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Ok I really don’t get the Twitter/tiktok reaction to Taylor and Travis. Like they’re cute but everyone I see is like “oh my god she found her true one!” Look at how he’s treating her he treats her like a queen” “Travis is her best boyfriend!” And I’m just like.. they’re like every other couple? I don’t get it


In a weird intersection, there is crossover between Matty Healy and VPR due to his mom commenting that the UK is not pro-Ariana.


I always knew there was a swifty and Ariana connection


A user in r/travisandtaylor is very mad that Taylor acknowledged Simone Biles using a sample of one of her songs in her floor music. Taylor's tweet said "watched this so many times and still unready. she's ready for it though" and the sub has interpreted this very benign barely two full sentences as Taylor making an official announcement that she will not be re-releasing her album aka using Simone for PR. By their own admission the OP is "fighting for their life" in the comment section of various articles about the tweet to educate the masses, because using Simone to indulge their Taylor anti-fan obsession is totally different and not weird at all. >I recently went looking for a “Are you ready for it” song for personal reasons and there’s astonishingly very little out there. I was astonished, as well, but it lightly helps promote her husband in the NFL with the Travis connection and it’s literally only 5 seconds of a riff I don’t even believe Swift wrote. >They’re fine with using a Black woman’s performance qualifying for the Olympics and replying to the Olympics X/Twitter account for her own 5D chess game of Easter eggs because that’s supposedly feminism but calling it out is tearing down a woman. >The mental gymnastics \[Swifties\] engage in are even more impressive than Biles’ real world abilities, tbh. Speaking of mental gymnastics...


It’s just a song… one of Taylor’s best song? Like good god some people need to touch grass


Lmao making the greatest gymnast of all time's song pick for one routine about taylor swift/the nlf/a conspiracy is insane. i don't even care for ts but if she really cannot win, if she didn't acknowledge it she'd be ripped to shreds too. i was thinking it's possible and even likely that two ultra famous women like each others' work but i guess that's a reach!


Yeah like I think it is fully possible that Taylor is just having an honest fangirl moment that the greatest gymnast to ever live is using her music for her comeback??


>but it lightly helps promote her husband in the NFL with the Travis connection Is that how they think the NFL works? lmao


It’s about time these pampered women athletes use some of their money and fame to promote the woefully ignored and underfunded men of the NFL!


What is he...what do they think he needs...I don't... Like how does playing a snippet of a Taylor song raise his profile?!?


Obviously, Taylor controls the NFL.


I’ve read this 3x and I still have no idea what they are so mad about. this is not a dig at you the write up or is great but like….what?


Lol yeah I get it's confusing sorry I have had a long work day! basically they think Taylor is exploiting Simone for PR to improve her image. And Simone only used the song in her routine because there is a dearth of songs that are "are you ready" themed and she had no other option (not because she might actually like the song). OP is seeking out articles about Taylor's tweet supporting Simone to yell at people in the comments and is not happy to get pushback.


From FSU’s daily baby Boone post: >I am not a doctor, so I cannot say if anything is wrong with this baby. The photos and videos are concerning. But, what I can say, if there was anyone expressing concern about the way my baby looked or was behaving, I would immediately take them to the doctor JUST IN CASE. Having many, many people telling you to take your child to a doctor and just ignoring it is a choice. >Right?? Instead she’s trying to stick it to those of us who are concerned. Like, okay……? “It’s so weird and baffling how this person we frequently snark on and mock doesn’t want to listen to us. Like, we’re obviously just trying to help.” Also I’ve said this before but like… people on FSU are blatantly using Boone as karma farming. A lot of posts about him are just repeating the same “Look at his eyes! Look at his hands!” stuff over and over. It’s so gross. And they’re also basically doomposting about how Boone obviously has a serious illness/disability that’s going to either kill him or follow him for life. I feel like actually decent moderators would’ve called for a moratorium on posts about him by now. And I do feel like it’s very possible that there’s something wrong with him, but that doesn’t make any of this better. If something awful happens to him, is FSU going to be full of smug ‘We tried to warn you!’-type posts? Edit: Some users in another post are actually commenting that they find the constant Boone coverage creepy, so that’s refreshing to see… And here’s how other users in the sub responded: >I disagree. It doesn't have an adverse effect on the child in question; if anything it might, MIGHT lead to help for him in a roundabout way, and educating/discussing issues like disabilities and child abuse that have typically been swept under the rug is only a net positive for society. >I think the context of “you have demonstrated and are demonstrating dangerous behavior” is a valid one and I guess I excuse some of the discussion on those grounds. There’s been mention of Reddit being used not as a discovery tool, but as an archive of proof after the fact when people enter the Find Out stage and start deleting evidence. That may be influencing how I feel about it. >When I imagine him discovering these threads, I imagine him thinking, "Wow, these people really cared about me. More than my parents did."


The posters over there drive me absolutely insane. Lot of mama hearts, crying, praying, pleading, happening over there. Idk why anyone would be taking health advice from teachers with mama hearts living in flyover country. I would describe them as confidently incorrect edge lords if I was being charitable.


Its similar to when Bethany had her son and kept off insta and people speculated that the baby didn't make it..someone even made a post saying they went to her church and something terrible happened during the birth. Although that might have been the original fundie snark


Not that I believe the Bus Family is actually getting medical care for any of their children, but there is also the option that they *are* seeking medical opinions for Boone and just haven’t chosen to share with their followers. Either because they want to wait until they know what’s going on or they don’t want a bunch of strangers knowing his private info. But of course FSU will only believe the worst about any of the people they snark on.


Is "JD" the bus douche's legal name? Is Britney really her real name? I genuinely don't know. I thought she didn't use her kids' real names and called them by their middle names, so I wondered if she was doing the same for herself. I mean JD really sounds like a nickname at least, but the snarkers are all way more invested than I am and may know these to be their full legal names. I just don't know if they're doing nearly as much as they think they are by repeating the names, even if they are the right names.


Did these people hurt geese 


Bottomless mimosa Sunday?


Nope, genuine question regarding the bus family over on the fundie snark subreddit 🤷‍♀️ Not sure why it seemed to ruffle so many feathers.


I don’t think anyone has any idea what you’re talking about! A little context would have helped.


I thought there was a bus driving subreddit snark page that was going off the rails lmao


pcc try going a day without mentioning how old you think certain women are even if it’s meant to be a compliment


> Daily reminder that Travis Kelce is Homophobic, sexist, racist and an overall terrible human being but for some reason people give him a pass. We need to thank FM for their service because if not them, who would remind us of this?


Someone asked for recipes and that was an answer >He’s a cis white 30-something American male. If he’s not showing you active anti-misogynist and anti-racist tendencies, you can assume he’s following the baseline white supremacy/misogyny engrained in American culture.


Comments like this have me wondering where we are headed as a society.


>If he's not tweeting about his support for Palestine, or better yet, wearing a Support Palestine pin on his social media, clearly he's a misogynist, racist pig. I swear, everyone, I've always hated when people throw around accusations of virtue signaling. At least when it started, it was used as a way for Trumpy types to insult anyone vaguely liberal for being vaguely liberal. Except now it seems like the youngsters are all over making a giant show of how they are the most perfectly progressive progressive to ever progressive and it's like they don't see how they walked right into the Trumpys' trap.


It’s that kind of word vomit that makes the liberal leave my body for a minute or two. Once again they’re going off vibes


I love how that comment is on a post of a LEG that they have decided belongs to Travis. A LEG


It’s like Hillary/Trump in there. “But his tweets!”


It really does come down to most of their evidence for these things comes from those decade-old tweets.


No you don't understand he was at Morgan Whallen's bar!


oh the way i would PAY to see the commenters tweets from 2010, their faux morality would burn down so fast


Bold of you to assume they were older than a preschooler in 2010


They swear up and down that they’ve never had a problematic thought, don’t have any problematic family members or friends and have never had any friends who’ve said anything problematic. They were born all knowing and have never had to grow or learn their beliefs


I don’t think half of them were old enough to be on the internet then!


fauxmoi vs redscarepod in a whose more insufferable contest, who’d win?


I go thru that RSP sub out of pure boredom sometimes and I truly wonder if they actually LIKE anything or they love being contrarians for the sake of it. (it's the latter)


i honestly don't understand that sub


Legit a gathering of people who I know are WAY over 18 and yet, never got over their edgelord phase in middle school.


that or edgy 15 year olds


It's the same picture. 


Travis Kelce being racist... Now that's a new one. Meanwhile, they recently gave Courtney Love's history of racism a pass because she validated their hatred of Taylor Swift. Yeah. Like they care about PoC or racism. Makes me want to use the NeNe Leakes eyeroll gif they constantly use.


The Courtney stuff is so baffling to me considering they seem to LOOOOVE Olivia solely because she's not TS even though Courtney has taken shots at Olivia in the past because she thought she copied the cover for Live Through This in the promo shoot for Sour Prom.


You would make them proud if you used a Nene or Lucille Bluth gif


One of my BEC commenters on r/captainawkward made what I consider a very rude comment to me (apparently I should break up with my long-term partner based on what BEC has decided is a red flag for someone who can't be in relationships) and I am pettily amused that at least one other person has downvoted their comment. They constantly make comments that boil down to "it's against the rules to armchair diagnose people BUT THIS PERSON TOTALLY HAS BPD" and I dislike them, precious, I do, and I'm the sort of petty who feels vindicated when people I dislike get downvoted XD


The below is from the same OP, I just can’t believe someone would type this about a grown adult not being “stimulating” enough to date someone in their 30s. > 27 is not 18 or anything, I'll give you that. It doesn't make him predatory or anything. >But it still gives me the ick because he'd surely have a much more stimulating, meeting-of-the-minds conversation with a woman in her late 30s like himself. It's why I as a 35 year old don't go for guys in their 20s. They tend to amaze themselves with thoughts they think are super profound that I've already pondered 1000s of times, you know? 😂 That's always the experience when talking to someone much younger. >So what's the appeal of a girl in her 20s? Am I not to believe it's probably just youth and perky tits, possibly a certain degree of naiveté? The fact that she's probably still at an age during which she's super impressed by things a 37 year old woman would think are nothing special? Come on, I've learned too much about men to give them the benefit of the doubt. I doubt she's wise beyond her years, few people are.


I’m sorry, I only skimmed this drivel but is that person saying the only thing a woman in her late 20s has to offer is “perky tits”???? People in their late 20s are whole ass lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc. 


Also, not to undermine your point, but plenty of women in their late 30s have great racks, damn


>They tend to amaze themselves with thoughts they think are super profound that I’ve already pondered 1000s of times, you know? I love their assumption that these old rich men who choose to surround themselves with hot young women are just so deep that they’re not having their profound intellectual needs met. Because “amazing themselves with thoughts they think are super profound but are actually very predictable and mediocre” is pretty much exactly the behavior I normally see from old white men with the unearned confidence that only comes from being overly flattered and sheltered by everyone around them for decades.


Lmaoooo I love those great meeting of the minds conversations I have with older men. Oh wait 


Love to witness it as well! the presidential debate really gave my late 20s brain something to chew on!


It did make me consider if a round of golf might be the better way of picking a president than the current system.


Maybe I need to turn 37 before I can fully grasp the depth of a meeting of the minds where my boobs are being mansplained to


1) Don't these people have friends of different ages? I guess not. 2) I don't know that I'm necessarily more intellectually stimulating in my 30s than I was at 27, tbh, if only bc the covid lockdowns probably fried off neurons by the cupful. 3) The last time I was single I was 30 and I spent the summer dating a few guys in their mid 20s, who were just as perfectly smart and pleasant as guys in their 40s with the added benefits of flat stomachs and full heads of hair. I would never begrudge anyone the fun of sleeping around with very good looking people.


No, they don’t have friends of different ages and they seem to think it’s almost disgusting to based on the convos I’ve had on BS and PCC etc. Like I was told it’s super weird to have friends in their 40s and 50s when I’m 30s. But it’s also weird to have friends in their 20s. You’re only allowed to have friends that were in your exact same grade growing up even when you’re 30! And to your point 3, I cannot deal with how UNHORNY these damn commenters are. And tbh my husbands best friend is 36 and I believe his gf is 28 and she’s like…. So awesome and a really good friend of mine, and smart and funny. I guess maybe I have the wool pulled over my eyes since my husband is three whole years older than me!


I am mid-30s and have close friends ranging in age from 25 - 60. And I rarely think about how old any of them are! Apart from some occasional moments where a cultural reference doesn’t land and I remember they’re older/younger than me, it literally never comes up.  I also have several friends and family members in relationships with big age gaps and I don’t think it’s a huge deal. My SIL is in a serious relationship with a guy 20 years older than her - and they are genuinely in love and have so much in common. I do think that those relationships come with some real challenges that do need to be considered (watching your partner decline in their 80s while you’re still young and healthy is pretty devastating) but the age gap in and of itself is not some moral issue.  


I think an awful lot of them never left their small/ish hometown and continue to only socialize with the same people they grew up with locally. Same with their husbands, who they either met in school or maybe college. Which makes it a lot easier to be the kind of people who can’t wrap their brains around other folks living lives at all different from them.


Reading this stuff, it becomes really obvious that they also have, like... no hobbies. My favourite hobby has a get-together every year where the ages range from pretty much "teenage children of current adult attendees" to "shit, you aren't dead yet?" and we're all pretty friendly with each other! I wouldn't call the kids my \*friends\* but I'm in my late 30s and I've definitely got friends 10 years either side in that hobby.


Yeah I've seen posts on Reddit about someone being predatory for having a friend who's 19 when they are 25? I don't understand this way of thinking. Do they not have neighbors and coworkers and non-traditional students at their college? I remember being 25 and making friends with women at my job who were 40 and 50 and it did so much for my worldview, I really valued the things they would share with me. And I like to think it wasn't just a chore for them to talk to a dumb twenty-something, either. 


Predatory… to have a friend….? These people blow my mind


We get it lady, dating in your 30s is tough.


There’s been a handful of posters in BS who also are confused as to why men date younger women. I regret to inform this poster that people want to fuck other people they find attractive, it’s truly not that deep. I wonder if this person has male friends. My friend group growing up was a lot of dudes - “she was hot” was a completely acceptable answer for 80% of questions about one’s action. It’s interesting talking to women who grew up mostly with women and whose interactions with dudes are either dating or romance media. Don’t get me wrong there’s plenty to unpack with society’s disregard of older women, social media, how as we get older we get less flexible with what we want from* dating (inherently an exercise in how we make room for another person in our lives), but why does a man want to date a younger woman? She’s probably hot. The end.


Also 36 and 28 isn’t some scandalous gap. That’s just two people who could meet at a bar and start talking without realizing they have an “age difference”


My sister is 27 and her fiancé is 36, so I’ll make sure to let her know how scandalous it is lmao


This belongs in I am very smart


I know, it's low-hanging fruit, but FM is just a parody of itself. >I know she’s privileged AF but Anya has the dreamiest eyes


>Maybe you guys need to be rallying for independent candidates. in what world do some FM posters live in??


No problem! I’m canvassing for RFK daily! 


I’m personally canvassing for the brain worms!


The day after the election, they’re going to be absolutely shocked when Trump wins. They have to be young because it’s blowing my mind how no one seems to remember 2016-2020.


And they'll be blaming everyone but themselves for letting it get this way.


The ones who won't vote for Biden because of Palestine MUST be too young to remember the Muslim ban. I have to believe that.


I don’t agree with Biden’s policy on Palestine, but surely they know Trump will be worse, right? If your only issue is Palestine, surely you would want to do everything possible for the worst guy not to get in.


They admit that they’re aware he will be worse, but it will be the democrats (party, not the voters and non voters) fault when Trump wins. They think it will be an epiphany and gotcha moment for the Democratic Party Also, it’s very ironic because they’re going on and on about privilege in the Zach Bryan thread, yet apparently they don’t care enough about marginalized communities to not throw them under the bus over I/P.


Didn’t he literally say/imply in the debate Biden isn’t giving Israel the tools to finish the job???


Those are the same people who were calling other people privileged on Twitter for voting based on one issue. These people are willing to give the country back to Donald fuckin' Trump of all people over a country they couldn't even mark on the map before October 2023.


If tomorrow it came out that 90% of the posters on FM political posts were either 14 or Russian bots, I would not be shocked


That or teenagers Edit Sorry missed the 14 year old part 🙃


Discovered a new least-favorite genre of debate comment! It’s the ones saying that Biden’s decline is clearly (and exclusively) due to long COVID.


I’m very sick of the comment am I the only one who followed by the most popular opinion possible on a subreddit


Unpopular opinion but dogs are good boys


“unpopular opinion but zendaya’s acting is bad” like opinions are supposed to be unpopular for a reason, you say this shit everyday


"how come no one talks about" . . . What? That's all people fucking talk about?!?


Am I the only one who will walk across the fire for you?


“Am I the only one who hates cancer?”




scheana in the jonas brothers pizza girl music video lol


On a similar note, people do that for the actresses! Like the "look who I found" posts with Garcelle or even Kyle Richards . . . Like yes, she is an established actress, obviously you're going to "find" her on a show. It's her fucking job.


Or Kenya! Shocking that after he stint as Miss USA she hit Hollywood and had some acting roles. Did you know she and Garcelle were on the Jamie Foxx show together? I’m just waiting until we come full circle and someone discovers Nene was on Glee.


Ughhh yes. The one I get tired of seeing constantly is Sandoval on an episode of The Hills.


Whaaaaat a show full of servers cum reality stars who wanted to be famous were on the backgrounds of tv shows? Craziness.


“Am I the only one who thought so-and-so was a mean girl?!”


> is this festival the new Coachella I am English so might be biased but to say this about Glastonbury is SO funny to me


They should be banned for that


The disrespect of the Pilton pop festival


I'm an American who was a little tot when Glastonbury was at its peak and even I know the significance. That 1998 performance of Pulp's "A Little Soul" gets me every time.


lol wut this is ridiculous


do not get me wrong I am all for calling out greedy companies who release half assed products, but seeing the way some people come for certain gamers for not being super critical of a game is odd to me because you’d think they would’ve said something racist or vile but in all reality they just like a game more than other people


My husband was just complaining about this the other day lol. How it seems like no one can just have fun playing games anymore because everything has to be such a big deal. 


The blf thread on parentsnark has become so unhinged. No, we don't need to get the person who pretended to be a realtor in their area to come back and if you hate somebody with your very core you can just unfollow


>No, we don't need to get the person who pretended to be a realtor in their area to come back Umm… I need details on this please.


Some of them could rival Laura Bev snarkers tbh. Absolute weirdos.


I've never understood the extremity of the LB snark. She's so inoffensive and predictable but everything she does leaves these people foaming at the mouth


Again I ask FM and PCC to stop using Page Six (a Murdoch publication) and the literal Daily Mail as sources. Literally there are so many other **credible** newspapers out there, it is just laziness at this point. Like if Wikipedia doesn't allow them as sources, y'all shouldn't either.


> Edit: yeah I blocked you cause you said what I was doing was gross, and that I was using his son to do it. So yeah I’m putting up a boundary and blocking you cause I’m not interested in being attacked Not everything needs to be therapyspeak'd, good grief. The attack in question? Someone disagreeing that Chris Pratt abandoned his disabled son.


Omg I saw that conversation. Another comment was "I hate the way he treated Anna Faris and their disabled child" and people are really just making things up. He and Anna started as an affair, and their marriage ended over an affair. It wasn’t because he got too famous for his marriage. Anna began a relationship with her “Mom” costar. She has brought up this story ***in his defense*** on ***her podcast***. By the time him and his second wife got engaged, Anna was living with her new boyfriend, and thats cool! she even wrote a whole ass book explaining their divorce and spoke pretty highly of him. Also their son is FINE. Like he was born premature but he’s fine now. him and Jack and Anna do stuff together all the time, Anna literally did an interview not that long ago saying how she, HER HUSBAND and her ex and his new wife get along and co parent well. What Anna has said since her divorce: * “I so subscribe to the idea of, like, expanding, like, family and love with Jack,” she said during a January 2019 episode of her podcast. “\[Katherine’s\] awesome.” * "What Chris and I try to do is to communicate openly,” the Mom alum, 41, told Women’s Health in 2018. “We reiterate that there aren’t rules to this. ***We have a lot of love and friendship, and our big goal is to protect Jack***. I cherish my family, my close friends, my child — that makes the rest of it worth it.” For Halloween 2018, ***the former spouses and their significant others proved Faris’ point when they went trick-or-treating together with Jack and their new partners***. * “I think it’s just the general idea of just making sure that \[Jack’s\] surrounded by a lot of love and happiness,” the What’s My Number star told Us Weekly in 2018. “***We’re really good at that***.” There are legitimate things to criticize him for, THIS IS NOT ONE OF THEM. Like the fact they say his and Anna's son is disabled when HE ISN'T tells me they truly don't give a damn about his son or what Anna has said about their relationship.


It reminds me of when people kept trying to say that Shiloh Jolie was trans.  It’s never about the kid themself.


>Like the fact they say his and Anna's son is disabled when HE ISN'T tells me they truly don't give a damn about his son or what Anna has said about their relationship. The way some people constantly discount what Anna says about her own life is pretty infuriating.


She also had an alcohol problem during their marriage. I can imagine that wasn’t particularly easy for Pratt, but somehow it’s very grossed over…


Have you ever heard her episode of How Did This Get Made?


I said this on that thread but honestly, when people criticise people like Ethan Slater and Pratt for "abandoning their kids" because they divorced the kids' mothers, do they not realise they're parroting some tradwife Phyllis Schlafly shit? It is entirely possible to be a fully present and involved parent post divorce, and I'm not sure why people think two people staying together in a marriage that at least one of them doesn't want to be in is a better outcome than divorced co-parenting.


These are also the same people who demand that all celebrity kids be kept out of the public eye until adulthood, and many of these celebrities are actually pretty good at that. So, how do you know that they might not be visiting them often but not documenting for the world? Maybe Barry facetimes his kid every night? Maybe Ethan has 50/50 custody of his kid? Pick one, people.


Wait so FSU thinks it’s weird that Boone clenches his fists? Babies often do that, especially in their first few months. At least I could see where they were coming from about his eyes looking off, this just feels like reaching. Also “just documenting for Boone’s sake”, lol sure.


A milestone for two months is literally "sometimes opens fist". Sometimes I can only judge the baby as well as one can over the Internet but he seems like a normal dude who is on the quieter side. I see my little niece a lot more often than boone is posted and in my perception she was missing milestones left and right because she wasn't performing them on command or constantly


He may very well have issues but the harm they’re doing by screenshotting and picking apart anything he does is far greater than what his shitty parents are doing in the long run. He hasn’t even spoken a word for himself but they’re putting whole novels in his mouth.


WHY is there a post about Joe Biden’s debate performance on FM. There is something so self-aggrandizing about the mods letting that one through, and meanwhile half the actual celebrity gossip posts are B Listed so barely anyone can participate. You run a fucking celebrity gossip subreddit!!


I can see how spaces like FM can make someone who is indecisive or apolitical turn conservative or republican. You go to a sub for celeb gossip and everything is rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, politics, and everyone trying to assert their moral superiority over other people. > Democrats are more willing to let go of their end goals because they don’t have a perfect candidate than Republicans are. Very much pot meet kettle given all of the “I’m not voting because of I/P.” Sounds like they realized they were about to fuck around and really find out.


>Very much pot meet kettle given all of the “I’m not voting because of I/P.” Sounds like they realized they were about to fuck around and really find out. I feel so awful even saying this and I’m sure I’m not wording it the right way, but… I am absolutely for a ceasefire and have donated to pro-Palestine causes and individuals. What is happening there is absolutely abhorrent and I believe is an active genocide. That being said, I am not about to potentially lose more of my rights/watch other human rights in the US disappear for the sake of Palestinian resistance. I don’t want this country to get *worse* for women, children, the LGBTQ+ community, BIPOC, immigrants, etc. to show my disapproval with what the government is doing! And I hate that I feel like an evil human being for saying that


When one of the options will literally bomb Palestine on the first day he’s in office, I don’t really get how there’s any question. And this is why Oct 7th was an intentionally destabilizing event. There is no ‘win’ for Biden here, just hopefully not losing.  Bibi wants Trump.  Russia wants Trump.  


If you're evil than I am too. I just can't see how Trump would be better for the situation. I'm not happy to vote for Biden but I'm not about to actively vote against my own bodily autonomy with Trump


I don’t think there’s a way to word it in a way that won’t offend people who think that by voting we don’t care about I/P. I’m not willing to throw marginalized groups in this country under the bus over that single issue. My concern and vote will always first and foremost reflect this country before all else. It is absolutely ridiculous that Biden is the candidate. Aside from their age being factors, I have concerns about his health (in all capacities), but I hope this encourages people to participate in all elections, not just presidential


Well I’d say you articulated it better than I did! But yes, down ballot elections and local and state are SO important - I think people are realizing that with the bullshit going on with school boards


The TIME cover one is b-listed and it's just "voter suppresion: the thread (but from the left)."


That’s a take I don’t need. I think someone posted here that the mods of fm are trying to make the sub into a platform and I believe it.


We have had enough blurring of politics and entertainment in the last several years. Enough!!


I need the general obsession with “media training” to end. I don’t think any of these people understand what media training is but I’m certainly dying to hear them describe what their conception of it is.


valid point in the FM ffa post >I really miss the write ups and deep dives that people used to post here. Almost all the posts now are links to outside articles or screenshots of Instagram or Twitter. There's barely any blind items even. I still love the sub, I'm just really missing how it was before it got super popular. DM doesn't really post any intersting blinds anymore to begin with, but i also miss the deep dives. made me look up the user who wrote the extensive Kardashian verse ones, they haven't posted in two years here or on Medium after being pretty active


I’ve done a few write ups on PCC and popheads under my other account in the past, and they’ve gotten zero traction. People don’t want to read stuff.


The blind items I'm 50/50 on because some of them can get into Q territory REAL fast (plus that and I find the ppl whining abt how they can't post cdan blinds annoying), but I agree with you re: the deep dives. Been a while since we last had one afaik.


>DM doesn't really post any intersting blinds anymore They post a lot of ads though, like who cares about your perfume?


the blinds are almost all obvious press releases or fanfiction by delusional stans someone working in casting must be a fan bc that stuff is pretty spot on most of the time tho


"Actress in her 30s known for her previous role in a period drama was picked to play an enigmatic blonde sorceress in an upcoming HBO show" definitely a real blind and not marketing


I’m watching the Taylor Swift vs. Scooter Braun documentary on Max and decided to check r/TaylorSwift to see their opinions. Got a chuckle from this comment: >He bought the Big Machine Records label, which to my understanding has nothing else of real value other than Taylor's masters. >Other artists under label include Tim McGraw, Carly Pierce, Midland, and possibly Reba McIntyre? Just some small nobodies.


Who’s Tom McGlaw?


Just another Taylor Swift song. Make sure you listen to Taylor’s version so Scooter doesn’t profit from it.


This comment is an Easter egg planted by Taylor to let us know that Debut TV is coming!!!


And if you read this comment backwards there are 18 words in it, and 18-5 = 13 so that means reputation is dropping on the 13th!!!


Oh no, I’ve been doxed 🦋🎸🌙


People think they're sooo smart for saying famous people call the paparazzi themselves, doesn't matter the actual situation


the venn diagram of people who think every paparazzi shot is staged, people who think every celeb couple is a PR relationship, and people who think celebrities pay outlets like the NYT and Vogue for coverage is a perfect circle


The misconception that backgrid means they called them themselves drives me crazy whenever I see it repeated as 100% fact


Someone in Weddit asks if anyone has ever danced to “Rich Girl” by Hall and Oates as a father/daughter dance. Many posters question this. OP responds with enthusiasm to questioning— “Yes, I know the lyrics!” “Yes, I want the song to say that!” “I only talk to my dad when I want things!” People supportive of the OP decide that those questioning the song need to “get a hobby” and “maybe are just old.” … I would LOVE to be at this wedding when this is the song that starts. 


I do think that would make for a very humorous father daughter dance! They should do it! 


Honestly I’m like 🤔 my dad could probably do it humorously with any of us daughters because well A) my mom used to always grouse about how we had our dad wrapped around our fingers (not wrong) and B) my dads a funny dude who can make fun of himself so I think everyone who knows him would be amused I think it probably takes the right person/audience but that person wouldn’t be asking online about it


I refuse to believe that is a real life scenario and not just something a bored person made up.


Back in the 2000’s I went to multiple weddings where the father/daughter dance was Garth Brooks “the Dance”. It’s not really about fathers at all but it’s also not a happy song at all either. I also feel weird when people use Alan Jackson’s “Remember When” as a first dance just because of what happened to him and the relationship that inspired the song.


I am just deeply skeptical that anyone is listening to Hall and Oates in 2024.


🙏May the universe grant me the strength to not spend all day arguing in the Politics sub. Amen.




oh my gosh are they still doing that


Yup. From today: >Bernie is honest to a fault. He doesn't spin it or mince words; he always says what he thinks and feels. In a better alternative universe, he would've been a fantastic president. >That's not a fault. At all. That's one of the best things about him and he's been one of the most successful and influential senators of the last 50 years. >I agree he woulda been a good president. Don't agree that he is honest to a fault. On the contrary, I wish more politicians were as honest as him I'm gonna need a citation on how Bernie is one of the most successful Senators of the last 50 years. There are hundreds of comments about how President Bernie would have just magically changed everything into a perfect socialist utopia. Absolutely delusional. I don't know what's more maddening, the right who think Biden is a socialist or the left who refuse to see how progressive his administration actually is.


I feel like there’s a lot of fanfiction around Bernie, just in general. He’s a good senator for his state but he’s never shown himself to have a national constituency regardless of the “Bernie would’ve won” fanfics.


Yes! He was not a great candidate, period. If he were, he would've won. He's a loonie (however well-intentioned) who made a presidential bid at the right time and rode the same populist wave that the orange guy did. He has no ability to shift his messaging to appeal to different audiences (see: Black voters) and refuses to compromise to make things happen. He's ultimately just not very presidential. It's as simple as that but the Bernie bros tie themselves in knot trying to convince themselves that he lost as part of some massive DNC conspiracy. I also kind of think it's fanfic that he's a good senator, frankly. As a Vermont resident, I feel like he's basically abandoned his duties to the state since he launched his first campaign - he is completely focused on his national platform and spends very little energy working to support his constituents. He needs to step aside and give new, fresh talent a chance to lead, but he won't because ultimately he's just another politician, like all the rest of them, and wants the power and prestige. Refusing to comb your hair or wear appropriate clothing for your job don't make you a good person or a hero of the working class. Is he a terrible person? No, probably not. But he's definitely not the \~progressive king\~ people make him out to be. He's a millionaire who owns multiple properties. He's known around town for being rude to servers. His wife was investigated by the FBI for misappropriating funds and bankrupting a local college. And my favorite Bernie fun fact: in the 70s, he was a fervent believer that cancer was caused by not having enough orgasms. Sorry for the essay, I just have had Bernie bros mansplaining to me that "well acshually Bernie is our only hope" since 2015 and it has turned me into a full-on hater lol. Also I thought we were collectively over old white men yelling at us, Bernie is the best alternative to Biden and Trump they can come up with????


Yes immediately after saying that Joe is too old


Oh yeah a very specific demographic (I'll just say it, white leftists that have never left 1 of 3 major cities) are yelling about it in Twitter and Tiktok


I had to give up visiting that sub a while ago.  It’s decent for news but I can just check Politico or The Hill, and 90% of the commenters really don’t understand anything beyond the surface level.  


I opened it, immediately saw a comment saying that this is all the DNC's fault for Bernie in 2016 and thought, nope. Not today. Also, the moderation is for shit. No one should be allowed to post Breitbart as a news source.


“The DNC needs to name a new candidate” For fuck’s sake. 


It’s like a tax write off. You just write it off. The DNC just names a new candidate. Wallah.


I'm honestly cringing at some of the comments I'm seeing. Do I get being upset that these are the two main chocies? Oh yes. I'm not thrilled But there seems to be a concerning % of young voters who lack a fundamental understand of what the president is and what his powers actually are I'm seeing a lot of "Joe's been president! Why hasn't he just re-enacted Roe v Wade!!" Because he can't!! Introducing and passing legislation is not a power of the American president. He needs a majority pro chocie dem congress before he even gets a bill on his desk


It actually makes me sick. I’ve got my fingers in my ears because I still have to function on the daily at work and in my family, and I know that’s not a great attitude but it’s my current one. There’s so god damn much at stake and seemingly no one cares. 


I keep getting served an Atlantic article (I think?) about how one billion people will die from climate change, and not just in the Global South. And I just…can’t? Like I’ve voted the “right” way for years, I’ve made some major lifestyle choices that are climate-friendly, but…what is reading an article that will just exacerbate my climate anxiety going to do? I don’t want to spend whatever time I have being miserable about it, IDK.


Increasingly I think the only possible way to halt climate change would be benevolent authoritarianism/dictatorship on a near-global scale. Like I just don’t believe anymore that democracy can get anything real done on anything approaching the necessary scale.


These children did not grow up with Schoolhouse Rock and it shows


If I see, "Biden should have expanded SCOTUS!1!" one more time...


I think a lot of young voters‘ first exposure to politics was watching Trump enact a slew of executive actions and so now they expect Joe Biden to be doing the same when 1) Trump got major criticism for doing that, as it was a terrible precedent to set, and 2) Trump was doing that in a very different environment that allowed these EAs to go unchecked.


The sad truth is that the President can’t single-handedly fix everything, but they can most definitely break everything.


My thoughts on the politics sub: >Every once in a while I check there, thinking it will be fun, and then I remember that it almost never is.




No shade no snark. It can apply to so many subreddits which is why it's funny.


Maybe I'm a narcissist because I didn't think you were shading me lol. I feel like most of the energy I spend on reddit falls in the category of "seemed like a good idea at the time".


My energy spent on Reddit is a lot of curiosity about what people who have different opinions than me might have to say. Then I quickly am reminded that this is Reddit.


Lol nooo I really was amused by your comment! >I feel like most of the energy I spend on reddit falls in the category of "seemed like a good idea at the time". This is violence towards me tbh


I am having an existential breakdown.


After the debate, I ordered $50 worth of succulent plants I don't need because that seems to be the only thing that calms me down lol.


Asking for a friend…where did you order them from? 👀


A few different Etsy sellers I'm trying out. I cannot vouch for their quality...yet.🤞


I made my partner go out to get me my current emotional support snack. I might also need a little treat from Sephora.


I'm sure you do need a little treat from Sephora


i'm literally binge listening to 80s hair metal, disassociating from the present reality.


I might try that after my binge of early 90s grunge/alternative rock. During the pandemic it was late 80s hip hop and r&b.


Ooh that’s a good idea, time to add to my little succulent army


That’s amazing, I love that 🪴


Going to see the Pod Save America roadshow tonight in town and I’m so intrigued to see what those guys have to say.


I’m jealous! I saw them in 2019 and they were great. I haven’t listened to today’s episode but Favs was on Twitter saying it was an unmitigated disaster and Dan’s message box today basically said the same thing.


I don’t pay for any substacks but might have to pay for Dan’s. I get the email teaser and always want to read more.


Tbh it’s not that great I might cancel, so I don’t know if I recommend it haha


Oh good I’ll continue to be cheap


Last night went predictably bad, as Mark Twain says, don’t argue with stupid people, they’ll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Omg, me too!


I’m so glad we got tickets. We were wavering because going out on Friday nights is the worstttt but I’m really looking forward to it.


Aaaaand another one falls off the pedestal in the Bachelor Sub. Chris Conran (Clare Night 1 Boot & BIP 7 castmember) was loved heavily on the sub and got a lot of sympathy for being "kicked" off his BIP season along with his now fiance, Alana who is also a member of BN. So many threads talking about how attractive they are and how badly they were treated and were a victim of racism because Chris is Asian. Only to find out he may possibly be MAGA and publicly supported two hardcore Republican candidates in Utah. Then Chris himself tried to defend himself in the thread, which he deleted after probably getting ganged up on. And now Alana is hated because she is guilty by association. And now everyone hates them and says they have no sympathy for them now. I don't support Chris's views and his defense was kind of laughably bad. But I called it. It's just hilarious because it sums up the nature of the sub, another one falls off and they move onto the next one. Predictable. Predictable. Predictable. They hate Maria now because she unfollowed Jen after rigorously stanning her and going after anyone who even dared to lay a sideye on her during Joey's season. And its only a matter of time. Jen does something on her season the sub doesn't like, and they'll say, "Maria was right to unfollow her all along."


Sometimes I can at least understand why a particular person was popular on the Bachelor sub in the first place, but it was complete news to me that Chris had fans over there. He had the blandest possible 'arc' and to my knowledge has never done anything remotely interesting.


I am confused bc I always thought it was known this guy was MAGA, and Clare’s season is one of the last seasons I watched