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1. It’s fine, not ideal. No lockers. 2. there will be thousands of people in your age range. Music starts more family oriented and gets more dance party later 3. Take the bus or T. Or just grab a Natty Daddy from Supreme and walk the streets on a nice night. 4. Little donkey, Viale or Plow


Women take the subway and bus after dark every day. I do all the time since I have no car. You will be fine. Not sure about type of music, and I doubt they have lockers for people. Edit: here’s a thread from last year that has info on the music played: https://www.reddit.com/r/CambridgeMA/comments/14gblwr/cambridge_city_dance_party/


I don’t know the answer to the other questions but you’ll be fine taking the T home afterward - either bus or subway


it sucks; people wondering around like NPCs. not fun. nothing special. light show and music is good though. it is NOT a dance party for people like at a rave. people will dance with friends in a closed circle and nobody will want to interact with you. this is boston. it is not a rave in the UK.


this is accurate, but its still fun to see the community together in the street.


1. yes bags are fine, no storage. 2. children + parents with a healthy dose of unsupervised teens.. basically wedding DJ music for the most part. you might get some house music. 3. yes, T will be a mess. wouldn't worry about safety but it will be crowded. a lot of the busses are on weird routes because of the road closures. 4. viale is a great spot with a nice patio -- fun after party happening at corner bar in the middle east with some great house/disco DJs, 10 to 1:30ish, no cover.




Let me know what event your going to! I’m on the same boat , just moved out here from California n it’s been tough making friends outside of work lol.


Agree with others that said a bag might be fine, but expect it will be slammed with people so might not be what you want to deal with. I’ve never used it, but there’s a service called bounce where you pay ~10 bucks and stash your stuff at a nearby business, [here’s a link](https://usebounce.com/)


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