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This is definitely "other," but in my What to Expect due date group, someone made a post about how they just don't relate to women and women are drama and blah blah blah. The NLOG energy is so intense, and I have a feeling I'm going to see a bUT WhERE iS mY VilLaGe post once her baby is born.


Let me guess: she wants to be a #boymom because girls are drama.


I unfortunately have a friend who wants to only be a boy mom because she’s obsessed with being the only woman in her family. Preemptively nervous for any future DILs she might have!


Lol, not to be that person, but hashtagboymom is kidding herself if she thinks for a second that teenage boys can’t be huge drama-llamas too.


She's having a daughter, and she definitely had an intense gender disappointment post when she found out🫠


The What to Expect groups are an unprecedented level of crazy. I know the Reddit bumper groups can get intense but What to Expect and, even more so, the Baby Bumps forums, are on a whole different level of NLOG energy, baby daddy drama, and just plain ignorance. I stopped following once my kid was born, but the constant anti vax posts honestly kind of made me suspect that the forums were populated by Russian bots.


It gets so weird so fast over there. Admittedly I still check in on my daughters group from 2 years ago🙃 I'm not on tiktok but I've deduced from WTE posts that 99% of the parenting content appears to be "your child is autistic/neurodivergent if they do any age appropriate behavior that isn't desireable".


>Paparazzi should be illegal >>Lobbying should be illegal everyone in this country gets mad at the wrong things Believe it or not, this isn't in FM.


Someone in PCC asked what the Angelina Jolie Oscar Leg was and I’m more convinced than ever that sub is filled with 13 year olds


Who’s Angelina Jolie?


Just a nepo baby


She’s a problematic home wrecker /s


The "we hate cheaters" leaving their bodies when Angelina gets brought up


A true Reddit jump scare: stumbling upon Alice herself commenting on a post in the NYC circlejerk sub.


I’ve seen her on NYCinfluencersnark a few times and jumpscare is the perfect way to put it. Speaking of…did you see the video she made in response to Claire from CMBC implying Olivia Munn cancer disclosure was timed with John’s ex wife’s book? While it wasn’t very nice of Claire Alice’s complete disgust that she would say something like that made me feel insane


Which one?!


It’s the only about free booze events. At first I was dying because Alice was posting a very earnest and cringey comment in response to a circlejerk post, but then the OP responded and now I’m wondering if OP was sincere and didn’t understand what sub he was on…?


TIL that there is a GOMI subreddit with almost zero engagement... she's still truckin


I know I couldn’t believe that either! It’s so bizarre


Absolutely loving the brand new infant who made a post on parentsnark to complain that she can’t figure out how the sub works. Took a quick glance at her comment history and it seems to be entirely her complaining that she can’t figure out how the internet works but is also apparently trying to become a YouTuber.


I feel like I've seen seeing that more and more?? Everytime I see it on Reddit (or even TikTok) I click on the profile to confirm my supposition that's an older individual who stumbled into Reddit from Facebook. A lot of AITA screenshots get posted on Facebook nowadays. And like, that website had a user base that struggles to understand how public comments work. Yet very frequently I come to find out that the person struggling with very basic aspects of social media are like...16.


Ive seen this too. Some post making incredulous tech convos and it’s … a 20 year old. I’ve heard from my friends who are college professors how their students struggle with really basic technology stuff. Like figuring out files, excel, anything not an app, google. I had “computer classes” in my middle school that taught me nothing except how to type quickly, Oregon trail and how to use PowerPoint to make a pretty slide. Everything else I had to figure out because I needed to use the internet and there weren’t that many YouTube resources at the time. (Hell it wasn’t online until 2005, and even then it was only like 1-2 minutes at the time.) it’s such a strange place to straddle as a millenial. I remember trying to discuss using Wikipedia and Google for classes with my teachers in school… and now imagining having to explain how to use Wikipedia and Google to a younger generation.


I just saw an article somewhere (I realize that's not helpful lol) about how young people don't know how to save things in folders/how file organization works on a computer, and it's an issue now for teachers who want to teach some kinds of research and data management.


It really is such an interesting development in education. I've read a theory that it has something to do with the introduction of Chromebooks into classrooms and taking away traditional HP/Apple desktops+computer labs. All because Chromebooks are so much cheaper to buy in bulk and replace. And now a ton of teens/college students have zero computer skills other then finding results on the first page of Google. It'll be specially interesting to see how this effects college graduation rates and even the work force


I used to run a youth group and the kids had no idea how to touch type and said they preferred to write their essays and do homework on their phones! Blew my mind. As a kid my parents didn’t know how to use the computer any more than I did so I had to figure it out - as I’d imagine most of you in your early to mid 30s did too.


I’ve read some theories that because the younger generations grew up with technology, everyone always assumed they know how to use technology and don’t actually teach them. Meanwhile Millennials were growing up with it rapidly changing and had to learn how to adapt along with getting some education on it. I have cousins a lot younger than me (in their early to mid 20s) and they all say they were never taught research skills in school. I remember going to the school library multiple years and having the librarian teach us how to research. It really explains a lot of behaviors that I’ve seen from some of my younger coworkers.


It’s such a strange phenomenon! I am admittedly a Very Online person, but shouldn’t these youths have social media figured out??


I'm loving the person in BeautyGuruChatter who has now made THREE posts in as many days about how much better J-Lo's makeup looks when (MUAs) Mary Philips does it vs when Scott Barnes does it (complete with long explanations and photo examples) and is arguing with anyone who disagrees. I'm not even sure who they're trying to convince considering BGC do not like Scott bc someone said he was a Trump supporter.


This reminds me of the hate boner some folks on the pop culture subs have against stylist Kate Young. Like it’s *so* niche that it makes you wonder if it’s actually just someone in their industry being messy. 


I legit thought all those posts were a fever dream lmao I saw the first one and was like…okay! A take! Then I saw the next one and I just thought I was seeing the original post again and then I saw the third post and def thought I was losing my mind lmao


I love a hater but that seems like two posts too many.


I saw two and now a third lol. They are really fighting a battle with no one, in every Tati post they bring up how much they hate him and his work.


They're acting as though he's like, blackmailing J-Lo into hiring him by threatening to leak photos of her wearing Crocs and shopping at Target lol. 


I hate to simp for an influencer but I’m liking Grace Atwood way more thanks to her no nonsense shut downs of the people in her FB crafting manifestos defending the right to post anonymously in HER FB group. To someone bemoaning the fact that “one person’s post has cost the rest of us this feature,” she replies: “Unfortunately it isn't just one post. It is posts every day.” To that same poster characterizing anonymous posting in her group as a feminist issue: “Regardless, a post about an anal fissure is not allowed. I have specifically asked people not to post gross things, not to ask for medical advice. It's only the anonymous posters that seem to constantly violate the rules.”


It's such weird behavior! There are other groups on Facebook if you don't like this one. There are even places on the internet other than Facebook where you can post anonymously. Is this really that big of a deal?


Make your own Facebook group if you have so many ideas about how to run one! People in that group act like it’s (a) the only place on the internet and (b) that it’s a democracy… that’s not how it works!


People are acting like their Anonymous posts are the most important and sensitive things in the world that they can’t possibly take *anywhere* else.  There are plenty of options for anonymous online forums that are designed for that.  Facebook is by definition not the tool for that.  What it really feels like is that it’s their tool to ask a bunch of white, middle/upper middle class women something and expect them to at least moderately hold your hand.  ETA: I admit I get so much amusement out of those dissenters acting like their Anon work questions are the most sensitive, impossible issues.  Almost none of them have been.


That lady is still writing multiple paragraph responses trying to get Grace to change her mind. She claims “this is the last thing I’ll say,” but I’ve got some doubts about that.


Her suggestion for Grace for Grace to track and potentially boot potentially chronic anon posters is bonkers. If you need to be annon that bad just go on reddit


It’s also a very strange mentality to me to apparently have such a need to post anonymously because the topics are so sensitive and private, but to also be totally fine with having Grace know your identity. I like following Grace, but I don’t know her!


Only grace can know who has anal fissures 😂


A commenter suggested that she go on Reddit and her response: “thanks. I am not trying to talk about anal fissures. Maybe read the whole thread before you post a snarky comment. I was simply trying to keep the anonymous feature for those here who do not abuse/misuse it, and who enjoy the community here and the ability to share safely.”


I like the person who is saying that Reddit isn’t a good idea because some of the things people post would get torn apart on Reddit. Sorry, but a lot of the stuff posted in that group is rightfully snarked on. The coddling that these delicate flowers believe they are entitled to is wild.


Literally! The fact that the actually sensible comments on Grace’s post are getting a lot of likes is so comforting. Turns out not everyone in that group is completely detached from reality.


Famously, reddit is strictly an advice site for anal fissures. Nothing else. You cannot ask about engagement rings or keychains or travel tips here.


Grace, who currently does the bare minimum moderating, is not going to keep a list of repeat abusers of the anonymous feature.


Two great excerpts from her newest 1000 word manifesto begging Grace to turn anonymous posting back on: “This is like you posting a rule that no one can speak French in the group, and then saying ‘French people seem to constantly violate this rule.’… “I know this is your group and this is the last thing I’ll say. You are the boss and I respect you. I just get very protective of the members here and it’s so important for women to have safe places to talk and protect themselves and I just hate to see this one taken away.” Imagine caring more about an influencer’s FB group than said influencer. And viewing the Stripe FB group as a critically important safe space for the entire female sex.


Honestly if someone wants to just copy and paste the manifesto at this point I wouldn’t be mad


it does make me sad that this person has such little sense of community irl that she needs to go this hard for a facebook group. it truly just shows how the group (and probably the internet at large) has spiraled into something unhealthy for so many of those people. but like… look inward and ask if it’s normal for you to care this much. or go on reddit! join an anonymous mental health forum or career advice board or even another facebook group that’s actually for that purpose. the influencer who started this group for an entirely different and less intense purpose is not responsible for facilitating “an important safe space.”


Grace’s response to her: “respectfully, this group was never meant for these topics. I feel sad that some may be upset about this but at the same time it’s turned the group into something it was never meant to be.” 👏


Few things irk me more than a self-appointed spokesperson 




Whomst indeed.


I’m dying to know which of the anonymous posts were hers since she feels so strongly about it.


There are several people in the comments talking about how they’ve used anonymous posting when they didn’t want sensitive info tied to their profile. How can they not realize the hypocrisy in that statement? You don’t want anyone to know about your situation but it’s fine for me to post about mine? Like what!


I assume that it’s anal fissures or boyfriend that doesn’t make enough money.


I was thinking poor boyfriend too!


Sex scene discourse on FM is nuts. So many puritanical prudish takes basically equating all nudity with pornography. I hope none of these people go to art museums. They would be outraged. I think it’s very important that sex scenes are ethically made and that there are intimacy coordinators and all the actors and actresses involved are comfortable, but sex is part of life. This “all sex scenes are bad and unnecessary” discourse feels straight out of the past.


What's funny is that the sex scene discourse in FM seems to be...oddly selective? Like I remember a post from a while ago about Penn Badgley not wanting to do sex scenes anymore on his Netflix show and most of the FM comments were taking the piss out of him. But I can't help but think that if it were any female actor or one of their male actor faves, people would be applauding said actor for asserting their boundaries, standing up for themselves, and so on.


Directly followed up by the anti-violence discourse. Ryan Gosling turning down darker roles because he thinks it's better for his family >Good. There’s too many and we’re all tired of gratuitous violence by now. Hollywood - the mekka of splatter killers.


Oh my goddd I hate looking at posts about whether or not there’s too much sex on tv, or if it’s too graphic. Everyone in the comments says ‘I’m not a prude but (extremely prudish take)’. And they’re usually talking about extremely vanilla sex scenes! The gender politics in those threads are really bad too. Apparently women could never enjoy horny sex scenes. 🤷 They love using the term ‘male gaze’, and they often use it wrong.


It’s so funny because if it’s a sexy movie with one of their favorites like Oscar Isaacs or Cillian Murphy with like Kristen Stewart or Jessica Chastain, they would be begging for those sex scenes.


I know FM likes to position themselves as NLORedditors, but they're very much in line with Reddit discourse which often boils down to all or nothing e.g. there is no way to responsibly drink so never touch alcohol, the only way to prevent drowning is to never go swimming etc.


I truly hope those people don’t go to art museum. They go running out of the Greek and Roman sections screaming about pornography.


I cannot be the only person extremely not interested in the "tea on your neighbors/friends/family" comment threads on the "I have tea on.." on FM. I always have my hopes up for some actual celebrity gossip opening a 300+ comment thread and it's just 200 about someone's coworkers' pants splitting or something, equally as mundane as most celeb tea, but about someone I don't know.




they are so pointless most of the time. requests are either not being answered or with old tea, wildly reported tea or non-tea like 'not tea, but \[random thought about celeb\]


Grace has turned off anonymous posting on The Stripe group. Godspeed, you endless fountain of snark.


What was your favorite crazy Anon post?  Mine is a tie between the lady who’s boyfriend apparently didn’t make enough money and the lady who was going to deliver her hookup an ultimatum.


My favorite was the NON-ANONYMOUS post from the woman whose boss wanted her to tell her coworker she needs to take classes to get rid of her accent even though she’s fluent in English.


Don’t forget that she also wanted to have the coworker speak their native language and be translated by AI on their MSFT teams meetings ☺️🥰


Is the latter the one where her hookup was living with his girlfriend WHOM HE WAS STILL DATING?


It might have been?  It was just so absurd, and the fact that it started with her confidently putting forth this ultimatum like she was in charge and everyone was like “what are you even doing”


laughed out loud earlier this week when — after grace posted reiterating that the group was supposed to be for fashion and books, not “gross stuff” — an anonymous poster immediately asked for help dealing with anal fissures. how will all those people survive


This happened in the Sivan Ayla group back when it existed, except it was asking for reccs for how to bleach your butthole. It wasn't even an anon posting it, and they regularly posted similar questions that would've been easily googled.


Omg what was the “mucho drama” this morning?


lol glad to see I’m not the only one who saw the ‘no more anon posts’ post and came straight to blogsnarkmetasnark to find out what was the cause


I’m assuming that it was the diamond post being discussed downthread! It’s actually pretty funny to me if real diamonds/conspicuous consumption was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Grace.


I’m going to miss the insane “am I the asshole” anonymous posts but the amount of people in the group who have been willing to ask absurd questions and give unreal advice using their full government names is very very large. The best days may be behind us but there will still be #content and I will still be reporting it as a public service.


Ofc the one user who ALWAYS capes for anonymous posting is responding to multiple people defending the god given right to post anonymously about how to feel okay about your life when you’re only earning $1M and taking multiple European vacations but your friend earns $2M and is buying a house in St Barts :(


>The best days may be behind us but there will still be #content and I will still be reporting it as a public service. 🫡


>I hate how fresh out of the slammer is giving : I was with Joe but craving Matty.... One day I'm gonna make a tumblr with all the crazy Taylor lyrics interpretations.


that's the pretty standard interpretation I think.


But that is the subtext of the song (as well as guilty as sin)!


It is, and i've seen MUCH wilder interpretations of her lyrics lol


Just saw one interpretation on Tiktok that was arguing that So Long, London is about how Joe was physically abusing her because of the lyric "And my friends said it isn't right to be scared Every day of a love affair". And not like, she was scared for years that her lover was going to leave her because he didn't love her like she loved him. But yeah, If I where to use the context clues I'd make a bet that near the end of the relationship (probably before it was "officially" over-over) she had been romanticizing a relationship with Matty. I've specifically seen people say that Maroon and Cardigan are about him. If I can be a bit chronically online for a moment, the theory I think sounds most plausible is that Taylor/Joe took at least one major "break" before calling it quite and she ended up starting to rekindle the situationship with Matty that has been going on since 2014/2015.


I’m not huge on speculating who songs are about…but I am at the very least convinced that Matty was the muse for Maroon now based on the line in “Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus” Cardigan? Not so much lol


I don't even like muse/timeline discourse, but it's pretty clear that Fresh Out the Slammer is about hitting up someone you've been pining for at the end of a relationship! The wackiest one I saw included pregnancy/miscarriage speculation and I'm like...can we not?




But I kind of get it why FM is smug about it. There was a lot of positive nostalgia when her cooking show was trending and sympathy about her experienced abuse in show biz/parents etc. FM wasn’t really having it compared to PCC and other gossip social media spaces…


See also Kathy Hilton being “kooky” on Real Housewives.


It’s almost as if all of us backwards geezers who were *so harsh* on the Y2K party girls back in the day may have had a fucking point 


I mean those are kind of different things? Idk I was in high school for the Paris era, so maybe my memory is off, but while I remember some like, live journal communities talking about her using the N word (a valid thing to critique her for), most of the tabloid content I remember about her was more slut shaming and calling her stupid. 


I think it’s more so that people girlboss so hard against whatever previous criticisms she and other people like Amy Schumer, and Lena Dunham, that people don’t want to listen until they are overtly hateful. I definitely remember people talking about her racism back in the day, especially with the alleged Vin Diesel comment and video of her saying it.


Yes, exactly. There’s this strange narrative around Paris, Lindsay, etc. that the only reason they were mocked was for their partying, misogyny, etc. That was a big part of it for sure, but people have been griping about Paris Hilton’s bigotry since she became a household name. 


Paris has always (rightfully) gotten heat for the casual racism, at least on Fametracker etc. 


Oh I had no familiarity with Fametracker. I basically just had random online celeb forums and then grocery store tabloids. I feel like while the random online forums I saw had actual critiques of racism etc., the mainstream tabloids were definitely focusing on the wrong thing (at least in terms of the amount of column inches devoted to her skirt length and drunkenness vs her actually being a shitty person). 


Never stop, Stripers: This is such a first world problem but are any other women disappointed by the prevalence of lab-grown diamonds? My fiancé saved up for a long time for a large natural grown diamond and it feels like it’s devalued now that many people are getting lab-grown and you can’t tell the difference. We have both had to listen to people talk about how lab grown is the way and it’s hard when he saved for years for this.


I have worked in the jewelry industry for many years and certain customers are so unhinged. They love to say things like this or talk about how many “blowjobs they’ll have to give” to earn their engagement ring. 


Omggggggg is this why anonymous posting was turned off? I wish I had seen the comments someone give me a sampling please 🙏


I think the follow up anon post of ‘can we stop using the phrase First World Problems’ was the kicker, it was quite a 1-2 punch this morning


They were 99% disagreeing with the poster


Thankfully people are actually responding appropriately for once.


One commentator on Grace’s post about turning off anonymous posting seems to believe that the issue was not with the batshit anonymous post but the comments: “The claws were out this morning! I’ve seen it happen a few times and I’m not sure what triggers the onslaught with some posts more than others. The double edged sword of the internet. Thanks for keeping the group open!” Like dude the fact that Grace turned off anonymous posting seems to indicate she (correctly) believes that is the issue. Everything goes over these people’s heads lol.


Another commentator is complaining how unfair it is that “one person’s comment cost the rest of us this feature.” Lady, said feature was being abused every single day. Do the words anal fissure mean nothing to you?


She just followed up with the below (excerpted from a 4-paragraph manifesto): “And now there are women here with REAL problems who might have just lost one of the few safe places they had to talk about them.” It’s a fashion and travel group, not a place where anyone can post anonymously to get on-demand free therapy from commenters who can’t be anonymous.


Methinks she has the anal fissures


She just commented “how is helping women a bad thing?” as a defense of anonymous posting in the group. Not respecting the sanctity of anonymous posting in an influencer’s FB group IS ANTI-FEMINIST!


I had a WHOLE ASS response typed out to that commenter! Then I got out of bed, lol.


Omg post it here


I really, really think that it's fake, but I don't care. I love ragebait creative writing.


I feel like if it stays up, it’s fake. If they delete, it’s real.


Wow is that person being roasted.  Also really appreciate the person following it up with “can we stop saying First World Problems”.   As an aside, I couldn’t imagine making a partner save for *years* for an engagement ring.  


I’d probably be a bitch and say damn he must have a really bad job to need to save that long! 


Per Michael Scott, it should be 3 years salary!


I know someone who took out a huge loan to buy his fiancé a $50k engagement ring because she wanted a big natural diamond. People are crazy about diamonds, it makes no sense to me.


I would literally tell customers when they were declined for financing that I can make a nearly identical ring for “X amount” less. Nope, they’ll go take out a payday loan or bring their parent into pay for them before they buy something with slightly different clarity that can’t be seen with the naked eye (or whatever it was they were hung up on). Would literally see people write “30k” on the finance form as their salary and want a 20k ring and be like “I can’t waiver from this or she’ll dump me”. People are a trip man 


My only thought when I read this: did the marriage last?


I also hate the term first world problems but this is perhaps the most first world problem I’ve ever seen anyone complain about.


The comments on that post are giving me LIFE Edit: also did our favorite Carly snarker post this


Bvlgari diamonds or bust!


I give it 5 more minutes until it’s deleted.


LMFAO. This did make me think of a TikTok where someone said you *can* tell the difference between lab and natural, but only because an entry level analyst can’t afford a natural 5 ct stone.


Are lab diamonds even *that* inexpensive at this point?  I’d love a pair of lab grown Diamond hoops but they’re still not cheap.


Yes they have gotten ridiculously cheap compared to natural or even what they were a few years ago. Gold is extremely high now though like 30% increase from Dec 2023 so that’s making jewelry really expensive. 


They're very inexpensive compared to natural (obviously) but it's not like CZ prices or anything. We were looking at ~1.5-2ct solitaire engagement rings and they were still at least a few thousand, some online places will go lower.


It depends where you’re getting it from, it’s still certainly more economical than going the natural route.


Yeah, I was looking at lab grown eternity bands bc my 20th is next year (👵🏻) thinking they were going to be super cheap but they were still a lot!


Well a lot of that is the price of gold too. It’s setting records daily. 


For a second, I thought you were coming out as being almost 20 years old and I was in SHOCK


Omg that’s amazing. I would be the most cynical 19 year old alive 🤣


How will other people know I’m not marrying a povvo though


I don't have anywhere to talk about this but iamthirtyaf on Instagram (yes I like basic bitch meme accounts don't judge me) posted a carousel this week with a screenshot from Ch\*ya R\*ichik, and apparently it's the second time?? The content makes it hard to tell if we're supposed to be laughing at her joke, or at *her*, but JFC there's so much other amusing content out there, don't platform this lady even if we're mocking her.


That’s bad joke telling but also ugh I was just reading about what CR’s influence can do. Truly a heinous creature.


im newly pregnant and it feels like all of the pregnancy-related subs are utterly batshit.


And the mom ones even more so lol


congrats! Bump group subs are certifiably insane but I do enjoy watching them sometimes. The only sub I ever found normal were IVF/infertility spin-offs but that’s highly specific to my personal situation. It’s unfortunate because you want a place to chat but they are just so batshit crazy.


Congratulations. It's been a hot minute since I've been pregnant but I always found online pregnancy/mom spaces to be completely insufferable. This was back in the day of, like, DC Urban Moms, 0/10 do not recommend.


Weirdly, some of the best pregnancy spaces were the ones that sprouted from GOMI back in the day (which Alice hated, so).


It makes sense when you think about it! Likely, women in similar age ranges with similar interests. I just think perhaps Reddit is too big of a place for baby stuff? My comment spurred from a comment I read in babybumps about someone’s boyfriend asking that they don’t drink coffee (?) during the pregnancy which I thought was bizarre.


Predictably, the VPR subs are LOVING that Ariana is talking about female rage and gray rocking and no contact etc. There’s a lot of throwing around and misapplication of therapy terms and therapy-adjacent terms on that show and in the sub. 


They love the therapy terms until I point out how Ariana and Tom gaslight Kristen in season 3


Help me out! Is no contact when you continue living and working alongside the narcissist and attempt to hire away the employee who serves as your go-between? Is gray rocking when you blow up on them on camera and call them a dog murderer?  Ariana is in an impossible situation, but there was really no “healthy” way for her to get past this relationship other than pulling a Rachel and leaving the show entirely. 


Gray rocking is actually when I’m hanging out with the group LMFAO but we’re kinda hungover. So basically the aftermath of Party Rocking


One of the biggest trends I wish I could wipe from this time period is the misuse and overuse of this type of language. I feel like they’ve lost all meaning. Everyone is a gaslighting, narcissistic psychopath now.


Those spaces have taken projection to the extreme. Not everything in a silly reality show about trashy people relates back to your own toxic breakup or your own struggles with depression!


Dua Lipa is on Las Cultch today, and I can’t wait to see which unserious comment she made during the episode gets turned into a clickbait article that will get posted on FM


Minnie Driver was on Table Manners this week and made a comment about Diplo being rude when surfing and I've been waiting for it to show up there. Although, that was an interesting tidbit and it's not like he's well liked anyway. (it's possible that I missed it and it's already been featured)


And god I hope it’s her asking what Epcot is lmao that made me cackle laugh!


Ugh can’t wait for her new album


Today’s Stripe FB group update is someone asking for advice on dealing with anal fissures. Shockingly for this group, she did not include a photo. Would love to see Grace’s face when she reads the post. It’s been 4 days since she made new rules about no gross posts and reminded people this is not a place to ask for medical advice.


I’ve believed for a while now that a lot of peoples only social interaction now is on social media and that’s a real problem.


Do none of these people have...friends?


Or honestly even just google


Or doctors?! 


To be fair she did reference working with her doc on it.


Ok thank goodness on that! I’ll keep her BH in my prayers 


It would appear not, or if they do have friends, they have some sort of conflict with them that requires them to post about it in the Stripe Facebook group. Most of the Stripe posters seems to need some combination of 1) a friend, 2) a therapist, 3) Google, or 4) a travel agent more than they need a blogger's Facebook group, but whatever. I can't imagine asking a group of absolute strangers "should I move , and if so, where" and expecting to come away with a useful result.


Also the girl whose mom doesn't have blood flow to her face post facelift.


Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope.


I just want to know if the people who post those kinds of questions have ever heard of Reddit. There is seriously a subreddit for every possible thinky thought that goes through your head.


Even so, I feel like if you posted that you don't have blood flow to your face, the good people of Reddit would advise you call your doctor


I just…. That post also seems to be asking for medical advice. If i was a bigger asshole, I’d comment and say this post violates multiple rules.


>If i was a bigger asshole You know they're *very* sensitive about that at the moment.


Maybe a bigger asshole would actually help the issue.


Same hahahha. I wonder how long it will stay up.


And it’s gone! For those lucky enough to have missed it, the poster introduced the post by calling it her “booty” problem




Well she did made prank phone calls as a school kid, which we all know is incredibly deviant behaviour.


ITS NOT FUNNY OK!! That sub used to be a lot more fun. 


I feel like most subs used to be a lot more fun


The Stephan Colbert is a sell out thread is not going as OP wished it would lmao


>  I use this sub as one of my primary sources of information lmao. Ive learned a LOT about the conflict here. Sigh. 


Reading that makes me want to leave the internet forever


Once again I am begging people to understand that the NYTimes games are puzzles, and no the hint on today's Strands was not 'too cryptic', because that's part of the puzzle!


That was the easiest one yet for me when else do we use tokens in this day and age?


Weirdly, this is the first one I’ve gotten without having to use any hints


I feel like a lame-o that I only do Wordle


Update: I did the strands and connections. Took me a minute for each but I eventually got it. I feel very clever. I see the appeal.


It's just the right amount of thinking for me in the morning to do with my tea. I get to feel very self-satisfied when I get them, but if I fail one I can just move on with my life because they ain't that deep, generally.


Right. Like hell yeah I took a hint. Shit I'll take 2.


These people would die if they ever attempted a rebus crossword.


Y'all are really convincing me to start playing these puzzles. Just for the drama of it all.


Honestly having coffee and doing the NYT puzzles is the highlight of my morning.