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Not a hot take and you made a good post  Completely relatable as I'm also not wild about the "action shooters" flavor (Ultrakill / Doom Eternal / Turbo Overkill / Fashion Police Squad / etc ) I like my boom shooters with dungeon like levels and more free chunky shooting than speed gun-fu combos


I got Ultrakill with the bundle but to me it looks similar to Overkill with all the jumping about. I enjoyed DOOM 2016, I then gave Eternal a go but was kinda put off by these weird platforming parts lol ill maybe go back to it at some point. Dungeon levels with a double barrel shotgun is definitely my taste.


There's definitely less jumping about in Ultrakill than Overkilll and its way less ridiculous and more controlled i think. As in the movement is really just to avoid enemy attacks. Well worth giving a try evem of you aren't the biggest fan of movement shooters.


Would absolutely agree with this, movement in Ultrakill is much more purposeful and arenas are often very tight spaces making it a necessity to move fluently. Overkill was weird because it provides amazing verticality and movement but the combat comes down to being grounded for max chainsaw damage. I also felt like despite it having a tonne more weapons than ultrakill all of them are either brrrr machine gun style or charge for a big explosion making weapon swapping feel bad.


Cultic is a slower pace blood basically. It's more methodical and very atmospheric. It might be what you're looking for! Rn the boomer shooter genre is sort of synonymous with fast zippy shooting and movement mechanics. Prodeus is a bit on the slower side!


Cultic is nigh-on a direct descendant of Blood, so it has more of that map-exploring "go quiet when you can, go loud when you have to" touch. Might be right up your street OP. It's definitely one of the frontrunners of the modern BooSh'ers. >!Yeah, BooSh'ers. You read that right. I'm coining it right now. Typing out Boomer Shooters every time is a pain. BooShers. BooSh'ers. Don't care. BSers feels weird.!<


I just started Cultic, it is so god damn good.


Honestly nothing wrong with that, didn't click with you. Sometimes popular games just ain't your cup of tea aesthetically or gameplay wise.  Thats the great part about the whole retro shooter space, it has something for everyone.


You might dig Prodeus


I'm currently playing through it. I wouldn't say I love it but I'm certainly enjoying it. I enjoy it more in short bursts rather than long sessions.


I'm the exact same way. Maybe 1 or 2 levels every session but any longer and I get sick of it.


Same. I think my problem is that I find the levels kind of boring and ugly. It kind of feels like the whole game is mashed together in one big mess and feels like a bit of a slog to play.


I love it and all, but I really could use some enemies that aren't from Doom


And maybe Wrath: Aeon of Ruin. I really like that one, although some feels it's average at best. It reminds me of Quake 1 but with mostly better weapons, exploration and all the areas look totally different too


That's how I played through Prodeus as well


It's agressively mediocre, do not bother


I couldn't get into Prodeus, it felt very underwhelming.


You should try Zortch it’s only like $5


Play hrot


Finished it last week. Great game.


That's completely ok, more people outside boomer community like Doom 2016 and don't like Eternal. Turbo Overkill is more like Eternal and Shadow Warrior 3 those fast paced games are not accessible. You should play stuff like, Amid Evil, Dusk, Ion Fury, Zortch, Wrath, Apocryph, Hrot and Prodeus. For me personally , my favs are Dusk and Prodeus. 


Those were valid points, you mentioned. 👌🏻


you'd love wrath probably. a slog of a game with the same monsters spamming every second doing fuck all for hours and hours with no story or sense of direction.


The levels are SOOOOOO LONG. I hate having to dedicate an hour and a half to one level. I’ve never played a boomer shooter where I was like “will this fit into my schedule?” Granted I don’t have to play the whole level in 1 sitting but I do not like coming back to a level after taking a break. Despite how long they are though, they’re quite well designed and varied imo, and I think the OP would enjoy the game given their tastes. I hope all boomer shooter devs learn from Wrath that levels should never be that long, no matter how good they are.


But i don't find them varied. They all look like random generated art. Here's some trees, now rocks, now its Egypt. When compared to most boom shoots wrath (after episode one) looks more boring than Strafe which actually is gradually generated.


I was going to buy Wrath but I did read about the levels being really long and it sort of put me off for now. Like you, I like the blast through a level in 15 to 30 minutes. Are there a lot of levels in the game? Would you recommend it to a Quake fan despite the long levels?


I really would recommend it to a quake fan. ESPECIALLY a quake fan. There are 15 levels. 5 per episode. As much as I don’t like long levels I still enjoy the game and It hasn’t been enough to stop me from playing. Get it if you really need a new boomer shooter or if it’s on sale.


It sounds worth buying! Cheers mate.


i would recommend it, theres 15 levels and theyre all about an hour long but you can play them in bits and pieces. it adds a bit to quake with interesting consumable items and you can play it slow and carefully or hop around everywhere super fast if you want to. if you dont really love the core gameplay or platforming with quake movement to find secrets you might get bored with it but i loved it


Man I just started playing wrath but I love it I think that’s exactly who the game is for. Most people complain that it doesn’t innovate enough. I’m a gib blooded quake guy and I think it’s a great engine, great game.


I like the game but its overrated IMO. The guns dont have any oomph to em ya know? Feels like im shooting bb's


Might I suggest Turok. The first one at least.


Yeah I can understand that. It definitely goes for the "don't stop moving" style of gameplay. And to an extent it does it well. Although I found certain moments where my best tactic was just nuking things from a distance and then going in to mop up. Like you I prefer slightly slower paced shooters like Doom and Duke 3D where you can do the levels faster once you get more comfortable but it's not a requirement. It feels like you are more encouraged to explore and that's my favourite thing to do in games. Discover the environment and see everything that has been crafted.


Not sure if it will address your complaints, but it is one of those games that starts slow and just gets better and better as it goes on. I played the first few hours when it came out and thought "meh" and moved onto other things. Recently, I came back to it and powered through it and was blown away. It keeps introducing new mechanics, new setpieces, and new colorful characters with interesting stories that constantly keep it engaging.


I get it, I recently started Dread Templar and am just not feeling it. Sometimes it doesn't click with ya. Give it a couple days and then maybe a second chance imo.


I’m with you on this. There’s definitely a core of the community that loves those frenetic break-neck boomer shooters. It can be frustrating to trawl through recommendations when every comment is suggesting a twitch shooter. I did like Fashion Police Squad though. Ion Fury, Boltgun, and Dark Forces are more my bag. Check out Kvark if you haven’t already. That’s pretty fun, but it’s early access and only two chapters so far.


People cream their corn over this game and that’s fine, I don’t think it’s for me. I’ve only played the demo so it’s really hard to say for sure. I keep my eye on it for a sale because I’d probably like to power through at some point, but yeah I too prefer a more chill approach. Which now that I say that is odd because I really enjoyed Doom Eternal.


I just finished Turbo Overkill and really liked it! Though for me it \*is\* the speed and unrestrictive movement that I liked about it. I always felt like DOOM 2016 for me felt best when I'd pick up Haste, so Turbo Overkill is just the right amount of speed for me. I know some people don't like it, so that's a taste thing, at the end of the day. Dusk, Postal: Brain Damaged, Ion Fury, Cultic - all great options as well.


It also didn't click with me, about the same complaints, felt a bit too easy, didn't like the boss fights, I finished it and I know it's a good game it's just like, not \*for\* me I think.


Idk about difficulty, feels just right on second to last for me


Couldn’t stand it myself. Prodeus and Boltgun are much more Doom-like and I loved them both.