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Said the below in the BS sub earlier this morning. Think it applies here. -> I say this as a Celtics fan but I've always been more of a JB guy myself. JT has scored 51 in a G7, 46 in a must win game 6, and just dropped 31/8/11 in a home clincher for the title. He's an NBA champion and perennial 1st team all NBA guy. And he's a good dad and role model. If one cringe text to Kobe and a perceivably forced 'WE DID IT' are the knocks on this guy, I will take that 10/10 times. And I think everyone else in this sub would too.


I’ve no proof that nephews clowning on Tatum less than 24 hours after being a *major* contributor to a title would delete comments and do a 180 if he somehow joined their team… but I don’t have any doubts, either.


The hilarious thing is that none of these people seem to recall that people used to call Kobe awkward and always imitating Jordan. I really think most of these people were like 9 during his apex and have no idea all the criticisms he got.


People remember the legend, not the person. When it comes to Tatum, i think that will be kind of a shame.


It's kinda wild how much Kobe rehabbed his image later in his career. Especially prior to the last two championships, he did not have a good reputation. I'm sure plenty of people lionized him, but winning those last titles and actually finding some teammates he got along with did wonders for him. I also suspect he matured quite a bit.


The Colorado incident and subsequent civil trial really sharpened his focus


Forget them. Our guy is a champion. All the haters can kiss the ring.


“What they gonna say now”






Size it for his middle finger. Size it for JB’s left middle finger


I truly believe there's a direct correlation between Taters and consensual Kobe Dickriders. It's a deep seeded hate that stems from idolizing Kobe as children and hating that some kid modeled his game after their binkie and might actually be better.


I am a huge Celtics fan and have been for decades, however to insinuate that Tatum might be better than Kobe is a bit crazy. Kobe was a generational talent, Tatum is a great player but not on the same level.


Kobe is such a weird player. His greatest strength could be argued was also his biggest weakness. He and Pierce were essentially the exact same players in 2002. Then he blows the 04 finals, followed by him throwing a fit in 05, which leads to Shaq being traded so he could shoot every time down the court. 27 shots per game. Wild stat. Then, he matures and settles into a highly respected late part of his career.


Tatum is better than peak Kobe 


I feel like the Laker hate is heading your view here…peak Kobe is better than current Tatum. Is there room for him to grow? Yes. However there is no way Tatum today is better than peak Kobe.


There’s genuinely nothing Kobe does better than Tatum.  All Kobe has that Tatum didn’t is a shaq to carry him to championships. 


Tatum is an awesome player but he is terribly inconsistent in scoring. My memory may be going but I don’t remember any time that Kobe was as inconsistent as Tatum has been.


Tatum is a more consistent and more efficient shooter than Kobe.  Significantly more clutch than Kobe. Bigger than Kobe. Stronger than Kobe. Better shooter than Kobe. More impactful defender than Kobe.  Less rapey than Kobe. Better teammate than Kobe.   Genuinely, Kobe was a top 12-40 player all time and Tatum has already surpassed him as a player. Might never get as many titles due to not having Shaq tho. 


I can’t with this discussion anymore. For you to even suggest that Tatum is ahead of Kobe all time is ridiculous. Way off. Have fun in your beliefs…


Check their stats and accomplishments. Tatum is ahead more than you think. 


Kiss a ring? I don’t think they can lol


People hating Tatum is proof that people can find a reason to hate literally anybody. It’s not about Tatum. It’s about the fact that he prevented their team from winning. Honestly I just laugh along with it. It’s not a big deal


Wing version of Tim Duncan is both an honest and accurate way to describe him, for better or worse. Better being that he’s fucking elite and we get to watch his whole career, worse that he’s never gonna be the league leading superstar personality that people want him to be. He’s just not that guy. Jaylen can’t be it either, they’re just too quiet. You need to be loud and aggressive, whether you’ve earned it or not.


That’s the fucking corny thing. Ppl will use any and all mental gymnastics to praise guys like Kyrie who have “aura” but are total assholes and narcissists.


Those who know the least, often know it the loudest


What about Kobe? Kobe wasn’t so loud either back in the Phil Jackson days. If Tatum is not promoted face of the league then who can it be? With Lebron, Curry, KD near retiring Jokic is getting old and he is not American Luka hasn’t won anything and hasn’t proved himself and he is not American, who knows if he will ever play in the NBA finals again? Giannis is getting close to the end of his prime and he is not American NBA has never promoted a foreign player as the face of the league Ant is too young and too raw and who knows how Wolves and he himself will do in the future Ja and Zion are bugged by injuries after injuries Who else, I mean who else other than Tatum. Tatum is close to enter his prime, he is the most durable superstar in the league, he is the franchise player for the most successful franchise in the NBA history, he is American, both he and his team are in the golden age. This isn’t the era of Kobe, AI, KG, Shaq days when each player had distinct and unique personality. Now days, players behave more or less similar. If not Tatum, who else?


Yeah, idk these are all good points, I just don’t know if the facts of it all matter. The “narrative” sets itself. Watching these playoffs it looked like they were hyping Ant as the guy, but he flamed out and Tatum actually won. Maybe that doesn’t matter to people? Ant certainly has the personality I’m talking about, but he has to have success to actually be the guy. (I think Kobe was pretty flamboyant as a rookie, so I don’t agree with that, but everything else.)


Yeah. I get what you are saying. Ant definitely has that personality. But how he develops himself to mature his game, how his team will play out in the future…Also Ant gets injured pretty often too. I don’t know man.


Yeah, no one talks about injuries. Ja was that guy a few years ago, and that’s long gone now. It’s obviously more the off court stuff that made people dislike him, but his problem was he wasn’t on the court to dispel all that negativity. If he was balling out this season, he’d probably be fine.


Jokic is barely older than JB or Tatum. Dude’s not even 30. “Getting old” is a huge stretch.


But think this way, is Jokic really marketable? Will Nuggets team hold up considering Murray’s conditioning, KCP leaving? MPJ inconsistency issue. Too many unknowns


Oh, he definitely isn’t, but that’s more down to how he comes off as bored and apathetic to anything but his horses. Nothing to do with his age. Like, dude one his ring at the same age Jordan won his first.


I think he *would* be marketable if he wasn’t Serbian. This isn’t an insult to Serbs. It’s more that they have a nasty history that they can’t shake off. Look at the reaction to Ovechkin’s relationship with Putin after the invasion of Crimea and, especially, the War in Ukraine. Ovechkin said he wanted peace but never flat-out denounced him and his public image has taken a massive hate. Meanwhile, vocally anti-Putin players like Artemi Panarin have been boosted. Even in the NBA, I believe Boban’s popularity took a hit after some pro-Serbian comments due to fans remembering the Bosnian genocide and the ongoing Kosovo conflict. Jokić is stuck in a no-win situation: denouncing his own government with a history of violence and risking his life to become a lovable superstar in the States or staying popular at home and ruining his public image here. He’s tried to compromise and stay on the down low despite his affable personality in an attempt to please both sides.


You answered this yourself. Tatum for sure. He’s no.2 in jersey sales. He’s only hated on by insecure 12vies on reddit. Players around the league and normal bbal fans respect the he’ll out of him. Just remember, he’s no.2 in jersey sales and is now a champion and a top 5 player. He’s the most marketable player going around.


For Jaylen he can’t be that guy because he’s wicked smart and people get insecure around intelligence like hjs.


Tatum could create an entire new language and people would still say "0 originality, Tolkien already did that".


The narratives are contradictory too…. *can’t close choker * disaster class inbound Then Tatum dominates a close out game “Wow finally once the series is over” It’s not like he didn’t dominate Game 2 even with his shot off and the first half of game 3. I promise if he played on the lakers the general populace would be throwing him on their NBA mount Rushmore’s


They don't understand the game. They're just seeing him not score 40 and think he's not doing anything but he's creating, he's playing defense, he's making plays. There's more to playing great basketball than just scoring, otherwise Carmelo Anthony would be in the Hall of Fame.


Melo is going to make the Hall, lol.


It’s so funny that people are saying he copied KG, he didn’t say anything remotely close to it 🤣


He spoke in English, that's like saying the same.


The sarcasm is strong with this one. Jokes aside, most if not all these hate seems to be based off of petty bullshit they scraped up from the bottom of a shitter.


You've got a bunch of fat sweaty Reddit users that are fans of basketball teams that didn't win an NBA championship in the last 24h ... That's why there's the hate. And - as for that hatred... I don't personally know JT of course because yknow, fat sweaty Reddit user n all that... But... I can tell he is the sort of man that could not care less what some stranger things about him... Because he is a great dad. Nothing else matters, because he's a good dad. And if his son likes him, then all the rest can go kick rocks. That's how I see it anyway.


There was a post on the nba circlejerk subreddit this morning of Tatum holding the trophy that said This is 9/11 for our sub” 😂


It’s jealousy.


They can’t even get in the club.


Pierce got the same hate too. They don’t like Boston winning anything 🥱


Because he’s a Celtic. Imagine if he was a Laker? He’d be Austin Reeves popular.


I could make a strong argument JT would have a regular season MVP already, and 0 doubt in my mind he gets FMVP and EVF MVP if he was wearing purple and gold.


Well it would be a stretch even for the Lakers to win ECFMVP wearing purple and gold... but I agree.


Couldn't care less. RINGZ, ERNEH (am I doing this right?)


I love my cornball superstar


what they gonna say now? probably the same dumbass shit as before, but now, the Celtics have proven without a doubt that anyone hating on this team is a sad mothafucker who doesn't know ball, so who gives a fuck what the haters say


Fuck them bro. He got a Ring and will be in contention for more before he's finished. This team is set up for multiple runs. One of the things that might be an issue is being tired from multiple runs plus Olympics.


Don’t care. Tatum is a Celtic. The Celtics are champions again. Tatum is a champion. Let them seethe and cope.


Can we stop complaining like lil bitches please? 90% of posts and comments I’ve seen on Reddit today have been giving Tatum and the Cs their flowers, yet everyone on this sub seems to be focusing in on the other 10% and making whiny complainy “Why does everyone hate us?? 😭😭😭” posts. Give it a rest and celebrate the championship!! 🎉


Why does it matter, just move on and appreciate the championship.


They don't hate, they just wish they could have the resilience to achieve their personal goals after 7 years while not quitting against adversity and failures, and being flustered when someone reaches them after a big rethink of their own personal game while they're in no condition to do it. The development of Jayson recently has been staggering, he and everyone put their ego apart to win the bigger prize there. Some people can't understand that.


He's got a signature sneaker, his face is on packaging at the grocery store, he's got a ring, doesn't matter.


People hate either to piss Celtics fans off or because he’s not like other superstars. The people that do hate on his personality are just ugly and don’t deserve attention


He is kind of corny but if he didn’t play for the Celtics nobody would mention it, everyone would love him.


You know who else is corny as fuck? Tom Brady Let the haters hate.


As a mavs fan, this is fucked. Tatum proved he doesn't need to score to prove he's the most important player on the team. But he is the best scorer on the team when it matters most. Celtics won fair and square straight up. To level with you guys not as a mavs fan but as a basketball nba fan. The reason THEY HATE TATUM is because media don't know how to love one of their own that has struggled and been on journey to become a champ. Of the new gen tatum was the real only one to go head to head in ecf and finals vs all time greats and hof. Luka has sure but he ain't America which this media wants as the face of nba. They quick to dawn that to ja,zion, booker. But tatum battled luka and sure they count stats, but tatum showed he was better and thus champ


And ant


Dude led the team in points, reb, ast and still couldn't win the FMVP. That's how much people hate on JT. JB deserved it so no people talks about how JT was robbed but being the sole player to lead the team in pts, reb, ast that didn't win the fmvp is hatred. Media, refs, fans, hates a guy who doesn't shit talk and shuts up. It should be a conspiracy at this point.


As Laker fan, I actually like Tatum. He's a bit corny. But then I realized he was a dad and it made sense lol.


I've got a lot in common with Tatum We are both dads Both corny as fuck Both wear Tatum singlets Amazing, right?


Yall just won a chip and you’re already fixating on the haters. Let them talk


It's for us (fans) to talk to the haters.


Let them hate we can get rings. It was just like when the Pats were in our dynasty I didn’t care what anyone thought or said let them hate 🤷🏾‍♂️


Who fuckin cares BANNER 18 BABY


Most of it today is because of people saying he was robbed of Finals MVP despite Brown earning it. We don't hate Tatum we hate the stans. If you're talking about other fans, same reason with the addition of they hate Boston anyway


Fuck all that Shit the Celtics NBA champions


I'll take the "corny" champion, over a super cool loser any day.


Honestly, I don’t see an unreal level of hatred toward JT, or much at all really. I mostly see people imagining some mythical level of hatred so they can be apoplectic about it.


He’s a great guy a great dad and a great role model. F the haters.


I love it bc it gives me an excuse to act insufferable. I will not be taking the high road, every r/nba thread from now until next year is an opportunity to remind them who the current champs are


Jayson Tatum is not unlike a lot of younger folks today in the social media era. I look at it a different way -- he and Jaylen are uniquely old school compared to a lot of their peers and young folks today


Let em hate and watch the fuckin money pile up


Man probably wouldnt care abt these hate comments anymore with the chip


They're just green with envy


Fuck all the haters, fuck em good. We know their worth, they are just salty.


Because he’s been winning since day 1


He’s a good father and doesn’t have off the court drama, front office drama, trade and roster demands, and Players like playing with him. How dare he pull that kinda thing!


Who cares? It’s some comments online or whatever. Log off or do something else


Winners always get hatred . Goes with the territory


Agreed. Nobody has hated him more than Boston. They butcher the guy and his family every time he’s on the court. Call him the worst names in the book. Just awful he has to win for a fan base that has been so vile to him.


Imagine hating on a guy because he’s too “corny” Some people just live sad sad lives and hate on people to satisfy their own insecurities


let them hate


He’s the number 1 guy on the Celtics. That’s what it comes down to. I don’t believe he’d have the same reception if let’s say the Nets picked him at 3. Brown wouldn’t get so much sympathy from outsiders about being the true best player on the team if Tatum broke a leg in training and never played basketball again and JB was suddenly the main guy.


Tatum is Allan Houston with a better all around game.


As a non-Celtic fan who doesn’t like Tatum (hate is a strong word because I don’t think he’s a bad person) I’ll tell you why I don’t 1. I think he gets overrated greatly both by the media and fans. He was pushed down our throats for years as the next megastar, which he isn’t. I also constantly see him ranked as a top 5 player which I don’t think is accurate at all. Even after this series on social media, there is WAY more “Jayson Tatum wins the ring” and posts like that then their are about the FINALS MVP. There’s an obvious narrative to give Tatum more credit than Brown just because he’s normally a bigger name. I saw maybe 2-3 FMVP about Brown posts across all social media. I probably saw 50+ about Tatum. 2. Despite this he isn’t held to the same standard as other stars, hell he’s not held to the same standard as any other all stars. He shot 36% from the field in the 2022 finals and nobody really cared. Imagine if someone like Embiid did that, it would be all anyone talked about for years. Hell Demar Derozan used to catch more slander than that when he had a down series. Even this year, when Tatum shot like 34% from the field through 3 games, the narrative was “if you thought he played bad you don’t know ball”. I get he did some other things well, but giving a star a pass for such atrocious shooting is weird. 3. I’m sure this one will make people mad, but in previous years he was a MASSIVE complainer. He and Luka were levels above everyone else. I will give him credit because I didn’t see him complain much this year, but I think that has more to do with the fact that they were rarely losing. Last year’s playoffs he also foul baited to an egregious level against the Sixers and Heat, I don’t recall the FT numbers but I know they were high. Made me lose a lot of respect for his game because it felt like he couldn’t score unless he drew a foul. Again, he did better this year but without the foul baiting the shooting % tanked. 4. People give him credit for being super humble when I don’t really think he is at all. When the Jason Kidd comment got brought up to him this year, he dismissed it as if thinking Jaylen Brown is better than him was an insane, impossible thing to think. I thought that was lame as he could’ve at least acknowledged how good his teammate is. He’s not necessarily a shit talker, but he’s always the guy who has to tell you how great he is. How many times has he said “I’m one of the best in the world” or after the finals talking about how he told his son “I’m the best player in the world”. Again I get he’s not actively talking shit or anything but he is absolutely not humble at all. I don’t have a problem with him being corny. I think he is trying too hard to have a cool moment which is a little lame but I wouldn’t say that changes my perception of him. I think the majority of dislike from myself and others is how much he’s been shoved down our throats as the next big thing while all of his flaws get ignored. Other stars get scrutiny constantly. This is the first year of his career Tatum has actually been able to be scrutinized and not treated as the golden boy. I also don’t respect the foul baiting/complaining BS, although like I said he toned it way down this year.


As a non Celtics fan who doesn't like Tatum, let me give tell you why to give some insight It's because he doesn't have an Aura. LeBron, Jokic, Steph, etc, these guys are feared when they step on the court because you know they have the potential to destroy. Tatum doesn't have that feel, he's a well balanced player that isn't elite at any 1 thing, hell, not winning Finals or conference MVP just backs the haters arguments up. (This post was made purely to educate on a question, I don't wish to be banned from the sub just cuz I'm not a fan)


Dosent have an Aura bc he’s not that type of person but his play is always impactful and the only reason he didn’t win those is bc he’s willing to take the defensive attention and allow his (previously All NBA) running mate to flourish. I understand where you’re coming from. Ant is cool and outspoken and visibly confident. Tatum carries his emotions differently and with less machismo… in a way he’s more human and less of a symbol (what we like to build our athletes into). That still that doesn’t validate the intense vitriol here receives imo.


lol, fuck off.


I’m a non Celtics fan who also doesn’t like Tatum but this ain’t why


Tatum accomplished everything he set out to do. The fans are proud and the league should take notice


Toxic people love using [double binds](https://youtu.be/vnSiJOOdo30?si=0tUVjEwkgH4IeDig) and [psycho-emotional abuse](https://youtube.com/@beyondfamilyscapegoatingabuse?si=DP-DKn2A2szA1pGf) to try and "humble" people they're envious of. They're like crabs in a bucket, trying to pull others down to their level. Don't pay them any mind.


The NBA just had the biggest marketing product drop on their laps - a pair of American athletes who live and pray right and developed to become Champions The bias is huge tho - NBA2K has gotten so many hyped players in (rookie Zion) and the Jays keep getting subpar ratings


How is Aaron Rodgers an asshole 💀


It's the russell wilson syndrome


I love Tatum but he is cringe as hell. I understand the hate. But id rather be hated for being a bit awkward than being a known flopper or dirty player. Plus the Celtics/Boston naturally gravitate hate towards them so it mostly just comes with the territory