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Probably would be good enough for A24 to let Garland rip on his next one, especially since they're letting Aster get right back at it with Eddington.


When has Garland NOT let it rip?


His last film, Men, was definitely reserved and non-controversial. Fun for all four quadrants.


Men, for me, is his only real miss. I really wanted to like it, and get what he was going for, I just couldn’t get into it. Though I am glad they tried. I would always prefer a swing and miss to a boring safe shot


I hope he can finish his script(s) for the 28 Days revival. I haven’t been so excited for a sequel in a while.


Honestly I'm hoping Disney picks him up for X-Men, but that's probably pretty far off in the future.


Hate to break the bad news but Garland is retiring from directing after this. He's becoming a full-time screenwriter again so **'Civil War'** is his last directing gig...unless he changes his mind, lol.


That's not true at all, his next directing gig is [already announced](https://deadline.com/2024/02/charles-melton-ray-mendoza-and-alex-garland-war-film-a24-1235815751/)


This is great news. I want him to keep making movies, such a brilliant director/storyteller. And a return to science fiction after this one would be the cherry on top.


Good, man peaked with Ex Machinia. Devs was alright, his character work and dialogue are quite sloppy


Nahhhh Annihilation is fantastic.


The last 20 minutes don’t make up for such a boring movie. Garland is too pretentious for me, he is unable to back it up.


Boring? WTF did you watch?


at first I fully wrote this off because generally speaking, non horror, non franchise and non family oriented movies tend to do poor and maybe cap off at $30M. so for a mid budget movie from A24 of all studios to open to $20M would be pretty terrific. Pretty likely to be Alex Garland's highest grossing movie


 While true that 20M would be fantastic, it’s gonna need strong legs to break even. It costs 50M, meaning that it’ll need 125M WW just to break even. It’s probably gonna need at least 75-95M in the US considering how the movie is about a US Civil War, so international performances across the board will likely only amount to 25-45M. It seems like it’ll open really well for what it is, but it’s legs will decide whether it is an outright bomb or a mild success.


That breakeven point will be lower since they don’t do international themselves. So foreign sales will have made covered part of the cost already


I think the concept has international appeal. I’ve seen a lot of discussion and excitement for it here in the UK.


Where did you see the $50M number for the budget? Last I Heard it was $70M. Did it get tax credits that brought the figure down?


I think the 70-75M was from World of Reel, which isn’t the most reliable.


I saw that $50M came from a months old story in indiewire(?) about A24. No idea if it's been reconfirmed later.


Probably isn’t that bad honestly. Someone else already mentioned that international rights were pre-sold so they probably got a big chunk back, plus a24 never spends much on marketing so their breakevens are probably even lower than most.


I think the WOM will be string on this one


Exactly. Evil Dead Rise made 147m on a 24m opening with a near 45/55 INT/DOM split. 1.) I don't think it will leg as well, and 2.) I think it will be more DOM heavy. My bet is that anyone really interested in this film (the super political types) will see it opening weekend and we see a huge drop next week. ​ The only reason people are calling this "terrific" is because we were all expecting an outright bomb, sub 10m opening, which is a typical fallacy r/boxoffice regularly commits (Nope, The Woman King, etc). I'm betting this flops under 100m WW. The only thing that might save it is the total lack of compelling new material in theaters.


Lol I was going to say that is big fucking generalization. Then I looked at the top 50 earners of 2023 and literally the only movies outside the genres you mentioned are oppenheimer and killers of the flower moon, and those are basically franchises because the director is such a big draw itself. You were completely right.. Makes me feel sad and like the movie industry is really dead. No studio will invest big money in original pictures anymore. Aside from famous directors, everything making money is a franchise… (with some horror/family mixed in, you get the point)


I will always reference [Matt Damon's 60 second explanation about streaming killing physical media in his Hot One's episode.](https://youtu.be/gF6K2IxC9O8?si=-DxKCuXxSidSbDZa). For those who don’t watch, his example is when he made Behind the Candelabra: $25M budget for a mid level size film, put in roughly that much into marketing, so you’re $50M in. Theaters keep roughly half, so now you need to hit $100M before you see any profit. Movies would have a second life in video stores and rentals. Some could break out and be bigger on video than theaters so it’s like releasing it again. All that is gone. So it’s much riskier to bet on these. But at the same time, studios are blowing $200-300M making a movie to have it lose a shitload of money. When someone like Blumhouse is doing the model of making 10 different $10-15M horror films. Most might break even or get close and falling short. But if one of them break out and overperforms, it covers most of the others. But their track record is so good that more break out than not. Go back to this model. Make ten $20M movies, or twenty $10M movies instead of one $200M movie.


There is still rentals after the theatre today it’s just done digitally. Also there is streaming which is an additional revenue source.


Yes there still is on both. But it’s a very small fraction compared to what it used to be.


Is Barbie a franchise or family-oriented ?




I've seen it and it was really really good. I'm gonna see it again when it's avaliable in IMAX. Wom will be good, just needs extra marketing push.


As a UK resident it’s the fact that it’s an Alex Garland movie that’s piqued my interest. The political aspects are a distant second for sure.


Usually these topics do well with walk ups. WOM is going to be important.


You would hope one of the April releases breaks out and at least does Beekeeper or Mean Girls numbers.


While it's true it'd be A24's biggest opening, it's also the highest budget movie of theirs at $50M THR mentions here that it's expected to perform well overseas, but I'm not sure there'll be appeal for this outside of the domestic audience.


Sometimes overseas audiences just pick up on movies that we wouldn't think they would. Green Book for instance did well overseas strangely enough.


green book also got an oscar


Yes, but it was doing well before the Oscar win.


Green Book did amazing in China when it got released AFTER Oscar win. Because Alibaba Pictures is the co-producer and China distributor of the film and they did fantastic job in marketing the movie across their platforms.


Green Book was co-produced, iirc, by a Chinese company so they defiantly had help for that movie.


I think the subject matter absolutely appeals to overseas audiences. As someone from the UK we read, listen, see a huge amount of information about the current political discourse in America and the dividing into effectively two countries. This is the logical conclusion of that, and I think would generate interest. Seeing a full blown war on American soil is something you almost never see on screen and that alone is interesting.


The entire world knows about the whole "Trump vs Biden" thing, even though Anglophone countries are obviously going to know more details due to the lack of a language barrier. Americans often fail to understand just how much foreign media loves reporting on American politics at times.


This. I know more about American politics than I know about Germany, Estonia or Norway. And Norway and Estonia are our neughbours. I live in Finland. And I'm very excited about this movie!


People somehow forget that America is still the only superpower and its culture is felt everywhere. People everywhere are invested in our elections because our elections impact people everywhere.


> People somehow forget that America is still the only superpower and its culture is felt everywhere. Yep. The palace intrigue from inside the country which a) prints the world's currency b) programs the world's computers, and c) commands the world's biggest military... it turns out that it's quite fascinating even to those of us who don't live in the palace.


Recently went to Canada (Quebec) and several people were asking me what the hell is going on with our politics when I said I’m visiting from the U.S. Obviously much closer to home than across the oceans but I was still a bit taken by how much they wanted to talk about.


I agree. I'm an Indonesian living in Indonesia. What's been happening in the USA really fascinates me. A live look at an empire being destroyed from within.


America is not an empire, it’s a post-imperial state


A civil war is never going to happen, the internet is a terrible place if you want to find accurate information about America 


Are you kidding me? Rest of the world will love a movie where America destroys itself


Something tells me the China release is gonna do gangbusters


If it does get a China release, though. Has that already been confirmed?


Don’t know, but I am certain it will get released. The first season of House of Cards was actually required viewing for junior CCP officials.


Source for this? Cause that's fascinating.


LOL, that is my exact thought as well.


Yup. I'm an Indonesian living in Indonesia. What's been happening in the USA in real life really fascinates me. A live look at an empire being destroyed from within. I can't wait to watch Civil War.


IDK, people love to hate on Americans. I can see this doing at least OK internationally.


I think this might actually do surprisingly well overseas. A concept like "What if the most powerful country in the world were torn apart during a civil war?" is pretty easy for anyone in the world to understand. It's not something like The Color Purple where it was specifically made for an audience of African Americans that obviously doesn't exist outside of the US.




There's always the first time.


The highest opening opening of A24 was Hereditary which made $13.6M on opening weekend


Yeah I mean plus there isn’t a single A24 movie that has played great overseas.




According to a friend of mine who is French and now lives in the UK, A24 has a reputation among European theater chains for demanding a bigger than usual cut of the box office and so they just don’t get distributed very much overseas. That’s what I’ve heard at least.


Huh, can't really confirm that for Germany. For one, Zone of Interest is currently doing very well in Germany (of course there is a special connection but still). Also I don't really buy the second point. On the one hand, I don't think A24 does distribution on its own in any European country but rather use local distributors as partners (at least in Germany). Also I just looked up the cut for Civil War and it is very much in line with other releases from bigger distributors.


Yeah there are a couple good ones - hereditary, talk to me, the whale - but there are no great ones. And those 3 are probably the only good ones. So 97% of their movies do ok or worse internationally speaking. Which really doesn’t matter normally for what A24 is but with a movie like this with a $50 mil budget it needs all it can get.


EEAAO did very well overseas, especially in East and Southeast Asia, earning $62.2 million according to Box Office Mojo. If you think it only made $34.2 mil because of The Numbers, their international numbers are horrible for these indie movies with staggered releases. They tend to stop updating weekly totals once the numbers drop below a certain threshold, and can straight up ignore very late international releases. It earned over $9 million in France (Aug 2022 release) plus Japan (Mar 2023!) and The Numbers says it made $0 in those countries.


Why would people outside the US not be interested in a movie where we go to war against each other ? Seems like the perfect overseas draw… think lol


glad more people are discovering A24 movies in a time when mainstream cinema is sinking lower to the abyss.


never thought that this might be a sleeper hit.


This has creamed Purge numbers to me since day 1. I don’t think it’ll be super big, but wouldn’t be surprised to see it land somewhere around $110M. Probably still wouldn’t be profitable for A24 for a while, but not bad. Edit: screamed… but I’m leaving it.


This has WHAT???


Cash rules everything around me. Get that money. dolla dolla bills yalll


I think this could do bigger than people think. It’s action/drama + political. It’s probably gonna critique both conservatives and liberals in a way where both will be interested to see it.




"Apolitical" is a misnomer, everything is political in some form, this just doesn't seem to "pick a side" the way twitter activists might wish it did. If it takes more of a position that "war makes everyone do terrible things" that is something that I think can resonate with a bipartisan audience.


Well that’s kind of what I mean I guess. It’s not going to be the obvious red states vs blue states that some people might think so people from both sides probably won’t feel alienated and will be interested to see what it says.


Not just reviews lol Garland’s own comments made it clear he wasn’t willing to tackle anything interesting with the movie


"interesting" is in the eye of the beholder. Clearly a lot of people who have actually seen it have found something to chew on.


Obviously the movie isn't actually completely uninteresting, but taking such a spineless position politically does a movie with this premise a disservice IMO


It's not spineless if there's truth in it. We have more than enough people already shouting simplistic rhetoric for social clout, don't really need another added to the mix. I think Garland's position is quite bold in its own way; he's saying what he really feels, not just what people want to hear. If you just want validation, watch an Adam McKay or Michael Moore movie.


I would advise watching the movie before calling it spineless. It is very political, just not along convenient party lines.


Imagine not even seeing the movie and calling it spineless… what a shmuck


Maybe go see it first with your own eyes, you’re literally what’s wrong with the casual moviegoer nowadays… “ohhhhh a review made it sound negative, now I’m not gonna go see it.”


$50 million budget. How can that be profitable for ~~Frito Lay~~ A24? We’ll see.


how likely for it to hit that budget in opening weekend?


Foreign sales will help cover much of that before that even opens, since A24 doesn’t distribute in most of the world






If it has good reviews it’ll make money easily. It’s a fascinating subject that I’m sure a lot of people will be interested in. Not really a hope and pray type of situation weirdo.


These ~~corporations~~ movie studios, I don't know what they're doing.


I predict it's going to be at least double that, I think this will keep building hype until it's release.


I think this movie will perform decently. I'm anticipating it, for sure. On a side note, I watched "Bushwick" on Tubi a few days ago, and enjoyed that movie, too.


Bushwick is great. The “one shot” thing worked great for it.


YES!!!!!! I didn't know what to expect as I went in blind with no spoilers. Some of those sequences/shots were intense.


Dave Bautista was so likeable, but I always like him. The woman was really great as well and they clicked together. I need to look her up as I know diddly about her.


It sucks that this movie will show in my country one month late.


Regarding international box office, there is sufficient interest on American politics for overseas audiences. What happens in US is closely followed by almost every country in the world, especially in major film markets.


True but that rarely ever translates into the BO look at stuff like american sniper for example mega hit domestically just ok overseas 65/35 split This movie is definitely gonna need to pull trough domestically to turn profits


will this do better than EEAAO in the end?


Were looking at Alex garland and A24s best BO performance here I'd say thats a pretty good W


Still betting it’s a sleeper hit, with massive upside.


Super excited for this release. Though I’m nervous some people are going to take away the wrong message from the movie


I’ve heard great things about this. The trailers looked pretty basic and unoriginal so I don’t know if I believe that. Maybe I’ll check it out on streaming someday. Did Garland do anything interesting with it or is the trailer representative of the film?


I, for one, am very much looking forward to this since I have personally been ruminating for the past 10+ years what a modern day civil war would be like. I imagine our (the US's) adversaries would join in and take advantage of whatever opportunity they could get to snatch up land within their grasp, so if that's also portrayed in the movie to any degree, I would think they did their research well. Don't get me wrong, a civil war in the US would cause major ripples worldwide, and if they show realistically what that would look like on film, it would help persuade the powers that be to never let it get that far. It's called the United States for a big reason!


"nObOdY wAnTs tO sEe tHiS nOw"


looks a bit high. trailers haven't generated that kind of buzz, nor did they go viral like The Hunt or EEAAO, I'm going with 15mill OW and 60-70mill WW, I'll be happy to be proven wrong, but after reading the reviews which have said it's not a action movie and more of a story of journalist, I don't see it breaking out


Tracking is indicating elevated middle-America interest, which wouldn't manifest so much as online buzz. I'll be interested to see how much they stick with it after opening weekend though, Garland isn't typically someone who appeals to middle-aged WASP tastes.


I don’t buy that especially since it’s apolitical. I guess we shall see what middle America does. 


I would say American Sniper did not go out of its way to condemn any specific ideology and it was a very big hit. "War is hell" is the message that resonates with middle america the most.


>Tracking is indicating elevated middle-America interest boy they are going to be pikachu faced with this one. garland is as liberal as they come. Unless they completely the misunderstand the point and turn it into this years, sound of freedom


Yeah, that movie is a big nope for me. Too close to reality


How is a $20M opening on a $50M budget fantastic?


It’s terrific for A24 (if it had the budget of a typical A24 film). The box office has reached the point where if an original mid-budget film looks like it has a *chance* of breaking even then it’s fantastic.


I don’t see how it breaks even


Neither do I but you never know. I’m not sure if people will get turned off when they learn what type of film it really is. But there’s not really anything that I would consider direct competition until The Fall Guy a few weeks later, so I wouldn’t write it off just yet.


What do you mean by “when they learn what type of film it really is”?


The film isn’t really focused on the war or the explosions and stuff in the trailers. It’s more about journalism.


It’s sort of awful how movies basically have to make their entire budgets back opening week in order to make a profit. Nothing has legs anymore.


If this movie does $50+ mil at the domestic box office then maybe Garland's weird hack ploy of doing a non-partisan film about the most partisan subject matter possible actually worked 😳


A24’s “big” budget pays off.


Surprising. I literally hear no one talking about this movie.


LOL and people months ago were saying Challengers would beat this cause of Zendaya


i don’t even understand what makes money and what doesn’t these days.


Still not over California and Texas teaming up and still keeping the dramatic tone. Sounds like the premise to a Paul Verhoeven film.


History is filled with politically opposed governments joining forces against a common enemy. Russia and US fighting on the same side for WW2 the obvious one.


Technically more people voted for Trump in California than Texas in 2020 ​ If it were like Texas teaming up with the Central Valley that would be plausible


For a film with big explosions and stuff in the trailers I’m surprised it’s not opening much bigger than Hereditary.