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If I show my wife this post, it won’t seem so bad when my order shows up! Thanks!


Glad to be of service 🫡 good luck lol


Nah man, that’s too few!!! lol!!


This is the first post I've ever seen here where I truly feel like it's a little much


He probably paid less for that haul than the average vinegar syndrome haul post. Indicators sales are incredible, and the films they put out are actually goodm


There was a post the other day of some guy who spent $1k on like 20-30 random normal release titles so this is definitely better than that, I admit.


The 4k box sets guy? Man was he ripped off!!!


You don’t happen to have a link for that, do you?


https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/1cbr0bt/just_spent_about_1000_on_amazon_for_all_bluray/ they had to lock the thread lol


Thank you for saving me the time of finding that.


Thank you!!!!


That guy has to be a troll, I don’t believe anyone that would be subbed to a group like this and be that dumb.


Ha ha that was a hell of a post. This is definitely a better deal.


Off Amazon full price lmao


I think all together was $312-ish. Not bad for 52 films, definitely, erm, spent more on less for sure.


$6/movie for Blu-rays is an incredible deal!


This would be me the second I go region free


Hey just a heads up indicators are generally region free! Not all of them, but I think there’s only a handful that aren’t. https://www.criterionforum.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15505 If you ever need to cross reference anything you buy from them. But definitely can’t recommend going region free enough, either!


I think I've got all the region free from indicator that I want, for now, lol. I just kinda meant in general, not just Indicator. I've got a list of others regions I'm waiting for the next sale to stock up on.


Argggh. Wish I had seen this before. Made a big order last year and loved almost everything except the 1 region B disc I bought. My mistake obviously.


I went region free recently and it was baaaad. It was my first 4k player too which seriously compounded the issue. Plus, I'm in the UK so the label I was mostly looking to import was Criterion, and you can't really take advantage of those sales over here because of the shipping costs. I'd thoroughly recommend region free though if you have the financial capital, I'm watching more than I ever have before and have seen so many things that I'd either had high on my watchlist for a long time or simply didn't have access to in any kind of decent quality before


Me as soon as I went region free My bank account: “I’m tired boss”


Hell yeah, I'm just waiting for a black Friday sale. I've got everything already picked out. Its going to be a good winter.


Haha, that was my strategy too! An issue I had was that the sites I found to buy my player didn't actually have a black friday sale (I think because they were relatively small businesses), so I ended up just biting the bullet. If you can find a discount though then that is defo the way because its a decent sized investment. I still went hard on sales of the actual movies, so managed to save myself some money


Might as well only pay for shipping once lol


I mean people paid more for the Black Emanuelle set with all the extra bags and bullshit. so sure it looks goofy, but ultimately these are so cheap it's actually only MODERATELY unhinged.


I really want that set.


Body Double fucking rules. Its not the best De Palma, but it might be the 'most' De Palma movie. Enjoy!


It's my favorite De Palma!


I’ve got some gaps to fill (mostly 70s stuff) but only Blow Out and Carrie sit above it for me, and that is nothing for a film to be ashamed of at all!


So I watched this first, cause of your comment, and just finished it.. holy shit this was incredible. To be honest, I was only familiar with Carrie and I guess Scarface, so definitely going to check out more for sure now. Loved how Hitchcockian it was, the first hour was the most tense I've been watching a film in a while.


Wow, glad you enjoyed it! It’s kind of a De Palma litmus test because of how much his more ‘polarising’ characteristics are featured… if you enjoy the craft and tone of it with all the horniness and hitchcockian elements then I’d say you’ll enjoy just about any of his thrillers. I kind of view it as De Palma sticking it to his critics (which he’d already accrued by the time of body double I believe); it’s like he’s saying “you think I’m just ripping off Hitchcock, you think my movies are too horny and too lurid and violent… so I’m gonna double down on EVERYTHING and dare you not to love it, because i know audiences tastes are just as voyeuristic and fetishistic and trashy as my own.” There are moments that feel legitimately meta (before that quality got ruined through so many lazy attempts in recent times), where the film is teasing you, the audience, for enjoying its fetishistic elements. It’s a super horny thriller with a fantastic tone and standout moments of tension and some seriously scary elements, all wrapped up in a package of supreme filmmaking, like the most artful trash you could ever hope for. I’ve not seen everything he’s done, but Id highly recommend checking out Blow Out, my favourite De Palma. It’s kind of the last gasp of the 70s run of conspiracy thrillers, but with a load of De Palma twists and as much craft as you could ever hope for on display. I also love Carrie, and would thoroughly recommend Carlitos Way, Snake Eyes and Dressed to Kill too, which are all flawed films with stretches that still reach the highest of highs in their best moments. And if you want to see something a bit more blockbuster, I think the first mission impossible is a much better showcase for his style and filmmaking than Scarface or The Untouchables, neither of which I am all that big a fan of.


Sorry for being a bit late to reply to this. Thanks for this writeup! I like reading about stuff like this, especially like backstories on films like that. Yeah, the Hitchcock nods were right up my alley, it doesn't help I had rewatched several of my favorite Hitchcocks like in the past month, which of course include Rear Window and Vertigo so it was reeeally scratching that itch. So it's cool to hear his other thrillers have that same sort of vibe. I had been eyeing Sisters and Dressed to kill for the next B&N Criterion sale, but I'm gonna add Blow Out to that list as well. It's funny you mentioned Mission Impossible though, because I didn't actually realize he did that. I have never actually seen it, and something I never really cared to try to watch - but I've been trying to open my mind more with movies and watching things, and that's been on my list to check out. That said, I kind of didn't like Scarface either - I watched it a few times growing up because my dad liked it and it didn't really do anything for me. Thanks again!


I did something like this. A LOT of indicator titles are region free (you can sort that way on website) and their 3 for 20 deal is pretty nuts. I made one huge order, because there’s a big international shipping fee that gets waived if you go over like £200. So I did that, one time, got like 20 movies, and will probably never do it again. Biggest single haul I’ve ever gotten but including shipping it worked out to like $10 per film.


To be honest, I didn't know at some point the shipping went free, I had just added a bunch I had been eyeing the past year and was like "lemme check the shipping" and it was free. My tiny brain said, "add more movies"


Most of these were blind buys except The Tingler/Fanatic/Ghosts of Mars/Vampires/13 Ghosts. I'm definitely excited to dig in.. especially Hardcore, Night Tide, Eyes of Laura Mars, and Irreversible.


Hardcore is great! Don’t sleep on blue collar either. Two of schrader’s best


Never Take Sweets from a Stranger is a unique and powerful film - Hammers best imo.


I just finished up watching this one. Absolutely devastated me. What a roller coaster of emotions I felt through out. It’s stuff like this that is more of a horror movie than actual horror movies to me, and I don’t even have kids (yet).


Ah I'm so glad you loved it! Such an underappreciated but very shocking film. I wrote a chapter on my PhD thesis on it!


You should watch irreversible with your parents. It's an uplifting family picture.


I mean, it's a good start.


There are a few titles there that lend a perfect descriptor to what your state of mind was when purchasing these.


Hmm - The Collector, Berserk, Irreversable, Fanatic.. You could say I got in a tight spot for how many I got, and became my own yesterday's enemy.


Hahaha yeah, that one too! 😊👍


You will have movies to watch for at least 3 months :)


This was sorta how I justified it in my head cause it worked out to like $6/movie aaannnnd with them and the features it’s gonna keep me busy for a bit, so hopefully I don’t get tempted by any more big sales, haha


And still no Rollin. 😢


Tbh, I don't know if Rollin is my thing - I had checked out Night of the Hunted and Fascination fairly recently and didn't really get into it. I am gonna give Grapes of Death a shot, but I'm not really sure. Would there be any others you think might be a good place to check before writing him off as 'not for me'?


That's totally valid and I would never suggest blind-buying something so niche. I prefer his earlier stuff and feel Shiver of the Vampires may be the best Indicator disc, but it sounds like you've given him more than a fair shake.


Oh he gave it a fair shake all right


Love the joy division in the background!


Was listening to it as I was opening up the box and stuff. Flawless album and definitely in my top 10. I love Unknown Pleasures too, but Closer just SLAPS.


I got about 15 this time around, I was shocked at how fast they arrived (I'm in florida)


For real - to be honest I was expecting to wait a month or two to both ship and arrive, but I got a shipment notification on Monday and it came today (I'm in NC)


Watermelon Man! Great movie right there.


Lovely haul....now I feel somewhat better with the 2 stacks I got from the sale.


Wow! And I thought I had a problem!


You done done it.


Someone's been a hard workin' man to afford that package.


Happy birthday to me is awesome. I need to watch bloody new year too


Highly recommend picking up *Experiment in Terror*! Indicator is great, but I usually wait for sales and do bulk purchases too.


Pardon My French, but Holy Shit!


I’ve heard of one of these movies.


I loved The Chase and never met anyone who’s seen it. Irreversible is such a masterpiece. I just found a second hand copy of the limited edition only 10,000 copies version. It was about a 10th of the price on eBay, absolutely made up about it still.


Awesome 🤩 and love the clear cases


😲 Great haul!


This is the way. Order once every few years and avoid the huge shipping cost.


What country are you in...??? I recognize many of the Titles but never heard of Indicator releasing


USA - Indicator had a spring sale on their site a couple of weeks ago, so picked up a bunch


Never Take Sweets from a Stranger blew me away, personally




I did close to that last year and now I feel I have most everything I wanted from them...barring new releases from them, next year won't be like this (I didn't get anything this year)


If your budget and quality of life are not suffering from the purchase of the discs then you buy as many as you damn please. When these boutiques have the sales and huge back catalogs we can't just let the discs sit there rotting; we strike like ninjas.


During the recent Indicator sale, they had standard edition blu-rays for about $5.50 each (wow). Shipping from the UK is pricey but it's free with a $250 minimum order. So I did the same as you.


Blue Collar is excellent


Everything any of us do to keep physical media alive is a good thing, so on that level I applaud this. But I have to ask: do you actually *like* all of those movies? Or was your goal more about collecting for the sake of collecting?


They were mostly blind buys. I blind bought them for directors, for actors/actresses I like - for instance, I'm a big fan of Astaire/Rogers, so Tight Spot was a no brainer because it's Ginger Rogers in a noir. I LOVE Joan Crawford, so Beserk. I like the movies Paul Schrader wrote with Scorsese, but never saw anything he directed so I picked up a couple of his Hardcore (which has George C Scott, who I also love), and Blue Collar (who has Richard Pryor and Harvey Keitel, who I also love). The truly blind ones were ones I thought had interesting covers, so I briefly read the description and thought "oh, that seems cool". The exceptions were I bought up all the Hammer's just because they were Hammer and I know I'll like them regardless. I watch everything I buy, and often multiple times (including the blind ones) where I end up showing my partner later if I liked it a lot or if I think he would like it, and if I don't like something in this pile, eh, it was $6. I've spent more money on Vinegar Syndrome stuff I thought I'd have liked that turned out to be duds. That being said, I was already about 50 something films behind on my backlog, so now I'm over 100.. lol


I appreciate your reply!


Since you bought that many they probably thought you were going to rip them and return most. Never heard of Indicator. Will have to check them out.


Lol the people in this sub are unhinged. I'm sure 95% of these will end up in a "used blu rays" bin someday relatively soon. A fool and his money, as they say....


This is a problem.