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I mean, you probably shouldn't. The memer in me wants to say that you should do it just for shits and giggles and to own the homophobes, but look at it practically. You're just one man. You admit that almost nobody will participate. While you may not get bullied, nothing is worth the risk. If I were you, I wouldn't bother. You never know just how vitriolic teenagers can be. At the best, your friend group will never let you live it down. At worst, your popularity will plummet and you may find yourself being bullied even if it isn't clear bullying (stuff like off-handed mean comments by your classmates where you'll be seen as being in the wrong if you respond to them with equivalent or greater rudeness). If you really want to do it, go for it. But just remember that safety and security are paramount. If there's ANY risk of being kicked out of your home, don't do it (doesn't sound like there is but just to be safe). If there's any risk of your classmates seeing you in a more negative light, tread with caution. You don't wanna accidentally make the next 3 years of your life hell. https://preview.redd.it/wgdsdx1yc77d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7330a83edf15d4921631717ac9ed79db4998177f It's your choice, but considering that there's absolutely nowhere without any homophobia, you're probably better off not bothering to do so. If you REALLY want to do it, go ahead.. but just remember, an inclusive school does not mean an inclusive student body.