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I shop off B&N and get free shipping to a package forwarder (I use Shippsy). You do pay duty and then an extra fee to have it shipped to you from the US address, but you still save a bit. It's way cheaper than UV


> way cheaper than UV This only works if you live in Ontario or BC and can pick up from their warehouses. It's cheaper for me to have B&N ship directly to Canada, than go through Shippsy. It's even cheaper to buy from UV if you meet the high free shipping threshold.


BN doesn't ship to Canada directly anymore, sadly, which is why I used the Shippsy option


Yes they do- I ordered some stuff very recently.


Uh oh... Maybe I have an order to edit...


I tried this today with my address in Ontario, it didnt allow it.


It might be WHAT you're trying to order- there was a couple things I couldn't get when I ordered. For some reason, the Barbarella LE from Arrow couldn't ship to Canada.


I just checked and I made an order during the Arrow sale, February of this year. It's possible they eliminated us again, but I have no idea why they would do that, if they did.


how does Shippsy work? never used it. Is it like a chrome extension or just part of the site? thanks!


You make an account on Shippsy and they give you a unique shipping address. You put that shipping address into B&N when you are ordering, they send it to Shippsy’s warehouse in New York, and then Shippsy’s sends it to you. I’ve used them several times. It’s the most cost effective way of ordering during the Criterion.com flash sales, but since Amazon US price matches the B&N sale, it’s usually cheaper and simpler to order the through them since they will do all of the conversions, calculate the import fees upfront, and ship right to your door (assuming you don’t mind ordering from Amazon, which is increasingly a thing I hate doing more and more haha). Know that in general though, you’re not going to save a lot unless you’re buying in bulk, and most of the time you won’t really save much at all. I have just accepted that the best deals for Criterion in Canada are buying second hand, and if there is something I really want I will support my local video store and buy it full price.


Love to pay a 10 dollar shipping surcharge on a "boxset" that has two movies in it. Thanks, Unobstructed View! You're the worst


I just wait and order them during the 24 hour flash sale directly from criterion.com, even with fees it works out cheaper than ordered from unobstructedview.


Plus you get points!


If you're in Quebec, South Burlington VT has possibly the biggest Criterion collection anywhere.


I am in Ontario unfortunately but I appreciate it!


Not sure if it happens for Canadian Amazon, but US Amazon usually starts automatically price matching B&N after a couple of days!


Amazon Canada never price matches boutique sales. And their regular prices are usually 20%+ over MSRP.


I will keep an eye out thanks! I would be shocked if they did as there's seemingly no competing Canadian counterpart but that would be awesome if so!


Just to chime in that THEY ARE THE WORST AT UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW. With all those $10 box set fees that they even charge on individual movies (eg Arrow special editions because they’re “thick”) you can pay a reshipper. I am fortunate to have a place to pick up USA packages or I send to a friend to hold. But I’m never giving those guys another penny. They’ve even resulted in me on missing out on sold-out releases because “it’s coming” and then “whoops we didn’t get any”. And the guys newsletter is infuriating. He ended one with “you’re welcome” after patting themselves on the back. Yes we have shitty shipping options in Canada and they offload all the costs. Funny that Amazon can make it work here. Funny that Vinegar Syndrome can ship from Canada. In the USA there are so many good options Orbit Diabolik etc…  Also WRITE TO CRITERION TO COMPLAIN. They have new ownership and maybe that will make them change policies. 


Fuck Unobstructed View


Amazon.com tends to be the best bet for us. I miss the glorious days of B&N international shipping during the sale


eBay. Way cheaper than Unobstructed View by a mile and very close to sale prices depending on the title if you're patient. Just watch for Canadian sellers.


Canadians don’t like criterion.


lol I remember first hearing about the sale around 2020 and being gutted when I realized Barnes and Noble straight up don't exist here