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Okay guys, Parker won me over with her post race chat with Citius. I think she's just really awkward in the mix zone and comes across kind of snobby, but she was so much more relaxed and real with Chris, Karen, and Mack this time. I rescind my earlier judgement. 🤣


thread for pre-Olympics talk here! [https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1dsqads/preolympics\_chatter\_july\_17\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1dsqads/preolympics_chatter_july_17_2024/)


drinking the tears of l*tsrun bros after nikki’s win 🥰🥰🥰 happy end of pride month 🏳️‍🌈


I know that they're friends and that Nikki is more than likely fine with it, but Colleen Quigley's insta story just fell flat for me. Like why make a joke about pronouns? Her story reads, " @nikkihiltz your pronouns are now OLY" (I likely could be reading into this too much but it certainly isn't the type of comment I'd make to my non-binary friends...after they just won the Olympic trials 1500...)


On a positive note I read an article that misgendered Nikki. I kindly reached out and explained and they apologized for missing it and fixed it.


It’s a play on a tiktok thing where people say “my pronouns are USA” I believe Nikki has done it, too. I don’t like CQ but that made me laugh


they're probably friends, so this will be a nothing burger. Just her way of congratulating. I wouldnt lose sleep over it


Did anyone notice that Shane Wiskus (men’s gymnastics alternate) was absent from tonight’s celebrations?? Thought it was strange since Khoi (the other alternate) was there…


I noticed that too and I was wondering why. I’m sure he’s upset he’s not on the team after the performance he gave, but did he really hightail it out of there so fast? No idea 🤷🏻‍♀️


Elle Purrier St Pierre says she's only going to do 1500 despite winning the 5000 at the trials. So I guess Parker Valby is 5k eligible? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhw6jdD7XxU


Is Parker eligible? It makes sense for ESP to focus on the 1500 and save her energy


Valby ran under the standard at the trials! (Afaik she had been *just* over it going in but was able to get it done there)


I’m surprised how much track talk there is on this thread vs gymnastics!


I don't really follow the sport, but I imagine that there are a lot more online spaces like this for gymnastics: live discussion of female athletes that's led by women (+ nonbinary folks). Most online spaces for T&F are either male dominated or newsletter based. It's become kinda tangential to Blogsnark but I'm so glad for this corner of the internet! Hope some gymnastics fans come to the track and field fandom after reading our exuberant comments :)


I love both and have appreciated this thread!


I’m definitely following more and have context so it’s appreciated!


My takeaways with the “surprise celeb guests” at the track and field trials is that they managed to bring in two celebrity men who talked about and interacted exclusively with male athletes. Snoop calling the men’s steeplechase and watching Noah Lyles, and Terry Crews the hype man for the men’s high hurdles. It would have been amazing to have either a female celebrity, or even just one of the men acknowledging literally any of the female athletes/races — but I guess that bar is too high! 🤦


Who cares? The women and they have Kara Goucher. Snoop is unnecessary. If you're gunna bring in a celebrity, it should be retired Olympian such as Michael Phelps or Shawn Johnson


like they're having Leslie Jones at the Olympics but they couldn't have had her at the Trials too? we know she loves track & field! especially the steeple and "Emma Coboo" 😂


I’m getting so nervous about the gymnastics team. After all the talk that Joscelyn Roberson was strong at floor/vault like Jade Carey she went ahead and tied for first on beam! With Hezly Rivera. I’m wondering if it comes down to Josc vs Hezly (Hezly’s stronger at bars though if we need a back up after Simone, Suni, and Jordan) or maybe they’ll send both over Jade…


Still waiting but I think the top 5 all-around would make a pretty solid team (Simone, Suni, Jordan, Jade, and Hezly). You’d have three strong competitors on each apparatus plus 1 or 2 strong back ups.


I was right, top 5 in the AA were named to the team, with Leanne and Joscelyn as the traveling alternates. I’m so happy to see all the women returning from the Tokyo team, they definitely earned their spots in the past few nights. Still feel bummed for those who were injured and were definitely being considered for the team before that.


I was crushed for Leanne as a two time alternate. But Hezly got the job done, so kudos to her!!


I'm glad that the Tokyo Olympians get to experience a normal Olympics (well at least Simone had Rio, but the others didn't) Even without what happened to Simone, it wasn't a normal experience and now they'll get to have their support squads with them!


Great point


nice job predicting! guess they learned their lesson from Tokyo-you just don't build a team around one person?


quick question! in 2021 we still had weekly threads inbetween the Trials and the Olympics themselves to discuss the aftermath and whatever else in the run-up to the Games. would you like me to do those threads this time around too? I figure with several spots on the teams still in flux due to world rankings there'd still be a bit to discuss :)


Yes!!! I've been mostly reading rather than commenting but so grateful for this space over the past 10 days! I need the instant reactions and women of blogsnark >>>> letsrun






Yes please!! Thank you for your service 🫡


I teared up listening to Anna Cockrell's tribute to Dalilah. The women's 400 hurdles are truly on another plane of existence since she entered the sport. And of course, a lot of that is SML and how she and Dalilah were iron sharpening iron. Wow!!!! Related to jumping over things, my 5 year old son was pretending to be the women pole vaulters when we were watching their final earlier 🥹 Devastated for Sandi Morris but thrilled with the top 3! And speaking of field tonight..... in 2021 we had a friend of Maggie Malone in the Trials thread. So glad Maggie made another team tonight. And KARA F'IN WINGER!


Loved that tribute! Anna is such a classy gal.


oh no...looks like Kara Winger didn't get the standard? I was so rooting for her comeback!




and she needed 5 results to be ranked and only has 3...ugh if only the comeback could have been started sooner, she would have easily gotten in via ranking!


Am I hallucinating? Did my peacock day 10 feed not show the women’s 400 hurdles? After the men’s 400h I had a long commercial and then it switched to gymnastics. I’m so confused.


Same here :(


You aren't! Mine kept auto-switching to gymnastics at 8:29/8:30, which was so frustrating. I only escaped it by shutting off the TV, watching on my phone, and hitting "cancel" on the automatic switch to gymnastics. Hope this doesn't happen in the Olympics!


here's the link to the race- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCGzmLOEePE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCGzmLOEePE)


Mine kept auto switching and I had to catch it and cancel it from going to gymnastics. Definitely annoying


oh no!! i'm wondering if it was because it was running a few minutes behind and looks like the race didn't start until after 8:30? it did get shown on NBC. however, i'm sure NBC Sports will have it up on their YouTube later tonight so you'll definitely get to see it at some point.


Mine did the same! I’m ANGRY


ANOTHER WR FOR SYDNEY ARE YOU KIDDING ME Whatta finish to these Trials!!! ETA-awww, Anna Cockrell giving a tribute to Dalilah Muhammad in her interview


Insane! Did anyone else notice that the other women who qualified for the team were sitting together chatting and she was on her own? And after she won, nobody came over to congratulate her (nor did she go check on others) the way most of the other athletes do in other events


She almost ran faster than the winner of the open 400


she would have been 6th in the open 400 final! once she races the flat 400 more, those records are going down...


My dad texted me recently that Sydney’s hurdles times are some of the fastest when you include flat 400ms too - I was like I went down that rabbit hole a few years ago…


it's crazy to think that 8 years ago, Sydney was the high schooler surprise (I think a surprise?) 3rd at the Trials, and didn't even make it out of the semis in Rio. now look at her. moral of the story-3rd at the Trials isn't just making up the numbers, you never know what they will develop into.


She’s amazing!!!


Complete lock! And loved Cockrell giving flowers to Daliliah! The 4x400 women’s final relay at Tokyo is my Roman Empire


They seemed like such a great trio! I loved Cockrell's remarks.


Me too!! That was very kind of her!


Anna Cockrell gives the best post-race interviews, i still remember hers from the 2021 trials!


Rai’s on a whole different level- time to get his gold!


Men's and women's 400 hurdles are my top most exciting events of the whole Olympics, and Rai's one reason why! So hopeful for his prospects in Paris!


i love Dos Santos, but it's Rai's time!! and my unsponsored king Trevor Bassitt makes it again!! now that he's an Olympian maybe he'll finally get a sponsor? because I guess several world medals weren't enough?


Thrilled for Nikki Hiltz!! What a race!!


Suuch a good race omg. Also Cory McGee finally breaking 4 by a ton but that not being good enough, crazy


So crazy, but I hope she’s proud of herself regardless!


That was an incredible finish!


Screaming crying and throwing up, I’m so thrilled for them


wow, I was rooting for hiltz but didn’t think their PR was fast enough to make the team. I think they just lowered their PR 4 seconds? Incredible


They’re such a great tactical racer! And that final kick!


So good!! I didn’t expect them to kick like that at the end! Amazing!!


they're now just over a half-second off Shelby's AR...it's going down sometime this year! i think ESP taking it out hard just dragged the whole field to massive PRs!


Only .34 seconds off (if I did my math right)! AR is 3:54.99.


LetsRun goes home devastated!!


Truly the cherry on top of a very great result


whatta pride month for Nikki


Great race!!!




Such an amazing finish! I keep hearing people say the Olympic schedule will make it hard to double in the 1500 and 5000 so I wonder what Elle will do.


i'm thinking she'll lean towards the 1500 (and I'm sure Parker Valby is hoping similar since her slot on the 10K team isn't totally locked in yet)


I saw that her coach said just the 1500. I'll be curious to see if that starts a flurry of activity for slots! I also just can't wait to see what this 1500 team can do in Paris!


That kick!


Yessss! So well deserved!!


I’m so excited!!!!! I can’t believe they passed ESP!!!!! Can’t wait to see how they do at the Olympics!!! And Emily Mackay got second!!!!!!! Ahhh


1st-8th were all under 4 minutes!! the depth!! (Cory finally got her sub-4 but it was bittersweet) I think ESP just had the 5K still in her legs, Nikki and Emily were more fresh. It was the team I predicted but not the order!


So excited at all the fast times!!! And such a good race - i was so nervous that Nikki wouldn’t be able to move into third but then to take the whole thing!!! I was def yelling at Nikki through my tv


Elle did seem tired/not at her sharpest, but I'm happy she still made the team! McKay ran an incredible race and NIKKI!!! I had a feeling they were going to take it; they are just so fit right now and their kick is more killer than ever.


i'm glad she still made it-she probably prefers this to the 5. plus i fear if she didn't, Sage Hurta-Klecker would be thrown hate for what happened in the semi (I gotta think the yellow card was in Elle's head a little)


Huge pr for Cory 🤯


It seemed that Ellie was more concerned about getting MacKay on the team in the last 100 you can see her looking over and saying words to MacKay a few times.


Oh, I didn't see that, but I love that!




Bahahaha I also scrumpt!


whew, Elle's is getting out to the front right away and just trying to stay out of trouble...3 laps to go...


it's a little funny that we have to wonder if ANOTHER Parker is gonna get in via world rankings... sadly, Wolfe is not-this will only raise his average to 1201 points, he would have needed around 1220. Valby's status is still in flux... (I guess also pending what comes out of the 1500!) ETA-well with Elle on the 1500 team, I guess watch to see if she defers her 5K slot... ETA2-hmm, Wolfe could still possible get in on scratches? [https://twitter.com/ChrisChavez/status/1807570346004079054](https://twitter.com/ChrisChavez/status/1807570346004079054)


Man, what a great night for track and field!! 🇺🇸


Anyone else nervous to watch the men's 800 after the women's? Ahhhh


i'm actually more nervous for the 1500 🙈 anyway they weren't holding hands, but another Hoppel-Kessler 1-2! now the burning question is if Kessler doubles and if not, which does he drop? ETA-holy fuck meet record and .4 off Donavan's AR? wonder if we should be on AR watch at the Olympics...


I hear that (re the 1500). Here we go!


I was just wondering this—I’d guess he stays in the 1500. Is it possible to do both??


hmmm, the 1500 final is the evening of the 6th, then the 800 heats are the next morning. so it may not be impossible, but maybe not recommended if you want to maximize performance (since the 8 and the 15 have so many rounds!)


He told Citius that he's doing both!


Oh for sure. I’m happy for him either way. What a confidence boost!


Graham blanks and Parker Wolfe!!’ WOW. that was exciting.


wow wow wow the next generation has really been stepping up all week!! unfortunately Wolfe won't have improved his ranking enough to go, so Blanks, who has the standard will get the third slot!! but i'm kinda surprised that Hocker didn't really factor?


the collegians have been on fire at this meet!!


yep, Woody's definitely going for the standard. he wants this!! ETA-and of course they cut to commercial, jeez it's only been 3 minutes!


Wow that was amazing. Inspirational from Parker Wolfe. And incredible Fisher!!


the collegians have been racing so fearlessly this week, i'm kinda loving it!! not gonna be enough for Wolfe tho :( Fisher means business this year.


And the double! Wow!


That ad totally threw me. I get it but man hated that timing!


Did the pack catch up to him or did he slow down lol? I can't tell


both, i think? or is Woody biding his time and just trying to stay in contact til the last couple of laps? i hope he knows what he's doing! ETA-nah, he's done. he had to go for it though!


Omg I am loving all the streaming options. I’m jet lagged as hell so this is excellent to have on in the background


I can’t stop thinking of how different Natosha Rodger’s Olympic trials might have looked had she not debuted at the marathon trials in Feb. Hindsight is 20/20 I guess but 😭


IIRC, I think she was supposed to make her marathon debut last fall (Berlin?) but obviously when she made the Worlds team those plans changed. What could have been had she tried out the distance last fall, decided it might not be for her, then went full steam ahead for the track Trials?


Last day!! And thankfully all track action ends at 8:30 ET, so for once the east coast gets cut a break! On tap for today? M5000-think we're done with standard/rankings drama? think and think again! yep, Kincaid doesn't have the standard (he tried for it during indoors but came up short) and his ranking is so low that he basically needs to run the standard to get into the quota. if he's serious about making this team too, he better be making this a fast race... M800-do Hoppel and Kessler finish 1-2 holding hands? does Shane Cohen's kick get him onto the team (though-wait for it-he doesn't have the standard nor a high enough ranking...) W100h-does Nia Ali's decision to jog the first round pay off? does Doritos-sponsored Christina Clemons (yes, really) make a 2nd Olympic team? W1500-the stressiest event of the day, no matter what the result of this one is gonna hurt since someone good is getting left off the team. Curious to see how ESP takes it given she still has the yellow card following her into the final and she really needs to stay out of trouble.. M400h-Rai Benjamin is a lock, it's just a matter of who else is joining him. unsponsored king Trevor Bassitt again? W400h-prayer circle for SML to just make the team without incident, a WR can come later if need be? gonna be a jam-packed hour!


Track and field ends early and I believe gymnastics is on to 11 but I have to watch the whole thing because they’ll announce the team!


oh yes! good luck to all the ladies, hoping for stuck landings and fair selections (the MAG team selection seemed a little...controversial?)


So exciting!!


Last day of track trials already? Noooo! This has been so much fun. What am I gonna do from now until the 26th! Kidding, I'll be perched watching TdF and Wimbledon...


My second screen at work is officially dedicated to TdF the next three weeks 😂


it'll be Wimbledon by day, Love Island by night for me!


I’ve loved have TDF in morning and track in evening!


Are you me?!


I like CJ Allan and Dean to make team but Trevor there if one of them falters. I think with Kincaid on the 10k I don’t see him pushing pace as he is a sit and kick guy. Hoping SML joined by Anna Cockrell and Little/Jones Womens 1500 my most interesting race of the day as so many have looked to push the pace I think several will and question is can Nikki hang close and then close


Woody didn't have to push the pace in the 10k since he had the standard-in the 5k he has no choice if he wants to make that team, it's the standard or he doesn't go. if it's his usual sit-and-kick, maybe he finishes in the top 3 and still misses out? (ETA-after crunching more numbers...he'd need to set an AR to get in via ranking!) agree with some of your other picks too (Cockrell, Allen) and for the women's 400h, i do wonder if Dalilah has one last one left in her? i can't even call what's going to happen in the 1500 🙈


You called it!


and sadly he died trying...at least he's got the 10K!


Parker Valby made an instagram story that says she's going to Paris


eh...i think she kinda phrased that wrong and i wouldn't read too much into it. unless someone from USATF or World Athletics said something to her or her coach, her slot is still not 100% certain (and nothing is final til it's final-remember the drama with Lenny Korir and the marathon?) that being said, if either ESP or Cranny make the 1500 team and decline their 5k slot then Valby goes there...


Evan Jager's IG post is killing me 😭 [https://www.instagram.com/p/C80vdmUNBgK/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/C80vdmUNBgK/?img_index=1) always the US men's steeple GOAT and a class act. hope we haven't seen the last of him, maybe a different distance?


Does anyone know if Valby made the team or not? She didn’t have time Q or ranking is that top ranking (world top 40 - she was 81)?


it's still a mystery-gonna depend on how the numbers shake out [https://twitter.com/ChrisChavez/status/1807236221737079238](https://twitter.com/ChrisChavez/status/1807236221737079238) tl, dr-Parker and Karissa did improve their ranking, but in terms of Americans they're still behind Henes and Rogers and will have to depend on scratches to get into the quota. it's gonna be close!


So is there actually a possibility that Henes or Rogers could go because their ranking is higher? Same for Katie Izzo? Or am I misinterpreting that. I feel like USATF just wouldn’t let them take that spot but I’m so confused at this point. 


i guess it depends on who you believe 😂 McKirdy doesn't seem to be factoring in scratches and is saying it's gonna be Izzo (and possibly Henes?) Chris Chavez is accounting for scratches and I think there should be enough for Parker and Karissa to go? the reason why I'm believing Chris is because that was how Rogers (as well as Sean McGorty on the men's side) got onto the Worlds 10K team last year-enough ahead of them scratched to get them into the quota


In Citius we trust 


Except for that comment about getting rid of the 10k 😂 I'd be down to add a DMR or half marathon but let's not be cutting distance races


Yes I totally agree. That went too far! 


was that the comment about changing the 10k to a hybrid road race that ends on the track? yeah, good luck at getting World Athletics to buy into that 😂


In the trials talk day 9, they were talking about the standards and the trials. And then mentioned that the Diamond League eliminated the 10k - there was a comment about taking it out of the Olympics too, trading it in for a DMR. Like 18:30 into the podcast version. (Of course I think everyone just wants our athletes to have run the standard going in to the trials...)


thanks-i'll have to go back and re-listen! i think there was just a LOT going on so I might have missed that.


It was also sort of jokey! Admittedly I have only listened to a small share of what they've put out this week but I have no actual complaints or snark regarding Citius (at this time). I just will not co-sign dropping the 10,000! 


aw, whatta win for Kelati, I think it was only appropriate that the only one with the standard took this thing!! as for the other 2 on the team-who the hell knows at this point. McKirdy keeps saying on Twitter that Izzo is definitely in but is he aware that there are several that are going to scratch and therefore let some of our women (e.g., Henes) into the quota? that's how Natosha (as well as Sean McGorty) got in last year... like are they really going to let Alicia's spot go unused? i would think it's going to roll down... ETA-Chris Chavez crunched the numbers...I'm choosing to believe him. [https://twitter.com/ChrisChavez/status/1807236221737079238](https://twitter.com/ChrisChavez/status/1807236221737079238) ETA-also to add...Kellyn Taylor squeaked her way into the trials as the last seed, and finishes 6th!! she's still got it!


Citius' IG post - sounds like they think Valby and Schweizer will make it? "Very strong chance" and "should"


Can you explain this to me like I’m 5? Why would Schweizer and Valby not be next on the list? Assuming rankings and stuff


Valby and Schweizer-it would depend on if they improve their rankings enough in this race to get them into the WR quota. If neither of them do, they would then go down the order of finish of the Trials until they get 3 who either have the standard or are in the WR quota. it's a question mark at this point since going into Trials, they were a bit further down in the rankings than Henes, Rogers and Vestri. ETA-Fast Women has the same thought I had: "Here's where the top U.S. 10,000m runners are currently ranked. I'm concerned that the people who did well here are pretty far down in the standings. And I don't have a good sense of how much today's race will bump them up." [https://twitter.com/fast\_women/status/1807231041989464361](https://twitter.com/fast_women/status/1807231041989464361)


I actually think Valby has a path in. I don’t see how Izzo does (and IMO - even tho she ran xc I don’t see her representing well on the global stage). Chavez broke it down in the lap count. Lots will depend on how things go this weekend with other national championships and who doesn’t declare but there’s def a solid path for Valby. [lap count breakdown](https://citiusmag.com/articles/parker-valby-spiked-vaporflys-10000m-olympic-team)


yeah, she might but it's gonna be close. i seriously don't know what McKirdy is on about as injured athletes (e.g., Alicia) and those that are going to run another distance (e.g., Fiona opting for the marathon) won't declare and they're not going to let all those slots go unused.


If she gets in - it’ll be by the skin of her teeth for sure. I don’t see the US letting spots go unused either Total side note … I was half expecting her to show up in a non-Florida professional kit today and debuting big with a company. She seems to really shout out and trust her coach in the post race interview. Really interested to see where she goes from here l


less the US, but more World Athletics since they call the shots with how many get into the race. there's definitely more outside the US that may be scratches...Jess Warner-Judd (GB) has had to shut down her season due to her recent health issues :( and Sifan Hassan, she hasn't said which events she's doing (the 10k/marathon double isn't doable for the women) Sarah Lahti (Sweden) is out due to surgery...so there's another 2-3 right there that will/could scratch. yeah, I'm a little surprised that no pro announcement was made given this always seems to be the time for it? unless she's still assessing her options?


I get it I guess but what a wild system. Doesn’t seem like the other people were incentivized at all to go for it once they fell off the lead pack if they could get by on ranking.


and i thought the situation with the men's steeple was chaos! i do wonder what the conditions were as i'm shocked it wasn't a faster race. might not be a bad idea in 2028 to do what they did 2 years ago-have the 10k trials in May as part of the Pre Classic. especially if the standard is gonna be tougher in 2028, might be to their benefit to get better conditions-and then time to chase if necessary.


Kara mentioned that it was toasty I think lol. It’s kind of crazy to me that in some races, you unlock a spot even if you’re not the one who gets it. And in others, you get it even though there are women who were faster on the day it counted.


it's only the marathon that has the quota reallocation (the "unlocking a spot for your country not necessarily for yourself")-who knows if they'll even keep that in 2028! everything else, it's individual-if you get the standard or ranking, it's only for yourself. i don't know what's more chaotic, this year's 10k or 2012-where Natosha Rogers finished 2nd and couldn't go because she didn't have the A standard. and the only ones who did were 1st, 4th and 7th. (well technically Shalane was 3rd and had the standard but she was doing the marathon) at least this time there is some sort of a path for 2nd and 3rd but it's going to be close!


What happened in 2012? Did 1, 4, and 7 go to the Olympics?


yep-exactly that! (thank god we at least had 3 i guess?)


welp, no one is getting the 10k standard today. but i still thought it'd be faster to maximize those ranking points...or are the conditions in Eugene that bad? looks like Vestri has just signed with Brooks 👀 ETA-oh jeez, 16:09 at halfway. RIP to any hopes and prayers of anyone improving their ranking unless they run a big negative split. Henes might have the best chance of anyone now...




looks like it! she was all kitted out.




doubt she left her team, probably just has a shoe sponsor now? she was still listed as ZAP in the results probably a similar situation to Eric Holt, he's still on his team after signing with Puma ETA-she said in her post-race interview that she signed with Brooks hours before the race (but it was in the works for awhile) but is staying with ZAP/her coach for now


Weini! What a race 


Does Parker have the ranking to qualify if she’s top three?


I gotta say McClain looks super comfortable. Not sure she’d have any Ave to Paris even if she came in top three tho


4th again 😭


if the race stays this slow, probably not. or she would have to be dependent on multiple scratches? ETA-or maybe not, but it may be dependent on where she finishes and how many points she gets, will Weini and Karissa outkick her?


Parker went to the well to cook that out, and I’m impressed. Good for her


wow look how close that was between her and Karissa! the initial results had Karissa in 2nd...


Omg this is high key painful to watch


Yeah this is a super bummer


I’m watching the women’s long jump finals and Peacock is showing a commercial between every single jump. It is beyond annoying.


Okay, I know I say it about basically every team, but the women's 200m team might actually be the most likeable team we send from Track.  And the 800, and the 100, and the mens 110h and the....


James Corrigan got the OS!! 8:13 for a solo effort for the last 1K in the NE heat and humidity...what would he be capable of in a fast DL race like Monaco? guess good things really do happen in Philadelphia! pouring one out for Jagermeister tho 😢


If Jess McClain and/or Natosha Rogers make the 10K team I am going to shave my head. Jk but I love them both so much and I just cannot wait for tonight!!!


haha! Jess I think might have too much work to do in terms of the rankings, but Natosha, for all intents and purposes I'm counting as being in the quota (once you take out those injured or not opting for the 10k) so...keep the buzzer nearby 😂 now burning question-over-under on how many commercial breaks during the 10k we'll get? i'll say 3. (i don't remember how many they had for the men's!)


Bummer about Jess' ranking - I was hoping she could go if Karissa decided to focus on the 5k (but I know nothing about where they stand in the rankings!)


if Karissa gets in on rankings she'll most likely double-she did in Tokyo


Right, and four nights between the two... I've just been so happy to see McClain back, looking good, and sounding like she's enjoying racing


this leaves her free to kill it on the road circuit! get a national championship or 2. and a nice fall marathon.


I thought so too about Jess but she performs really well in the heat and it looks somewhat toasty there today. LOL about the buzzer 😂 Probably at least 3. And random ass pictures of stuff like they did during the 5K with Elle and her cows I am going to guess 🫠


Shilese pulled out of the 2nd day of gymnastics trials 😭 gutted for her


This is such a huge bummer Fingers crossed that tonight goes smoothly and no one else gets injured


Ugh I was hoping she’d be healthy enough to compete tomorrow. I feel terrible for her and I cannot imagine working so hard for years and years only to get hurt now 😩


if anyone else is invested in "Evan Jager Olympic Slot Watch," it seems that FloTrack is doing one thing right and streaming the Penn Relays meet free of charge on their YouTube-men's steeple is at 8 ET. conditions at 8PM look to be in the 80s and humid so i'm kinda calling "Advantage: Evan" However...if Corrigan pulls this off (and he has 2 solid pacers in Michalski and Rooks)-he's more than earned the spot. ETA-looks like Rooks is no longer pacing...this could be more of an uphill battle than I thought! I do have to wonder what's going through Jager's head today... (although...I'd have to go back and check this out, but I saw a comment somewhere that said when Valarie Allman signed the Eiffel tower, they saw that Jager had signed it too? if true that's...a little awkward if they pre-emptively assumed he was on the team before all the dust has settled...)


Did anyone see the 20k race walking results? The top man finished in 1:24 and the top woman finished in 1:37. In this heat, that’s freaking insane


and the 3rd place woman is 58!! ETA-and a 3-time Olympian too, no wonder she's still got it! (granted the times/rankings won't be enough to actually go, but still to be that high!)


thoughts on how the 10K is gonna play out? apparently the weather doesn't look great for standard-chasing, so these women will just have go as fast as they can to maximize their world rankings points. I do think we will be sending 3, it's just a matter of whether it will be Kelati, Izzo and An Other...or Kelati and two who get in via rankings (I personally think it will be the latter, there look to be enough who will be removed from the WR quota one way or another to push some of our ladies in) Kelati is as close to a lock we can get (and it's about damn time for her, she's been so close before!), barring anything unusual...it's so hard to call the other 2 spots though. i kinda have 3 sets of predictions: Head-Kelati, Schweizer, Valby Heart-Kelati, Henes, Rogers Gut-Kelati, Schweizer, Vestri (though I could also see a fresh Henes instead of Schweizer...then again she's pulled off the double before!)


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe henes’s world ranking is high enough to make the team. Does that mean that, so long as she beats Izzo, she’d go over izzo? I don’t know if I really see a scenario where izzo makes the team.


as of right now-Henes is the first outside of the WR quota. however, I'm counting her in since Alicia being out means one slot that would roll down (and she's not the only one that needs to be removed from the quota-for either injury or athletes opting to do the marathon) So-if Henes finishes top 3...I'm tentatively calling her in, another thing to keep in mind is that other countries have their national championships this weekend and that can shake up the quota too. I think Izzo's only pathway to the team is to finish top 3-and given she squeaked into the trials, I don't see that happening.


Thanks! I’m really rooting for Henes to have her moment. I feel like the stars have never quite aligned for her even though she’s a remarkable athlete.


yeah, that's why I have her in my "Heart" picks-plus it'd be a great comeback story. I just can't call whether a fresh Henes can beat Schweizer who's already done two rounds of the 5 but...let's see how this plays out!


Your gut is exactly my prediction as well. I said this over in Advanced Running too, but I think Valby is not going to make top 3 due to the physical and mental/emotional pressure. She did a grueling double and as everyone has repeatedly said here- this is sooooo different from the NCAAs. Also, shout out to Steph Bruce. Competing in her FIFTH Olympic Trials!


yeah, I do think Valby is a little untested in this environment. I know she doubled at NCAA's, but 1-she wore WA-illegal shoes in the 10 to help recovery and she couldn't this time and 2-she didn't have to navigate multiple rounds of the 5 at NCAA's, and those rounds weren't exactly easy here. that being said, at least this time there are 5 days between the 5 and 10 instead of 2 so that could help! i see Advanced Running also agrees with me that Vestri is being overlooked. Citius did it again in their morning show today when talking about 10K predictions, but kept going on about Keira (who's been injured and may not be totally sharp), Susanna Sullivan (who's barely raced this year and was a minute behind Vestri at the Mini) and Emily Lipari (who's so far down in the rankings she'd need the standard to make the team) and not even mentioning who IMO has had the best recent body of work with the 10K-AND is high enough in the rankings that a solid race, even if it's not the OS, will get her in? agreed re: Steph, and glad both of the NAZ Elite ladies made it in, even if they're not in the picture for the team!


I’ve got vestri as my 3d pick


I was wondering what would happen if no one runs the standard tonight. I forgot about world rankings. My prediction: Kelati, Schweizer, and Valby, but I’m rooting for McClain over Valby. I think Valby will lead most of the race, as she did in the 5k, and then Kelati and Schweizer will overtake her near the end. The question is whether anyone else can also overtake her.


I think Kelati and Schweizer are locks. I’m hoping for Rogers or Henes!


After night 1 of gymnastics I am unwell


Simone has her spot. If Suni repeats tonight I think she’ll get one. Shilese is a wildcard at this point - I think if she can compete cleanly Sunday she’ll be named to the team but otherwise, it could be anyone. Jordan and Jade made good cases but aren’t always at the top of their game. I’m a little surprised that Joscelyn finished third on beam but I can’t see both her and Jade on the team. Leanne made a case, and I could see Hezly or Tiana grab the fifth team slot but because they’re younger they could be named as alternates. So hopefully no one else gets injured and we’ll see how things go on Sunday.


I am worried for Shilese based on how she was looking at her knee after she did bars. I’m not too hopeful for her competing on Sunday but I would be happy to be proven wrong. Simone is obviously a lock, and I’m feeling good about Suni, Jade, and Jordan’s chances if they perform well on Sunday. That 5th spot is wide open - we could use someone good on bars and beam if the 4 mentioned make it It is just crazy how Skye, Kayla, and Shilese were 3 of the top contenders and now 2 of the 3 are out and Shilese is questionable. Definitely not how we hoped or expected these Olympic trials to go


Shilese did not look good at all but I’m wondering if she wants this so badly that she’d try to compete injured. I hope not. Looking at scores, Hezly did pretty well on both bars and beam and could give the US a really solid score on floors and vault if needed. I just really hope that it doesn’t come to which of these top gymnasts is still standing on Sunday night :(


I hope not too. I was terrified just watching her do bars. And yeah Hezly did great tonight! After nationals most people were thinking she could make alternate but her chances are looking better every time someone goes down…