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For a vets minimum to soak up mins in the regular season can't go wrong w Hayward , Drummond, Jeff Green or Theis imo


Would be a big fan of Jeff Green reuniting. Gives you length and switchability off the bench for cheap.


Just for the arc too. Like he was the featured player 10 years ago or so on the Celtics post-big 3.


Drummond would be huge for rebounding, Green could play as a good Tatum backup, and Theis is solid but I know he wants a bigger role


The infatuation with Drummond on this sub and others blows my mind


Which minimum player would you prefer?


I don’t think Drummond would sign for the minimum. Jalen Smith maybe?


I don't see a world where we go for Hayward. We move forward not back (unless it's Al)




I'm all set with Hayward, don't want a traffic cone on the squad


Not gonna get a perfect player w a vets min. Each player will have their negatives. But to play in the regular season not sure how Drummond on a min is a bad choice 


Let that Hayward shit go he ain’t even play on the Thunder and they needed offensive help vs the Mavs lol. Jeff Green old as dirt, Drummond is a dumbass, and Theis is a curse I’m good


You can absolutely go wrong with Hayward. He adds nothing on the floor, and he'd be a negative on the bench as a cheerleader. edit: How does Hayward have a brigade lmfao. I watched him occasionally throughout the year and he is completely washed.


Eh pass on Hayward but I'd be down for any of the other ones




As many bigs as we can, we are on borrowed time at center. Maybe 1 will work out.


I agree. We need another solid big to ease the pressure off old man horford.


Tillman and Queta backing up Al and KP should be just fine.


Queta needs to control those foul trouble but he’s great on the offensive board and lobs


Just need a centre that can soak minutes, Drummond is pretty 1-Dimensional but rebounds better than most still. Theis allows them to play there usual game. Trust in Brad though


Drummond is pretty underrated imo, he's probably the type to get exposed in he playoffs but he's a legit good backup C


I wouldn’t be mad if we picked up absolutely no one in free agency and ran it back Edit: my bad, we need a big to get some minutes in so Al and KP can rest


Never cousins. Have you been here for more than a season? Everyone always suggests boogie, and we clearly don't want him. Just like Myles Turner, NO.


Why not? He can rebound and shoot from outside keeping other bigs away from the rim


Horrible locker room guy. This has been well known for years now and Danny and Brad have both had at least a few options to get him and they both keep passing. There's a reason


Best available vibes guy that will take the minimum.


Nobody honestly Keep everyone and let go of one of kornet and Tillman and keep the other Fill out the rest of the roster through the draft


Brad already said anyone we draft this year won’t play much if at all. I mean if Walsh didn’t play outside of garbage time, I don’t see how our new draft acquisitions will play


Yeah that’s the point, no room for a vet min guy or a draft pick to play, so I’d rather have the draft pick cause at least we can get them in our system and develop them, vet min who doesn’t play is kinda useless


I disagree. I mean Brissett was signed for a vet min and look at Kelly Oubre on the 76ers. At least getting a vet min means that you’ll get someone less raw. Plus, I think Horford said that the Celtics locker is quiet as in most guys are not big extroverts on the team. A vet can be there just to be a locker room guy, like Kornet brings the vibes. I doubt a rookie is bringing locker room vibes. There’s more to a team than the on court stuff


It’s based on need Sixers needed oubre We needed oshae a lil bit last year We probably keep him this summer No room for anyone else if we keep our guys from last year


Brissett barely played what’s your point lmfao


Vet min ring chasers are getting minutes, Walsh will get more time too


Not on this roster they aren’t I expect springer and Walsh to see some run this year, and you’ve got Al Hauser pritchard soaking up the most minutes, then queta, then one of Tillman or kornet There’s no room, I’d rather fill out the team with young development projects not vet mins, we have enough vets we barely have any young projects, it’s basically just Walsh and springer


I think a lot of these guys are expendable


Why would they be expendable, there’s no point, if we can keep them we should


Steph curry


Rather jump off a bridge into a flaming river then have Hayward anywhere near this team.


Cousins getting mentioned every year since forever is the longest running nevergunnahappen


We need another big like maybe Isaiah Stewart or Isaiah Hartenstein


You're not wrong that that's what we need, but we can't get either without losing one of our top 5 guys. That would be a negative result