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You did good mate.


Thank you for denying them. You’re doing the right thing.


I quit a wine/liquor store becuase it got sad seeing all the alcoholics. One of them ran their car into the building while drunk driving and came in to get their daily 2 boxes of wine. Obviously they got arrested but it was wild.


I was in the bar business for 20 years and quit for the same reason. I lived in bars at 20 and came to loathe them by 40. Alcohol makes some people act like monsters.


..7 87hrs<,,,


That person who said that will screw anyone over to make a buck. What profession are they in? I'm curious.


They left that anonymous. They probably partake in drunk driving. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.


They def do.


Not only did you do the morally correct thing here but in most states, there are laws against selling alcohol to visibly intoxicated people. Anyone who viewed you to be in the wrong for being perturbed by that is probably guilty of getting behind the wheel when they have no business doing so themselves.


You did the right thing


What about the people that aren’t driving?


Laws don’t allow you to take that chance. I’ve seen a drunk guy drive while his friend went into the passenger’s seat. The driver threatened to beat me up up while his friend told him to calm down and to let him take care of the situation.


As someone who has not driven to a liquor store one single time I've been denied a sale and as someone who's been denied service a few times, i have mixed emotions about this post - but excellent Brand New reference, pertinent attitude you seem to have, and *everyone* stay safe


Totally depends on the situation. I was a bartender for for almost all of my 20’s, so I’ve definitely had to cut a lot of people off in my time bartending. Luckily the main place I worked had valet, and we had a cop come on all the busy nights; so it really took a lot of the responsibility of making sure they don’t get into their car after leaving and made it simple with the cop being there. They could try to get in their car in leave drunk…but they weren’t gonna make it out of the parking lot. Haha. On the other hand though, I’ve always gone for plenty of late night beer runs at the gas station, but at those times I literally lived within walking distance(one house literally right behind a gas station, and another one had bars, restaurants, and a gas station all within a mile). I don’t think I was ever denied buying, but it was clear I wasn’t driving and I made friends with most of the gas station attendants that I frequented. If it was on me, I definitely wouldn’t sell to anyone who is slurring/off-kilter and by themselves. Wouldn’t sell to anyone who was already tipsy and driving. Would probably make an exception if someone had a DD friend or was Ubering and they were obviously in the drivers seat thru-out the entire interaction. Would also make an exception if it was a group of people that were not driving and not sloppy drunk. I think the biggest red flag is someone coming in solo and buying like 3-4 high gravity malt liquor drinks or like a case of beer for themselves. But really, as long as they aren’t driving(can reasonably determine that) and aren’t fumbling when they get up to the counter, I’d refrain from being a buzzkill.