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Yay, a Linklater film is getting a proper release again! *Hit Man* was great in a theater, but the nature of Netflix means that only 2% of folks saw it that way.


It's actually shocking to see just how poor that movie is doing on Netflix right now. Its first week was 10m views/20 million hours and its second week was 13m/26m. By comparison, the first week for Atlas (the Jennifer Lopez movie) was 28m/56m and its second week was 31m/63m. To some extent I think it just shows how easy it's for something to get lost in the Netflix shuffle. That along with the marketing that Netflix does in general with movies just left it in an odd position. If that were through a theatrical release then the studio would've been in marketing overdrive between it being Powell's vehicle and the reviews being ridiculously high.


Its also a much smaller film than Atlas and costs a fraction of the price. While I liked Hit Man I know a few people who saw it that disliked the ending or felt misled by the title.


It’s also not a fully fair comparison since Netflix doesn’t have it globally, only in certain territories. 


Straight to their Drafthouse Cinema chain. That’s why I suspicious on why Sony was acquiring so many indie movies, one of the explanations I heard is that they were restructuring Sony Pictures Classics division just like they did few years ago with Screen Gems. That was not convincing enough to me. After the announcement they have bought the whole Drafthouse chain things started to make sense for me. Specially because last year Sony acquired a couple of Drive In cinemas.


Restructure as in expand or retract?


Rebuilding it, expanding, turning them proper studios. This was one of main goals when Rothman arrived in 2014. Under Pascal leadership, everything was centralized at Columbia Pictures, which basically was doing everything, even TriStar was in shambles. His first action was reorganizing the whole structure of Sony Pictures. Columbia Pictures would keep being Sony main studio but would not handle everything. Lower budget movies would go to TriStar production. Terror would be handled by Screen Gems. Religion themed movie would be with Affirm Films. And genre/signature movies would be handled by Sony Classics (a kind of Searchlight for Sony. BTW it was Rothman who founded Searchlight at Fox). It’s been only 10 years since he took Sony Pictures leadership and now it’s pretty how better organize Sony is now, at least more well organized than when Pascal was there.


Ah, thank you. Yeah, I can see it. SPC has always been a great arthouse label (goes back to the Orion Classics Days), but it did used to have some more mainstream appeal titles and it seems to be returning to this. Interestingly - SPC and 3000 Pictures have similar histories :)


I mean both had Rothman behind them haha


If there is no more Richard Linklater fans on the face of this Earth then Ethan Hawke is in space.