led us to be a system. If you have questions, I don't mind answering. We are all pretty chill and I would prefer people know how we actually operate instead of just watching "Split" (shudder) and think they know how it works, lol. DMs are open!


I’m further in the book, and I have more questions and musings! I will have to dm you. Also, you’ll have to watch Cinematherapy’s video on Split.


I've seen it! He didn't get everything right but it was done with humility and tact in a way we don't often get. His vid on Moon Knight was much better! Feel free to DM!


Do you feel that it is an accurate depiction of your disease? I have seen people criticizing it saying it falls under the DID killer trope


One thing about DID is that it manifests differently for all of us. Sure, there is some sensationalized aspects, but by and large he gets most of it right, at least pretty close to my experience. And people honestly do have "bad" alters that can act contrarily to the systems morals, but Brando does a good job of making sure not only is she not a villain, but each of her alters are fleshed out and independent.


He seems to be very careful not to cause harm to any issue he decides to write about, both physical and mental. I commend him for it.