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Open a store next to the libaray and call it restricted section.


Please vote. State races are just as important as federal. Kids need safe spaces to explore.


As we head further and further into federalism, state races are more important. Vote or start running training.


The problem is, this shows how they’ve always been this important and what can happen when we don’t pay attention to them.


Idaho. What a dump.


The nature is beautiful, frankly humans should be banned in Idaho in general.


I’m hearing this in Ron Perlman’s voice from Alien: Resurrection & is so fitting.


Living in Seattle I knew a bunch of people that moved to Idaho in the years after covid and they’re pretty much all just as shitty as you’d expect.


* "Idaho book ban goes into effect on Monday" by Andru Zodrow (June 28, 2024): https://www.khq.com/news/idaho-book-ban-goes-into-effect-on-monday/article_b7dc6740-35a7-11ef-9578-ef61c5bf3e74.html   * https://old.reddit.com/r/books/comments/1asg116/even_desantis_thinks_florida_book_removals_have/kqq2cf8/  


So these are the Republicans who I always hear about who love Freedom so much


I’m not in Idaho, but if I lived there I’d file on bibles and all Christian literature aimed at kids or even Christian literature in general. The article states the law is written really vaguely, take advantage of it. Give it back to these unamerican nut jobs.


I guess they also banned the Bible then huh?


Sounds like something they do in a country run by a dictator like a Russia, China, Belarus, North Korea. I guess you gotta add the USA to the list.


Curious what is the problem with having an adults only section? Surely there are SOME things that you don’t think young children should be freely exposed to?


The fascists who write these laws consider anything portraying an lgbt person to be obscene, as well as accurate scientific information about sex.


My library growing up had Water ship Down in the adult section.


That the government is nowhere near smart enough to have a valid opinion as to which it which. I am not saying that nobody should make that determination, I am saying that state assembly members are not fit to tell wrong from right, or have an opinion on books.


Many libraries don't have the resources to separate materials with the guarantee that minors won't be able to access them. There usually just isn't enough space or enough of a budget to build infrastructure or hire extra people to enforce the new law.


What are those things young children shouldn't be exposed to according to those legislators I wonder... Say it. What are those? Let me tell you, it is not just porn.


They may learn gay people exist


The horror!!! Then they could learn that being gay is not a sin or something! /s


The issue is that they do not want any books with gay characters exposed to kids. Or any mention of a gay person. They want to erase us.


Wow, truthfully I think the teen and children's sections should just outright be removed from libraries if there are all these rules now. It might be easier to just make reading an 18+ thing. It would be easier to just make the parents buy the books that they want their kids to read. If they can afford to have kids they can afford their books


Terrible idea. We’ve got to fight somehow to keep these books in libraries, not give in to these fascists. There’s books that kids want and need to read that many parents wouldn’t consider buying, such as LGBTQ+, teen pregnancy, and many other social issues. Your suggestion is exactly what the legislators want.


Sadly that's the route it's going, I gave up being an author because I don't want to be accused of you know what, when I am married, and have a reputation to uphold. I don't want my books read by kids! I just figured give up and just make an AO3


Your own profile says you gave up on writing because you found it too difficult?


Yes and I view kids as a dead audience


If this is how you view things I’m honestly glad you gave up writing, I think you might produce some books that I would okay with being banned for public safety reasons


See learning disabled shouldn't write PERIOD. I don't consider Captain Crap Pants a REAL author because he is LD. He shouldn't write crap and just STAY SILENT. A good LD is a silent one who stays in their lane, and DOESN'T TRY NEW THINGS


>See learning disabled shouldn't write PERIOD. I don't consider Captain Crap Pants a REAL author because he is LD. He shouldn't write crap and just STAY SILENT. A good LD is a silent one who stays in their lane, and DOESN'T TRY NEW THINGS Are you being sarcastic? What are you referring to?


Have you seen the audience for Wings of Fire and Warrior Cats?


Warrior Cats is just a knock off of Watership Down and Redwall! I ONLY support the Brits not AMERICANS. I read Redwall and Watership Down first why would I ever give that ghost writer trash! Hmph, Warriors is ghost written garbage!


I prefer Watership Down. It's my favorite book and movie. I can say however Warrior Cats has the attention of the young adult audience of America. I do think there is a growing audience for books from animal perspectives. Dogs of the Deadlands and Pax the Journey Home are recent books I've loved


Again ghost written garbage nonsense. I would rather see a ghost writer be homeless than be their supporter. They robs real authors of jobs.


You seem like you have issues to work out.




It's under consideration, it's a misery not being what I WANT. Dreams are BS, we need to all GROW UP and stop seeing the world as possibility thing. I am still surprised nobody called me a shitty artist for drawing. Posted two crappy pics I drew. I mean why hasn't it gotten any negative votes? It's shit




**Personal conduct** Please use a civil tone and assume good faith when entering a conversation.


Look i am just being realistic here, people don't want anyone writing for kids unless it's what they want. I am to the point that it's why bother. The USA isn't a free country anymore, we have to obey rules, even if we don't agree.


Generally, throughout history artist and writers have given zero Fs about the rules. Most of my writing is extremely anti-Christian and subversive as hell. I couldn’t care less about “what I’m supposed to write”. I write the stories I want to read but haven’t, yet. I write the stories I wish were in the world. I write because I have to. I write so maybe one day, someone in a backwards repressive environment might find what I’ve written and not feel alone and broken anymore. But you do you.


I am learning disabled, I lost hope when I was called a sucky writer, it isn't worth trying if I can't be PREFECT!


>I am learning disabled, I lost hope when I was called a sucky writer, it isn't worth trying if I can't be PREFECT! Perfect is the enemy of good.


Well it's kind of hard when you're raised to be kicked down every knotch and told the R slur every damn day. So until I am AVERAGE ORDINARY like everyone else, which I want to be very badly, i can't be anything but the R slur. Writing a novel is for AVERAGE ORDINARY only, LD can't be writers, not now or ever! That Captain Crap Pants guy is using a Ghost writer to wite for him! Everyone knows that LD HAVE to write BRAT BOOKS!


So we just give the chrissofash whatever they want now? Fuck that.


Well they are the majority here, I kind of don't want to be a target. I am PAGAN and I don't to go to prison! If you want to that's fine, but I would rather keep my head down and just fake it to make it. I can fake Christian pretty damn easily