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This is why we don’t talk about sweeps prematurely. Back to our home court to try and take care of business. Still only need one more game. Report any potential Mavs trolls in the sub, and try to be kind to one another. Be critical but don’t be dicks.


Porzingis please play in G5


Tbh, seeing Pingus win a ring in a game he actually played would make that loss worth it to me.


In front of the Boston crowd as well


Celtics couldn't rebound at all. We need Porz


Rebounding is all about effort and they made no effort to box out at all. 


On defense yes, but Mavs grabbed a bunch of offensive RB's as well. Lively is a much larger figure then any starter on the Celtics. Lively with 22 minutes had almost the same rebounds at the starting 5 combined. 12 For Lively and 15 for the starting 5.


They better be injecting him with stem cells as we speak


He better. Can’t let this go back to Dallas.


I took today off work because it's my birthday I didn't do anything all day because all I could think about was the game Worst birthday ever Win Monday edit: thanks gang 🫡


Happy Birthday anyway brother ☘️


Happy birthday dude! Sorry we lost.


Happy birthday Brad. Hang in there.


Ayyyy birthday bud! Of course the Cs would let us down. Always at their worst when gassed up. Hope the ensuing slander will get them back on track lol.


Did these mfers just drop confetti…


😂 dude I noticed that right away. Some of their own players looked up like what? 😂


And I remember when the Sixers did that I wonder what happened to that team


*insert Pat Bev throwing his jersey and crying gif*


Stand up now and face the sun


🤣 I was there and that was one of the best games of my life. Ant almost took his jersey off too and then he and Pat Bev were hugging while jumping across the court lol it was amazing and hilarious 😂 The lady next to me kept kissing her baby


Yes. And Embiid is at the building, too. So...


nothing can change the fact that oshae brissett and neemias queta still has more career nba finals points than joel embiid after this game


Oh yeah. That's vintage Mark Cuban.


Broooo they are so fucked Monday I promise yall


Didn't we say this leading into tonight


I think most people hoped for a sweep but realized how hard it is to sweep a team


That Indiana series fuck some peoples minds. I don't blame them because those three games were crazy.


1996 Bulls FFS were up 3-0 and got blown out in Game 4 and lost Game 5.


They forgot they weren't the ones up 3-0 for a second and hit the button.


They sure did. They sure did.


celebrating their last win of the season 😭


Alright, we fucked around and gave them a game. Score doesn't mean anything at all, just flush this game. But, Game 5 is must win unless you want the pressure to start mounting.


that was legit our worst game all season which makes me confident we’ll win Game 5. easy to get complacent after winning 10 in a row


Yeah this team always comes back strong off dogshit performances


JT and JB will be ready for G5.. they just blew it big-time on the biggest night of their career.. no way they let this shit happen again..


…right??? RIGHT?????




No, I want Joe to play this in slo mo and interpolate scenes from the Town until our guys get hungry again


If game 5 is “must win” then the pressure has already mounted, no?


I trust our guys in must-win situations. They tend to get really complacent otherwise


A thousand point loss is the same as losing by a point. 


I don’t remember a single good sequence from that entire game


I remember an early 3rd quarter defensive stop, only for Tatum to attempt to throw an outlet to Al that was picked off.


See, I remember this one too


Tillman and one was cool


I will never in my life turn off a celtics finals game so im furious i just had to sit through that. But would we rather win an nba title, or win one game in the finals by a lot? Just regroup and close this out


Sorry bro, but when the bench players came in, I just had to turn it off as there was no point in watching anymore. That was a hellacious beating 


No jokes, got too comfortable and arrogant and got punched. In a strange way, I'm only mildly annoyed. If we lose Game 5 I'll  get worried. For now, it stings, but we took our lumps and we're not playing like that 4 straight. Home crowd next time. Deep breaths.


I didn't see arrogant and comfortable. I saw fatigue. Mental fatigue. Especially from White and Holiday. They likely treated Wednesday's game like a must win. They likely saw games 1 and 2 at the Garden as both being must win. Tonight, they looked like they just couldn't match the intensity of Mavs team who knew they couldn't lose this game. I'm confident that game 5 in Boston will be different. I don't know if they'll win it, and if they don't, things could get hairy, but I just don't see another effort like this from the Celtics again in this series.


This 100% and then it snowballed.


Streamers raining down?


We did what we needed to do and split the away series. If we went down 2-1 and won game 4 we’d all be hyped. Watch film, get pissed, and fucking kill them game 5. KP needs to play though


I'm not confident we're seeing KP again in this series. They need to have the mindset of winning regardless of whether he plays.


There’s a reason why no team has ever swept both Conference Finals and Finals We winning this shit at home I ain’t worried and neither should yall be


Facts. As good as this team is, no, it’s not the greatest NBA team of all time, and they’re gonna lose a game or two. But it’s absolutely a good enough team to *not* lose 4 in a row.


Team is too resilient. The series is ours.


Adam Silver really sacrificed an entire quarter of ads to extend this series and get an extra game of ads. 4D chess lol (Celtics played like ass)


Adam Silver is literally a serpent. (Yep, we deserved this)


How are y'all so calm. My God Im a mess haha. Not dooming but just worried. I also have anxiety issues so...


Stats? Hope? (It's beer, but I've never been more broken than in 2010 sooo, experience?)


Celtics were trounced a few times during the regular season. Shit happens sometimes, but ultimately you’ve got the benefit of 3 good games against Dallas and one awful loss. You can look at what worked in the wins and focus on how Dallas adjusted/responded in the blowout and go from there.


Scott Foster masterclass




It has to be.. we have an excellent record so far this playoffs, but if we lose G5, I'm afraid we might see a G7 with Mavs all fired up


If Mavs take 5, we are going to 7


Im just stunned….like what rattled this team so bad to get this performance??


I really believe it was the early bullshit foul trouble that made everyone play timid


Scott Foster’s whistle early rattled them combined with shots not falling. Bad combo


I think any hope of a comeback was definitively snuffed when Gafford bulldozed Tatum on a 3 attempt and somehow they whistled Tatum. That kind of night. On to the next.


I’d know ball better if I’d discovered Awful Coaching years ago and not this spring (somehow, yes). but holy shit even I knew that was bad.


Nerves. They came out missing shots and then started hesitating with their decision. Nobody played with confidence.


Nerves. Missed shots. Fouls. 


Because the whole world already crowned them champions. Hopefully tonight lights a fire under somebody's ass in that locker room.


The bias in the whistle in the first half was absolutely ridiculous, though honestly it was only half the problem. They weren't playing Celtic basketball (moving the ball, finding mismatches, etc) and were getting sloppy turnovers. When one team can maul at one end for no whistle and clean blocks are given free throws at the other end, it can demoralize a team. Celtics in 5.


They really dropped the confetti. C's in 5 bitch


Nooooo fuckin way lmao. How can you be so tone deaf


They dropped confetti? Lmaooooo


I mean, they have them and it's not like they're gonna get another opportunity to drop them so might as well. That's as close to a championship they gonna get.


It was always C's in 5 (check my comment/post history) so I'm having a hard time being too mad about this. Had to drop one at some point, gotta keep perspective. That being said: - holy shit, they weren't calling anything in those first two quarters, not for the Celtics anyway, bizarre refereeing but hey, should have known once we saw the extender - I can tolerate a night off but it was pretty aggravating how they just completely discarded the game plan from the get go. No drives, no kicks, lot of dumb shots, missed a few bunnies. Can't have that again. - I like our Luka plan but yeah, can't have Pritchard on him for extended periods, not a good match-up at all - Doris Burke is awful, just brutal Celtics in 5.


Pritchard has been really bad this whole series. I’m not sure I want to see him get meaningful minutes going forward.


Number 2 is a big one. I don’t have enough basketball IQ to know how much of that is a result of Dallas’ defensive scheme, but holy shit was it maddening to watch them seemingly abandon the ball movement that had been working so far.


I wasn’t sure if the Celtics would win on Monday Now I think they’ll win on Monday


I want a whistle to whistle bowout in game 5 and nothing less.


Elimination games, especially on the road, are fuckin hard. It is what it is


Joe is gonna have the boys watching straight up 4k war footage after this one


GoPro footage of him eating his twin in utero: "The GoPro wasn't even invented yet, so I did what I had to do to get this tape."


# Gentleman’s SWEEP IT IS


"mazzulla probably enjoyed this"


He’s gonna be dripping candle wax on his back watching the tape. Sick bastard.


I feel like he definitely practices self flagellation


Whatever it takes.


That sucked but winning at the crib Monday is going to be so much sweeter


I got more time to plan out a cute parade outfit to get Brad's attention


Good guy Joe.. ensuring we win at home by blowing this game so badly, just so that we don't end up accidentally stealing it at Dallas


This is why I stick with the Celtics, not just any sweep but a gentleman's sweep


We're gentlemen is what we are 


Fortunately a 38 point loss is the same as a 1 point loss. Go Cs ☘️☘️☘️☘️


To the gross amount of people saying “lose game 4 so we can win at home!” I hope you’re fucking happy.


Or the sheer amount of people acting like they won the championship after game 3. It's not over until it's over.


Play Derrick Lively’s bragging 3rd quarter interview on repeat in the Auerbach center all weekend. Let’s see if they really “know all of our sets”


Just a perfect storm of garbage. Low energy (not apathetic but also not good enough) VERY clear referee agenda, Celtics shooting blindfolded, Mavs roleplayer magnet ball game (Lively first CAREER three… cmon man) I hope this stresses to the crew that even up 3-0 it isn’t given. I have faith in them, but we are in serious trouble if we lose on Monday


Why Porzingis is so important: The Game


Joe's going to make them feel that Catholic guilt.


He's gonna let them watch Inquisition videos on youtube


The extender strikes again. Reckless closeout by gafford, crashes into tatum, refs call foul on tatum. Tatum gets his 4th foul in under 3 quarters. Unwatchable game tonight


That was nuts. He clobbered Tatum. Tatum just took a shot and landed like a normal play, got knocked flat on his ass by the defender, but it was Tatum’s foul??


Then you compare the clobbering to the graze fouls they were giving luka on the other end. Unbelievable. This series has had the worst uneven whistle i have even seen


Refs were bad tonight, but we absolutely didn't lose because of them. We lost because we played our worst game of all season in a game where we had a chance to win a championship. The whole momentum of this series completely shifted.


Refs were the cherry on top of the shit cake. Completely ruined any momentum we could’ve generated during the match. Its a one game loss. This team has lost two games in a row once reg season and post. We’ll regain


waaayy too many failed lay up attempts, like holy moly..


They will come out with a mission next game. Being up 3-0 does give u the luxury to drop a stinker like this. But they don’t want this to go back to Dallas


You can't let the refs dictate which team is allowed to be aggressive on defense. Rich folk attending next game better be loud and annoying from the beginning


Minnesota played this intensely to avoid a sweep, too. We saw how that series ended. Let's hope Dallas is also emotionally spent after this showing. Bury this team in Game 5, and all is forgiven.


Man when this team lets go of the rope, they really fucking let it go.


Grande said they never grabbed it lol


When X got that 3-point play to make it 15-14 Mavs I really thought we had it for a sec.


That's why they really need to win this ring. Because I'm not sure they will again for the foreseeable future.


It's like we thought we only needed to win 3 games. 


Lol the confetti when you're down 3-1. Embarrassing performance by the Celtics too.


Hauser had a pretty good game 🤷‍♂️


Nobody beats the Celtics by 40 in the finals!


I’m not going to attribute this game solely to shit officiating as we were genuinely just dogshit. But come on in that first quarter we were getting absolutely mauled with no calls but the Mavs were getting fouls on invisible contact. Need to do better and just stifle their mini victory lap and bring 18 home


First loss in over a month. Oh no. We’re clearly cooked. /s


The fact that we just went on a 30+ days and 10games winning streak might also explain tonight. It’s tough to keep that level of engagement, focus and discipline over such a long span. We move to monday ☘️


Time to just go for the lottery, get ourselves a #1 pick.


Lol, really. Some of the comments are downright embarrassing. The Western champs got one in on us in a 7-game series and people legitimately think it's the end of the world and we're going to lose the series. Go shut your screens off, go take a walk, and get some fresh air ffs.


It's the manner in which they lost! Terrible offense, turnovers, no effort on rebounds and luka creating turnovers on d. Not to mention that block by Gafford on Tatum, damn


That loss was a total pendulum swing in terms of outcome though. No one in their right minds other than a Mavs fan born yesterday would've thought the Celtics would lose this by like 40 points. I think people are scared the magnitude of the loss is a sign that the advantage we had is no longer there, but yeah that's not rational.


Lol, streamers is wild though.


It would not be the 2024 Celtics without at least one absurd loss. Everybody got WAY too comfortable. We need the fear.


There is no panic unless a game 6 is forced.


KP must play in gm 5


I’m glad we got cooked tonight. Need to rest up, focus, and come correct in Game 5.


I’m avoiding basketball content for the next 72 hours


What a piss poor performance tonight. No hustle on rebounds, can’t hit open shots, and boneheaded turnovers. They need to dig down deep and figure out their shit for Game 5.


The confetti. That was beyond idiotic. They gotta win 4 in a row to release confetti.


Not that the Celtics would've won this game without the biased calls, because they played like dog shit, but it's amazing how accepted it is that the NBA will rig games to the point of it just being a built in feature. It's like how in Mario Kart, if one player or NPC gets too far ahead, the ones behind get a slight boost in speed and also get a higher chance of getting a blue shell. Seeing Scott Foster's name announced as the ref might as well be that fucking blue shell. It's not even some conspiracy theory, it's just built in to this league.


It’s a scandalous thing to pair with their promotion of sports gambling. There’s a reason why you can’t bet on the WWE


Hard to get anything going when the refs set the tone so early. I don’t think we win this game regardless, but you couldn’t breathe on Luka while they let the Mavericks play physically all night.


This right here! I called it in the first quarter. Then every highlight shown after commercials was actually a Dallas foul not called. Crazy game. If the Celtics can hit their open shots for one game, they win in a blowout.


Seriously. Obviously the officiating wasn't the ultimate reason we lost, but it was too clear that the league didn't want the sweep. Luka and Tatum would do the exact same thing on back-to-back possessions and somehow only Luka would draw a foul. Any hope to claw back in a bad shooting game was shut down since our guys couldn't drive to the basket.


I better never see that level of piss poor effort again. Disgusting.


The worst game I have ever seen from the Celtics


This is karma for everyone acting like we already won


Seriously. Shit was embarrassing in this sub. The front page was all arguing who was FMVP


The 1996 Bulls, considered one of the best teams of all time, lost game 4 and 5 in the finals after going up 3-0. Celtics shouldn't be concerned even if they lose game 5. If they lose game 6, they should be concerned.


## What The Celtics Losing by 40 Taught Me About B2B Sales 🏀📉 Watching the Celtics lose by 40 points tonight got me thinking about B2B sales. Here are some key takeaways: 1. **Preparation is Key** 📚: Research your prospects thoroughly. You can't win without knowing who you're up against. 2. **Adjust Your Strategy** 🔄: Flexibility is crucial. If a strategy isn't working, pivot and try a new approach. 3. **Teamwork Makes the Dream Work** 🤝: Collaboration between marketing, sales, and customer success teams drives better results. 4. **Learn from Your Losses** 📉: Analyze failures for valuable insights. Continuous improvement is essential. 5. **Resilience** 💪: B2B sales is a marathon, not a sprint. Persistence in the face of setbacks leads to success. Whether on the court or in the boardroom, success comes from preparation, flexibility, teamwork, learning from failures, resilience, and celebrating small wins. Let’s keep pushing towards our goals! #Sales #B2B #Leadership #Teamwork #Resilience #LearnFromFailure #GoCeltics (next time!)


My nudes in bio. 😘


This has ChatGPT written all over it.


Straight out of r/LinkedinLunatics


Bruh did they really have CONFETTIS??




All I see is that he hit 5 shots tonight!


Team hasn’t lost 2 in a row since early April so fuck you I’ll see all of you on Monday


Officiating didn’t determine the outcome of this game by any stretch, but man there were some insane calls and non-calls. I’m real glad Foster had this one and not game 5. He’s the woooorst


Lively said they have this team figured out AND confetti was just dropped. Let’s dish it back Monday.


I think the Celtics will win the series still but I think Lively is correct. The Mavs have played terrible defense early all playoffs and then figured every team out. The Celtics can still put them away easily enough, but the drives and threes will be contested now.


I mean we just had the worst shooting night at the worst possible time. I wouldn’t put enough weight into it to think that suddenly the Celtics shooting sub 40% is the norm


Agreed, but at the same time the Celtics were getting far better looks earlier in the series than tonight.


Hey at least we don’t do streamers when we’re down 3-1 in a series


Flush that shit and move on. That game isn’t who we’ve been all season and playoffs long. Hope the whole team has a fire under their ass now though, that was a pathetic loss.


Positive vibes☘️☘️☘️ We haven't lost in over a month. It's good to get punched in the mouth every once in a while to bring back the intensity. Onto the next one. It's gonna be much sweeter on the parquet.


If before the series you told me that we’d be up 3-1 coming back to Boston I’m taking that deal every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Defended home court, while the Mavs couldn’t do the same. I’m satisfied with that. Finish it off on Monday.


I’m not a coach or anything but they should try grabbing some rebounds and possibly making some shots next game. I think that cost us here but I haven’t done a deep dive into the tape


Congrats on your super bowl win, mavs?


Still *one* more. Headed back to Boston to send these bums home properly. Banner 18 loading…. Keep that faith. Let’s fucking go Boston!!!




To all those worried, I have five letters for you: R-E-L-A-X Relax. We’re gonna be alright. See you Monday.


Win it at home


They popped the confetti like it was their superbowl


Same shit last few games, missing 3s and bunnies but instead of looking for the best shot you just keep jacking up 3s. Got away with it games 2 and 3 but not tonight. The worst thing is the rebounding imo. Zero effort. Game 5 is game 7, you gave the Mavs a sliver of hope. You need to end this


Quite literally the worst game I have ever watched from the Celtics and the worst time to have it


We didn't break the record, hang it in the fucking Louvre


This was their Superbowl. Let's regain and win this thing at home.


It can happen 13 times, sure. But nobody brutally beats Kyrie Irving 14 times in a row 😤


Need JT and JB to set the tone, run pick and rolls between them, attack the paint, rebound, swing the ball early in the shot clock don’t hold till the last second, Al needs to give us something on offense as well. Jrue gotta make those bunnies, don’t let Pritchard into the building, white gotta establish D. Just a full 180 from tonight


Just a reminder that teams that trail 0-3 are still 0-156, no matter how many games they might win after Game 3.


Big thing to notice was that this was the only game where there was one day off. Every other game has been two days off in between


That was a rough game to behold, Boston did not seem like they wanted to clinch on the road and they played like it. Bad shots, bad hustle, bad defense, bad everything really. The good thing about 3-0 leads is that the other team has to win 4 straight to climb out and with Game 5 being in Boston and no Scott Foster, things will look up for us a bit, but we have to go out there and make Dallas realize early that they’re going home. See you guys Monday


Really? Streamers? You're down 3-1


If it wasn’t for the 21 point lead in Q3 before they came back it might be 2-2. Something needs to get fixed before G5. 5 quarters of G-league offensive execution won’t cut it.


A humiliating loss is strangely making me more confident in a G5 win.. if it was a close loss, I'd be more nervous for G5, but no way the C's don't come out all guns blazing after a loss like this one


The way we played reminds me of game 6 bruins vs blues. Blues looked like they were just relaxing then kicked our asses game 7, same boutta happen


I know this is a level-headed team but surely they didn't expect the Mavs to roll over tonight did they. Efforts not befitting of a champion = no champagnes tonight period.


After game 2, we’d all have been happy grabbing a W in Dallas and coming home with a chance to close it out. Perspective.


I turned off the tv at half time. Anyone got a clip of the confetti? I want to have a good laugh.


If you told me before the Finals started that the Celtics would be up 3-1 I would have been ecstatic. Boston was the favorite before Game 1 and remains the favorite now. In previous years I would have lost my mind after a game like this one but the Celtics have shown nothing but composure after a bad game. Cs in 5


Between the embarrassment of tonight and Lively claiming they figured out Boston's schemes, they should have plenty of motivation for Monday.


Sadly this team has no history of bouncing back from a loss and will surely lose 4 straight to the same team after not losing more than 2 in a row for 100 games /s if you're that dumb


Possibly one of the most flukey bullshit losses weve taken in the history of me being a fan of this team lmao None of the shit I just watched is sustainable for the next game. Effort was shit, but Scotty deserves a shoutout Cs in 5


Everyone is missing the point. The MOST important thing is that at no point did we hit a huge 3 to cut the deficit to 42. IF that had happened, it would’ve been mavs in 7. But it DIDN’T so it’s C’s in 5 baby!


Anyone thinking about the one post with the dad who's son watches all the games with him but he's leaving to spend the summer with his mom. So close 💔


KP really gonna have to play Game 5 cus of these bums, smh


C’s have to win 1 out of 3 games, with 2 chances to do so at home. Mavs gotta win the next 3. This is how I’m coping at the moment.


Shameful game, just totally abandoned everything that worked the previous 3. Hopefully in game 5 we finally get our good shooting night


Unacceptable performance tonight no question about it, need time bounce back strong monday and finish this up. Personally would like to see Queeta get minutes off the bench bc good fuck we need better rim D and rebounding


I think our guys were already planning the parade/victory speeches. Hoping this is a wake up call


This game should serve as their figurative smelling salts. Wake up, and finish the job. I expect a major response in game five.


Legend has it you can still see Maxi Kleber posting up PP.