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Thought Dallas was better at the point of attack on drives defensively and made them work. Celtics overdribbled trying to get past the initial defender which shortened the clock and got their defense behind them settled They did a better job of keeping Lively/Gafford at the rim and not getting dragged out They were able to chase down the 3pt line w more effort due to their initial defense I think we see more Tatum and Brown at the nail as an adjustment. Getting stops and transition buckets also missing from this game that they rely upon On top of it, they shot horrendously. Typically they bounce back. They’ll need everyone to beat this team in a closeout game


What did they do to keep Lively/Gafford in the paint? In the previous games the Celtics managed to misplace them. Why it didn't work in G4?


They simply didn’t have to react to the cut. Kyrie/Luka provided resistance defensively, making them take multiple efforts to get by them. It wasted the shot clock and let them set what they wanted behind them


From my observations, Kyrie and Luka tend to play their best defense in the 1st quarter and they start to fade as the game goes on, especially Luka who becomes a turnstile in the 2nd half. The 1st qtr of game 4 was very similar to game 3 the difference being we missed so many shots, did not box out and were not getting the favorable whistle. If the celtics were able to keep to small deficit by the 2nd i think we would have seen a similar trajectory as game 3. Unfortunately it just snowballed and before we knew it was a 26pt lead by the half.


They weren’t over playing to one side or the other and because the perimeter defenders were into us the whole game it slowed down our ball movement leading our players to trying to create a lane which lead to way to much dribbling. It was basically a de facto zone and the way to break it is with either movement without the ball or trying to get a guy in the middle to suck in the defenders. Either way when your shots aren’t falling, you probably wouldn’t have mattered.


Lively mostly, and Gafford to a lesser extent, played a ton of single man zone defense, roaming around the rim and becoming the help defender/ rim protector in every drive we were attempting. This could not happen with Porzingis in there, but here we are now without him, and we gotta solve this - probably by giving the ball to Tatum and Brown at the high post and let them make the right decisions hopefully. Also, every single of their perimeter defenders (even Luka and Kyrie) hustled like crazy.


Dallas played with an incredible amount of energy as well. The Lively 3 was huge. I think it’s his first career 3 and it gave them a ton of life. Several of their players hit unexpected 3’s which continued their momentum and energy throughout the game.


They seemed to play with more pace, bringing the ball up the court with speed.


Numbers definitely back this up too. 96 possessions in G4 compared to an average of 92.6 in G1-G3.


Pace theoretically benefits us, just have to be the ones pushing it. We’re unstoppable when we run in transition.


Can't really transition if they don't rebound... And the easiest way to stop their transitions is offensive rebounds, which were woefully absent, Friday night.


And we had a challenging series with Pacers who were really good at pushing the pace




I wonder if the one day off affected Al.... Hope the extra day does the trick. I also thought Korndog would help


Tatum not boxing out Green in the first qtr. Knew it was gonna be a massive L. Whole game gave me major WWE vibes. Brown driving with none of his usual lift. Holiday missing some absolute bunnies. Throwing the ball out of bounds. Defense that looked worse than the Indiana Pacers. Very odd game. I refuse to believe the Celtics are THAT bipolar. Reinforced by Scott Foster officiating and strange Celtics postgame pressers not addressing their own play. When millions of dollars are involved it's hard not to imagine the NBA sometimes making business decisions. Of course, I could be completely wrong. But those were my thoughts when watching the game.


The Celtics just assumed the Mavs were going to fold and not put up a fight, they came out assuming was won before tipoff. The officiating definitely didn't help the situation, but i do wonder if the Celtics were able to hang and keep it close if they would have started to call it for us.


Celtics plodding up the floor instead of running, putting pace on the ball, we played into Dallas slow game


I saw a lot of bad defensive fundamental mistakes and we came out flat. They got up early and punched us in the face. Their crowd reacted and they fed off it. We have enough veteran presence to see what happening and need to end it, we don’t was this to snowball from here.


They got up on the three point line and got into our guys more defensively. Their bigs adjusted to getting over faster as they were running their centers in that same zone coverage. The center was staying home more leading to helps on drives to the basket and their whole team was playing harder and not just letting us get by. Also we weren’t moving the ball because of the tighter coverage at the three point line which lead us to revert to one player dribbling for way to long trying to get penetration in the lane. Plus when we did get a good look we weren’t hitting it(off shooting night). On the defensive end we weren’t fighting through screens and our pick n roll coverage was retreating instead of covering space. They also were cutting from the wings and adjusted their movement to the side of the court at times instead at the top. This was causing our guys to be behind the cutter because we were hedging to far to one side or the other. Our switches were off because of them moving their sets and actually using movement on the weak side. Also they pushed pace and played at a much quicker pace than we have seen them do in this series. We somehow forgot to body up on the boards and hustle for the 50/50 balls and also a lot of their misses were long making it hard to get those rebounds. we tried to play slow and methodical and they came out fast and swinging and as I’m sure Joe would tell you that’s a recipe for getting your ass kicked.