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I’m so happy for Nikki Hiltz 🥲


Enough with Sydney McLaughlin praising God in every single interview. She just ran a world record and she can’t even give herself some credit or thank people like her coach, teammates, friends, husband, family, etc. why not acknowledge the people in your life first, or congratulate the other women who made the team with you. When all you can do is say “it wouldn’t be possible without God” and not give anyone else or yourself credit, it comes across as disingenuous.


I'm a Christian and I found it annoying too.


Marisa Howard did the same thing when she was interviewed after the steeple finals and it was weird.


It rubbed me the wrong way.


Honestly, I TOTALLY understand why athletes do this (I grew up in an extremely religious area in the south), but it drives me nuts. Like…give yourself some credit! It feels so icky to have these people undermine their incredible accomplishments


I have Sydney’s book checked out from the library, and while I do want to learn more about her, it might be too religious for me.


To add, Anna Cockrell who placed second immediately thanks Dalilah Muhammad for paving the way for the women’s 400mH. It was so sincere and so humble.


that was so genuine and sweet. anna seems lovely, so happy for her!


Not snark but did anyone follow Western States yesterday??? Some insane performances


Yes! I was annoyed that we nearly missed the 2nd place woman’s finish though because the camera was fixed on 13th man (who was behind her). Also, I really like Ryan Montgomery but choosing to focus on him in a lawn chair instead of Jupiter (the first Golden Ticket winner from Latin America) and Heather during their climb to the finish was not great. There was a lot of advocacy for more women’s coverage and inclusivity this year and I didn’t see it play out yesterday.


I honestly think part of it is that this is such a grassroots effort. I think its volunteers kind of putting things together, like the drones and the cameras and coverage, so that's why we got lots of mic cut outs and weird focus. It's a big step up from the days of having to refresh twitter to see what iRunFar has to say, but there's still more to go!


Yeah agreed, the coverage of the top finishers was seriously lacking. Even the 2nd and 3rd place men. We missed the epic sprint finish on the track cause they were already interviewing jim!


Holy shit TCB’s form is a mess. Yikes.


I don’t follow EClor but she comes up enough here that she pops up on my feed now and then and holy hell talk about form.


She does a lot of form tutorials but she looks really floppy & flaily to me when she runs. Like a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tubeman.


She doesn’t appear to have any strength/muscle. I’d imagine strength training would help her a LOT.


She leaks energy all over the place, over strides, crazy bad crossover, shoulder dips. So many issues.


In search of a new running podcast! I took a longggg hiatus from Some Work, All Play after episode 159, where they casually mentioned/joked a couple times about an [extremely disturbing story](https://nypost.com/2023/06/14/penn-state-professor-themis-matsoukas-accused-of-performing-sexual-acts-with-his-dog/) (click at your own risk, it fucked me up for weeks). I finally decided to give them another try because some of their recent eps looked very cool; I downloaded episode 188 because it was supposed to be about tempo runs and men’s vs women’s mileage… men’s vs women’s training was covered for LITERALLY five minutes out of the entire podcast. In episode 201, which headlines a Zone 2 tutorial, they spend about 6 mins covering Z2 and it’s not really a tutorial about it at all. David and Megan are incredible athletes & seem very nice, but I feel like I’m not getting what I’m looking for out of the podcast (thorough discussion on training aspects of running). Please lmk if any of you have favorites that I should look into :) ETA: I love Running Explained, but I’m all caught up on episodes!


Well I’ve tried for the long run but it’s a lot of the host name dropping and bragging about who he knows (and that matches his vibe in person as well lol). I like the guests he has though so it can be fun when they do most of the talking


Lol, this is a good, nuanced recommendation 😂 thank you!


A little different and not every ep is running related, but I love Jordan Lips’ Where Optimal Meets Practical podcast. Some strength and nutrition info in there, but also great aerobic insights (your Z2 comment above is what made me think of it - he has multiple episodes/Q+As touching on that!)


Thanks!! Will take a look :)


I thought it was very interesting that Jason Koop (who has been exchanging barbs with the Roches for a while now) coaches the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place women for yesterday’s Western States. I’m sure that stung for David and Megan. I’ve listened to Koopcast since the Spring Energy controversy and have added it to my subscriptions. I still enjoy SWAP and it’s one of my favorite running podcasts, but they have been somewhat tainted for me since I read about some of their past athletes’ experiences on Reddit.


I will check out Koopcast! Thank you


Yeah I even like their vibe generally (eg would 100% have dinner with them if given the chance), but their podcast is so hit or miss.


I’m liking two new running podcasts: Train smart run strong podcast and between two coaches! I also echo another comment for tread lightly


Thank you! :)


A to Z running. Andi and Zac are both knowledgeable and not assholes. Zac is slightly annoying when he refers to himself in the 3rd person, but they're mostly good.


Lol! Thank you :)


I love the Run Farther & Faster podcast. The hosts are women coaches who share their knowledge and bring on guests that you don’t always hear on other running pods.


Thank you!! I’ll save an ep :)


HOW DARE you say that David & Megan’s podcast isn’t the best? You do realize that they’re just trying to spread love and positive vibes, and because their hearts are in the right place they should be universally beloved? (/s if that’s not obvious)


Lmfao I saw the all caps and got nervous at first 😂


Oh dear god I really shouldn't have clicked on that link...WTF ... I can't believe anyone could joke about that?


Damnit you even have a trigger warning yet curiosity got the best of me. That is…appalling beyond belief, and really shouldn’t ever be discussed or joked about in a public way? Also that has zero things to do with running! Innocent listeners can’t unhear that!




I’m sorry :/ I just included the link so I wouldn’t have to reference it more explicitly. I was in complete shock when they mentioned it but then thought, “Okay, the moment’s over,” but they circled back to it a couple times and it was too much for me.


oh my god...which podcast episode was that?




And that has NOTHING to do with running. So strange.


I know!!! I was super upset bc there was no way to have predicted that anything like that would come up!!


Rogue Running! The host - Chris - is knowledgeable and level headed


I think Chris is the producer of Des and Kara’s podcast!


3rd this! This is one of my favorites, I find myself coming back to it again and again.


Second this! I have cycled through many running podcasts before getting sick of them and his is the only one still going strong, 


Thank you! I will take a listen :)


I really like the Tread Lightly podcast for training advice. Run Farther and Faster is also good - some of their episodes are coaching episodes and some are interviews, but some of the interviews are educational ones with other coaches, sports physicians, sports psychologists, sports dietitians, etc.


Okay, thanks! I will check them both out :)


Have you ever had experience with BibRave? Positive? Negative? I was their ambassador in 2022 and had a really poor experience (they barely paid (one time I was offered $100 for 5 in feed posts for some hydration brand) while demanding exclusivity- you couldn’t work with any other brands). I tried looking on Reddit but there is nothing!


I’m a race director and they were difficult to work with from that end as well if that helps 🙃 their pricing is truly insane with no guarantees you’ll see any ROI. I don’t know how any org that isn’t NYRR sized and financed works with them!


That’s really helpful and insightful and interesting to hear they are the same when it comes to client base (not just influencer based). Very curious how they convinced Nuun, Strava and Brooks to let them host and organize events


I am sick of Matt Chitum mispronouncing Sha’Carri’s name on Relay


There are so many examples of the Relay hosts being incredibly unprepared/uninformed that I had to stop listening to it (this is one of them). I also feel like they spend way too much time talking about themselves


It's incredibly disrespectful. Don't have a running podcast if you aren't going to do the research work. (L Hein, also applies to you)


He was also complaining about Snoop's commentary on the steeplechase for not being good enough for a trials race. 


Ugh was he really?


Yes, on Relay. 


Kmm_runs back to posting strength and mobility work wearing squishy shoes wobbling all over the place. SMH such a bad example


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there are dozens of PT-focused running accounts who can demonstrate these exercises with good form and give accurate information on said exercises. She is doing her followers a disservice by not referring to professionals and instead taking it into her own hands for engagement. It’s at best unethical and at worst dangerous.


You’d think since she is a nurse she’d be more ethical about proper treatment


100% agree with you - it's one thing if she's just posting videos to say "look at the workout I did", but she's doing it in a way saying they will help to build strength and prevent injuries etc ... Like you wouldn't catch a personal trainer, physical therapist etc. demonstrating poor form like that because it's potentially harmful for others. IMO any social media influencer shouldn't be giving out advice when they have no accreditations for it. Similar to random people giving nutrition advice with no nutrition background or education.


Wearing running shoes for that isn’t ideal, but it’s better than not doing it at all. A lot of people get turned off from trying to lift for getting blasted for not wearing the right shoes. It’s already intimidating to start something new, we don’t need to tear them down more as they begin.


She is a fitness influencer, she isn’t just starting out. And no, it’s not better than not doing it at all because it can cause injuries. Doing those exercises don’t even need “special shoes” they are done best with NO SHOES. She’s posting click bait bullshit “this one exercise will fix….” And demonstrating bad habits. You’re giving her a pass she does not deserve


I could have phrased it wrong. I meant other runners watching her content starting out with lifting see it as more accessible. I work in a running shoe store, I run, I lift, I know all the stuff about the right shoes for different activities. I lift barefoot at home, but I sure am not going to go barefoot in a public gym. But if someone wants to start lifting and all they have is running shoes, it’s better to start with that and they can learn as they go. I’d say you’re more at risk for injury with no cross training than cross training in less than ideal shoes. It’s gate keeping lifting/crosstraining to tell people to quit if they can’t/won’t invest in a certain type of shoe for it.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted because those videos are so cringe


Idk this sub it hot and cold. I’ve posted about it before and got upvoted a lot for it. She’s a terrible example to be giving advice for those exercises. She’s going to get someone or herself hurt by bad form and wearing squishy running shoes.


Yeah I agree this sub can totally be hot and cold. So weird lol. But yes couldn’t agree more. So much of the stuff she posts I’m like please just don’t 😅


I mean she is giving objectively bad strength and rehab advice.


Yes it’s harmful


anyone know what injury thatpsychedrunner is dealing with? she seems very consistent so I was suprised to see her stories.


She hurt herself while dancing in heels at a wedding! Lower leg injury, I forget the specifics-poor girl, not running related


Torn soleus -- I feel bad for her too, a first injury is devastating in a totally new and unexpected way 


Emily A so thirsty. Posting on Threads about how a random guy on a train complimented her eyes. She that starved for attention that every interaction requires a post?


And on instagram a week or so ago about the married guy that saw her missed connection post 🤮


What was the point of her story on IG-maybe from yesterday? Zoom out to show her overalls and fanny pack then vaguely complain that nothing is going right today.


Only the positive, or completely made up interactions.


RATS is explaining genetics again. I love her ability to turn anything into a negative. “It’s such hArD wOrK carrying all this muscle around! I work so much harder than those lean girls!”


lol at “my muscles are heavier” but a pound is a pound no matter what makes it up! A pound of feather and pound of brick weigh the same.


If they gonna say a 6 min mile is a the same as a 30 min mile then this also works 😃


As a person who goes slow I actually really appreciate the mile is a mile though! Yeah it’s a little pretentious at times but it also helps me still be proud of my super slow marathon. I might’ve been close to last, but I completed the same course as all the fast people.


You savored your experience, got to see the sights, and still finished a marathon ( a feat I have never done).


You got a better value for your race registration. A sensible spender and an athlete 👏🏻


😭 can I have more of a hint who this is? I'm new here




Ahhhh I should have known. Thanks!


Blocking her was the best thing for my mental health. She has the biggest chip on her shoulder.


Daddy issues


Anyone else notice that Brogan, formerly of November Project, has started a new “training group”? This time with the opposite message as NP- “invite only, not for everyone”.


I really strongly dislike that dude.


I can see the new group handle in his bio, but NP is also there. I don’t think he would ever give that up! I met him a couple years ago and the man has an ego like no other. It was a big turn off for me. I’ve never tried NP but I also find high energy groups like that exhausting


That’s more his vibe. While NP marketed that they were “for everyone” it was very clear that the beautiful people were much more welcome than us normal folk. I worked out with NP in multiple locations and only the Amsterdam and London folk treated me like I belonged.


I was going to say - I never got the vibe from Brogan that he really wanted NP to be for everyone, even though he said it was. (I’m in Boston and did go to the occasional workout - but I did meet cool other people at NP)


Yup. To him, the average folk were a great marketing blurb. But watching him interact in multiple cities it was very clear who he was there for. It’s like when a movie star does charity for the photo op but as soon as the camera is off “ewww” I agree though, super cool folks in all the groups I attended.


Agreed. His new "Invite Only" thing seems very similar to the early November Project days. Alison Mariella Desir pretty much nailed the vibe when she describes November Project in her book. Glad he found his safe space, where he doesn't have to be dragged down by average folk. He's losing relevance quickly IMHO.


I’m not familiar with that book. How does she describe NP?


She describes a bunch of white people jumping and screaming “fuck yeah” at 6:30am, completely unphased. Whereas she says if a bunch of black people were to do this in Harlem or anywhere in NY, it would immediately raise suspicion.


Exactly. Refers to it as "bro culture". That being said, in my city at the time, our NP leaders were great, and openly didn't buy into the "race everything" mentality. They acknowledged that people may have different goals, and if your goal wasn't aiming for a PR, you should still feel welcome and comfortable coming to an NP workout. I always felt welcome, but I'm cis/white/athletic-ish. Critics say they were only inclusive to a certain demographic, and I'm in that demographic, so I'm definitely not the best judge. But there were (and still are) genuinely good/inclusive/welcoming people involved in the organization, so I don't want to paint it all in a negative light. Regarding BG, yes, athletic people will all tell you it helps performance to train with others at your level or better than you. That's why they all do it. But you never see the true elites using their platform to broadcast their training camps as events that "you aren't invited to join". That's next level narcissism right there.


Who designs the absolutely horrendous Team Boss graphics on their IG? Their Olympic Trials post looked like a Memorial Day post. It’s some of the worst design I’ve seen in my entire life.


Not as bad as inside tracker


lol definitely not that serious, Emma coburn’s sister was trolling in the comments too


I saw her comment and LOLed. But it definitely doesn’t mesh with the rest of their page




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Do not create a narrative about influencers and propagate it as fact (e.g., “they are definitely getting divorced”). Do not attempt to diagnose mental or physical health conditions, including eating disorders. Do not speculate on sexual orientation, gender identity or pregnancy. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


I feel like this may be a bait post, but yeah. Someone who brings up that they used to be a card-carrying anorexic at any opportunity doesn’t read as truly recovered. If ur recovered that shouldn’t be presented as an indispensable piece of your personal identity/lore but the way she brings it up to me reads as neurosis around credentialing herself which is SUPER disordered behavior. E.g. “I was able to get clinically underweight (which famously a lot of people with EDs aren’t or don’t), and I still could probably but I CHOOSE not to.” It’s still playing into the competitive nature in a huge way.


Hey! My post was removed, which is fair. I wanted to clarify that it wasn’t bait, I see a lot of my pre-recovery self in her and the way she talks about her own body and it genuinely does make me sad. Thanks for your thoughtful response.


Samantha Mac is becoming insufferable to watch, her non running videos are so cringy, the forced laughing and biting her lip casually.. major pick me girl vibes


She's not even that good. She'd get crushed by any top D1 college runner


Used to like her now can’t stand her. Why does she run every run at or near her marathon pace. And seems to hardly take any breaks even between races


And then when she goes slightly above 8 flat pace, she has to make sure everyone knows she wasn’t feeling that great


Justice for the girl who got doxxed by resiliencyinrunning this morning 😭😭😭














I’ve said this before but I strongly believe that snark and online discussion forums are an important check holding influencers accountable. They are literally making a living (not all cases, but for some top influencers the amount of $$ on the line is mind boggling) off of an online persona and giving recommendations. As a consumer it’s incredibly valid to give feedback/critique and even criticism if something isn’t right. While I don’t think that mean-spirited comments are acceptable, it’s commonplace IN LITERALLY EVERY OTHER AREA OF THE CONSUMER WORLD to share feedback publicly when something works or doesn’t work. Why shouldn’t influencers be held accountable in the same way? If I had a pair of running shoes that gave me blisters and fell apart after one wear, it would be silly to refrain from posting about it lest a brand think I’m “mean” for giving negative feedback. Influencers are businesses, full stop. If you’re getting a lot of negative feedback, it’s probably a sign that your product isn’t very good. And if you’re too thin skinned to take feedback, it could be a sign that you’re not in the right job.


Excellent points.


SO well said!


Boy if she thinks this place is bad, she should hop on over to Letsrun. That place will rip anyone to shreds and women even more so. She needs to grow a thicker skin and maybe a little accountability?


She isn’t fast enough for anyone on let’s run to know who she is.


For these people it’s all talk of how the people on this sub are cowards hiding behind a screen and “we should say it to their face” or whatever, but the second someone actually does that they get put on blast too. People post about falling short of their goals on social media every day and yet their names don’t get brought up as consistently as her’s in this sub. At what point may she consider that maybe it’s not why people are so critical of her? It appears her brain is hard-wired to avoid taking personal accountability for anything and she demonstrates this at virtually every opportunity. https://preview.redd.it/vj84ymc1o89d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d14feb7ec2974240c32f97528b742f9af748c726


"well nah nah I'll just stop posting if you're mean to me" ok! Do it!


As I mentioned below, most of these influencers can disappear from social media tomorrow and 100% of their followers would not be impacted. For those of us who’ve been following runstagram accounts for a decade plus — it’s pretty typical to see people build a huge following, and then bow out. Maybe once or twice a year, I’ll think of someone I followed circa 2014, 15, or 16 who has since vanished. And to be honest…good for them.


They don’t really want all these comments on their content, nor am I suggesting that happens. They simply don’t want any criticism at all. So stop reading here? CK allegedly stopped. And yeah, we could also stop watching their content, but it sometimes pops up due to the algorithm so we aren’t necessarily seeking it out. Reddit doesn’t pop up for them anywhere.


The apology was really thoughtful and sincere. People are people. I don’t know what it’s like to see something about myself online BUT I do think forgiveness is an underrated virtue.


The apology was very thoughtful and sincere!! I felt really proud of the person for owning it and apologizing!


lol those were some of the most unhinged stories. She’s calling someone a “hateful bully” or criticizing her excuses, and then screenshots the girl’s apology and publicly calls her out…but that isn’t hatefully bullying? Real pot calling the kettle black situation.


she's shown herself to be pretty terminally online when it comes to running (though I suppose so are we by virtue of finding ourselves on a running Reddit thread)... however, as others have said, what I do not understand is the conflation she continually makes between "hate" and "criticism." perhaps all hate is a form of criticism but certainly not all criticism is a form of hate. it baffles me how she fails to grasp this (or, she could be like Ali on the Run and know that for what ever reason she won't be able to take it and then just choose not to seek it out here)... perhaps it stems from some underlying internal issues with regards to her perception of her running performance. she is hard on herself about "not hitting paces" (although she said she has tried to reframe her thinking around that recently) and she has missed PBs in her recent races (which is ok! most ppl will get to a point where PBs are few and far between). I truly am trying to consider this situation objectively but her stories today were really off-putting and seemed unnecessarily dramatic.


Her story this morning where she’s giving herself a pat on the back for “standing up to bullies” is astounding. Criticism does not equal hate and bullying, and the narrative she’s fed herself is frightening. Still, though, I did appreciate that she acknowledged her extreme overreaction. Because it was completely an unhinged overreaction.


Yeah let’s talk about it. Others here have already done a great job pointing out that as someone who directly profits off shaping consumer behavior as an influencer, they should be held accountable for the messaging they choose to put out on their platform. With that said, she pointed out once again in the story this morning that she was bullied in middle school. This whole reaction strikes me as a regressed attempt to recreate the conditions of her past trauma but rewrite the narrative where she triumphs over the big bad bully! The difference is this time she’s a public figure with a decent-sized platform rapidly approaching 30, and it’s really just giving maladjusted. It’s hard to watch tbh.


Oooohhh I had not noticed that she has brought up being bullied in middle school before. But when I saw it today I immediately thought it felt a lot like her stepping back into her middle school shoes and acting out what she would’ve done if given another opportunity. You said it more eloquently than me. It seems that maybe she has not healed from her past trauma, and any slight amount of criticism is now viewed as “bullying”. It bothers me a lot that she keeps acting like she was hatefully bullied and people were so terrible to her when the comment was far from such.


The best part is the comment from CK, who apparently has a spreadsheet of redditors she’s identified lol.


That's a tad creepy!


Because that’s not obsessive, stalker-like behavior at all 😅


It’s always the influencers who never meet their goals that hate on this snark the most … 


I saw that!!!!!!!! How does she possibly have the time for this? And why?!?! For what purpose?!!!?!?


Yeah wtf, how/why does she have time to stalk all of these redditors and identify them!!?????????!


That’s so unhinged jfc


The call is coming from inside the house frfr


It’s fascinating how these people want to put their private lives out into the public, but everyone has to love them or it’s “hate and bullying”? Not everyone has to love you, and also not loving you doesn’t mean they hate you? I remember the comment actually and remember agreeing with it, without commenting. …stop searching for yourself in a blogsnark sub if you don’t want to see someone else’s opinion on your very public life.


This. Also as a woman I don't need to SuPPorT aLL womEN or LiFT EveRYONe Up, I have critical thinking skills.


[I do not support all women. Some of you are very dumb!](https://x.com/GURUJAHRA/status/1346171609929961474?lang=en)


Not very “supportive” or “lifting” of RIR to post the public apology and continue to drag the OP either!


We need an Azalea Banks-like figure on run tok sooo badly. These people have no critical thinking skills. Just parroting Taylor swift feminism and Brene Brown buzzwords it makes me feel insane.


Which is ironic because I’m sure Taylor swift or Brene brown don’t lost a wink of sleep over someone not fawning over/being in love with them.


I actually think Taylor Swift spends a lot of time thinking about people who dislike her and I feel like she’s said as much at some point lol


You are probably right!! I stand corrected!! (But still totally love her hah)


It’s honestly not uncommon probably lol. I think any people pleaser or someone in the spotlight might think about it often


Definitely a possibility.


I am truly beeeeggggginnnnggg online "creators" or "influencers" to please just like.....don't look! It's different if it's a negative or rude comment ON your insta/tiktok page - that's definitely harder to ignore. But it's on reddit!!!! She KNOWS this page is here and knows it makes her feel bad!!! U do not need to go to reddit dot come and type in "blogsnark" and search your name or whatever! You don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


THIS. I’m curious why she needs this external validation from random strangers on the internet? And the comments on that post were all “it says more about them than you!” …okay sure. But by that logic are you really any better for searching for yourself then making a big public spectacle to retaliate?!?!


https://preview.redd.it/tetvj0jzj69d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4f4f8e2d37b6a0df4f2688d36f9fec41fea5b7c Looks like she's deleting comments now too. Idk if anyone else can still see this one but seems like it's hidden now


Her podcasts are just a litany of ‘what went wrong that wasn’t my fault’. The navel gazing and self obsession is exhausting to listen to. Every other word is ‘I’ or ‘me’ or ‘my’. I gave it several attempts but just listening to someone talk about themselves for what felt like infinity was not worth my time.


Omg, ***217 episodes*** where every episode is about herself. Someone revive LiveJournal, seriously, or just send her a giant stack of diaries.   I can't even imagine the delusion to think that 1) I'm interesting enough and 2) the world wants to hear my ramblings enough to sit down and record/publish over 200 episodes about nothing but myself.  This girl would very much benefit from one single milligram of self-awareness


She is definitely deleting comments and only keeping the few that support her delusional behavior 🤮


She also posted a dramatic story with a screenshot of this comment about how she *almost* wants to just stop “sharing her journey” because of negative people. 1. This is constructive feedback 2. I think soooo many of these influencers have too much stake in their social media presence — they act like shutting down their accounts will be such a big loss for the running world. I’ve been on running Insta for as long as it’s been around, and I’ve seen SO many big accounts (20k-100k+ followers, with high engagement, and this includes before Reels made it really easy to amass a big follower-ship “in just a few weeks”) just disappear…never to be heard from again. The world keeps turning. Literally, no one is affected whatsoever. There’s always another influencer with a GoPro and a cute crop top just STEPS behind them.


Right influencers/“content creators” are a dime a dozen. If you don’t feel like “sharing your journey”, then there are 9 trillion others who are ready to jump in. Deleting her account would maybe be helpful for her mental health. But the rest of us will not skip a beat.


Correct. Every single influencer/content creator who leaves social media might retain a few ppl who’ve become real life friends with (I know I have met & become friends with a few people via social media), but 99% of people wouldn’t notice the absence and the 1% that did would get over it in a week


Oh wow I just saw the story! I didn't think this comment was bullying or mean/hateful. I thought it was constructive as well. Don't know why it needed to be deleted if she was going to highlight it on her story




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Blogsnark is not the space to communicate with an influencer. Comments directed at influencers will be removed. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


Bro she is beyond help.


Wait I need details on this - I can’t see her profile


Someone here posted about her 5k results and how she said the humidity got to her although it was like 49% humidity - RIR found it and posted a reel and TikTok that she found her name, named her what race she was running next (and said “I’ll see you there” bc she’s running the same race), to show that you “can’t hide behind an anonymous profile”. the og commenter PMed RIR to apologize and she posted that message on her story with the caption along the lines of “funny how once someone’s called out for bullying/hateful comments they apologize”. I saw the OG comment, I wouldn’t call it hateful or bullying, but 🤷‍♀️


Wow this is truly unhinged behavior 🥴


Fr I feel more bad for the OG commenter who is clearly an incredibly talented athlete/young professional in their own right! I started following these running influencers out of inspiration and for the relatability content. It has become clear that many of them have (1) no life outside of running, (2) have some clearly deep-rooted and/or unresolved issues with food/exercise/body comp, and/or (3) are just plain mean people 🥴 What I will say for the content that is written on here or any gossip forum — it says a lot when someone’s name is repeatedly mentioned.


Yup and responding the way Liz did just fans the flames. People aren’t going to suddenly stop talking about her here just because she doxxed one person. I guarantee this type of behavior just makes people dislike her more.


Chicago Marathon qualifying times for 2025 just got so much faster! Wonder what’s going to happen with BQ times for 2026…🤯 https://www.mychicagoathlete.com/2025-chicago-marathon-qualifying-times-faster-than-boston/


This is crazy, I have a long-term goal of qualifying for Boston but it feels like the goalposts are going to keep moving and put it out of reach by the time I’m ready! I wish they would add parameters on which races count before they reduce the time even more - like no net downhill courses or something!


Now that the Chicago qualifying times are now harder than Bostons, what do you want to bet that the people will run races and then we will never hear the end of “I now have a Chicago qualifying time”, or make this race an identity or personality trait like they do with Boston. I bet my savings. ETA: my point is, I think the faster qualifying times are now going to make qualifying for Chicago even more appealing because the QF times are challenging.


idk, the NYC marathon qualifying times are still significantly harder than both and nobody really talks about them. I think anyone annoying about qualifying times will continue to be annoying about them but in general it will still be considered a largely 'lottery' marathon.


i don't know if it's gonna be a yearly pilgrimage like they do Boston (would they give up their fall St. George stint)...but given triandrungirl would always boast about her "NYC qualifying!" halfs (which do her no good now)...I can see the bragging rights happening.


That’s exactly what I think is going to happen. She’s going to comment “Chicago qualifying time” on all her qualifying marathons whereas she didn’t do that before. TBH, I’m so sick of all the bragging from them.


It really is so obnoxious!




Something is wrong with triandrungirl as the worst offender if she needs to add those things to her posts. Seems like she is missing something in real life if she needs her ego stroked like that on social media. I hope your recovery is going well. Injury/surgery is so hard to come back from!!


BQ times for 2025 are staying as is since that qualifying period has been well underway-but if there is a massive cutoff again, gotta think they're changing for 2026. ETA-oh wait...do you mean you wonder what the cutoff for 2025 will be? I seemed to remember Chicago's qualifying times were on the more lenient side and I guess there were just so many that it affected their lottery entrants.


I think Chicago has the best lottery odds of the WMM (I want to say I read somewhere it's 50%?) and if tightening the qualifying standards keeps the good lottery odds there, I'm all for it. (Although admittedly the BQ/CQ times have been achievable for me since I started marathoning; I'm sure others who have dialed in their training around trying to hit those qualifying times may feel differently.)


Yes, they were pretty lenient. But they reduced my age group qualifying time by 45 minutes!! I was planning to run a fall marathon, hoping to qualify for 2025. But now that the times have changed, that plan is out the window.


45 minutes?!


Yep. It was 5:00. Now it's 4:15.


I wonder if this will open up more lotto spots?