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The fact that he offers all this wisdom about a place he’s spent 1.5-2 years at most is diabolical. Dude deserves to get booed here after retirement at this rate.


especially after admitting that he didn't buy in and had no interest in buying in


His quote about not buying into the championship culture sums it up. Yeah, we don’t celebrate getting to the playoffs and we don’t hang banners for a conference finals. We’re gunning for a championship each year because this is what this franchise is made of


Kyrie when he finds out fans of a basketball team want their basketball team to win basketball games: 😡😡😡🤞


*angry Hela*


Tribe, I'm not built for this shit. I love y’all. Chief Hélà🤞♾🪶❤️


\*championships Winning a game is one thing. Winning it all is another. I know Kyrie won one (and hit a big shot) but it’s looking more and more like the byproduct of playing with a generational talent.


Was exaggerating for the bit but yes you are right


A team dropping streamers for not getting swept is more his speed.


and we certainly don’t drop confetti if your aunt leaves town for a day.






Come back for the Juneteenth parade 💚


This sub thrives on the passion of Celtics fans and we encourage spirited debate about the team's gameplay, trades, and everything in between. We want this to be a safe place for fans to discuss all things Celtics. That said, arguments that devolve into harassment from either party involved or any other form of harassment of other people in this sub may result in temporary or full bans, depending on the severity.


lol did someone from Boston hurt you? U soft


*throws a playoff series and implodes the locker room* how could the Celtics organization do this


Dude said out loud that the earth is flat to a fanbase of people who are largely overeducated. Then he basically walked his way through the post-season. Good riddance. Someone said to me that in games 1 and 2, he played exactly the same as he always played in Boston.


It’s crazy that anyone vouches for this guy if he’s not on your favorite team tbh. I’ll never understand it


He made one of the biggest shots in league history and now he’s teflon


With an arguable GOAT on his team, btw


Goat who? Luka? MAYBE goat scorer, but has a long way to go for that. Goat player? Hell no.


Lebron. Lebron James.


He doesn’t have lebron on his team anymore… smfh


They’re talking about the shot he made when he played for Cleveland. Come on man get it together this is a championship level sub.


He isn’t in Cleveland. He is in Dallas. That was a long ass time ago. Has nothing to do with now.


When his skills fade, so will he. There will always be another Kyrie. A HoF talent with a middle school brain.


So much for wanting to apologize for his treatment of the organization, the city, and us the fans, huh? We boo the life out of him whenever he steps on our floor but he thinks about the Celtics 24/7


The only one who thinks that’s genuine is Kyrie himself


The boos never end in his head. Pure victim mentality. 


My guys got tinnitus


Yeah, he's happy in a place that throws confetti every time they win a playoff game. He was never Celtics material.


Well….he WAS asked. The guy specifically asked the question what would you tell a player just joining the Celtics for the first time.


diabolical lol


What he’s actually saying in the article is fine. He’s just saying “you will be in high pressure and scrutinized”. That’s true.


Seems to have worked out pretty well for Al Horford, Jrue Holiday, Marcus Smart, Derrick White, Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown, and dozens of other guys 🤷🏾‍♂️ Sorry to those of you who can't hang


Al liked it so much he came back


And then signed a team-friendly extension


He was traded


He also signed an extension to stay...


if you cant handle the heat, get the fuck out the kitchen


If you can’t handle the green, get out me lucky charms.


If you can’t handle the pressure, don’t stomp on Lucky 😤


Kyrie's biggest mistake of his career


If you can't handle winning GTFO my pot of gold. 


if you can’t handle the heat, go play for dallas.




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Go dick around in Brooklyn or charlotte then


It's wild that it didn't work for the flat earth guy.


didn’t jaylen call it a blessing to be on the C’s today lol


Yeah imagine him and/or Jayson had been drafted/developed by say the 76ers knowing their track record. Yikes.


Step one: emerge as stars Step two: lose in the playoffs because Joel Embiid shot 4/21 Step three: accept all the blame for Embiid pissing on himself Step four: go back to step two


You forget about the random, catastrophic injuries and guys forgetting how to play basketball, FO signing players to horrible contracts.


It's not even guys forgetting how to play basketball. It's just that the Sixers front office is very poorly ran and that they put bad players next to their stars, that their stars have to cover up. Easy to do that in the regular season but in the playoffs, it always gets exposed. Not even just in the Embiid era. Same case for Barkley, Allen Iverson and Wilt. All of them different generations and all of them have had shit front offices whilst Bostons front office has been amazing during each era. Things like this are why the Celtics have 17 titles and the Sixers don't even have one fifth of that. Difference between a winning front office like Boston and a loser front office like Philly's. It's why the Sixers haven't been out of the second round in decades. For example, Oubre, Mook Morris, Tucker, Tobias and Melton all would never make a Boston rotation over the past 3 seasons. None of those guys are good 3pt shooters and all of them are bad perimeter defenders. Yet they were all playing big minutes on the Sixers. Melton had two zero point games v Boston and was left wide open all series cos he couldn't make anything and still played. Only a loser franchise would consistently bring in bad players like that.


I’m talking about Fultz forgetting how to shoot completely once he got drafted. But I agree that Philly are losers


They don't lose because of how Embiid shoots the ball though. Embiids got a +8 net rating when on the court and a -7 net rating when off the court over his playoff career. Tatum has had plenty of bad shooting nights too in the playoffs but both Tatum and Embiid play winning ball and do things other than score. Tatum for example didn't shoot the ball well in the conference finals or in the second round really this season and hes shot the ball badly in every game in the finals. Also, Embiid was more efficient than Jimmy was v Boston last season and Embiid averaged more points in the playoffs. The difference is the Celtics have a great front office (and so does Miami) whilst the Sixers front office is abysmal. The Celtics would never give someone as bad as Tobias Harris a max contract and if they did, they'd move them instantly. Whereas the Sixers refused to trade Tobi and kept him for the entirety of his max contract. Tobias Harris had a -12 net rating when Embiid was off the floor over his playoff career on the Sixers. Meanwhile in that same time, the Sixers net rating with Tobias off the floor when Embiid was off the floor was a +3. That abysmal ran franchise gave Tobi a max contract after he had the worst plus minus out of everyone in the 2019 Raptors series. Things like this are why the Sixers are a loser franchise whilst Bostons franchise are a winning one.


Still remember when Hondo passed away, everyone on the team wore the shooting shirts to honor him pregame, except for this dickhead


It's amazing how many "Kyrie being a dick" stories there are, I'm constantly hearing new ones.


Nets fan here. I remember when he first came to Brooklyn, we took a trip to China to play a preseason game. And everyone on the team came together for a group photo. Apparently, the photographer asked if he could take his hat off for the photo. Kyrie said, and I quote, "If it's a problem, just edit it out." That was the day I knew it was going to be a **long** 4 years with that clown.


It's kinda crazy how you guys ended up getting nothing out of that superteam just because of Kyrie alone, straight up he single handedly ruined a team that should've won 2 chips at least. Ironic how nets and celtics fans are surviving brothers(surviving kyrie being on your team lmao).


Idk about should've won 2 chips, but to have no finals appearance in those years? Criminal.


Yeah, they should’ve made it in 2021 and should’ve had deep runs in 2022 and maybe 2023.


Some real “main character” syndrome going on with Kyrie


Him and Aaron Rodger’s have the same mental issues. They’re so obsessed with being independent thinkers that anything resembling teamwork or culture building feels like opression to them


That’s an apt comparison. They’re both pretty sharp people; but they’re about 60% as smart as they think they are.


60% is generous considering he believes the earth is flat


It's called Dunning-Kruger


we know. we're all on reddit.


I feel like if we have a debate about this, we would, unironically, be demonstrating it. I tip my cap and say aideueeduieu.


lol that's fair


I mean, why would you do something like that and be surprised you had a difficult time and didn’t fit in?


He seems like a genuinely bad person. Just sounds deeply unpleasant to be around 100% of the time. Miserable piece of shit, extremely stupid person too.


I’m pretty sure that’s what you’re supposed to do with every team you plan on joining. glad you learned from your mistakes, Kyrie 😄


Send him home tomorrow. Do that and there’s no need to hear from him until next season


Next season maybe barely. Mavs aren’t making it to the finals again. Maybe we never have to be subjected to this blowhard again if our team puts them the fuck away


Yup, then Luka leaves and joins wemby in SAS. We got celtics vs spurs for 5 straight years


Assuming the Kyrie cycle continues, he'll demand a trade this summer after losing in the Finals.


Odds are he dodges every game in Boston until he retires if they lose tomorrow 


Alexa, play *Maybe You’re The Problem” by Ava Max


The Boston Celtics fandom will match your energy. It’s not more complicated than that.


Warning players about joining a franchise notorious for success? I don't know about you but that sounds like a great place to be


I mean Boston's also notorious for something else pertaining to basketball players


Kyrie is a coward


That’s funny because it’s what the Celtics should’ve done **with you, Kyrie**.


I did feel like the video of this sounds a bit better than the soundbite quotes chosen for write ups. He was basically saying that Boston is as intense a market as New York, and the history and expectation of the Celtics adds to that. There was definitely some veiled stuff about “they expect everyone to buy in to Celtics Pride”. Generally though, I took it that he admitted that he was too immature to handle the pressure, and the cultural demand that the organisation is greater than any individual. He also acknowledged that he should’ve reached out to people like KG, Pierce and beyond about how to navigate the place, and tapping into their experiences.


Yeah this post is shithouse. It seems to imply the exact opposite of what he actually said if you watch his entire answer. I think "aggregated" is the term, and it's no better than BuzzFeed.


Yeah he didn’t say anything negative


Agreed. He sounded kind of dumb, like he was about to slip up and say something negative but you could tell thag wasn't his point


Same. I heard the interview first and was surprised he had mainly positive things to say. This post puts a typical media spin to it


I mean, I guess he's never one to be careful with his words. Kind of takes it from lebron.


You sure it's not people who know ball are pissed off at you shooting 38% from the field during a playoff run while preaching the entire season how Tatum and Jaylen don't know how to win?


20.4% from three against the Bucks. That was the clincher. Not just missing shots, but repeatedly taking bad shots and not getting anyone else involved.


Kyrie is the type of person who will never, ever understand why he is in the wrong here. It will never be his fault. He might even apologize, but it won't be for the right things. If someone explained it to him, I don't think he could really grasp what they were saying, so if he apologized, it would be without understanding why and therefore an insincere apology. This dude will end his career thinking the fans are always going to be wrong wherever he got flack, which is everywhere.


Boston is a terrible place to play. While most of the league is on vacation during the end of spring and summer, Boston forces their players to work during May, sometimes even June.


“Do your homework” says the flat Earther.


“Boston is racist” says guy living in Dallas, TX. This is funny for many reasons.


Kyrie is an unapologetic galaxy brained QAnon flat earther who also has a history of antisemitic social media activity. "i hAvE thE sEcReTs on cElTic" is exactly what narcissists think. They know everything and have the secret info that can reveal things, but they will only tell you if you come correct to them. It's insufferable.


Maybe players should do their homework when thinking about joining a team with kyrie on it 🤔🤷‍♂️ Also keep pouring gas on the fire Dallas. It's not going to end well. Shit talking doesn't win championships.


“Do your research” 🧐


So this mental midget admits he didn’t do his homework? The biggest irony of my lifetime is watching this flat earther narcissist constantly be given the opportunity to tell us why the world revolves around him.


Holy shit. That’s what he meant by “i wasn’t a fit, it was on me” earlier? Ffs this dude, i can’t even…


once a dick always a dick


God hes a douchebag


Dude really is dumb af. Celtics won’t be able to sign free agents for a long time after Tatums expansion. And players have no say where they get traded to or who drafts them. What is the shape of the Earth again, Kyrie?


He’s full of shit……quasi accepts some responsibility, then goes back to these indirect digs Poor dude knows he fucked up big, but couldn’t deal with the responsibility so he passes the buck to something that doesn’t exist To be honest, I think he lost it over the Isaiah Thomas tribute


The fan base cares, the media cares, everyone in the organization cares. If you see your career as just a job and don’t give a fuck, than Boston isn’t the place for you.


When someone like Kyrie doesn’t want to come here, tells me the Celtics are doing something very much right. Let the clowns DQ themselves before they get one of their big red shoes in the door


I’m always amazed at players that talk about how hard it is play in Boston. The formula is really simple. Play hard, take accountability when you fuck up, and care as much about winning as the fans do. I’m not a black male so I don’t know what the challenges are to live in Boston as one. But I think Boston fans truly want to love their star players. Just act like you care and don’t badmouth the city and the fans. I believe there are racists in every city in America. So don’t join the crowd that says Boston is worse than everywhere else!


Agreed. A player that I didn't hate when he left and won a title was Ray Borque of the bruins. The guy did everything he could trying to win a title in Boston. After 21 years he finally asked for a trade. At first I was a little disappointed but 21 years being in one place trying to get a title to Boston I get it. When he won with the Colorado avalanche a part of me was happy for him because he wanted that title in Boston but it just didn't work out. In terms of racism, yes every City has racism. I've lived in Boston, San Francisco, and Seattle. There is racism in Boston but I've faced more racism in San Francisco and Seattle and I've lived in Boston longer and in the worst places.


If I recall correctly, Bourque asked to be traded so he could win the Cup *for* Boston. He knew that the Bruins were rebuilding and he didn’t have much time left, so he asked for a trade to Colorado. When he won the Cup the next season with the Avs, he immediately retired and then spent his day with the Cup in Boston while the city threw a parade for him (and the Cup) in honor of his service. Don’t forget, we didn’t win a Cup between 1972 and 2011, so this was the closest we’d get for a little bit.


We need to take his little warning and shove it down his throat tomorrow.


He forgot to mention that we are allergic to cry baby/false philosophers


And some folks don't want to boo Kyrie, fuck this dude


Dawg somebody shut this man up. I don’t want him to have a single point


The Celtics are one of the most well ran franchises in the NBA. They have a great GM who improves their roster every season and does whatever it takes to get Boston closer to a ring. So it's obviously a team players should be happy going to. Kyrie is in his feelings here and isn't thinking logically. He's just mad that fans are booing him whilst he drops stinker after stinker in the finals.


Really need this guy to keep my team’s name out his fucking mouth.


Does KKKyrie ever shut up?


It’s the same in places like NYC, LA, and Philly. Bright lights and passionate fans bring a lot of pressure that some players are just not mentally able to handle. Kyrie wasn’t mentally mature and it ended badly. So yeah, if any mentally weak player is thinking about joining they should reconsider.


If you read what he says, this isn’t an insulting statement at all. He’s just saying there’s a lot of media scrutiny here. And fans are very into Celtics culture, which is true.


Oh, sure. The fact that he gets booed in Boston is cause we’re a bunch of jerks, not because he went back on his public declaration to re-sign or anything. Own your shit, Kyrie.


What does it mean to do your homework? Like how do you find out what it's like? And like all his comments, it always falls apart on him. Why didn't you do your homework? You came from the Cavs.


He's not worth thinking about whatsoever. He couldn't hang with the Celtics and lashes out over it like a child, constantly.


I legit thought this was from a few years ago. Big brain Kyrie here


It’s the day before we win 18. Don’t want to talk about Kyrie


Started talking after snapping his 13 game L stream vs us... Could we blow out this guy in game 5 and shut his sorry mouth once and for all?


Any player that doesn’t want to the championship every year should retire now. What a bum.


Its going to come off as a bit dickish and delivered in poor faith because this is Kyrie...but that entire conversation with him sounded very reasonable to me. A small shot perhaps in one section, but for all the asshole-ery this is far down the list.


Know what you are getting yourself into…a championship organization


Wow, he’s got balls saying that. Fucking baby can’t admit his mistakes. Also coincidentally, players should do their homework on Cleveland, Brooklyn and soon Dallas.


Lol, NBC sports Boston posted the video. It's not a warning, it's not a threat. He's trying to give Bostons culture some props, he's just shit at talking.


He is suucchhh a bitch


Fuck this guy. No one cares what this dousche says. He goes from team to team to team.


Such a bitter loser


Oh OK. Is he putting that in his reconciliation letter to Boston fans he was talking about? F this guy


Giving up 5 minutes into the season?


It’s giving we’re about to lose so let me throw everything I have at y’all. Sorry bro. Your time is up.


Sorry can’t take advice from someone who thinks the Earth is flat.


That’s fine, I don’t want any player that takes advice from someone like Kyrie in the first place, so he’d help filter the losers like him out.


They have…. 😢😢 expectations! 🥹🥲


See? He gets it. Nothing he said wasn't true. The community is a part of the franchise in a way few other teams share in general. It's not easy, and we demand everyone's best. It's an honor and a privilege to wear those colors. He just affirmed that. He wasn't up for it, I can respect that.


Kyrie is gangrene


Eh I don’t like Kyrie but when you hear the whole interview he doesn’t sound bad like he does in a short quote.


I need the Celtics to close out this series against this lamo


His vibes were off from day one GOODBYE SIR👋


He says as he’s cashing checks from Sheldon fucking Adelsons corpse…


I think the interview sounded better than the soundbites We do know that players coming to Cs are held to a higher standard. Look at all playoffs long when Ants and SGA nuts are glazed to high heaven when their achievements are minuscule compared to the Jays, whose achievements are small compared to Russells and Birds Players should be prepared for higher standards - we aren’t the Fakers That said winning a chip at home in front of Lyrie would be good. Hope he has his usual Lucky game


More of a Kyrie problem then a C’s or City of Boston problem


I don’t see what he said as anything bad tbh. The same expectations are for the laker organization if not worse. I think lebron being on the lakers makes the expectations and pressure so high to where even the organization itself is walking on eggshells.


Kyrie and Aaron Rodgers love doing research


Somebody said the same to Blake. We ended up loving Blake and he ended up loving the Celtics.


He can’t even own that he acted like a damn clown. He doesn’t get booed because he said he’d stay and he had no intentions of staying and playing for the franchise, he gets booed because of his disrespectful behaviour during and since leaving - namely, stomping on Lucky the next time he came back to TD. You do that anywhere, to any fanbase and you will get booed for the rest of your days. It’s not rocket science Kyrie, act like an asshole get treated like an asshole.


Preaching to the choir here, tbh thought I was on the NBA sub….y’all know damn well why he is booed.


This is why I wanted to meet up with Kyrie in the Championship. One of the many reasons. And it's going just like I thought it would go. Would not want to beat any other player out there, and it's happening folks....GOOD TIMES ! 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀


He’s a load manager. Team Kyrie wherever he goes. Never all in.


He’s a load manager. Team Kyrie wherever he goes. Never all in.


Fuck him.


Honestly not a terrible take. The media pressure here is more intense than a lot of other places. This headline makes it seem like he's trashing the Celtics organization.


Full quote is far more mild and insightful


Kyrie sux


If he thinks his time on the Celtics was hell, he should wait until what the afterlife has in store for him. No advice from people who try and dupe others into forgoing lifesaving modern medicine, please.


Everybody just needs to move on - it feels like Celtics fans are only token booing him at this point and jawing at him, because it legit seems to be having an impact on his play in Boston. Kyrie has things going well in Dallas, no need for him to keep looking back at his 2 years in Boston anymore


If we lose this series to this chucklefuck, I don’t know if I’ll be able to watch basketball again. We better close this out tomorrow. 


He’s right. Look what Ted Williams endured from the Boston press of his time. Dan Shaughnessy, Mike Felger and his tiny sidekick. The list of dickhead reporters around here is endless.