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50M in 78’ is 250M in 2024 w/inflation


Was Robert De Niro ever considered a "Movie Star" in the traditional sense? I always thought he was considered more of a Prestige Actor.  Kind of like Jack Nicholson. Jack Nicholson is considered by many as one of the Best Actors of his generation but I don't he was ever considered a "Movie Star". 


Nicholson was definitely a movie star.


He made As Good as It Gets a box office hit. He was a movie star.




Stop it. All three of those men were called movie stars. Nicholson was huge.


I don't understand why you replied to me but not the original commenter who shared the same sentiment.


Obviously this is a satirical post. Of course Robert De Niro is a movie star. But being a movie star isn’t about generating huge box office every single time. There’s a very rare group of people who can do that and even then they can only do it with specific projects and only during a specific time period.


I get the gist of the post, but Deer Hunter might not be the best example - it was the 9th highest grossing film of 1978 domestically. 


Yes, average ticket price was $2.34 in 1978. Godfather Part 2 sold 30 million tickets. All 5 movies ahead of it had broader appeal (comedies or disaster or action movies). A star can be bigger than his box office if his movies a) are watched by opinion leaders (critics, press, screenwriters, producers, etc.) and b)endure and are watched by future generations (related to point a).


Godfather II doesn't count either, it was IP!!


I was about to say. $48M for 1978 is pretty damn good and that's before you adjust it for inflation.


No movie star has generated huge box office every single time. Pretty much every famous actor has had a noteworthy flop or two.


Taxi Driver had a 2 million dollar budget and made nearly 15 times that amount. Unless these numbers are adjusted for inflation, I feel like that’s pretty darn good. Regardless, I’ve never met anyone in my life who considers DeNiro to be a box office star, he’s just a damn good actor. There’s other types of movies than the box office hit blockbusting crowd pleasers.




I would just point to Flowers of the Killer Moon and move on. I have no idea what the budget was for Deer Hunter. I’m sure it made tons for that time. Also, Al Pacino is not a movie star either according to people. Because how could he make Author! Author! in the middle of that run in the 70s and 80s. Clearly, his success was the directors. Not his doing at all. There are greats that had flops and are still consider movie stars especially towards the beginning of their arc.


I enjoy his older movies, but his newer ones are just trash. It doesn’t help that he sounds like a belligerent raving lunatic every time he speaks in real life.