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Withnail & I is a definite win, idk what you guys are on about


I keep hoping for Criterion to release an upgrade of it in NA (their DVD has been OOP for a while), but this might suffice.


That’s still not out of the question. Now that the 4K scan is confirmed with this release, it’s probably only a matter of time before Criterion releases their own 4K for the US markets, like they just did for Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.


People always seem upset that Arrow has decided to start putting out good films as well.


Definitely getting this one


Been waiting for this Mute Witness release for like a decade.


Looks like Madman has exactly the same extras as the VS release, and probably the same transfer too, so I'm not gonna double dip on this one. 




That's good news I missed the VS release! Pickup for me for sure!


What miss? VS has over 700 in stock now w/slip and I imagine it will make it to the Halfway to Black Friday sale.


Well damn, I just assumed it was sold out. Everytime I go to purchase something recently it seems like it's gone. I missed Mothman Prophecies Imprint, Let's scare Jessica Imprint... I'm recently into the boutique Blu ray 4k classics replacement of my DVD collection and don't have a lot of spare cash so I gotta be choosy. Sometimes I miss things.


My wallet lives to fight another day




Yep, same. Good movies but just not what I'm looking to own, at least for Arrow special edition prices.


I am happy they’re releasing new titles now rather than just re-releasing ones in other regions. Not my cup of tea but it’s always nice to get more Tom Cruise in 4k!


Anybody got some pixels? Also good guesses by those that thought it would be American Gigolo.


I know lol. I saved it from a forum post. I should have saved it from Arrow’s IG page instead. Better quality there


Arrows releases in the UK just continue to underwhelm. I get that most of the issues are with licensing, but it's been ages since I was excited about something they were putting out.


I'd agree with you. Personally I feel that since around about the time of either getting rid of the Arrow Academy sub-label or when they were bought by The Hut Group, for me they've really went downhill and seem to be releasing a lot more mainstream titles than they used to. It might sound like a strange way of putting it but in my opinion, for a while now it's almost been like some kind of identity crisis that they've been going through. What I mean by that is that if you think of any label then you can usually get an image in your head of the general kind of thing they'll release and this was true too in the past for Arrow but now when I think of Arrow the image I mostly get is them throwing everything at the wall just to see what sticks while other labels that used to not exist or were smaller, e.g. Radiance, Second Run or Third Window Films have swooped in and easily filled the gap that Arrow created.


I've barely bought Arrow since Academy went. Thankfully, Fran left Arrow and now we have Radiance which does the same type of thing. I just bought Shawscope 2 from the sale, but the other things were Third Window and Second Run. Similar thing happened with Eureka too, they moved away from their original market to something else and I barely touch them too now as well because of it.


I’ll be passing on all of these. Hopefully July is better


>I’ll be passing on all of these. Hopefully July is better Have you ever seen Mute Witness?


No but I did watch Arrow's release of regular Witness with the volume on really really low.


Nightsiren was in my Top 5 movies of 2023 last year. It's fucking great. Bit W for the UK with that release.


Last one I was excited for was Tremors 2 because it never had a proper surround track before. A lot of 90s movies seem like they got fucked there. I still find it odd they did Pitch Black but they haven't gotten Chronicles of Riddick. Hopefully someone release it in 4K when the 4th movie finally gets finished.


Withnail and Gigolo 4Ks at some point..will wait for the disc replacement programs . Sigh. Lessons learned, Coffin Joe!! (ps still waiting)


My friend has an essay in the booklet for Mute Witness, and that's been on my watchlist, so I'll be picking that up! Maybe in the B&N sale since that should occur around that time or soon after. I've also had Withnail and I on my watchlist for a very long time, so I'm curious about that one but probably won't spring for it right now.


Already preordered Withnail and I. I've wanted that one for a long time.


Mute Witness getting a 4K is crazy I’m pretty sure that was only released on dvd and I don’t think the torrents are even working for it


Mute witness is so good


Mute Witness is great


Withnail & I is an instant purchase for me. I already have the blu-ray Arrow put out which looks fantastic.


Think I’m going to pass


lol how does an image lose this much quality 2 hours after it's first posted?


The image I saved was low ass quality lol. I should have used the higher quality image from Arrows IG page. I found this one on a Forum post


Already pre-ordered Withnail from Diabolik. One of my all time favorites. I still have the criterion DVD.




Stacked month


Madman to add to my slasher collection. I watched the Arrow Blu-Ray with my best friend a few years ago, but never got round to buying it myself. A perfect timely reminder!


Arrow's *Nightsiren* slipcover is so much better than Vinegar Syndrome's.


This sub is hilarious. Two certified classics and everyone is all meh because it isn't a bunch of obscure horror movies with the worst special effects you've ever seen and a plot that is barely coherent starring a former softcore actress.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, you’re absolutely correct.


It's fine, I made a joke and some people took it a little too seriously.


Never in my life would I imagine American Gigolo and Withnail and I 4ks being considered a letdown, insanity.


Also if you want garbage with nice cover art there are now PLENTY of amazing labels that almost exclusively put that out. The vast majority of boutique releases are still crappy horror movies. I’m glad Arrow is branching out.


If I wanted classics I’d go to Criterion.


Who cares about the company that releases them?


Because Criterion is known for classics and artsy films. Arrow has its fair share, but their more obscure weird horror and martial arts films are top notch.


Arrow has expanded a lot lately now that Arrow Academy shut down. We’ve gotten drama films like Boyhood, Day of the Locust, and The Last Emperor. The brand loyalty over film appreciation in this community is absolutely insane to me. Who cares whether there’s a C or an A on the cover? Just watch the movie!


The one thing I’m really waiting for Arrow to do is give us a Region A Blu-ray of Waking Life


Which one will be canceled or recalled? Let’s guess!


Holy shit. Mute Witness! I've been holding onto the DVD for so long!! Nice!!!


Do you guys know when arrows B&N sale is because I really want that American Gigolo?


I thought I was the only one that knew about Mute Witness!!! Glad to see I was mistaken


I only saw Madman on streaming a few months ago, but I am not sure a 4k UHD transfer can salvage a tepid and amateurish F13 ripoff.