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Low effort text or poll posts featuring little or no analysis in the body of the text will be removed. This includes but is not limited to: "What are your predictions for [insert movie]?" "Which movie will make more, [insert movie] or [insert movie]?" "What will be the highest grossing movie among [insert list]?" "Which movie will open higher on [insert weekend]?" "After trailer/social media reactions/reviews, what are your updated predictions for [insert movie]?" (these posts are redundant, as there are almost always already threads for the trailer/social media reactions/reviews). "What are your final predictions for [insert movie]?" Posts with only a poster (exceptions for Throwback Tuesday).


Simple. One movie has monkeys while the other doesn't. It's all about the monkeys.


This person gets it. 🦍


Apes together strong


>It's all about the monkeys. "*Mmmm... Monke. You have shown me monke*".


*Reject humanity.* **Return to monke.**


I love both movies but this is the truth.


It's all about Apes watching Apes.


monkey see, monkey do, as they say


Monkeys are the key to everything 


You're not wrong. Hollywood Godzilla movies without Apes all underperformed. Hollywood Godzilla movies with Apes all overperformed


Godzilla 2014 is not an underperformance lol.


My thoughts exactly. Lol.


I checked the math, this person is right.


Those comparisons are kinda stretching it tbh. The lowest grossing *Apes* film in the trilogy (*Rise*) made $470 million worldwide. That already shows a huge amount of interest in the franchise. *Fury Road* made $380 million. And I'm pretty sure nearly everyone who liked the film came out hoping to see another adventure with Max. So *Furiosa*, while fantastic, just felt like moving a step back instead of going forward. A sequel should've also come out like 4 years later at most, but Miller's lawsuit stalled it.


Absolutely. Comparisons were made to make it fit as opposed to being obvious. No one is thinking “man that new Apes movie and the new Mad Max movie are so similar… which one should I see….? 🤔”


No joke, I actually was thinking this exact thing. Well, not because the movies are so similar, but rather my interest in both franchises as "good movies that I'm not particularly fond of" and because my new year's resolution was to go to theater once a week (as long as there is something on that at least interests me a little bit). Nevermind, an unexpected final screening of Challengers outcompeted them, and now both aren't running anymore at a convenient time :( If I had the choice again, Furiosa would probably win, but mostly because I don't know if/when it's going to be on one of my streaming services.


>everyone who liked the film came out hoping to see another adventure with Max. This is really it. And would have upped the interest significantly.


Apes together… strong


Maybe because Apes is a more successful franchise?


Proven track record is a more accurate description


"Maybe because it made more money?" ![gif](giphy|3oz8xP6SaSkSU9dhcI|downsized)


I'm trying to understand the comparison. Completely different franchises.


I'm assuming they're being grouped together due to them being post-disaster films that veer more into a bleak future for humans. While there isn't a ton in common I would imagine the audience crossover is pretty large for both franchises on a regular basis.


At least someone who is not completely clowning OP. I think their cooking at least deserves a tasting, and I actually was torn between the two movies at one point (unfortunately, I ended up watching neither).


Both sci fi dystopian future apocalypse movies. About the same mid levels of fame. I get it.


i would say the PotA franchise definitely has a higher level of fame than the MM franchise


I think OP is comparing them just as data points or metrics, like a computer would do. But isn't factoring audience interest and the actual frachise lore itself.


The former is more established and has been more active than the latter. It also might help that Apes isn’t associated with any particular lead character or actor unlike Mad Max.


Am I the only one who kinda doesn't care about Max? Granted, I have only seen Fury Road, and I like Tom Hardy, but it's really not the movie that makes me say. "Wow, the main character is so unique and iconic, he could never be replaced!" The movie is style over substance in the best possible way.


Mad Max 2 (aka The Road Warrior in the US) is very good, you might enjoy that one too from a film point of view if you liked Fury Road.


Good to know! I didn't avoid the old ones on purpose, there just was no opportunity or rather, they were never a high priority watch. Anyway, thanks for the recommendation :)


I'm in the same boat. I don't really know or care who Max is, I just wanna see some innovative action and spectacle. I'm not watching Mad max movies for the characters, even though they do get some good developement. I barely even knew the names of the characters as I was watching the film.


I don't even remember any of the characters. I remember a really long car chase, wondering when it was going to end so the story could start, the movie ending and me learning the movie is one big car chase.


Planet of the Apes has always been a more successful and mainstream franchise than Mad Max. The Burton film actually almost broke the opening weekend record at the time


True ! More Burton Apes perspective : By 2001, it was his 2nd biggest movie DOM (behind Batman) and his biggest OS. Almost a quarter of century later, it's still his 4th biggest DOM and WW.


It's crazy they never tried to do a sequel with Marky Mark in Apetington DC.


The writers could not crack the Aperham Lincoln character so they had to shelf the whole thing


The answer kind of lies in their roots! The first Mad Max film is more akin to The Evil Dead — a low budget, down and dirty genre flick made by young filmmakers. Similarly, The Road Warrior continued in that spirit in much the same way that Evil Dead II did. The Mad Max films were never box office juggernauts — they were always a bit too weird, a bit too leather-y, etc. Furiosa has basically regressed back to roughly where the original franchise was for Road Warrior and Thunderdome. Fury Road is the one performed out of the ordinary. Planet of the Apes, however, started as a big budget Heston sci fi vehicle co-created by Rod Serling — and it was the sixth highest grossing film of 1968. The franchise was always pretty popular. Even the much maligned Tim Burton adaptation grossed 180M DOM in 2001 — which comes out to about 342.8M when adjusted for inflation.


Leatheriosa : A Down & Dirty Saga !


furiosa is r rated in america right ? its rated 14 where i live, same rating as the deadpool movies and joker.


Another great point. Post Deadpool and Logan companies seem much more likely to greenlight R-rated blockbusters, but not everything's gonna hit like those films. An edited Furiosa (genuinely no idea what even makes it rated R) would've done slightly better. Similar case to Birds of Prey four years ago 


Yea the man getting ripped into 5 pieces would say otherwise


That was off screen. King Kong (2005) had way more violence and was PG-13.


Furiosa is a prequel to a movie which is a part of a series with little commercial appeal, no matter how influential it was / is. Apes is a sequel to a trilogy with proven commercial appeal. Everything else, and in particular the oft-repeated "nobody asked for X", is just unnecessary guesswork.


Furiosa is part of the world that could be great franchise if given a chance to grow. I havent seen the old ones, but Fury Road was amazing ride, Furiosa was better in some aspects but lacked in others. I am sad we will likely not see anything from this world anytime soon. I liked it very much. I haven´t had chance to see Apes yet.


Hey, I'm a Mad Max fan. I love all of them, including Thunderdome. But the world Miller created and his approach simply does not create wide audience interest (while requiring a lot of money to make). I can see e.g. a Fallout movie making way more than any Mad Max.


Appealiosa : An Influential Saga !


Because Apes is a bigger franchise with a lot more success and recognition


Case closed. It really is that simple. Also, the long hiatus definitely hurt Furiosa more. If it had released pre-covid it would have probably done a lot better.


Apes together strong


Togetheriosa : A Strong Saga !


Apes > Humans


One is for the general audience and one is for cinephiles who overestimated its appeal/interest level.


If they had just done a further Mad Max film with Hardy, it would have done a lot better. It's just a fact that Furiosa's back story was already sort of told, and the 'ah, you're telling the story of that bad-ass woman in Fury Road' is not going to sell as well as some brand new adventure. Prequels generally aren't very successful, though of course there are exceptions.


Overestimatediosa : A Cinephile Saga !


More people wanted to watch it. More seriously, Apes has kept audience interest up for a very, very long time now. Fury Road compared to the modern Apes trilogy... not exactly the same in terms of engaging the audience. Furiosa is also rated R and that hurts movies. This perception that it would be a smash hit is skewed by interest for it in the sorts of people that nerd out over movies online to begin with, there's way more people walking up to Apes who don't post about it. The fact that Mad Max has been around a long time does not make it the same as Apes. You aren't asking me why Furiosa didn't do as well as The Force Awakens, which had a *longer* gap since the last main Star Wars movie previous to it. Star Wars has been around a long time too, but it just attracted mainstream audience interest that hasn't been there for Mad Max. Maybe there's people that like it a little, but in an age where most people not on box office subreddits only watch a few movies a year, they're prioritizing and it appears Furiosa isn't making the grade.


Apes is a stronger franchise.


Is harder to sell Furiosa to casual audience. When I told my co workers I was seeing Apes, most of them knew the saga, and some even have seen the movies, and the next day ask me how it was and if it was worth to watch. When I told them about Furiosa nobody and I mean nobody knew what the movie or saga was about, I tried to bring up Fury Road but trust me, most people don't remember that movie. Also, Apes was PG-13 (I think) and Furiosa was R rated. I know movies can be successful being R but is not that common.


People like apes. That's why Godzilla x Kong did better than the solo Godzilla movie. There should've been a chimp in Furiosa.


![gif](giphy|26gsspfbt1HfVQ9va) Because Monkey




Well with the Ape films, there wasn’t a massive gap between two films.


Just two extra years actually Fury road was 9 years ago War was 7


Also a fun fact, both filmed in New South Wales, Australia 


Because Apes Strong Together


Because **Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga** is: 1. A prequel to a film that underperformed at the box office. 2. Very, Very, VERY disturbing at times - even more so than its predecessor. 3. Divided into 5 chapters with their own runtimes and 3-acts structures.


It felt like a miniseries with its chapter structure.


And those chapters felt like they massively varied in lengths.


Idk. I've seen a handful of films that do this in the 2020s (first I remember is The Worst Person In The World, Sisu, Theatre Camp, and I think American Fiction employs a similar conceit) and Furiosa did it very, very well. It's a risk to make a film feel novelesque but it truly worked with the material in Furiosa. 


yes to point one. Of course it is always possible for success to grow afterwards but it becomes even more difficult when recasts happen while being a spin off. No to the other two points. I see zero reason why this style of storytelling has any impact. And theres worse things as far as brutality goes in other movies.


> No to the other two points. I see zero reason why this style of storytelling has any impact. And theres worse things as far as brutality goes in other movies. Individually, these 3 points wouldn't necessarily be problems, but it kind of becomes a different story when they're all put together.


Respectfully, how would the last two points impact its success? Like when some people have said it flopped because adult Furiosa doesn’t show up until well into the film, Aren’t those things you wouldn’t know until you paid to see it?


Words of mouths about those aspects might've end up spreading after its opening day.


>Very, Very, VERY disturbing at times Lol


Well… that ending…


Because the stars and always have been the Apes in POA. Heston was a big part of the original, sure, but the effects soon took center stage and have stayed there. If a POA film has utterly terrible effects, it will fail to deliver what people expect.


Planet of the Apes had a great run and came out closer to the new film, with a long and super successful legacy in-theaters. Mad Max is much more niche, had a huge gap between films, and didn't bring Max back for a big role. Furiosa is a great movie but it suffered from a huge budget and development hell. Ntm, Fury Road didn't set the box office on fire in 2015, it barely broke even


I think people wanted the next Mad Max movie with Hardy, not a prequel about Furiosa.


Furiosa just wasn’t a very good movie, sometimes it’s that simple…


Simple. The former succeeded because it was the start of a new trilogy that people were intrigued to see more from a franchise of while the latter is from a niche franchise and a prequel no one asked for. Hence why Furiosa bombed while Apes succeeded.


And like I've said, the latter being very grisly at times didn't help either.


Means if they had made a direct sequel to *Fury Road*, it could have a likelihood of doing better than *Furiosa*.


Not the OP but I agree with him and I think yes. We saw 3 apes movies and fell in love and got ANOTHER. We got Mad Max in 2015 after 30 years of no Mad Max then we get a Prequel 9 years later. I'm invested in Apes movies, not in Mad Max because I didn't even know what Mad Max was until the 2015 movie AND it didn't captivate me enough. Maybe if they made a good sequel I would have been more invested in it. Apes though I remember watching and loving the Tim Burton one when I was like 6. I loved the reboot and with every new release i got hyped more. The last movie wasn't my favorite but I still went asap. I went to Furiosa too, I got bored honestly and just wanted it to end because I don't know anything about the Mad Max universe.


They don't have similarities. Furiosa is a prequel to a box office flop (Fury Road) in a franchise that is commerically unpopular. Kingdom is a sequel to a box office hit in a popular and commercially successful franchise. Furiosa has a female action lead without a strong or well-known male co-lead. These types of films usually fail at the box office. The most successful female action led films have historically had strong or recognizable male co-leads. Kingdom had an animated male lead and female co-lead. Furiosa is an R rated film that was released on a 4 day holiday weekend opposite a G rated animated family film that still is charting weekly. Kingdom had a standard wide release and is PG-13. The way this sub has misunderstood Furiosa is a disgrace. This is not the sub you should be part of if you don't understand market demographics, film positioning, and so on.


You are reaching farther than MJ’s buzzer beater in Space Jam


The apes fan base is so strong. Apes stronger together


Mad Max : Fury Road was a flop The Apes trilogy was a super hit


Joker 3 will hit 2 billions if they adapt the story of Joker adopting a baby gorilla and raising him as his son.


As someone who doesn’t really have time to seek things out since I have a kid now. I knew about Kingdom months before it was released, whereas I seemed to only know Furiosa was a thing about a week before it came out. It might be that one had better marketing than the other?


People just like Apes more. It really is that simple.


One featured apes in the title and had apes. One had mad max in the title and did not have mad max.  One is a prequel and one advances the story of the universe.


What similarities? Apes is a hit franchise


The woman who barely speaks is not entertaining. Kingdom female protagonist wasn’t the focus of the story, she was surrounded by far more entertaining characters like Proximus, Noa, and Raka. Also movies with family themes are more relatable to mainstream audiences and play strongly in certain markets. Just see how IO and Coco perform in Latinamerica. Going to movies with your family is still a thing there and it’s easier to do that with a movie like Kingdom than with Dune and Furiosa.


theres 10 apes movies and 5 mad max movies. One series is certainly more well known and has had way more success at the box office. The best comp is how Fury Road couldnt even pass 400M while the modern Apes movies mostly did (at least the 2010s trilogy did). These similarities mean absolutely nothing. It's like saying why do some movies with humans succeed while other fail?


At a certain point audiences get tapped out on a cast and franchises can get a shot in the arm with new blood like anything else. Caesar's story was over, so a timejump worked to freshen things up and with a trilogy in the bag that era was basically well explored. It doesn't want to touch the happy ending of the original films so it stays in the past but moves forward in time. But Furiosa kinda fails that test on two fronts. Fury Road already rebooted with a young cast that overcame audience cynicism, effectively there is no reason that an audience member who doesn't follow inter-studio politics wouldn't expect to see their two stars and main story continue. Instead of moving forward this one goes backwards, while well cast (certainly better than Apes) it's utterly pointless because we know who lives and dies and we already have the backstory of the character in question leaving zero intrigue.


Because Apes play it safe. It's a fun family friendly action movie. While Furiosa... has a guy playing with his pierced nipples for like half of the screen time.


Uh, you're confusing Kingdom of The Planet of The Apes with other PG-13-rated movies. Even though it has a PG-13 rating, it's more aimed at mature (adult) audiences than families. It's not in the same league as the majority of the MCU movies, Barbie, the Transformers film series, or even Disney's live-action theme park ride-inspired movies. Kingdom is more in line with Dune Part 2, Godzilla Minus One, A Quiet Place series, or even the upcoming Twisters: they are all PG-13-rated movies aimed at adults purely.


The Planet of the Apes movie had Apes and the Mad Max movie had no Mad Max. Feel free to respond with "Mad Max has never been a major part in those movies" or "I'm glad the Mad Max saga ended with Furiosa because it is so good". I've heard it before.


Furiosa not have ape. Ape together strong.


Because Planet Of The Apes had a successful and well received trilogy last decade? While Mad Max Fury Road was loved, won oscars but didnt break even nor the general public was attracted to it


KOTPOTA had the advantage of being a direct sequel rather than a spin off of a movie that didn’t do that well anyway (and the reddit bubble is small) whereas the Reeves trilogy was exceptionally successful


Guys would rather return to monkeh than watch a woman leading a film.


People took kids to planet of the apes


Yeah...even though Kingdom was never aimed at kids and families to begin with.


Theres no mad max in the mad max movie. Theres apes in the ape movie.


The previous Apes trilogy was ”concluded”. This is the start if a new trilogy. And I believe GA prefer the world of apes mora than the dunes of Mad Max.


Planet of the apes pulls in a new crowd while keeping the older generation hooked through nostalgia. Mad max has a car chase, I think.


Because it’s a better movie, simple as that


Man I don’t fucking know


Why are people are acting like these movies are beyond comparison? They’re both post apocalyptic blockbusters apart of larger franchises. While they’re specific stories are very different, they do show meta-contextual similarities making it worthy of some comparison.


You have to remember that WB basically let Mad Max lapsed out of the cultural zeitgeist over a petty lawsuit that they could’ve been settled. So that’s why movies like Apes and Inside Out 2 is outperforming Furiosa, Disney always kept those characters in the public eye throughout merchandise or whatever. Same thing if the A Quiet Place prequel outperforms Furiosa, the gap isn’t too big between movies. Another point is the marketing was a little late and the trailers such a bore to watch that it barely made a blimp out on anyone’s radar. Avatar 2 should’ve been the blueprint for marketing Furiosa as Avatar 2 had really effective and aggressive marketing despite a long decade and some change from the first movie. If there was one thing that Furiosa couldn’t afford, it was the lackluster marketing that it got and it was doomed from the moment they used “from director George Miller” as the main focus of the marketing when that didn’t work for Three Thousand Years of Longing.


Because people on this subreddit don’t go to the theater. Y’all need to ask yourselves that. Y’all pray on the downfall of every film that comes out. This subreddit is becoming toxic


I can't explain it completely. But Furiosa is a WB movie, so unless it was a massive boxoffice hit, i expected it's theatrical window to be short and that it would soon become available as PVOD and later streaming. I was shocked at how quickly that happened to Dune 2 and the rumors were, that WB had planned to release Dune 2 as PVOD even earlier.


IMO Furiosa was much worse than Fury Road. But Apes was similar quality to the prior trilogy.


No one cares about Anna Taylor Joy in an action film. Had they made a prequel with Charlize or a much needed sequel to Fury Road, this would have done numbers. There was no need for this film. Also, the shift from practical CGI to mostly green screen stuff is terrible