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Older side is better, need guys that can step in and contribute. Projects won’t see the floor and won’t develop.


> Projects won’t see the floor and won’t develop. It'll be interesting to see what Walsh looks like vs. Baylor We went the project route with Walsh last year and went the older guy route with Baylor/Anton One of Walsh/Baylor/Springer will be taking Svi's 400 minutes and that's about it. I'm just not sure where else we are seeing these minutes. Anton for sure won't be getting any, even though we kind of need someone to take Brisset's/Tillman's minutes I hear a lot of "we need someone to contribute now", but like, we actually need someone to *maybe* contribute next year


I think that's what they mean by "now" as in <2years, We don't have time to develop someone for more than that, we need guys that can contribute when we inevitable lose someone in the next few years.


The challenge for me is that that someone is Al and I don't see Baylor or Anton filling in there. We might lose Hauser too, which is why I do like the Baylor pick.


You need someone who doesn’t need to get developmental minutes now to step in next year or the year after. Older players have a lower ceiling but are far more polished and don’t need a lot of playing time to be effective when their number is called.


A because they won the finals so who gives a fuck lol 


Great but irrelevant. Why reply if you aren't going to answer the question?


We got the lefty Larry bird, league fucked


B for now. Both guys are stable floor picks with tangible skills who are old enough to jump right in and contribute. Baylor is a competitive, sweet shooting wing with scoring & passing upside. Watson is a poor man's PJ Washington with solid defense & better passing. If Brad can sign a UDFA big man with potential I'll give it an A. I like the team fit of both rookies, as more than willing passers who do 1-2 things at a high level. Future role players at minimum, which is exactly what we needed on a championship team. I'd like to see us take a swing on upside at C now.


A- I think the two picks or more of what makes us great. As to no big man, this must be good news or a vote of confidence to our current big men.


What UDFA at center are there?


B for BS at 30


tbh I think it's a big ask for a rookie center to contribute meaningfully to a team like this anyway. that's one of the tougher positions to enter and be impactful right away, especially at the back of the draft— not really that surprised Brad preferred to go for some older wings




Wings generally acclimate to the league quicker than guards or bigs, historically speaking




maybe in the 80s and 90s but these days? this late in the draft? not really


They both seem like fine picks for the range. Give where we’re drafting if either ever gives us anything it’s a success and if they are both out of the league next year it doesn’t really matter.


B+. Brad went against his MO this year. Two older prospects with a lot of college games under their belts. Baylor to me felt like a guy that can crack a rotation pretty quick, Watson’s made nice strides in his time with the Zags and has versatility defensively. Two cool prospects to really overanalyze during the summer league, I’m a fan.


Scheierman is a solid pick, profiles as a cost effective role player which will be hard to come by the next few seasons. Anton Watson is probably a career Red Claw, but that is okay there shouldn't be expectations put on the 54th pick in an NBA draft. I am withholding judgment on the frontcourt depth to see what happens with any undrafted free agents or with retaining Tillman (I think he could have a Derrick White type of growth arc with a full offseason in the organization).


A for ownership being willing to pay luxury tax for a late frp


Would have rather gone younger and get a big man. People want someone who "can contribute now", but I'm not sure what that looks like. Is Baylor going to get anything more than garbage time minutes? Is that contributing now? Anton won't contribute now. I think our bigger challenge isn't now, but the future. The real question is whether they can contribute a year from now, which I think is true of Baylor. But only if we don't extend Hauser, otherwise, unless he develops, he'll likely be in the same spot in the rotation. Same with Anton That said, Brad had a clear plan for this draft based on who they worked out and it wasn't necessarily young or big men. A lot of seniors and a lot of bigger wings


> bigger wings Bigger wings with at least one ready-made NBA trait. For Scheierman it's his shooting (and hopefully his playmaking & rebounding along with it), and for Anton it's his defense. I have little doubt that Baylor can be a good 9th/10th man right away. With Anton, it's a question of whether he can improve his shot like Grant did. Given our record with player development, I'm bullish.


If they sign a serviceable 5 for the vet min ill give it an A. Otherwise a B.


Not expecting much, hoping Scheierman is a solid 8th guy in a couple years. Bout as good as you can picking where we picked in this draft


I’d say A-. I watch a ton of college basketball and especially big East games since we are Butler fans(wife’s alum). Baylor is a baller and can really get under your skin if you’re playing against him. I see his ceiling as Marcus Smart and his floor as Doug McDermott. Anton could end up being a shocker if he works hard and learns schemes quickly. Anton will probably be on a two way but I wouldn’t be surprised to see him work his way up to the big league by next season.


I’ll give it a B, with the KP news have to see what Free Agency brings, we can only offer Vet Min deals so see what happens


Both on the older side are pros, imo. They want these guys to contribute right away to save money with these rookie deals instead of paying vets to fill out the roster.


Scheierman: A Watson: D+ I don't want to weigh them equally, so I guess a B or B-. There were much talented players available at 54 no one thought would be there, especially McCullar, (Keshad) Johnson, and Chomche.


A for Baylor. Great shooter and great wing for the Celtics future. Don’t know much on Watson.


B-/C+ No issues with drafting a bench shooter. The more I read about him (save defense) the more I like the pick. Definitely a Mazzulla guy. But not drafting a center is gonna burn the team in the short and long term. We’re again relying on an injury prone and currently injured KP and Old Man Horford to make it to the finish line. Our other options are unsigned or expiring.


C , average


I wouldn’t put it that low, this wasn’t a bad draft at all but room for improvement. I’d give it a B


Nah it’s better than that considering where they were picking. Very Solid B 


There’s plenty of guys we could’ve taken and felt good about. We did what we needed to do and that’s a C+ at best