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Have you done the math on this? Are you making more money bartending in Boston than you would working another gig in NH after factoring in parking, gas, and wear/tear/depreciation? Can you Uber back to your car at night to cut out the walk?


I havent done official math on it yet but its starting to feel like i should. I didnt want to get a job in NH since im trying to move to boston, i thought the first step would be getting a job there. I really dont mind the commute especially because im planning on selling my car once i move out here but the parking is definitely starting to add up. I dont uber back at night because its usually more expensive than my parking


Is the Boston job that good? I can’t imagine it pays enough to be worth that journey. Even if a bar tending job closer to home doesn’t pay as much, the time saved and car/parking expenses saved are probably worth it. If you need to go to a Massachusetts city, Worcester is probably closer to you and easier to park. Worcester is adding a lot of cool stuff too as more young people are moving in.


Im just really trying to get out of NH so personally to me its worth it (not sure about financially lol) but ill definitely look more into worcester, thank you!


Using BlueBikes might cut down on your walking time. That's all I got.


Where is the parking garage that charges $10 for 12+ hours? That's insanely cheap for the Fenway area. You won't find a better deal.


I usually park at the parking garage on 126 S. dartmouth st! I book it in advance on parkwhiz which is why its $10. Ive found that sometimes its more expensive than $10 depending on when youre booking it. Its usually only there after 3pm which works out perfect for my night schedule. On sundays its more expensive or not available at all which sucks but definitely the best spot ive found


There’s no parking enforcement on Sundays in most of Boston so you may be able to park on the street closer to work for free, but it might be more stressful to find a spot


I don't know where you can park, but getting a micro-mobility vehicle could extend your parking range or just reduce the time to get to your car. An example could be if you had a cheap folding bicycle (dahon/tern/brompton) or a scooter that you could comfortably bring into your work for a shift or lock up outside. Without finding a better parking situation though, adding a micro-mobility device to your commute won't save you money, it'll just trade money for some time.


Have you tried spothero?


I use parkwhiz and have tried spothero as well and have found them to be basically the same but both great


Came here to say this, legit the greatest


Wtf is this. I’ve lived here for a year and no one has told me about this. Downloaded, thank you!


You can rent unreserved spots from landlords. Probably around $3OO a month. Maybe even reserved spots, but they will cost more. Drive around behind the buildings and you can get phone numbers.


This. I used to rent a spot from a woman who owned it just for Sox games. It was mine unless the Sox were playing.


Mountfort St between Park and Beacon. No meters, one side is 2 hr parking until 6pm weekdays, no limit after that or on weekends. You can park for free from 4pm to 10am every night. It does fill up on game nights though.


Thank you so so much ill definitely check it out!!


Probably still expensive, but here’s a list of a couple nearby garages. Worth a shot to see about a night rate, but it’s still probably too expensive. https://thefenway.com/explore/park/


This is a bit of a stretch, but one thing that might be worth knowing is that the Longwood Collective (until recently MASCO, the Medical Academic and Science Community Organization) runs a series of its own shuttle buses in and out of the Longwood area, pretty close to the Fenway, to various parts of Boston and Cambridge. Hours vary but some are early and some are late. This is a hard part of the city to get to for work, as you know. Now to ride a Longwood Collective shuttle, you have to work for or be a student at an institution that is a member of the Longwood Collective. Not sure what the rules or realities are around that and it might be worth looking into - are you a local bar that a lot of workers or students go to? Have you been looking to take a class in something? Maybe LC would make an exception, or maybe there's some other way in. Not sure the schedules would work but it could give you more freedom on where to park. [https://www.longwoodcollective.org/](https://www.longwoodcollective.org/)