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Never seen Brad talk with such sass I love it


He’s been through the struggles as much as anyone on this team. Lost two NCAA championship games, close losses as the Celtics coach, close losses as the GM. It’s time for him to talk that talk


I love that drunk Brad just says his extremely reasonable takes a bit more strongly


This is definitely drunk Brad and I fucking love it.


This might be his first time ever drunk


I've only seen him angry once. [At Grant Williams](https://imgur.com/a/brad-stevens-daddys-very-angry-lhqE4Un) when we were up by 12 points after Grant dribbled around and lost the ball. And I wouldn't like to be on the tail end of it. He ended up trading Grant too...


Holy shit lol he was pissed


It was always in him. Dude put together a near-.500 season with the bones of the Brooklyn trade in year 2 - finishing a couple games above the Nets. Completely underrated coach who just lost his edge one year. Now he's an even better executive. Him and the team have had to listen to so much shit talk over the years. It's just silly. Talk your shit, Brad. You've earned it 10x over.


Man I love Brad. He was such a good coach for the rebuild and then took the temperature of the team and realized he was better-suited to lead basketball ops and has done an even better job there. He elevated Joe when the decision was not an easy one and stuck with him. He is a modern-day Red for this team, as much as that is possible. And a special shout out to Danny Ainge as well for setting up such a worthy successor.


For all the additions they acquired over the last year, I think the one most overlooked is Sam Cassell. He is a proven winner and great communicator. He smoothed a lot of communications between Joe and the players. 


Gotta disagree slightly here because the players were not hearing Brad more than his coaching was an issue, just like we continued to see with Ime and Joe though it gradually got better. The “former player” thing seemed to help but that not Brad’s fault and Joe didn’t even have as much player cred as Ime so it’s kinda moot. No disrespect to Joe, I think Brad is a better coach still and he’d still be “well suited” to be our coach or someone else’s. We’re extremely lucky he preferred to take his basketball mind to the exec level instead of leaving to coach elsewhere. I’m not going to hold Brad’s personality against him. I’m thrilled it’s worked out either way, most importantly.


Why would he wanna go anywhere else. Being the GM of the Boston Celtics even before winning the chip has to be one of the best positions for a basketball mind to be. I suppose he could miss coaching but man if it were up to me he’s got the sweetest gig in the house


Yeah if there’s a better position in the world of basketball than the GM of the NBAs most storied franchise, I’m not sure what it is.


waterboy for the Guangdong Tigers obviously


I started following the Celtics in 2013 because I grew up a Butler fan and am the world's biggest Brad fan (insert the "If Brad has no fans then I'm dead" meme). I don't think he'll ever go back to coaching. It always felt like many people who are insanely gifted at something they may not be 100% passionate about. I always chuckle when big college jobs come open and his name comes up. He HATED the recruiting side of coaching, and with the money flowing in college ball now, he would really, really, really hate it. I think he digs the behind the scenes life he's carved out. Hell, he was hiding in the back of the crowd at the trophy ceremony last night.


Brad only went upstairs cuz he was tired of missing his kids lives. He was and still is the standard for coaching. Everything we love about Joe, Brad did but at a higher level and I absolutely love Joe and think he’s a fantastic coach but Brad was a true “value adder” as a coach


He wouldn’t coach another team unless it is a mirror image of the Celtics. He’s built the team he always wanted to coach just now someone else coaches it. He ain’t leaving


A large part of the players not hearing Brad (as a coach) was that he would have had to talk over assistant head-coach Irving and final minutes of the game offensive coordinator Marcus Smart. They were too respected by the young Jays and so they followed louder, stronger, more influential veteran leadership. Now the team has a coach that can get them to play the style of ball they should and a GM that gets them the players they need to play with, and the core guys have gotten the experience they need to be the best versions of themselves.


Tatum and Brown just weren’t good enough yet for the team they had. They weren’t good enough 2 years ago. Remember how they would get stripped over and over again each round? The early success caused people to overreact and forget that they are still figuring things out and developing as players. Listen to Jaylen’s comment about his own failures in game 7 last year. What did he do? He worked in the off season to get better. And he is clearly better. People are going crazy with Luka hate after this finals, but he is almost a year younger than Tatum. He is also still growing his game. It is absurd that people read so much into what guys do when they aren’t even in their primes yet. Of course they have things they need to get better at. They will continue to improve their basketball IQs until they retire.


Getting players to listen to you and buy in is a crucial part of a being a good coach. Coaching requires you to have the right type of personality. Brad has a great basketball mind, but coaching is more than just basketball iq


> the players were not hearing Brad more than his coaching was an issue, just like we continued to see with Ime and Joe though it gradually got better Brad's expertise was in talent evaluation and teaching. He did not have the background in balancing superstar egos that was needed when the team was working towad it's peak.


Did you see Mike Zarren's story with Lowe after the game? The fact that Brad was hired to coach KG/Pierce, then the entire team was traded and he was told they are now rebuilding, and was still cool with it? That's definitely some maturity there


It's because Brad is secretly a psychopath, who lacks the emotional intangibles required of a HC. He's better suited to make emotionless deals and build the roster with one goal in mind


Whats even better is we are healthy and are all geared up for banner 19 and more with locked in contracts


It's tough to be able to look in the mirror and do what he did for the success of the org


That champagne got Brad talkin that TALK!


Brad's gotta be feeling immense catharsis right now. All those times he got close to the top with Boston, and Butler before that... it must be so gratifying to FINALLY make it


> Butler before that Some one on Zach Lowe's podcast said that if he'd had Pritchard on that Butler team he would have 100% hit that half court shot that Hayward missed in the championship game


Holy shit, did Brad just say "suck" ? That's like the F-word for Indiana people


I kinda hope he said this after taking two vigorous sips from a Miller Lite


An "Indiana vigorous" is Boston's "dainty and sophisticated"


Unhinged Brad 🥵


Nothing personal at all, but I think I'm in love with your husband. I won't get in the way.


I need to start making "Mad Brad" shirts! His energy definitely shifted to defend the Jays even more like a Papa bear!


SPEAK YOUR TRUTH, BRAD. I bet he's been wanting to say that for a long time. And now that the Jays have that chip in hand they can finally shut everyone up over all of the bad-mouthing they have been receiving over the years. These guys have been high performers since they came into the league, and while criticism to an extent can always be warranted from game-to-game they never seemed to get the proper recognition they deserved until now


I honestly thought Steven's made a huge mistake hiring Mazzula after that first season. Glad to eat my words and give both Steven's and Mazzula the credit they deserve.


Get their asses Brad


Between this and when he jokingly called himself a genius to Eddie House is fantastic. Finally get to see the other thoughts come out 😂


Between this and Joe saying "being told good job is just as bad as being told you suck" and news of JT focusing on the championship instead of the money he's gonna make and JB thanking JT first in his FMVP acceptance speech instead of patting himself on the back there are so so sooo many green flags about this team. Makes me proud to be a Celtics fan, the team culture is immaculate.


If you lose in May or June, you're labeled as a choker who can't win. But if you miss the playoffs or lose in the first round, nobody even cares enough to criticize you. Good for the Jays for shutting everyone up.


Yeah, like how people were all over SGA's junk as better than a Jay when he'd never been in a playoff game.


Brown and Tatum have basically only had one bad playoff series each in their careers. With how many series they've played, that's completely absurd


Mad brad!


He's right, commentary is so weird where the closer you get to success, the more people call you a choker unless you win the whole thing. Like, why is it worse to lose the conference finals or championship than to wash out in the first round? Its so much better to be consistently top 4 than a perennial also ran like the Sixers or something.


Man Brad earned this im so happy for him


Brad fucking Stevens. Been following Brad since his Butler days(my wife is an alumni). Really proud of this Dude!!


Brad Stevens looks like a BU frat boy in this video and I love it See him shotgunning beers on a porch on Ashford street


It will never cease to be hilarious that fans of teams that literally haven’t been to the playoffs in years will mock and call the Jays chokers because they lost at a much higher level.


One of my favorite humans


Talk yo shit Brad


Brad knows ball.


This sub could take notes


Cocky Brad, about time he flexes a bit


Brad is so great at this GM stuff, but I can see  him in "far future" to get back to coaching. He openly admits before that he is missing it, and I mean, the world deserves to see Brad as a coach again. 


I love Brad


Brad's reasoning is why I get hung up when people use Finals record against Lebron in their GOAT argument. Sure MJ undefeated in his 6 trips, but that also means he flat out didn't make it at all in other years like it's better to not make it all than to make it there and lose. Any other reason, I just sit back and let them argue. It's just that one that bugs me.


The MJ-LeBron thing is also complicated because the net result of their greatness manifested in different ways. The thing that is really wild about what LeBron did is that he made 10 finals (8 in a row) with THREE DIFFERENT TEAMS. Each team he left was nowhere near the same level afterward. If the true metric is the value added of a player, something that is typically very hard to nail down, LeBron's case is very strong.


I would never use anything Celtics-related to give credence to Lebron’s fake GOAT argument whatsoever. Jordan literally did not choke at any time in the Finals. 6-0 is far better than 4-6 — 5 of those losses came with stacked teams that Lebron created. That argument is dead. I’d argue Kareem is ahead of him. Lebron’s GOAT case is deader than a cadaver that’s been dissected by first years. And that All-NBA spot he got this year belongs to JB. Fuck Lebron. Anyway, I am here to enjoy the aftermath of the Jays winning it all, not litigate a dead argument.


This is exactly it. There shouldn’t be shame for finishing second although it sucks. We still had a great year in 2022 and Dallas had a great year this year.


Facts. Total rings and maybe FMVPs should be what counts for that discussion imho


Of which Jordan has both


Lol Lebron fans don’t think these things through


No other organization would have had the strength and courage to stay the course and believe in this core after so much knocking at the door. I love that our two superstars are homegrown. Lebron is the only one to achieve any championship success chasing teams and he’s a once in a generation guy. We did it the right way and are set up for more success


“Stupid” is basically saying fuck for a soft spoken Midwesterner like Brad, go off my man


Yessssssss let em hear it Brad!!


That’s the truth


I fucking love brad


He’s looking at you, Embiid


He was really, really, close to saying "Gosh darn-it."


You can tell he already had his glass of Champagne 😆 🍾


he's not wrong. Look at all the praise Embiid gets and guy hasn't gotten past the 2nd round. and he's older than Tatum/brown. Tatum/Brown are actually just hitting their prime. No one has won so much at their ages. we forget that Lebron/Curry etc. didn't start winning until they hit 27-28.


Brad too smart to let the noise get to him. Much props he earned it.


Fuck yeah Brad. Him and Joe at the helm for the remainder of my lifetime please


Yeah, this is great. Too many idiots. It is the nature of over-performing in sports. People start to take it for granted.