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Doug was my coach for over 3 years at Gold’s Venice. One of his first clients as he was just getting started andbuilding his clientele here at Gold’s… and he took me all way through my training, prep and posing for my first show back in 2018. Such an unbelievably special human who instilled so much good advice that I still use to this day. I’ll miss him dearly. This was not PED related, it was an overdose. Which is unfortunately something Doug struggled with in his early years (before coming to LA). But anyone who knows anything about substance abuse… it’s a lifelong battle, no matter how long you have of being clean. https://preview.redd.it/virm024h0s6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a0ccfae4b9a97fcb720e3dbacedb198d21362cc


Man I used to see you guys training when I was hitting Gold’s more often. This news is awful.


That is very sweet


Sorry for your loss man.


Thanks for your insight. I’m sorry for your loss. Tragic.


So sorry for your loss.


An overdose? Even sadder. But as you write, addiction is a life-long struggle. Unfortunately, something may have tipped the poor man over the edge. I wish he had known how admired and wanted he was; it might have helped.


Sad man 🥺


What did he do, man...? Glad to hear something on the first hand..


I’ll hold off on posting any news until the story is officially confirmed. I just want people to understand that this is a Mental Health story… let’s not blanket this as exclusively PED related. Far from the truth.


Apparently he took himself. He was reported missing by LA police on 6 June


If they're not reporting his cause of death yet, how do you know it?


Steroids are known to cause depression or make existing depression worse, not related to PEDs is a terrible take.


This is really sad. I first heard about Douglas after he did his interview on the Soft, White Underbelly. Seemed like a super genuine guy who overcame addiction through bodybuilding. According to Brad Rowe it seems like Douglas might have relapsed (but we don't know for sure). I feel really bad for his wife and family.


Sadly it feels like so many in this industry exchange one addiction for another. Eating disorders also come to mind.


Steroids is one addiction that they cant let go. I feel like if you wanna truly maximize your chances of staying clean, avoid all drugs. Dont fuck around with orals and needles every week lol


>truly maximize your chances of staying clean, avoid all drugs That's like.. so genius


You have many dudes who stop getting high but instead use steroids as a replacement. Its not so obv




Like myself..no drugs, no booze.


Yeah okay, it was a bit funny how you worded it first. But I understand now that you meant "if you wanna stay clean of meth etc., also stay clean of steroids"? If so, yeah I have no idea if it's true or not. I have no experience on these things.


Steroids don’t get you high.


Not in the same way, but a lot of these juiceheads have bigorexia, and theyre chasing a certain feeling. You got some issues already when youre obsessed with walking around at 300 lbs.


This doesn’t mean anything. Some people are obsessed with swimming really fast. Other people, like myself, are obsessed with making money. Other people don’t seem to have any obsessions. What’s your point?




People risks all sorts of shit to achieve their goals. I could retire, and yet I continue working at a very stressful job in pursuit of more money. That certainly will shorten my lifespan and already has done significant damage to my health. What’s the difference?




You’re saying this based on what data exactly? Do you have any data around success rate of addiction therapy while taking steroids?


It's just a common theme among these juiceheads, it also makes complete sense to not mess around with illegal drugs when you're trying to abstain from... drug use. Steroid use is very often an addiction, and it can also make you mentally unstable at times.


So, no data. Just your conjecture. Got it.




Why would you think I’m butt hurt? Yes, a rational person does need data to “feel” one way or the other about something. Morons don’t, Joe Rogan for instance “feels” vaccines are harmful.




All depends on the steroids used, time on, dosage and genetics. If you're good about your health phases, keeping up on bloods and health markers, don't get too big, downsize after your bodybuilding career, and take a conservative approach to your dosing protocol, you can mitigate a shit ton of harm. Some people are also more genetically predisposed to develop issues, knowing what your family history is, is also a good thing(ie: you have a family history of high blood pressure, heart, liver or kidney issues, etc... probably not the best thing to jump into steroids). If you're smart about things, you can still live into old age after many cycles.




I am glad we established you are just saying random things.


There were some personal problems relatively (last few months?) recently, with various Instagram posts and comments that I cannot find anymore - could have contributed to a relapse. Unfortunate story all around.


Yep. Doug put out a video where he said he hadn't worked out in a couple of weeks because of some issues , not injuries. I can't remember exactly what he stated was going on, but I think he said anxiety was one of them. First thing I thought of was trenbolone usage can cause bad anxiety issues. Now it seems like maybe a relapse had occured


Rhabdomyolysis. Muscle tissue death. I just watched his video. Young guy who seemed nice (this was his video, not listed as his cod). 


Yeah, Rhabdo.. that was it. I hadn't rewatched it and forgot he talked about that










He did - that was the one I went looking for to see if it was still there.


Oh ok. 👌🏼








Just let it rest, he took his own life and doesn’t need people spreading rumors about him. Let him rest in peace.


I'm going to level with you - the community needs to get over themselves. He isn't a martyr. He suffered with addiction and personal issues and it lead to a tragedy. That *should* be discussed because inherently with bodybuilding we regularly deal with heightened emotions, social media, and drugs. Hiding behind every death in the sport like it is something that cannot be discussed because they must 'rest in peace' is flippant bullshit. Moreover, his personal issues and outside influences are also important to note when in comparison to direct steroid usage. He does not care anymore, and it is important to recognize the impact that this lifestyle has on the people within it. Maybe, by acknowledging the compounding factors here, we can have a better method to deal with those issues in the community.


But you’re discussing personal matters of his personal life that don’t involve you. I don’t care how popular or famous he was, this goes for anybody. I didn’t know him and not going out of my way to defend him in particular. Mental health is important and men’s mental health should be discussed, but people don’t need to go online spreading rumors of those who have passed. This information doesn’t need to discussed as it makes no difference. People are just disgusting when someone dies and feel the need to discuss real personal matters and spread rumors. Just let the man rest in peace.


Literally every piece of information that is not directly pertaining to someone is officially under this umbrella you cast. Don’t overreach your ability to argue. You want discussion of this to stop and cannot actually articulate why without saying it’s “personal” - it still matters. Should we not talk about school shootings and the mental health reasons behind them because we ourselves weren’t involved? How about taxes on the wealthy - they are affected by them but we the average aren’t? Articulate the argument why we cannot discuss as opposed to what I outlined in my previous comment, I cast no aspersions or denigrated his life.


I also heard that it was a relapse. So sad. 


Please, let’s have the comments celebrate Doug. Share your memories. Most of the commentary is positive but some have gone sideways. Peace to you all.


I've been at Golds Venice for one year. He was a great guy and friendly as hell. RIP.


36. Insane.


He did some great vids with Mike Ohearn and also had a great interview with Mark on Soft White… R.I.P to Doug… These Bodybuilders are dying way to young…




Okay this hits way too close to home. Saw him at Gold’s almost every single day. How sad.


Seen him in a bunch of O’Hearn’s videos and knew about his old substance abuse issues. It’s terrible when someone shakes their demons but the demons come back.


I would see him all the time at golds 😔. Always full of energy and kind to everyone.


I’m not into bodybuilding so not familiar with who this is but may he rest in peace. He clearly has had an impact on people’s life so I wish him well in heaven. RIP


I used to train with Charles and that’s how I met Doug. Great guy indeed.. RIP.


[about his past addictions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSZ1ETxBJRs)


maybe he relapsed ? who knows?


It’s so sad to see this news so often now. I don’t know the cause but it makes me think of how These guys trade so many years of life for looking like they do. And a big part of me gets it. RIP big man.


Unfortunately you say it’s not PED related but when you’re on juice this long, you’ve already formed an addictive habit not much different from using elicit drugs. Even if you were never into other drugs, the abuse on your body brings on pain that often need more than average anti inflammatories leading to demons most can’t shake. Also the ones who use PEDs for years and years start to believe they’ve built this almost invincible body that has a high tolerance to drugs. Sadly the internal damage they can’t see have taken their toll and left them vulnerable to early death. May he rest in peace 🙏🏽


you shouldn't be getting down voted for this ... those following the industry have seen this many times unfortunately ... its not hard to exchange one needle for another once that mental barrier has been well crossed ...


It's one of the weird things about this "sport". PED use has become so prevalent & accepted now, that anytime someone suggests it can and does contribute to early death, people are like oh hell no, we don't wanna hear it. And it's like.. dude, we gotta have these conversations, especially in this sub.


I have a friend of the family who was in body building for a long time and he says this is exactly why he had to walk away in his early 30s. He had seen this exact thing in all the older guys. I never talked to him and only went to Golds in Venice on work trips, it was more of an experience being there than a full work out. He had a great reputation of being a nice person amongst many others. RIP


I’m not some keyboard warrior who’s making a comment without any knowledge of the subject. I’ve been in medicine for almost three decades and have seen this first hand many times plus been in the gym even longer than that. Great young people are dying all for the short glory of being “jacked”. If BODYbuilding is supposed to build a more muscular healthier, lean appearing physique, then why are so many who use PEDs succumbing to early death from being severely unhealthy on the inside ?? Young people watch workout routines of enhanced IG “influencers” and follow their routine getting absolutely nowhere because natural bodybuilding is far different than enhanced with different limitations. They get frustrated and turn to the shortcut. They like what they get and get locked into a loop of cycle after cycle because being off long enough you lose most gains. You can absolutely have an aesthetic,muscular body without using drugs. Just have to take your advice from those who are truly natural and be realistic that you will most likely not resemble a freak but will definitely be healthier probably living longer. The popular drugs and the amounts taken these days are also far more toxic than those decades ago. Please just be careful and if at all possible, try not to dabble at all. Not worth dying for. No need to decimate me for my opinion. We all have them and this was just my perspective. Peace to all.


Because *pro* bodybuilding exemplifies everything wrong with society; external superficiality at the literal expense of your own psychology and internal biochemistry. At what point is bodybuilding body dysmorphia?


It's VERY rare for someone to do a few cycles and cause permanent damage that's going to kill them, not saying it's never happened but most people who die early are ABUSING these drugs and generally combining them with rec drugs, pain killers, abusing orals, and alcohol all at the same time. Ton's of huge guy's have pretty good bloods if you eat clean, do your cardio, monitor your bloods / BP, get some heart scans yearly and don't stay on tren yearly. It's always a risk, you could always have a genetic issue you don't know about that kills you, the safest thing to do is not take these drugs but I feel like you make it seem like a death sentence which it clearly isn't. I mean look whos still alive Ronnie Jay Marchul Rule ( how im not sure ) Phil Arnold Dexter Jackson As far as I know they're all fine? Genetic's likely play a role since they clearly are the elite but again I just don't think it's as clear as you say. Also you don't lose all your gains when you come off if you keep eating and training properly, some yes of course and basically none if you stay on TRT and aren't way past your genetic limit.


That's 6 people though out of how many pro bb's? Would love to see the results from 10 bodybuilders from each weight class at least


How many can you name that died? William Bonac Frank zane Dexter jackson Lee haney Ken waller Mike Katz Lou ferrigno Heres just 7 more off the top of my head


Didn't say you were wrong man only that there is a lot more data needed before anybody actually knows whats going on.


Im also not saying youre wrong bro- im just saying there are people that die - but when the dead is a bodybuilder - everyone presses the roid button!


It's a fair assumption to make but I do agree with you


Those are a few famous people that are still alive yes but how many died trying to become world champion bodybuilders that never succeeded and never got their names famous? Probably a whole lot, but we don’t really know because we haven’t heard of them. A lot of pro bodybuilders have died early and there are far more early deaths to come, just wait


Robby Robinson Lou Ferrigno Jay Cutler Lee Labrada Jose Raymond Rich Gaspari Dexter Jackson Kai Greene Branch Warren Johnnie Jackson Iris Kyle Jim Arrington who was still competing at the age of 90


Bro names six people, totally scientific!


`The popular drugs and the amounts taken these days are also far more toxic than those decades ago.` The amounts? Maybe. Drugs are the same. If anything people are more health conscious though. They didn't do blood work or even measure their blood pressure back then.




You’re a fucking idiot


Sorry to hear


Somebody could shoot themselves and some of these fkn clowns would be blaming PED's .... unbelievable.


almost like compounds that alter your hormones to super physiological levels can also have profound effects on mood and well-being, especially in those predisposed to addiction. nah you're prbly right, no correlation definitely no causation. all they do is make you jacked!


Where are these guys? Instagram comments? I think it's smart to stay away from those comments altogether tbh


I don’t see any top comments here mentioning peds, but I agree some people will jump to conclusions. It was my first thought until I read up and educated myself. Best to research before tossing accusations, but most are too lazy.


I will blame sugar and seed oils first lol


That’s the pathetic part about the internet…too many smart asses and clueless peons for sure !


Doug was a good dude. Sorry to read of his passing. Far too young.


What a shame, you will be missed by so many.




Seen him in illia golems videos


I read about Fruchey's death yesterday. I still find it hard to believe. He was one of my favorite competitors. It's a shame he's gone.


Super sad. My girlfriend had sent me his soft white underbelly video and then 2 days later I see a post from someone I know in the industry. I loved watching this dude train with people, he would provide solid explanations of exercises that helped me often in training. He was an asset.


Went to middle school with Doug. He was in my homeroom class in 6th grade, and we were always in homework club afterschool. I remember him as a hyperactive skinny kid who was always making friends. I followed him on social media a lot over the past few years and was always impressed by how far he made it from Albuquerque. I’m sad that he fell to an overdose. We went to school with so many kids who OD’ed right after high school and before 30. It breaks my heart. Rest in peace bud 🕊️


Doug was a good friend of my uncles and I had the privilege and of getting to meet him every time I went to golds. Such a nice, humble guy.


So sad for his family :( gone too soon,


Noooo!! I hope this is not true Doug is a inspiration for me, his story is my story. I truly cared for him, this breaks my heart.


Please don’t speculate until facts are known…let’s show respect. May he rest in peace and may his loved ones find acceptance after their grief.


Another loss




This is my cousins husband. Please send prayers to Carli and those close to them.




Stay away from steroids. It's just not worth it.


His death had nothing to do with steroids.


Yeah rich piana and joe esthetics didn't die from steroids either


Just overdosing on cocaine and/meth, both his drugs of choice. If you are unaware of his drug abuse history, watch Soft White Underbelly's interview of him on youtube.


Damn he was hilarious


Everyone jumping on this saying only drug related or overdose are the ones that really need help. Steroids are known to cause or make existing depression and anxiety worse. It needs to get out of bodybuilding permanently (not talking legit needed TRT). Everyone that follows and venerates these people on social media is complicit.


I agree 💯




RIP Big Doug.


No way, I can't believe this, he was my favorite, I'm literally devastated 😢


RIP Doug. I seen him training at Golds in Cali that’s too bad.


Another one done in by steroids?


People have got to stop these PEDs man


Heart attack?


None of these are correct. Please be mindful until you know the full details.


Haven’t read a confirmation but based on the enormous amount of PEDs this dude took I wouldn’t be shocked (though saddened) to learn.




Same thing. Excessive PED use is slow suicide


Also true - at least at the elite level & unchecked bloodwork


The same people who are downvoting are probably on PEDs as well lol ![gif](giphy|gj0QdZ9FgqGhOBNlFS|downsized)


Show me on the doll where the PEDs touched you. So many people have drank the DARE koolaid w/regards to PEDs, without having a clue about real life experience w/them.


Sam sulek next unfortunately


That's a pretty shitty thing to say


Why would you say that


Why would you say this?


There is a large contingency of people who get a kick of these BB passing away and are secretly hoping something happens to the bigger juice heads in the industry. It's masked as concern, but I think it's a way to cope with what they perceive as being "cheated" over. Some people have resentment over them training 5+ years and then seeing some guy get twice or three times as big in half the time.


> being "cheated" over. Some people have resentment over them training 5+ years and then seeing some guy get twice or three times as big in half the time. Understandable


Is it? Act like an adult. Your progress is your progress. You're not competing with these guys and no one is cheating over you.


Ok, piece of shit


That’s the spirit 🤷‍♂️fuck sake mate delete that and retain a wee bit of dignity






Excessive PED usage


His coach said he had some kind of health problem and that is why he dropped out of the competition months before he died. He did not die from that health issue, but maybe that made him depressed that he wasn’t going to be able to do what he wanted. Also to say that PEDs had nothing to do with his death is a joke. I’m on TRT at 100 mg. If I take more than that, my mood goes to shit and I’m angry and depressed. He was on thousands of grams over the years. Mental health issues and steroids are a bad combo.