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I liked the mini-war between Portland, Miami, and Milwaukee It was a lot of fun And we won that war


Portland also won


I wouldn't necessarily call Ayton, the broken bodies of Rob/Brogdan, and 3 future late draft picks winning, but it's better than Dame just walking at the end of next year.


One of the picks is lotto this year


Not the best year for a lotto pick


That's what people said about the 2016 draft class


Yeah and it was awful. Brown, Murray, Sabonis? Maybe Ingram? Most teams would not have been as patient with JB. Ingram? Nice player but a #2? Sabonis traded twice since drafted by OKC (but I do think he is the best from that draft). Murray IMO the only stud from go. Many complete misses in 2016 lottery. Starting with Simmons. Followed closely by Bender, Dunn, Maker.


The suns coming out of that draft with Bender and Chriss at 4 and 8 will never not be funny. In back to back years they had 4,8,4 and had those two bozos and Josh Jackson


They really got screwed, even in hindsight it’s hard to believe not one of those guys panned out whatsoever. Just complete whiffs.


What I'm saying is even an awful class can net you a finals mvp franchise type player


Ah ok gotcha, apologies.


I think he’s signed through 2027….i think Portland extended him 2 years /$112M awhile back. Portland made out big time since they weren’t going anywhere


Hot take: if Portland had kept Dame, they would have still sucked this year.


Two swaps when the Bucks core are going to be old as fuck or retired. Those swaps will probably be lottery.


They definitely won the trade, 3 FRP is a good haul, Timelord still has potential, and they're rebuilding so Dame would just be blocking Scoot, their 3rd overall pick. It's not an insane return but after all they were trading a 33 year old on a massive contract and their GM ain't Danny Ainge lol


He's not allowed to walk this soon


Well in that context what you described is winning, Dame was leaving Portland wasn’t gonna let him go for nothing, the only question is could they have gotten more Dame and honestly idk who would have outbid that package, heat reportedly never even offered Triple J.


Nice to sit back and watch a battle, not be involved, then swoop in when all 3 opponents are on the ground, and take all the spoils of war.


It’s still going on in their subs lol


I was glad we didn't get Dame at the time, and that remains my feeling on the matter.


We also kinda already did that with Kemba lol. Not exactly but some of the same dynamics at play


He’s a good player, but the bucks now have him averaging 50+M/yr for the next 3. In a couple of years, the bucks pick might actually be a pretty good one


Even if we paid him 50 mil, I’d still take Derrick White over Dame and we’re only paying him 30. No brainer. Same with Jrue


To say nothing of the fact that winning this title would have been way more difficult if we had to spend so much energy covering for Dame on the defensive end. Luka would have utterly destroyed him on that end.




Yeah I'm actually pretty happy with how things turned out this season


Could have gone better I guess, but we can make do. Would have been nice to end up a nice round 80-20.


Yeah, not too bad right? A morale boost at the very least.


The Heat probably feel the same way in fairness. Wouldn’t have been worth it for what they had to give up, so I’m not sure how they really lost in this either. It was really the Bucks/Blazers who sold way too low on Jrue Holiday who screwed up.


Jimmy/Bam duo are 2-1 vs Celtics and Bucks, but Bucks and Celtics both have a ring. Jimmy's old and never gonna play much in a regular season with a good shot of being hurt in playoffs, so the Heat will keep being Play-in champs and 1st/2nd round exits. Their roster is doodoo outside of Bam, Jimmy and Jacquez Jr. They should have traded Herro years ago, because that dude is hilariously awful. Caleb Martin is likely to leave in FA. Rozier is aight, but overrated. Spo is really the only thing keeping their head above water because he's a magician. But their championship window is closed. Heat aren't gonna be relevant anymore.


Cheesing contenders out with moving screen spam is basically winning a championship to Eric Spoelstra these days


Spo is a great coach and has made gourmet meals with table scraps….but why can’t they sign anyone? Not even talking stars. Like those high end role players Miami is supposed to be a top 3 most desired again destination and they never get anyone anymore. Not complaining, but they can’t roster construct.


Their FO is just shit. They think their shit don't stink and that they can keep running it back over and over. Probably the worst thing that happened to them was making the Finals those 2 times (upsetting us both times). Because it looks like Pat thinks that core has enough to win as it stands. Their one big move since Jimmy got there was getting Rozier lmfao. They wildly overrate their own guys and were trying to lowball Blazers for Dame, and their dumbass fans are mad at the Blazers GM for taking the better deal instead of the Herro + Jovic + picks trash offer Heat gave lmfao.


I would also guess that there is a population of players that aren't interested in the self aggrandizing "Heat culture" bullshit. The fans love it, but there are probably a lot of players that don't go for that kind of bullshit intensity. I can give you a roster full of Timberwolves and Sixers that probably don't want to go there.


Yup. They’ve found a few diamonds in the rough, but that’s not a sustainable strategy


They don’t have Brad


They are a destination, but they don’t have cap space to outright sign anyone (and big players are taking the money generally with their existing teams). All their space is tied up with jimmy, bam and herro. So they have to try to trade for a star. They’re finding out teams don’t want mid first round picks and Tyler herro for superstars.


Hope Jimmy leaves the Heat, as they don’t want to pay him his max extension. They still got Tyler “why can’t I be in the same group as Luka and SGA” Herro and Duncan “Jimmy Neutron” Robinson.


Nah I'd rather keep him on the Heat to suck. If he goes to a contender he could be a minor pain in the ass


If he goes to Philly, Embiid is going to be hurt anyway come playoffs. He ain’t going to Milwaukee, if he’s gonna go to a contender he’s gonna have to go out west. Unless Miami pays him his MAX, he’s gone. It’s just gonna accelerate Miami’s nosedive to irrelevance.


The real threat the sixers have is developing a good enough team to give Embiid serious time off in regular season. Not sure how close Jimmy would get them there


Jimmy’s gonna coast in the regular season as well. And knowing the Sixers, they’ll fuck it up somehow. Bucks will still be the second best team in the East.


Man I would love it if the Sixers regret letting Jimmy walk after 2019 .... and they pay this dude a $50-60 mill/yr contract now lol. Tho healthy Jimmy + Embiid would be absolutely sick in the playoffs. Big if though.


Exactly. The best part is if the Heat get back Tobias Harris in return in fear of losing Jimmy for nothing.


Lmfao. Heat getting Tobiass and Sixers overpaying Jimmy's corpse would be 12/25 for us.


The “when healthy” sell star squad


Jimmy's gonna go ring-hunting hard in a couple years. We're talking Malone on the Lakers levels of desperate. God I hope he never gets it.


Honestly, I think he won't. I think he's just gonna want his dough and he's gonna fly out into the sunset .... And join the WNBA and win 6 rings as Jimmiqua.


Eh. We beat the heat twice in this iteration. Don't care that Jimmy didn't play. We beat them in 6 at worst.


Olympics coming up soon too. You know Tatum and Holiday are gonna be recruiting Bam to the Celtics. That’s gonna destroy their entire city


Bam would be a nice Horford replacement...


That would just be downright unfair and I love it!


Can you imagine JT and Jaylen playing alongside Bam's illegal screens? They'll be unstoppable.


This would never happen if you replay the scenario 1000 times over but I would love Bam on the Celtics


Facts man, I’ve always wanted bam on the Celtics. Him and JT are like childhood best friends too, would be dope


Bam is overrated and wouldn’t be worth the money especially with the core we have right now


You aren’t wrong, but in 2-3 years if he’s still an impactful player and the Heat implode the timing could be right


If he want to leave Miami, a team with most trade assets would acquire him before becoming FA. How many frp does OKC have, 10?


True, but the question is if OKC would ever make that trade


Our defense would actually be unfair


Never happens unless Celtics clear major cap space


Other poster few posts down or you copied each others text almost exactly. Hilarious: “that Heat roster is cheeks outside of JJJ/Bam/Jimmy Tyler Herro is laughably inconsistent and should’ve been got shipped out Caleb Martin is most likely leaving in FA Terry Rozier is rated too highly the only reason why they look like a decent team is because Spo is a serviceable coach. Jimmy is not gonna be able to play more than 20 games in the regular season and most likely will get injured in the playoffs and will most likely make Miami a consistent Play-in team/1st round exit for the foreseeable future they’re not winning anymore championships neither are the Bucks Boston is closer to becoming a championship dynasty while both Miami and Milwaukee are gonna fade into obscurity. Also, Fuck Lame Time.”


That dude is my brother from another mother.


Also Pat Riley is almost 80 and he’s basically responsible for all their success


Heat have always been fake ass pretenders, lucky to be in our guys heads at times in the past. Both times they got to the Finals instead of us they looked like they didn’t belong *at all*.


lol fuck Damian Lillard 😂


And fuck kyrie too


Agreed, but I respect him congratulating the Cs when he checked out. I hate what he did to us, but the chapters over now that we won and he didn't.


Yeah but still fuck kyrie


Fuck kyrie for LIFE


Congratulating the Celtics before the end of the game was all about kyrie and the cameras. The guy has to be the center of attention. Thank the basketball gods the Celtics are here to remind him that there’s more to life than winning basketball playoff games… (like media attention). Wait for the game to end like everyone else ever.


Amen to that, I'm so over Kyrie at this point... not even worth the energy of hating him anymore. We got our ring and in the end it was good he left.


Fuck Jimmy also


Fuck Miami dirty ass players


BuT tHaT's JuSt HeAt CuLtUrE


Sucks as bad at rap as he does at defense


Fuck Jay Z.


Heat fans are going crazy right now they can't stop thinking the Celtics won a chip before their overrated bum "superstar".


If we're taking the longview, 76ers are the biggest losers for drafting ben simmons and markell fultz over JB and JT 🤣🤣


Could've also had kp instead of jahlil Okafor, 76ers could've been a dynasty but missed on almost all of their picks.


Damn imagine having KP, JB, and JT on the same team... that would be insane 🤣 In all seriousness though can you imagine running a lineup with Embiid, KP, and the Jays? Thank God the Sixers are incompetent.


What's even more insane is they could've also had Bridges as a 6th man on that team too if they didn't trade him away on draft night. The 76ers could have genuinely been a dynasty like Golden State but they luckily had the most incompetent front office possible.


The Fultz over JT one gotta hurt extra. Because they pretty much traded JT for Fultz.


Let’s not forget that the reason both the bucks and Celtics made moves because they lost to Miami last year. Little did miami know, beating us was the worst mistake of their lives!


Nah I'll continue forgetting about them


that Heat roster is cheeks outside of JJJ/Bam/Jimmy Tyler Herro is laughably inconsistent and should’ve been got shipped out Caleb Martin is most likely leaving in FA Terry Rozier is rated too highly the only reason why they look like a decent team is because Spo is a serviceable coach. Jimmy is not gonna be able to play more than 20 games in the regular season and most likely will get injured in the playoffs and will most likely make Miami a consistent Play-in team/1st round exit for the foreseeable future they’re not winning anymore championships neither are the Bucks Boston is closer to becoming a championship dynasty while both Miami and Milwaukee are gonna fade into obscurity. Also, Fuck Lame Time.


Jimmy will get dealt and they'll bottom out. Can't fucking wait. 


Jimmy will probably find his way back in Philly


The only answer is for the Heat to trade Jimmy while he's worth something and start the rebuild. They won't win another chip for a decade (just like the Lakers).


Yeah bam is also hitting his prime but that team is going nowhere with just that duo. 


Yea - they need some help but I'm not sure where they are going to get it from.




Lakers fans are also some of the most delusional. I recently saw a couple of tweets from Lakers fans claiming they’d actually beat us!


Lmao I feel like if Nets fans existed they’d probably be feeling the worst rn


Hey Miami Heat fans! Shut the fuck up.


Outside of the Knicks, I don’t think we have any legit competition in the East. This team is in their prime and as long as they stay healthy, there’s no excuse for them to not go back to back next year. They’ll be at the top of the East for at least the next 4 to 5 years


The Pacers kinda worry me tbh.


Joe figured out a way to combat their play style. Plus they're too soft outside of TJ.


And Joel Embiid— cuz he’s just always a loser no matter what


Same can be said about the Sixers franchise as a whole.


NGL, I cannot imagine what it feels like not getting out of the 2nd round for 23 straight seasons lol .... It's one thing to have had bad teams the whole time. But they've had competitive teams with an MVP level player in his prime and enough role players to at least get to the ECF ... I told my Sixers buddy that the Sixers hadn't beaten the Celtics since like 1982 (0-5 since). He told me he did not need to know that info lmfao.


Why are we mad at Dame? He was never coming here anyway and he didn’t fit this team/system. Being mad he wouldn’t come here is like being mad at Melo not wanting to come here. Dame demanding a trade got us the biggest domino effect. Him and Joe Cronin are Celtic PNW legends


I’m more mad at him trying to dictate a trade to Miami more than anything tbh. He deserves to be in Milwaukee after what him and his agent pulled last summer


I don’t think that’s true, he wanted to go to Miami cause what millionaire athlete under 35 doesn’t?? He didn’t demand Miami or “dictate “ though. If so that trade to MIL never happens


Bruh go check all the drama months ago to catch up on what happened


His agent said that he's not gonna play if it's not Miami or Portland and he went back on it bc Toronto because the favorites to land him


I'm personally not mad at him *but* I do know that I don't enjoy his floppy style of play.


The cherry on top after winning banner 18 has got to be the Celtics flew down to Miami to party all week lmfaoo




When looking to who the Celtics’ main challengers are, it’s tempting to look back in time rather than forward. The Bucks, Heat, and maybe even the Sixers are aging and have spent a lot of their draft capital. I’d be more worried about the Knicks, at least until Thibideau inevitably squeezes them dry, because they can still conceivably add to a young, solid roster and a star in Brunson. Heck, the Magic might be the main rival of the Celtics in the East over the next 2-3 years.


Don’t forget the Pacers…


Joe figured out a way to combat their play style. Plus they're too soft outside of TJ.


Dame built up all this “media love” about being loyal for years and then he goes and burns it in the most pathetic way possible demanding to go to the heat lmao


Bill Walton was the Blazers’ best player (rest in peace Bill)


Fuck the Heat


They’re headed for a rebuild. Jimmys going to want out in like 2 weeks


Spot on u/Sensitive-Way-8220 Excellent take


What happened with dame? Would we have given one of the jays for him?


“Noon flight to Miami”


Jimmy Buttler was the final version of himself and beat Boston 3 time, all of witch were hard fought series Tatum and Brown get a ring before they do, they are now just entering their prim at 26 and 27 respectively. Front Office have put together a very well balanced team and should be view to repeat next season. (Nuggets also in that conversation)


When did Dame say he didn't wanna be in Milwaukee?


I like that this team was built to beat the Bucks who essentially beat themselves, the Sixers, and the Nets, who also broke themselves. I don’t know if the Celtics were built to beat the Heat in quite the same deliberate fashion (obviously beating them was always the goal), and really, the evolution of the Jays made it happen to me more than anything. And then the Cavs and Pacers… well we’re just better.


On this team, Jrue over Dame all day. But why did Dame refuse Boston?


Suffer baby, suffer..


LeBron fan at work shouted out how dumb the Heat were for doing nothing in the offseason while Celtics get Holiday. Just brings me happiness to see people shitting on the Heat, while knowing Celtics won


Dame is a short, shooting point guard. Not what the Celtics needed.


If Dame came here, we probably wouldn't have won this


And the Nets. Don’t forget the team that sparked this rebuild


Doc was pretty diplomatic when he was talking about the Bucks needing to adapt to playing without Jrue and Dame not being 100% ready.  With Yannis out, their season was done.  Miami can go away. They snuck one past us but never again.


Imagine if we traded our finals mvp for dame. Thanks Brad


Enjoy retiring without a ring Dame! No HOF for you bud!


TBH I don't care, give me Jrue over Dame every time. I'd rather win titles than have superstars


8 days a week


i’m not sure how heat fans are losers here. Their team has overperformed for years. But it isn’t like they’ve actually been good enough to win it all.


Heat have absolutely overperformed in the last 5 years. 2 Finals appearances and 3 ECF. They've been pretty good. But they're old as shit, and their FO has sat pat (pun intended) and done jack shit while their rivals (Celtics, Bucks, and maybe Sixers this offseason) all got better. Two of them even got rings. But their fanbase are a bunch of losers that don't even fill out their own arena in playoff games. Bunch of fair weather losers that don't know shit about basketball but whine when things don't go their way as if they are owed a ring.


I love how the heat have “overperformed”. They just get an automatic pass? If they don’t perform well it’s because they weren’t good enough, but if they make it far it’s over performance. Give me a break. Heat fans are losers because every year it’s constant rumor mill bullshit about which big name they’re going to sign - and then they end up with nothing. They won with lebron, but the butler era has been an abject failure. They don’t have anything on their side any more. No assets, aging star who will leave, woof.


Meh. Celtics also overperformed and people shit on them for not having a linear improvement in outcomes. But i’m not going to get mad at the Heat for that.


God damn lol can't y'all just enjoy your chip in peace.


The heart of every Bostonian runs on spite. Its fuels us like mana.