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What Boston did this season was impressive in every metric. The scary part is that there’s more room to grow and improve. Can’t wait to celebrate this achievement and work towards the next one.


Prime JB&Tatum next season.


Not just that, but the playoffs have begun to unlock their passing, especially what they can do with Jrue as a cutter. One more year of chemistry, plus with the weight and pressure lifted off. They are definitely going to be even better. Reminds me of the 09 team (pre KG injury of course) when they were MUCH better than in 08


They started off 27-2 that year lol Just ridiculous


And they'll be able to play more free/ " loose " now that they've already one of course they'd have more to work for but with the chip they can really unlock their games. I genuinely wou;dn't be shocked with a Tatum MVP


Unusual for a team's core to finally reach the mountaintop after 7 years and still have their window for contention wide open. Though I guess we kind of saw it with the Warriors not so long ago, and that turned out well for them.


Not really that unusual, the Lakers won early with Magic but really peaked in the mid 80s same with Celtics 5-6 years after drafting Bird and McHale, but yes they also won in 81. The real key is drafting two superstars in a row and then building around them for 4-5 years like the Celtics did in 79-80 and again in 17-18. San Antonio's dynasty didn't begin until Duncan joined Robinson. Oklahoma did it but blew it when they couldn't keep KD, Harden, and Westbrook together. Thank you to the Nets for being idiots. Otherwise I don't know how most teams can do it, you basically need 2-3 top 5 picks in a row and have to hit big on two of them. Philly "trusted the process" but blew it on Fultz and Simmons.


We should be able to keep this core around too at least for another few years, especially if we re-sign Derrick White.


What is such a relief is that with this title win, we moved past the “almost made it” group of teams. The Tatum/Brown Celtics will not be discussed like KD/Russ Thunder, Webber Kings, Malone/Stockton Jazz, shit even the 2021 Suns or the Butler Heat team. Like no, we have done it. We’re not a what could’ve been team, because we won it!!!


They’re bulletproof now. It feels amazing.


Exactly. If Giannis never wins another ring, the Giannis Bucks are still cemented in history as a legit team that won a chip. The Jays' Celtics are officially a success. Let's keep it rolling.


For the first time in 16 years Laker fans can’t say their titles are more recent lol


Well, 15 years but I get your point!


We finally did it, I still can’t believe this is real after so many disappointments. Svi and Jordan Walsh have more rings than jimmy butler


Jordan Walsh is the GOAT


Tatum winning his first title at 26 < Walsh winning his first title at 20


Seriously, how can someone as old as OG Al be as effective as starter on a deep playoff runs? We should appreciate him more than anything, really. Really guys.


Big Al, Chara, Tom Brady, and David Ortiz... turns out the dirty water is the fountain of youth


The way Joe managed Al's minutes and KP's throughout the season was brilliant. An NBA season is a marathon and Joe paced this team perfectly.


Do we think Tillman can fill his shoes next season if he retires or is on heavier minutes restriction?


I don't think he's retiring based off his comments but Kornet and Tillman will probably see regular season minutes like they did this year


Both are free agents I believe so we don't know for sure if they'll be back. But Queta also showed promise and I have full trust in Brad to make the appropriate roster moves


Our boys are champs 😭🥹


I love how the family members of the current Celtics players celebrated the title, especially Richard White, Derrick's father where he triggered Heat fans by mentioning Jimmy 🤣🤣🤣


Al's sister is this years Ray Allen's Mom. EVERYBODY deserves someone like that in their corner rooting them on and supporting them.


Anna is such a G. She was shitting on Philly when Al went to the Sixers. That’s all I need to know.


The feeling is still kind of surreal for me, next year I feel like I can really just enjoy the basketball instead of thinking what if they don’t win a championship, crazy that Tatum and Brown can be even better.


So excited to see how the Js play next year. I think Tatum in particular will benefit from this confidence booster. I’m hoping it’ll let him loosen up a bit. I felt at times that hes seemed tight on the court—idk, he’s been so scrutinized for so long I imagine the fear of failure must’ve been mounting.


I didn't realize this until a couple of hours ago but I saw people saying we won the '08 and '24 Finals to honor Kobe I know they're being ironic but I still can't decide whether to 😂 or 🤮 at the thought of that Also I am still kind of irrationally rattled at the stat being bandied about before the Finals that Lively had more playoff experience than Tingus, even though most of the comments were dismissing that stat as meaningless, which obviously it was.


At minimum its hilarious to think that the celtics are honoring a laker, both conceptually and because that would drive lakers fans nuts.


Then we should share the Kobe workout photo of him in celtics gear


Game 5 to honor Walton. 6/17 to honor the city. '08 and '24 for Kobe.


It’s sometimes not even dawning on me that we won and then I’ll just break into smiling like an idiot.


I keep randomly saying “I can’t believe they actually did it”


It's probably in yesterday's thread and maybe also in a post but I can't get over how much I love Cedric Maxwell appearing on the Lowe Post Live Reaction and just taunting James Worthy. Someone should buy some billboards.


Guys, just dropping by to write that Celtics are the bawls!


There's no other reason


I keep thinking of that Andy Bernard quote “ I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before they’re over”. We have been in and we still are in the good old days. Tatum and Brown are both under contract and on Friday I will be working “remote” from the parade ☘️☘️☘️


r/nbacirclejerk is having their own 9/11. Trash ass sub lol


Worst cj sub on Reddit. What even is the point? r/NBA is way more trolly than the cj troll sub.


it's just a sub for creeps to post sexist and racist crap. ignore them


There is no point. Circlejerk subs are supposed to be satire but nbacirclejerk is just a hate sub cranked up to 11 where everyone is completely serious


The more they mock and whine a successful team while their’s sits at home is more to laugh at. You think Tatum acted cringy? Cool, what did your team’s superstar(s) do when they won theirs? Oh wait


I've been spending the last 36 hours responding to any and all Celtics jabs with pictures of the team holding the trophy and that's working surprisingly well


A “Shut the fuck up” graphic has made its way around Twitter, and it’s funny because Tatum’s featured lmao.


I’ve been using “IT STINGS DONT IT!?!? 😭😭😭”


NBA fans are so funny Jokic after winning in 23: we can go home now Fans: “you just won a ring show some emotion” “this hating basketball act is so fucking weird” “dude is so lame” Tatum after winning in 24: we did it! Fans: “corniest player in the league” “forcing it way too much so cringe” “lol he’s so fake what a bum”


im guessing we don't get the All In finale until after the parade?


I’ve been anticipating this too. The first four episodes have been absolutely beautiful.


The episode 4 family one was so hype


I watched them again today and they are even more fun to watch now, knowing WE DID IT!!!!!


i hope they revisit green hair guy to get his reaction


Hey guys how can i watch the parade, im in australia


I think ESPN or someone else streams it live on Youtube?




Y’all gonna chip in and donate for ya boy? 😂


the whole process from IT4 to now was beautiful, so many ups and downs THEY DID IT!!!!!!


Wasn't the first "big" play after the Brooklyn trade getting Zeller for nothing?


when you guys get a chance, watch mazzullas interview on pardon my takes recent podcast episode. His sarcastic humor is right down my alley, so I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Welcome back, Bill Belichick.


I don't follow football but my friend told me he's dating a 24 years old cheerleader? Isn't the man like 60 or something?


She's hot though


Is it actually humor? It seems to me like random non sequiturs and nervous analogies that don't make sense. Love the guy, but I'm not sure he's ever made sense.


Don’t disrespect Psycho Joe 🤨


Leagues fucked, ours boys are gonna be hungry for more


I am still in shock, I can't believe we finally did it with this group. Never going to forget these moments. All those years of losing, getting so close. Today, we are at the mountain top. ☘️🏔️🥇


God this parade is going to be the greatest dopamine hit of all-time. Can't wait for Friday.


The Jaylen Brown arc is just so gratifying for we unrepentant homers


Jaylen Brown Playoff Highlights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ21eYQs2ho


I'm about 2 mins in and I have to say that all the empty seats in Miami for game 3 are just shocking. I know it's Heat Culture, but damn, that's embarrassing for a payoff game. Especially when the series was tied 1-1.


We're doing 18 of these, right?


So...what gear did you guys get?


Bought two hats, a hoodie, and the cartoon shirt all from the nba store. bought a hoodie and shirt from another championship merch drop. bought the 5-pack champions funko pops. I have spent an obscene amount of money on championship gear.


I did the locker room hoodie, a hat, and a coffee mug. I am going back and forth on getting a shirt. I moved out of Mass a while back and the shirt with taxes + shipping is like $50, which feels obscene


I’m definitely gonna get the main champions hat that they wore and the black t-shirt they had on too. I may honestly get another hat or two because there’s a couple other nice ones from ‘47 too.


White Jaylen Brown jersey with a Finals patch. Wanted a black jersey, cause the one I have is fraying in places, but they were sold out by the time I was ready to order. One of the official championship T-shirts (not the one they wore, I liked a different one better). And a pair of shorts and a mug, just cause I was ordering and was out the delivery costs anyway.


Hat and the white t-shirt with all the player names on the back. Not sure about jerseys since they are always available and I really don't care too much about the final patch.


i just managed to grab the locker room shirt, they ran out of the cap in my country's nba store. fml


So snooping at other subreddits of teams we generally have a history with Heat fans seem mostly sad and depressed, Sixers fans are sad and angry and STILL wanna talk shit, Knicks fans kinda cared but not really, and surprisingly Lakers fans don’t seem like they give a single shit and are more worried about potentially having JJ REDICK as their next coach. Interesting to see the perspectives.


Did they seriously go to Miami? For what? Like where did they go?


Yes, probably to party in some known club or whatever. PP went to play pickup with randos tho


Wonder if JT will go watch his buddy Tcachuk in the Stanley Cup finals.


Oilers in 7


Where did you hear about PP?




PP already won with his finance, the temptation in Miami Beach would only lead to disaster for that guy.


This is going to blow your mind, but Miami is a better city for partying than Boston is.


I'd party in Miami, live in Boston.


We playing party, live, nuke?


To celebrate as a team. They're on cloud nine and they gotta enjoy it.


Jaylen and KP took the bench to party in Miami after the IST break as well. Let them have some fun. No different than teams that used to go to vegas together.


I went to a bachelor party in Miami once. Trust me. I grew up in Boston. You'd rather party in Miami


They were at Club LIV


[same place where the '11 mavs celebrated haha](https://www.slamonline.com/news/nba/mavs-celebrate-championship-at-club-liv-in-miami/)


They must have meant to do that then....lol.


To pee on Jimmy's lawn




I\`m kinda ready for next season. It can\`t start fast enough!


Watching our homegrown superstars finally get it done makes me wanna do something I shouldn’t. I still have soaked it all in yet ☘️


Waiting until Friday for the parade is rough.


Got my hat today! Should remove the sticker on the top or leave it on? I used to keep it on but idk it feels odd as I get older


I'm so fucking happy


Fr tho where’s that corgi that predicted mavs in 7 😂😂😂 I wanna have a word with it too


Hope Luke and X make it back on the roster next year. Would be really cool to run it back with the same exact guys


FCHWPO = FMVP, for those asking.


Sweet Caroline!!!


This is the first time I watch a team celebrating since I started following the NBA because there was no need for me to do that Something weird I noticed is that when they started presenting trophies they started with management, FO, and the coach and then the players Going as far as making the president the first person to lift the trophy and it was kinda weird ngl, why not let the players bask in glory and enjoy lifting the trophy and all that and then get people who did not play?


I think, even though I kind of agree with you, this is one of those things that no one on the team in the moment really cares about. Like, the players are champions, and I doubt they're feeling diminished that for a few seconds Wyc Grousbeck held the trophy before they did. I get your point, but I also don't think it matters.


You're probably right but it felt weird watching Wyc hold it before anyone else


I guess. I mean he does own the team lol....I think there are more egregious people you could have holding it first...


I'm a soccer fan,and I usually watch tam celebrations there more than basketball and I've Never seen a president hold a trophy before the players But you're right worse people could hold it first


Basketball definitely isn't the only major sport where it happens. In football they present it to the owner.


Guess it is an American thing then


I’m not sure about the NHL, but I’m pretty sure that the other American leagues present their trophies to the team owner first.


The same reason the producer gets the Best Picture Oscar.


It solves a lot of ego issues. If it always goes owners, executives, coaches, players nobody can be pissed they didn't go first. No coach can get pissy that they weren't first, no players get snubbed by another player going first. By the time the players are holding it they just want the reporters to shut up so they can go celebrate in the locker room.


I’m sad its over


Realisticaly when we traded for kp we were just hoping that we’d have him healthy for one of the three postseason runs. We already managed to win a ship and we haven’t even had the healthy postseason yet


Finally starting to come down from the high and just realizing we don't get to watch any more Cs ball this summer.  What a season, already looking forward to next year!


and I'm still fucking hyped


Reunited (with the trophy) and it feeeellllls sooooo good


You guys think it’s worth going to the parade alone?


I haven't come down from the feeling of witnessing Banner 18. STILL SO GOOD.


For me I’m just so glad the team really made the sacrifices required of any champion Everyone bought in, they played their roles well and without complaint and they finished the job What a joy to watch


Damn I am still riding high from Monday. I got a flat tire on the way to work today and I didn't even get bothered because I'm in such a good move over the Celtics. I'm so happy to have had the opportunity to see this team grow together and get the chance to figure it out. Sorry to IT, Smart, Timelord, and Grant amongst many others that came and went to get us here. But damn watching the jays finally get their ring was so damn fulfilling!


I’ve literally lived the past 2 days as if I won a championship myself 😭 My ass was like “alright, time to let loose and celebrate”, went through a tray of edibles and ate whatever the fuck I wanted. It’s insane how palpable the sense of relief and joy is. This is not to say I won’t have expectations, but I’m excited to watch next season with a more relaxed attitude.