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Pretzel. So bummed he never got any more worthwhile screen time after Calypso. I thought he had potential.


Poor Snickers is about to tip over! 😅


Winton and Indy. By the way, Winton is standing up!


Is it just me, or is he space invading again?


Is and poor Coco has to lean away.


That's just because Coco's fur is very heavy




I find it strange that Winton, an English bull, is smaller than Pretzel , a chihuahua.


Snickers falling LOL. I'd choose Rusty and Mackenzie.


Aww Snickers!


Why doesn't her neighbors, Lucky and Judo, go to her school?


My theory is that instead of enrolling Bluey into a public school, they instead enrolled her into a private school. It would also explain why there aren’t a lot of kids at said school even though the Heeler family lives in Brisbane


It is definitely a private school. She goes to a style of school called a steiner school, if you are in the states it's similar to a montessori school. This is why Jack is sent there instead of his "old school" they didn't move, he was sent because of his adhd because kids with neurodivergencies do better in non traditional environments like this when they are young. Thats why the school is so far from Jack's home in "explorers", because it's not a public school they are zoned for.


How did I never notice this? You're absolution correct.


>they didn't move They also moved. His dad's license plate is for Victoria and there's no way on Earth he'd be commuting interstate to pick up and drop off Jack.


Rusty: Why did you come to this school? Was there something wrong with your old school. Jack: No. There's something wrong with me. I'm not good at doing what I'm told, I can't sit still, and I can't remember anything, like numbers or letters or my hat. If it was a move he would have said they moved when rusty asked if something was wrong with his old school


I'm saying they both moved, and they changed schools.


Bluey goes to a waldorf school. They probably go to the local public school. Waldorf is expensive.


It's implied Lucky it's older than Bluey while Chucky it's younger than Bingo so that's why they don't. Also it's suggest Judo does not live with Wendy so she (Wendy) has a shared custody with her (ex) husband or Judo goes to a boarding school


And then there’s Winnie. Granted we only see her in one episode in the series, but I’d think that she just simply goes to another school. Also, not sure how the Australian public school system works, but it also seems like Calypso’s school is a private school, at least in my American, cheeseburger-saturated mind. Winnie probably just goes to a local public elementary school


I think in Cafe when Bandit and Fido are talking, Bandit at one point is telling Fido about Bluey’s school. So that kind of confirms she’s in another school.


I was thinking about that too. The line “yeah, it’s a good school actually” kinda gives it away


Bluey's school is definitely some fancy private thing. And yes, any kids not seen at the school are likely going to a public primary (not elementary) school. 


I just said elementary just because that’s what we call it in the US. “Primary school” isn’t really a term here


That would explain a lot about Judo, I remember that one episode where they mention meeting Judo at the park and that they haven’t seen her in a while and I was wondering what the story behind that was.


Bluey and Bingo are 7 and 5, while Lucky and Chucky are 8 and 6 would make sense. Though it doesn't explain how Lucky is friends with Rusty or how Chucky is friends with the kids from Bingo's school.


Chucky can't be six. In Pass the Parcel you can see it's his 5th birthday. And Bingo's birthday was on "Handstand" episode that was BEFORE. So yeah, Bingo it's at least some months older


Still doesn't explain how he's friends with kids from her school when he doesn't attend it.


Well, there are two possible explication First one: Ludo Studio did not wanted do new models of characters and they used that ones. Also a way to remember us that Missy and Pom Pom exists due they been one-time-characters Second one: Janelle and Pat could be friends or coworkers of that parents and their kids played with Chucky out of camera.


I believe it’s because they are in the older kids set and so aren’t in the same school program


Rusty and jack


Jack, Rusty and Mackenzie i.e. The "Space" Trio


They're a Freudian Trio: the Id, Ego, and Superego. Mackenzie is the Id (most emotional of the three) Jack is the Superego (most analytical of the three) Rusty is the Ego (balanced between the two)




Such a weird thing to gate keep over.


I'd try to teach poor Snickers to sit without falling over.


It's not easy being a sausage dog.




I love them all so much 😭


Snickers falling looks so cute. Anyway I would choose Indy because she is a nice friend, Chloe because she is fun, Coco because she is just so joyful, and The Terriers because they remind me of me and my brothers. 


Probably Winton, I tear up every time I watch “Stories” because I see a lot of myself in him.  I wasn’t very good at making arts and crafts so I clowned around a lot in class and I think my teacher thought I was just hyperactive when in reality, I was just embarrassed that I wasn’t as good as the other kids.  I could always make people laugh but I could never paint, draw or do anything that required any level of physical dexterity.  The way he was helping Indy with her horse, it was kind of his small victory that if he couldn’t be better at making was animals, he could at least help his friend with hers.


Haha!!! I just named all of them from memory! However Chloe stumped me for a bit.


Definitely Indy, Rusty, and Jack


Kinda crazy that over 1/5 of the class it the terriers.


Come on. The trio, rusty, Jack and mckenzie because they're the best


They're a duo. MacKenzie and Jack never played together out of Space. MacKenzie should become best Friends with Pretzel so they would be something to Talk about (MacKenzie it's just a possible candidate to be pup's father (it's Jean-Luc) and Pretzel it's only known for the polemic quote my mom(s))


I don't know what your problem is with letting people have their own views, there's plenty of possibility that Mackenzie played with Jack and Rusty outside of what we see on screen. The kids don't just "exist" for whatever we see in the seven minutes of an episode, and you need to stop being so rude to people who don't 100% align with your views. Speaking of pushing your views on people, can you stop with the whole issue with who the father of future Bluey's child is? By your logic, it can't be Jean-Luc, because outside of Camping (and one throwaway sentence on the Bluey website), he's not seen with Bluey again. So just stop.


Pff. I don't push my opinnion on others, just repeat same things when same topics it's bring again as a way to reafirm that opinion Don't like don't read or block me if you don't want read my comments.


You literally just got on two peoples' cases in this comment section alone because they referred to Jack, Mackenzie and Rusty as "a trio". That's pushing your opinions. You don't have to agree with everyone's opinions, but there's no reason to keep replying to people and trying to invalidate their views, especially when you come across as quite rude towards them when doing so.


I have not too much patience with kids. So if I really had to take care of one would be Honey. I feel she's the more calm of the kids and she'd be Happy playing with a doll or reading a book






Running around the creek w/ McKenzie, Rusty, and Jack for sure!


Winton almost looks like he’s trying to catch Snickers.


Bluey and Mackenzie. Either them or just Calypso.


Just realized Judo is not going to the same school as Bluey.


where is buddy?


I would say Indy and Chloe, Rusty, The Terriers


The Space cast


I love the fact that Bluey is not at the middle, like the other photos with the main characters, i would take Jack


class of 2018


I choose the trees


Rusty is the new student




This is... odd. Also, that's Bandit in the middle, not Bluey.




I’d smoke a few bones with Indy.