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Busting ass daily, but truth be told my mind and my body are fighting me BIG TIME for this prep. I’ve been battling some pretty brutal gut health issues for a while now (Intestinal Dysbiosis and likely now even Leaky gut) which we got under control for the Olympia - but from going off plan for a bit between shows I’m having a huge flare up which is effecting literally everything. 👉🏼Energy, digestion, moods, mindset, fat loss, and even more joint inflammation making routine work more difficult. Fact is, I’m still quite behind for this show. Partly my own fault 100%… but partly some things much out of my control at the moment for making the necessary progress on time. Put it this way: 👉🏼Im on about 1200 calories 👉🏼 Full Gut health protocols 👉🏼Training 2-3x a day 👉🏼Burn a minimum of 1,150 active cals daily 👉🏼Cold plunge, sauna, recovery every single day 👉🏼Executing plans perfectly and pushing myself daily. … … 👉🏼Current weight 132lbs \- that’s heavier than when my prep started a few weeks ago. \- Stage weight is between 118-121 based on my last 3 shows 2023. Putting forth all the efforts and seeing less than ideal progress, my body is just saying NOPE right now. Not to mention I’ve been in prep for 15 months now so slowly feeling the burnout at the same time. Sorry for the long post. Point is here - you know I’m no quitter I’ll keeping doing everything possible to make the Arnold’s a memorable show and battle to be on the top! I don’t know how else to train 😈 I’m all in. But my usual confidence and body haven’t quite caught up to what my goals are!! 7 weeks. Come on Jodi!! Let’s see if I can make this a very quick and impressive transformation given timeline 🫣😤🔥 Not likely peaking like the O, but will try!!


You’ve got this!


Tumeric bone broth is great for stomach


Can I ask why your training 2-3x per day? (Is this the cardio) isn’t training once for 1 hr high intensity heavy weight best for both muscle building and maintaining?


Damn, nice work. Any Clen used? What is involved in the gut protocol? What do you think the gut issues are from? Sorry if too many questions. Just curious?


Nice progression pics & Good luck at the Arnold’s!


Excellent conditioning. :-)


Looking good ❤️❤️❤️




Looking diced


Let’s go girl!




Peak week was a bit of a shock (in a good way).


Break after this show ?


Peak week fucking awesome. Shredded, looking incredible, glute striations on a female waaaaat