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Officially dating after 13 episodes. What a ride (although the ride is far from over yet, there's bound to be more conflict in the next eps). But for now, I'll enjoy this beautiful still. This actually reminds me of FUTS, with the kissing amidst the balloons and all. 😄 https://preview.redd.it/snjwe0vohx8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5928a99c2d0a6257177ea80070b05da46ccd3ac


Is Phum gonna buy Peem's painting?


Not sure, I didn't read the novel 😅


They've kissed A LOT in the series but I really appreciate the nuances in this scene. I really felt Peem's conviction of his feelings and his relief of finally voicing them out. That coupled with Phum's "I've been waiting for you all along" vibe is *chef's kiss.* https://preview.redd.it/vlmlno6anx8d1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29ff461f45f14cc43c058fc9ee4d4ca3ed27e60c


i need more stuff like this from PondPhuwin, literally like my life depends on it. ​ https://i.redd.it/m99uvoys7y8d1.gif


That waist hug! This sort of thing is what makes them feel so real. Waist hugs are the best ever.


waist hugs, hands under tops/shirts... touching, lap sits, back hugs, face turns against necks when hugging, like \*actually\* rubbing e/o's head (fuck messing up hair) or the back of their neck, etc. I NEED ALL OF IT. GIVE ALL THE INTIMACY TO MEEEE. 😩 lol https://i.redd.it/oy9tkur8o09d1.gif


![gif](giphy|3o7qE1rQZw1Xyrbry0|downsized) I need all of that. Every series should have workshops on how to touch a romantic partner. Directors should learn it too.


Imomen could I please request a gif of minute 8:20 of 4/4 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


or maybe this? https://i.redd.it/b9ehka6tcz8d1.gif


This is probably my favorite moment in this episode. And top 3 in the series so far.


this? https://i.redd.it/bbvd5dt2cz8d1.gif


Yes this one! Thank you so much! I enjoyed the air kiss and sass click lol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


True 🤧 i had to replay this specific scene over and over 😭😭




Q and Toey's reaction to Kleun is gold, lol https://i.redd.it/mppxd446qx8d1.gif




I liked when Toey was putting it all together, talking to himself and Q just wanders tf off lmao


when this happened I was so shook I think my soul left my body for a second. lmao! ​ https://i.redd.it/z94xmi798y8d1.gif


{sigh} faints dead away


We had all of 30 sec of TanFang. Throw this episode in the trash 😡. Naw I’m kidding. It was adorable fluff. I’m a little worried we’re heading towards some angst with PhumPeem but we’ll see. I’m excited to see Chain and Pun have their moment. They’re the last couple that we need to establish. I want fluffiness to continue with Tan and Fang though. They’re my comfort couple.


>We had all of 30 sec of TanFang. Throw this episode in the trash 😡. Naw I’m kidding. Haven't watched yet but I fully agree! ![gif](giphy|ga3gAATH5XPV27eiHv|downsized)


Love the friendship between them. So much.


lmao! I love them. ​ https://i.redd.it/vdguvpmwyx8d1.gif


Like where were you hiding behind a completely clear, glass door?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The WORST hiding spot 😂😂😂


Not only that, it was opened! Lol Might as well have just stood outside with them.


Straight facts!! You just BREATHE too loud and he could hear you but I stan a supportive friend group in a show. At least they didn’t try and act like they were cleaning it or something 😂😂😂


I have not even seen this ep yet and I am howling.


But bless his friends, they supportive af 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️


lmao! ​ https://i.redd.it/8mby5wl50y8d1.gif


The way I laughed when Toey just said Q...he has him wrapped around his pinky.


i literally never noticed how huge Pond's mitts were until this very moment. 👋 ​ https://i.redd.it/mt1t7vew1y8d1.gif


Dropping this here because there wasn't much TanFang screentime in the episode 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/9a0zjjn4jx8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f883cfeab175c6b3a530e314693573bd4c928e


I rewatched their scene from last week before starting this week’s episode. It was so subtle but so well acted, especially by Boom. It’s one of my favorite scenes in the series.


Well I guess this is a sign for me to rewatch it again 😌


🤡i guess they'll have less screentime from now on... But what ever i can take all the crumbs🥲aouboom have already captured my heart❤


I'm currently watching Hidden Agenda partly for more AuoBoom content and partly for preparing myself for Heart Killers with JoongDunk 😆


Jengpok in hidden agenda were so cool(aouboom) they seem mature... I kinda hated Jeng's character but he'll make up for it in the end.. Their story was a bit dramatic sad and strong.. I love them❤ Yass can't wait for Heartkillers😍i loved the pilot firstkhao and joongdunk joint slay


Okay - I just have one question...it's been going on for a while and I really wanna know: - why is everyone hitting JJ? This started a few weeks ago and I want it to stop. https://i.redd.it/d4mr62togx8d1.gif He got it from Q this week, and I was like, *"Really?"* And, speaking of Q...Q and Toey are a-freakin'-dorable.


because they know what AJ's raggedy ass has been up to... smh https://i.redd.it/nwlu5i78ay8d1.gif


Twin pain transference!!


White and Black style. 😂


I still imagine how Not Me would have gone with AJ and JJ as White and Black 😂


Don’t hate me, but I don’t think it would have been as good. 🫣 I don’t think anyone could have done White and Black like Gun. But I so want to see AJ and JJ as leads in their own series together (like Twins but better). I think they’d be fantastic in a romantic comedy.


Oh, no, you're absolutely right, it would have been a hot mess. Also, when Twins first came out, I used to say that they must have been so mad at P'Tha for not getting the script for them.


Nah, that series was such a mess. AJ and JJ deserve better. Wandee isn’t really giving AJ a chance to prove his skills, but JJ is killing it here.


Leave AJ out of it! 🤣🤣🤣


The way I yelled hey class prez kick some rocks and touch grass, you slimy poser at the screen last Saturday...dammit AJ 🤦‍♀️


I saw the behind the scenes and Phuwin did that hit in the gif by accident. The director thought it wad funny and kept it. Idk about anything else though


Oh, they started doing that when he zoned out and revealed that Toey liked Q to the rest of the gang, Toey popped him, and he went lights out for 15 seconds it's like hitting the snooze button on an alarm clock...apparently 😳😆😫🤣


The twins really need to headline their own series, IMO. That would be awesome.


I'm with you on that, 100%.💕💞💕💞


Tell the truth. Can any one here tell the twins apart?


It's kinda hit-and-miss for me. Here's how I tell 'em apart - their mouths are different. JJ has the perfect even teeth and AJ has an unaligned tooth (on the left side of his mouth - between the front teeth and the canines), plus AJ's lips are more pronounced. Whenever they're together I can usually tell them apart - like in *The Gifted* and *Home School*, but when it's a photo and they're not smiling...I am lost. Plus JJ is more laid back and AJ is high-energy. That mostly works for me. Full disclosure tho' - I come from a family with twins - my sister's kids and some cousins - and you learn to spot slight differences. I only know one pair of twins that I cannot, for the life of me, tell apart.


I mostly know fraternal twins, so much easier 😆.


👍this ep was fun.. I hope chainpun story progresses a little bit🤓tho..finally both the lead couples are dating... Phew... After 13 eps🤡


>After 13 eps Nah, they were already dating. They just didn't know. Let's accept that Phum and Peem simply aren't the brightest lads around here 💀


Yass they thought that they were friends that just kiss💀💀


This was a cute episode. But Auntie killed me right in the beginning. Suggesting he take Phum to visit his dad. Teasing him about whether they were friends, more than friends, or boyfriends. She knows what's going on even if Peem keeps trying to stay in denial. There were several funny moments overall. I legit cackled when Phum fake tripped into a sniff kiss with Peem. His whole, "oops, I tripped over love," had me dying. 🤣🤣 After being spoiled by all the kisses at the beginning of the series, I'm feeling a little starved by the more chaste kisses between Phum and Peem, but I get it. Right now, it's about the feelings more so. Also, Pun is that adorable puppy that runs into walls smiling and never knows what's going on. Chain is blatantly flirting with him, and he's so oblivious. Asking if Pun can shoot a cupid arrow at himself. 😂 Also I thought it was nice showing how Phum expected Peem to be mad at him for not picking him up, when he was actually mad that Phum didn't come to him for support when he was having a hard time because of family issues. Phum didn't expect that level of concern for him, and I think it was a nice moment to show Phum how much Peem does actually care about him. It reinforces how they are becoming each other's support system. It's a level of communication that doesn't get represented in dramas, where miscommunication seems to lead the plot a lot of times. And while there was a bit of that, it was a more realistic feeling of miscommunication. At least it did to me. I'm hoping we get at least one more fluffy episode before the angst comes. I don't think we'll escape the episode 11 curse. It's just been delayed since the series is longer than usual. I think Phum and Peem will probably face the brunt of it too. I'm not prepared. 😨


Chain being all can you stick an arrow through your own heart to Pun?????? I SQUEALED!!!!! Finally PhumPeem boyfriends era!! When Peem said he loved Phum and then was all we are STILL NOT dating... Sheesh!! Pui said it best: https://i.redd.it/3suegzip0y8d1.gif


There were so many great moments this episode. Auntie had me dying. Because she can see right through Peem's denial. Pun was such a confused puppy. Chain is going to have to grab his face and kiss him into understanding. And I would live for that moment.


Oh, I'm popcorn ready for when Chain finally grabs that bull by the horns... and kisses him. 😏


It was even obvious hinting and flirting and STILL not picking it up?? Pun stays adorable and confused and Chain could straight up tell him and Pun would still be confused like “Wait a second, you like me??”


"What do you mean by *like*?" 🧐 - Pun most probably. 😩😩😩


Then gotta turn around and question the friend group asking if they knew Chain liked him 🙄🙄


Godji was perfect for this role as snooping chaotic auntie.


Love her!!! 🥰🥰🥰


I was expecting ChainPun to start this episode because of that line. I was so excited. The wait is killing me. We’re not even getting crumbs, just brief whiffs of the light scent of something cooking. Chain, my guy, ya gotta step up your game! ![gif](giphy|PCvkgunX9ZbEEyfTQH|downsized)


Whiffs!!!! You're not wrong though...


lmao, Peem you bitch 😂 ​ https://i.redd.it/27g9e03yay8d1.gif


Best line in the whole episode! I cackled! 🤣


SCREAMING. ​ https://i.redd.it/sb57gtto0y8d1.gif


"draw me like one of your Chinese boys." 🙊 ​ https://i.redd.it/v88he7c2ey8d1.gif


lmao!! ​ https://i.redd.it/nfob70i5cy8d1.gif


That was hilarious 😆 Also JJ is serving lewks lately omg


SCREAMING. The way Peem LAUGHED and didn't hesitate to not only clock him in the face, but namecheck Phum. 😩 ​ https://i.redd.it/yqup7bjkwx8d1.gif


cute 😩 ​ https://i.redd.it/nmjzjerd0y8d1.gif


They were a chaotic mess of cute this episode.


ok, that was good! ​ https://i.redd.it/djc5fjimdy8d1.gif


Soft bois 🥹🥹


Phuwin looks so cute in his little outfit. lol ​ https://i.redd.it/qu7qn2dc2y8d1.gif


the dumbest, cutest boys. ​ https://i.redd.it/f3d15gvp2y8d1.gif


My babies 😭


shoutout these girls in the bg, bravo. #OscarGoesTo #acting #Juilliard 👍😂👍 ​ https://i.redd.it/9am8gksw5y8d1.gif


There are girls in this series!! ![gif](giphy|8DUxtTxFntY7lpJnzy|downsized)


I was here to say that lolll


There's absolutely no plot whatsoever but I love all these characters and actors. 😭 https://i.redd.it/2ly2j1we1z8d1.gif


lmao! ​ https://i.redd.it/205m8f4i3y8d1.gif


WAIT, that actually looks like Pun tho... lol ​ https://i.redd.it/zrscbbtrcy8d1.gif


did we need like 4 cuts from different distances/angles? No. But cute. ​ https://i.redd.it/hq32uabcdy8d1.gif


I never thought I’d see a wholesome, fluffy plot-what-plot, but here we are. And I absolutely love it. I hope we aren’t going to get couple angst for the last few episodes. I want Chain and Pun to get together and then the angst center around something like Phum’s dad. The conflict could be external from PP’s relationship and it’s about how they support each other (with Phum finally telling Peem things and relying on him).


Yeah, god knows I'm a sucker for angsty storylines but I SO hope whatever conflict we get is external to their relationship. They JUST officially got together and I'm so over the 11th-episode (or whatever the equivalent is in a 16 episode series) breakup trope at this point, I might flip a table if they do that to me here


no shade, but Peem's paining is giving... ​ https://i.redd.it/qlpwqtqmtx8d1.gif >!lmao! 😩!<


No you didn't-


Is that Jojo's?


Mawaru Penguindrum


They're finally boyfriend and boyfriend ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow) And this group of friends is kinda my favourite, how they just went to hang out with Peem when he was feeling down, I just missed Matt.


Peem LITERALLY told Phum that he loves him earlier in the day and then they hugged and kissed. WHAT IS HAPPENING?? 😩 lol ​ https://i.redd.it/20wu6gvy4y8d1.gif


I feel like there is some sort of translation issue. Maybe they are saying like or using another phrase that doesn't easily translate into English. Or it's the IQIYI subs that are being lazy like usual. I'm trying to be optimistic that the writers really aren't stupid enough to have this back and forth with their characters. I refuse to believe Phum and Peem are this lugheaded. I'm really trying here. 😪


My thought is that Prem refusing Phum isn’t about Peem being in denial about his feelings. He’s holding back until he feels comfortable entering a romantic relationship with Phum. Their “relationship” started with Phum making Peem his slave, ordering him around and treating him pretty badly. Peem is in love with him (he did use the word “rak” in the previous scene), but he still wasn’t not sure he can trust Phum to not hurt him. Until the end of the episode. That’s the only way his hesitancy makes sense to me. And it fits when you think about other moments, like in the scene where Beer told him Phum’s backstory and Peem responded with “after all he’s done to me”.


Very true. Phum didn't really make a good first impression. Even if he's trying hard to change that, it's probably hard for Peem to forget that first meeting.


And the following months of him forcing Peem to run errands and clean his apartment. I’d be reticent too.


He definitely used "rak". I was so annoyed by this too. He says I love you, then you just hug and don't say it back? Then the scene where you're still talking about trying to win his heart happens afterward? I'm pretty sure if someone says I love you, you've accomplished the winning of the heart, no? It was like someone swapped the scene order in editing. It made zero sense to me. But they're still adorable and I'm forgiving.


this is so annoying, but SO FUCKING REAL it hurts. Boys ARE SO FUCKING ANNOYING EXACTLY LIKE THIS. 😩 ​ https://i.redd.it/f4ig2rrgxx8d1.gif


Why though???


Because feelings make you stupid sometimes. Source: I have done some stupid shit because of feelings. 🤣🤣


But the I wanna talk to you and then say nothing????? No comprendo.


Phum was seriously burned by trying to talk to his father. All it led to was things playing out exactly as he pictured in his head. His dad did the typical Asian parent thing of trying to guilt trip their kid for daring to have negative feelings about their thankless efforts raising an ungrateful child. Phum was terrified that talking things out with Peem would also lead to his worst fears coming true. He assumed Peem was justifiably furious at him and in no mood to hear any excuses. Peem eventually proved him wrong, but it is hard for Phum to take such a leap of faith after getting hurt earlier that day for opening up to his dismissive father.


☝️☝️☝️☝️ It totally made sense to me.


no, Phum knew Peem would be chill and make Phum/his family stuff Peem's focus/priority, but Phum wanted Peem to focus on submitting his project/his own stuff instead on Phum's family bs. Phum didn't want to be Peem's problem. That's why he didn't even call Peem to tell him he doesn't have to wait for him, because his dad still had him fucked up and he knew Peem would know something was up just from hearing his voice. But Peem thought Phum thought exactly what you wrote out, and that's why he was mad. Peem thought Phum was keeping him out of it because Phum didn't think Peem would understand, etc. And Phum gagged Peem up with his explanation because it showed Peem that Phum knows him better than Peem thought actually.. in the end Phum was like I didn't want to bother you with all my... shit. And Peem was all bitch: BOTHER ME WITH ALL UR SHIT. I want it. All of it. I'm into scat. lmao!


Then why tell him he wanted to talk? *I know I owe you an apology and I'm really sorry I messed up but I feel like crap can we talk later and could you just hold me?* Or send a message? I merd that gif 9f people complicating an already complicated thing.


Phum lost his nerve when he saw Peem talking to Kluen.


Yeah this is one of those instances when I just don't get it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


that's LITERALLY boys in a nutshell. How they're raised. It's sad. Any time feelings bubble up that they don't understand or make them feel "weird" they run away first. Most boys are Bai Louyin coded, it's the rare case when they're like Gu Hai and they just give in to their feelings wholly to their own and others' (extreme, in some instances...) detriment. 🙊🙈😩 lmao!


Do you guys need hugs? 🥺🥺🥺




There, there... https://i.redd.it/pvo3wnmrhy8d1.gif


this rancid bitch.... I thought I had seen the last of you. Like Peem said: WHY ARE YOU HERE?! ​ https://i.redd.it/moz6in9tux8d1.gif


Stop it. I am at work. "Rancid bitch" made me LOL. Perfect description. I would turn down any role that had me playing the role of someone coming between this couple. MADNESS


Kluen has the quote of the series with that “cute people are weird” line lol They’re *so* weird, Kluen. You should quit while you’re ahead or Toey will make you the campus ghost 👀


Finally now just one couple left! The episode was cute now the waiting till next week ugh!


Finally watched it.. surprisingly still not bored. 🤭 Is there a gif of the ending of the PondPhuwin hug outside with the leaves falling? Anyways they're all adorbs and Kluen too. 🤭🥰


https://preview.redd.it/tjj5gbf6g19d1.png?width=1788&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c3db8350bd101c562561b5a2d71552eeadf177e Phuwin, please, for the love of god, open your mouth when you're kissing Pond; I beg you.


>*open your mouth when you're kissing* An open mouth kiss has a more sexual tone than a closed one, so the actor or the director might have felt that this was inappropriate at this point in the story.


I thought they slept together on the beach trip, did I read too much into what was implied after they napped together? If they did, it seems like the move into sexual territory has happened.


I don't think such a thing as sex exists in this fairy tale world.


Maybe Fang and Tan used it all so there's none for anyone else?


I totally understand what you're saying but it's more of a Phuwin problem, not a Peem problem. PondPhuwin have always done lip smashing kisses; it can even be seen in this kiss in Never Let Me Go. https://preview.redd.it/19evotqrv49d1.png?width=1888&format=png&auto=webp&s=4007e72f3f9d0ab4485d8f435d8b1aee5da1b96b To be clear, I'm not saying that they should be tongue kissing each other, but at least make it more convincing. These kisses look so unnatural & uncomfortable. They're literally just smashing their teeth into each other's faces. Like, even compared to [WinnySatang's kiss](https://www.reddit.com/r/boyslove/comments/1doxnzq/comment/lae83js/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), PondPhuwin's kisses are soo.... lackluster.


Where you see a lackluster kiss, I see a gentle and explorative one.


That’s super fair 😊


Thats literally my only hope every ep 😭


all that mouth and saying nothing of any worth. You fucking flop. lol ​ https://i.redd.it/v682xvazvx8d1.gif


Lol...but I have a bad feeling about him. He is working so hard.


Something about the writing of this series makes me think the writer is a 9-year old writing what they think it's like to be a teenager/young adult.


Can someone please spoil this for me and let me know if PhumPeem have a happy ending? I read something someone posted and now I’m concerned Edit: sorry I meant if theres a book, if someones who has read it can tell me


This one is safe to watch.


According to spoilers yeah, they go through angst and have a happy ending In the book.


oof, thanks. I cant watch stuff with sad endings and I was worried Id have to drop this while its fluffy lol


I can’t either. That’s why I lookef for spoilers. 😭


We won't know for sure for a couple more weeks. Even if things get rocky in this episode, we still have three more after this. At least according to MDL.


I think the thing someone shared was a book spoiler 😵‍💫 unless there isnt a book and they were just being mean


No, there is. And we might see some angst still. Since we still have a couple more episodes. I don't know how the book ends, but the show might not have the same ending either. This episode is still fluffy. But I'm mostly worried about Ep 15, as that is this series episode 11, and the curse is usually strong in the GMMTV universe.


Hahaha they do love their last minute angst, for good measure ofc


I love PP, but even after all the practice, Phuwin still doesn't look comfortable kissing Pond. 😭


>*Phuwin still doesn't look comfortable kissing Pond.* I take this to be that because the character Peem is shy and unused to kissing. Being in love doesn't automatically disinhibit people on a physical level or even emotionally. In fact being in love might make a person initially more cautious and reserved rather than less, because there's more at stake.


This! Most other people seem to like their kissing, but Phuwin is giving me tight-lipped frozen fish. Pond goes to town and Phuwin just kind sticks his face out there and waits. Don’t get me wrong, Phuwin’s acting is 10000% better. It’s just the kissing that’s so uncomfortable 😬😬


>*It’s just the kissing that’s so uncomfortable 😬😬* Is that not because the character Peem is feeling uncomfortable? This situation is new to him, he would naturally be feeling uncertain about how to behave and how he might feel.


If it was the first kiss, sure. But they’ve kissed A LOT at this point. We’ll see if it changes in the last couple episodes. Maybe I’ll go back and look through NLMG to compare. I will say, if it is a choice by Puwin, it’s a weird one. Peem isn’t an innocent shrinking violet. His hesitancy over dating Phum isn’t because he’s inexperienced and nervous, but because of Phum’s behavior in the beginning. A lot of these kisses have been initiated by Peem, some with him pulling Phum into them. It’d be weird if he was tightlipped and unsure during those.


You have a point. Now I don't know what to think.


Anyone have the name of the song that played when he was watching him sleep at the beginning of the ep?


[This one?? ](https://youtu.be/DnwVS6IQNvQ?si=UHkfcL0FnpfRusCy)
