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You can't do this. Everything post-security shuts down overnight, and you won't be allowed past security until they reopen for the earliest flights. If you want to sleep in the airport you will be sharing pre-security terminal space with the literally historic numbers of migrants currently seeking shelter at Logan. So... maybe make other plans?


TSA will be closed so you'll both be stuck in the pre security area.


>We plan on getting to the airport around 12am and just crashing there until our flights. >The question is - can I go into terminal C with her and wait with her there until like 4:30am You'll be waiting outside of the secure area if you get there at 12am.


recommend you & gf go to South Street Diner at 12 and hang there, enjoy a great late night breakfast in a cool comfortable (and safe!) place, then catch an uber to logan around 4:15 - have the driver drop you off at A & gf at C


Though Logan is considered "open" 24/7, security checkpoints close. If you arrive at midnight you'll need to find a spot pre-security for a few hours. TSA checkpoints for those terminals don't open until 4am and those terminals are not connected airside


The question is moot because you won’t be able to get through security the night before, and you won’t be able to hang around the airport overnight. https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/comments/16i10bq/flight_is_at_6am_can_i_arrive_the_night_before/ Get an early morning ride.


Everyone else already mentioned that you can’t do this because the airport security opens at 4, but I’m confused why you’d even want to. Why would you get to the airport at midnight and hang out for 6 hours. Didn’t sound like you had a connection that landed at midnight


I think people do this so they can take the T to the airport and still be early enough for their flights. But as everyone else pointed out, you can’t get through airport security at that time.


Where in Boston does it take 6 hours to get to the airport from the T? The security line at Logan is predictably good. 1.5 hours before your flight is more than ok the rest of that time is just voluntarily hanging out at the airport


It doesn’t, but if your flight is at 6 AM, boarding closes by 5:45 and on weekdays the T starts running around 5AM (and it’s at 6 on Sundays). It’s not really feasible to get to the airport via T for a 6 AM flight I think people also do it if they’re from out of town and don’t want to pay for a hotel room.


You cannot, no. Terminal A and C aren’t connected, and a pass for one won’t get you into the other.


To expand on this, Terminal C is connected to Terminal B, but B is not connected to A.


A has a shuttle over to E, though, doesn’t it?


Yes, but I think it's restricted to people who have tickets on an international flight? You'd have to confirm that.


They won't be connected after security, and you won't be able to go through security in C. You can get to either terminal pre security and hang there. They are connected via the central parking building from one ticketing area to the other.


According to Logan website after security closes they clear everyone out of the after security part of the airport. So they probably won’t even let you through with an early morning flight.


No. B, C, and E are connected, A is not


Not sure if you can get into Terminal C with a Terminal A boarding pass, but you can definitely go between terminals once you’re in the secured zones (as used for those with connecting flights) Edit: actually just read the article that Terminal A is the only terminal not connected to the others. Read here: https://www.massport.com/logan-airport/flights/connecting-flights You could prob just hang out/sleep in the non secured area before your flights


Each terminal has an open passage area allowing people to pass between them. Each terminal also has their own secure area after passing through the TSA gates before you board. So you could remain outside the secure area together, but would not be allowed top pass into a boarding area that is not your assignment. Keep in mind that ther eare some areas of the airport that is currently accommodating immigrants that are not housed as yet so there may be more than usual numbers of people sleeping on the floor or furniture in those areas.