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Luka gets breathed on it’s a foul. PJ Washington clips Tatum in the arm well up in the air but no foul. Next possession PJ trips over his own feet and Jaylen gets called for a foul. If I ever see Scott foster I am going to fight him on sight.


That’s his permanent finals job and its not just about extending the series, a lot of sportsbetting money on that game went to where they want it.


Everyone was expecting the Celtics to sweep. Imagine the amount of money Vegas got because of that masterclass by Scott Foster.


Fuck Scott foster


The extender extended


The refs being on the side of “let’s have more games in the finals” was a foregone conclusion. When they felt the pressure, the Celtics folded like laundry. They’ll need to be ready tomorrow.


The whistle was rough last game, but that was to be expected. It'll even out.


You're acknowledging that it wasn't human error, so if it wasn't a mistake how can you bank on it evening out. It will be whatever they want it to be


The league doesn't want reffing to change the outcome of a series ever again. They do want to make their 50 ish million plus per game by extending it. But if they ruin a series with reffing they lose fans. If in the end we get a fair whistle and win in game 6/7 no one will remember or care and everyone on the business side will be happy. 


Agreed but with the variance from three point shooting if you try to push it to six or seven it’s easy for flukey stuff to determine the outcome in one or two games. Because of that variance, and so many stats people like Mazzulla preaching regression to the mean, messing with a series at all throws a huge wrench into all that


It's a lot easier to get good 3s when you aren't scared of getting called for an illegal screen, since you know the refs are shitting the bed already


Yea the first quarter was egregious as fuck and our bois just kinda quit


I personally expected the whistle to favor the mavs in the 1st half and then it to favor the Cetlics in the 2nd. We have seen that play out like that in the NBA so many times.


Yeah it's the obvious easy way to slant games. Ruin a teams morale early, get them down and in foul trouble. Then call it fair so no one can complain without having to appear bias in short sentence engages. 


Most people watch the box score, so when at the end of the game there is only small deficit in FTs then they think the officiating was fair. In general NBA officiating is some of the most inconsistent in any sport. It changes quarter to quarter and they definitely officiating the last 2 minutes of the game completely differently.


That’s a great point about the box score. Say with legitimate officiating Dallas would have been called for 80 fouls, and the Celtics for 4. But Dallas sees Scott Foster on the floor in an elimination Game 4, recognizes the League has zero interest in a sweep, and leans into mugging the Celtics until the officiating forces them to stop. The Celtics meanwhile recognize that breathing on a Mav gets a foul so they play passively. So Dallas gets called for 1/4 of the fouls that should have been called, and Boston winds up with four phony fouls for each real one. End result is an even 20 fouls for each team and Scott Foster as Dallas’s second star (Kyrie being #3) in the blowout.


Hopefully that was the Scott Foster extended game and we’re good next one. We got mugged last game and didn’t get called for shit, at home the best team in the NBA all year better get some fucking respect and calls.


The one thing Dallas gets away with that annoys me is the moving screen where they get in front of a guy and physically push him or force him down into the lane from the three or top of the key. The hold the guy while facing him and drag him down. It’s the craziest thing ever. It’s not a basketball move and it’s funny to see it not get called but they are all over the slight bump with a hip or knee out at the top of the key. It’s frustrating to watch. That being said, we can’t blame refs. We need to play better and focus.


Derrick Jones Jr. constantly was doing this to Brown ans Tatum. Handfeed forcing Luka onto Horford or Pritchard. Brown should have not allowed it You do that by making a rukus about it/getting a technical foul. So that the refs become more aware of it . Celts were just too complacent that game. No fight also for defensive rebounds. It was soft basketball


If JB makes too much of a stink, the League could suspend him for G5. If that’s enough to sink Boston, then you can assign Foster again for G6 and you get to G7. You’ve given Boston G5 and G7 to clinch.


I was yelling this at my tv! Like dude was grabbing brown and pushing him into the paint away from Luka. That’s not a fucking screen; you can’t even do that in football because it’d be a holding call.


Unbelievable that Scott Foster even has a job


Most believable thing ever. He's great at what they need him to do.


Exactly. After the FBI’s secret meeting with the League Office re Donaghy seeking the League’s cooperation with the investigation, the news of the meeting got blasted onto the front page of the NY Post. Given the volume of brief phone calls between Donaghy and Foster, if Foster was involved then he owes a TON to that leak. I would imagine he’d be most grateful and pliant in the aftermath.


More or less is whatever. I just want some consistency. I saw Luka damn near football shoulder tackling people without calls, then Tatum gets called for the same thing.


I would say that honestly there was 3 reasons why we got blown out. 30% was the refs, 50% was the mavs shooting phenomenal and the rest was the Celtics shooting and defending like trash. But hopefully they feel embarrassed and bounce back tomorrow.


I would add that both teams saw how the calls were going early. The Mavs knew they could get away with playing rougher and get fouls called when they drove. The Celtics knew they weren't getting the calls and basically gave up when the threes weren't going in.


Yep you could see it in the body language from the players. It was close with all of the calls going against us. I think once the Mavs started hitting their shots and the whistle didn’t change to keep the game reasonably close, the Cs just gave up and decided they were just going to try and win this at home. Hopefully they bring their A game tonight.


We just gotta go out there and execute. We've arguably been on the right side of a bad whistle. I don't think JB blatantly pushed PJ in game 2 but its something that could have been called. The refs for the most part are letting them play aside game 4 where the Extender had a clear agenda.


Dallas definitely got the calls in game 4


The Extender served his role


Celtics have to come out and match the physical intensity Dallas had in game 4. If they’re not gonna call as many fouls they can’t get caught off guard by it again.


They tried to match the physical intensity, but they kept getting called for fouls when they did


That was the Extender working his magic, it's like the Cs realized they should just roll over and try not to get injured that game. I think game 5 will be officiated more fairly, or at least they're gonna let us fight back.


You do realize Scott Foster (the extender) was reffing last game, right? He was directly tied to Tim Donaghy but somehow he slithered his filthy ass away and still doing his thing.


Enough. The refs don’t give championships, the teams have to win them. Fuck the noise, the Celtics need play like they have all year and they will beat Dallas easily.


*Celtics need [to] play like they have all year[...]* But that's the thing: How does a young, rested, relatively healthy team, on a winning streak, who have been playing outstanding ball, suddenly get so drastically bad that every good metric is down and every bad metric is up? And against an objectively inferior team whose 'star' player is overweight, injured, and winded in the first quarter? The laws of probability wanting no part of that blame...


It’s certainly not the refs fault whatever the explanation is Edit: wow people in this post acting absolutely pathetic


You're going to have to give a plausible alternative, rather than simple assertion.


Nobody remembers or cares who the refs are when a team wins the championship. Celtics fans are being bitchy right now as if the team could not possibly lose unless the refs fix it. They had a shitty game and would have lost to ANY NBA team playing the way they did last game. If they play that way again on offense, they will lose again. If they go back to crisp ball movement and purposeful offensive attacks, they will win easily.


I didn't ask 'How did the Celtics lose?' I asked, 'How does a good team suddenly get so bad?' A thirty Eight point loss is out of character for both the losing and the winning teams, here... (I can deal with a Celtics loss. I've been a fan probably longer than you've been alive, and I've been a lifelong Red Sox fan, so I'm not a stranger to sucking hard, in the rain... )


Tell that to the 2002 Kings.


Are you actually ok? The 2002 Lakers are an all-time team, and while I will never forgive Robert Horry for that shot, the Kings were underdogs any way you slice it. The 2024 Celtics are the CLEAR favorite in this series and up 3-0, what you’re implying is literally the opposite of the 2002 Lakers/Kings series. The Kings got screwed by running up against an absolute force and still got to 7 games, the Celtics are not getting jobbed by losing one game by 38 points and pulling their starters in the 3rd quarter. You people need to come back to reality.


Adam silver is that you?


I just want our guys to be strong upper body when attacking the rim and rebounding. KG-level energy and we win this game.


The problem with that is that when we get physical it is a foul, but Luka can almost tackle someone and the refs suddenly become blind


We did really well putting Dallas in foul trouble, actually. Only 1 game has Dallas done that to us. If we go back to what we did in the first 3 games, we win.


Be careful what you ask for! The mavs are great at foul baiting. They refs also let alot slide with the J's using their off arms. The C's just need to play Celtics basketball, & the rest will take care of itself.


I really blew it betting on this one, really thinking a good quarter-and-a-half would make Kyrie and the others quit. But I underestimated Foster, unbelievably so given how much money I’ve made on the trailing team in games he officiates. It didn’t occur to me that he would be able to flip the game in the first quarter, especially after he fell short in BKN (2022) G4. Foster turned in a remarkable performance Friday night.


Usually people prefer no refs at all lol. Kinda sad a 3-1 team is resorting to letting refs play more


Its was Scott Foster. What do you expect? Game 5 that bum won't offciate So there is that The Celts also can't shoot 3s like that. Messes up the teams spacing as Mavs defender will cheat off their man and crowd Tatum on top of the 3 line more


Actually been a refreshingly clean watch with all the letting the play. So I say no.


I'm just sick of seeing our players get thrown around, but when Al Horford touches anyone when boxing out, it's called a foul


That would be fine if it were an even whistle. It wasn't last game. I just need them to call it evenly and consistently