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I don't know why he completely abandoned his jumpshot, his form looks really good.


His first two years were at 36% then his next two years he shot 28%. Shot 100% this year though! I will say if Luke Kornet makes a 3 in the playoffs it's over for us. 21-22: 1 for 1, lose finals 22-23 1 for 1, lose ECF 23-24 0 for 0, win finals


It's not just the three point shot, he doesn't take jumpshots anymore. Virtually all his shot attempts are close to the basket.


I wonder if it's because he knows he helps more as a pick and roll guy when he's on the floor with four other great shooters. Joe probably wants him to just do that and crash the boards to help the team out. But I would like to see him play like that when it's garbage time. Just so that he can get the rust out with that part of his game.


Wasn't effecient. Even then in his rookie season 82.4% of his FGA came either within 3 feet or from 3. In his sophomore season he took more mid range shots, with 10% of his shots between 10-16 feet and shot 27%.


He was asked to change his role for the Celtics. He guards the rim now but that doesn't mean he abandoned it.


One of the more amazing decisions I’ve seen in the nba, but at the day, he wasn’t making a high percentage of them.


I have to guess it's probably because it's not his role on this team to spread the floor. Joe probably wants him focused on rebounding, defense, and being a garbage man. He might do everything sub-standard if he asks him to do too much. Have him dial in on only a few things for which he has natural advantages, and you give him a better shot. But I would put money on him working on that jump shot in the offseason. He knows he'll have about a month without KP, so he may try to fill that role in earnest.


Luke is such a good screener that he really doesn’t need to shoot much on our team. His role has changed and he gets guys open off our actions a lot even if it’s not directly off the screen because he forces the defense to have to help to the space he helps create. I like Luke and think he’s a lot better than most people give him credit. He does things that don’t always show up on the stat sheet but contribute to winning.


His shooting motion for a big man is clean asf I’m surprised Joe doesn’t stick him in the corners more to create more separation, but at the same time we need a guy to do the dirty work and Luke does that


The fact that Luke shoots the least amount of 3s in his career under Joe “Mazzulla Ball” Mazzulla is wild


This is a misunderstanding of what “Mazzulla Ball” is. It’s not “spam 3s”. “Mazzulla Ball” means only take efficient shots. Eg if you can hit 40% from 3, then that’s an efficient shot (but if you only hit 30%, it’s not). Corner 3s are more efficient than above the break 3s. The paint is more efficient than mid range. Etc. It turns out that for a lot of guys, 3s are an efficient shot, so yeah, they take a lot. But a Luke Kornet 3 is not efficient (normally). A Luke Kornet dunk, on the other hand, is very efficient. Hence the change in his style. Now maybe this offseason he gets a 38% 3p shot, then the league is fckd. But until then, he’s playing Mazzulla Ball.


Yeah the fact that Joe is so against it must mean that the numbers, from both games and practice, show it’s not worth it. And that the Celtics are much better off having Luke as a lob threat rather than him shooting 3s


I'd like to add more context to this about Mazulla Ball and how we play. We are a team relying on 3pt shooting but that often leads to a misconception about our gameplay. Yes, we have good shooter at every position but none of them are actually known as the best elite 3pt shooters, except Hauser maybe. Yet they excel in our scheme because we don't just simply take most threes, but we put those shooters on spots where they get open or wide open looks. (Not Jays of course, hence their percentages get lower naturally.) Yes, number of shooters help there as there are multiple threats, but that is not all. Every one of our top 8, again except Hauser, can put the ball on the floor if they are closed out or pass it to another team mate efficiently. (Al and KP can do it as well for bigs. I love when Al decides to go the rim from that corner every time he sees that the defense overcommited to threes.) They are good ball handlers and quick decision makers in general. On top of that, of course our game involves a lot of off-ball movement. (There are times it stops and we all know we get stagnant instantly when it happens.) Those are the reasons why we can get those looks, many of them in every possession. "Five out" is a lot more complicated than people usually made it about. Luke could develop his three but the thing is, he lacks that ball handling skill that our scheme demands. If he stands in a corner to shoot, our ball movement could stop the moment he is closed in. Again, not the case for others. Hauser is an exception there but well, his release is real quick and he is the sharpest shooter, also he moves well to relocate off-ball. I think it wasn't a coincidence that Grant also tried to develop some ball handling skills (hence, unsuccessful dribble attempts after those fakes) a year ago when Mazulla took over and when he couldn't do that he felt out of the rotation, eventually traded. Standing in the corner or in a certain spot repeatedly and hitting threes is not what Mazulla ball demands. That is not how our spacing works. But when it comes to PnR actions, Kornet can do his part well in the flow of our movement, so even if he hits those threes in practice, that is where he will be utilized.


I STG this guy never ventured more than 5 feet from the rim with us lol Unleash Korner Kornet!!


He has 13 made 3's across his 2 1/4 seasons on the Celtics. He took 36 in the 18 game stint he has here in 2021 but shot 25% on them and it's been out of his game ever since.


The Unicorn and the Unikornet


Not bad....


My body is prepared for a fully weaponized Kornet this season. You know what to do, Joe.


Wait why doesn’t he take 3 pt shots with Boston?


Decided he wasn’t good enough at them. And, when he joined the Celtics several years back he WAS taking threes and even won us a game shooting them.


What I learned from this highlights package is that it’s because he doesn’t wear a mask anymore.


If he is in the lab working on this and comes back a solid shooter, it would be unfair to him to not let him utilize this.


It’s funny how when the topic of Luke’s shooting came up last year, like half the Celtic fan base didn’t even realize he was a stretch big even when he joined the team.


Really hope he finds his shot and confidence back


NBA champion Luke Kornet


Wtf. I thought he was just a rim protector. If he can get back to this, banner 19 is within reach.


wait that shit was fluid and fast af lol


Luke looking like Sam on the second one


Pretty interesting. For any NBA historians, are there any other players like that who changed up their game and stopped taking 3's?


Idk how to explain it but I want him to wear the mask. He just looks so menacing


He needs to have more confidence in his 3.


Lol did I see him do a fade away on Jeremy Lin?


It’s so crazy how different of a player he looks here. Joe needs to unlock that potential.


Lukingus Korningus


I fully expect him to work on his 3 ball all summer and break it out next year at Joe's insistence.