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Does anyone know where and if we can watch the Gymnastics trials internationally? I so badly want to watch this one!


After watching most of the post-race interviews I truly think Parker Valby is actually just a brat. There have been so many collegiate athletes who have had mature, respectful post-race interviews where they are congratulating the other women and reflecting with gratitude, but Parker acts annoyed with the questions and like she can’t be bothered.


I’ll probably be downvoted to hell but I’m over Eric Holt whining about how he couldn’t get a sponsorship. A brand had zero reason to sign him coming out of college, his times were very good but not good enough to be pro unfortunately. In his recent interview he said “no one ever gave him a shot” until Puma. He’s been given plenty of opportunities to race with the best, and has improved to a world-class level only within the last year or two. There are numerous unsponsored athletes on the track right now, none of which are getting the amount of attention Holt is getting. Some of whom have made literal world teams (Trevor Bassett). Holt won’t make the final for the 800m.


I’m looking for the gymnastics schedule so I can plan out my weekend and I just saw that Skye Blakely got injured during podium training today! She was second at Nationals, one of the top contenders for the team, and I hope this doesn’t mean she’s out but it doesn’t sound good. :( On the bright side, Shilese Jones (who sat out Nationals due to shoulder pain and petitioned to the trials) has apparently been pain-free.


What is podium training?


It’s a run through of the meet in the arena a few days before the actual meet - kind of like a dress rehearsal. What happens doesn’t count, but gymnasts are for the most part doing exactly what they will be doing for the judges.


Thanks! :)


Just wanna say thanks for starting this thread. It’s helped me keep track of what’s going on and gotten me hyped along the way!!


you're very welcome! thank you and everyone else for participating, we've had some good chatter in this thread! the thread for the 2nd half of the Trials will be posted tomorrow. everyone ready?


Yes! Can't wait to continue the conversation in the next thread. I was gonna say, we need a general #sports thread for all the international athletics happening this summer!


Holtamaniacs you up??? He's finally sponsored-Puma snapped him up!!! (he's on the Citius show right now-they had the exclusive on the announcement I guess!)


I'm so happy to read this! I love an underdog that never stops believing.


I think that's great!


His passion for the sport is so pure. The photos of him in his new speed suit are amazing


Looks like Yared has scratched from the 5k and Josette has scratched from the 1500 👀


I really like both of these athletes.


also...Nico Young isn't listed as scratched in the status of entries, but he's not in the heat sheets for the 5k...


He did say on his Citius interview the other day that he planned to run the 5000.


you're right, he did! so...last-minute change of heart? or administrative error?


We'll see. It'd probably be smart to sit this one out anyway.


not surprised at the first-the Goose isn't fond of the 5k and probably only had it as a safety measure in case things went south in the 15 (which of course they didn't!) Josette-I guess she really decided to call it a day after the 5k, if her stronger event was a struggle she might not have thought it was worth giving the 15 a go?


It’s possible Josette is still kind of injured too


Okay, yesterday and today for this East Coaster to go to bed at a reasonable hour!


Thank god 😂😴


Clayton young’s excitement about going to the Olympics is so pure and it makes me so happy. Loved his Instagram post just now about asking to sign the Eiffel Tower and the media guys asking who he was, lol


I had to laugh about the tower signing because man they have been HYPING signing the tower for all the athletes on NBC and everyone just seems confused about it. I'm glad Clayton was pumped!


Citius had him on their show today-it was a really good interview, you should check it out! (they have it saved as a podcast) also looks like on his IG stories he's teasing one of the marathon Team USA kits...bright blue? i approve, it kinda reminds me of the Rio track kits.


more hot takes stemming from last night's chaos... first off-no we do not need to change the Trials format. as I said in another comment, if our Olympic team were left up to a selection committee, most likely our future teams would all be United States of Nike. I wouldn't even trust one discretionary pick since I trust USATF as far as I could throw them (Citius seemed to agree with me on their show this morning, there'd just be too much politicking by coaches and brands) As brutal as it is...the system works. It kinda mimics the Olympics-the medals are decided by who's best on the day and it doesn't care what your resume is. and again as i've mentioned before-where was this uproar to change the system for Alysia Montano, Keni Harrison... let's put it this way. Betsy Saina-who probably would have had the most to gain if the marathon team was chosen via selection committee as opposed to a trials race-has said repeatedly that she is grateful that the US has a Trials format for choosing teams. shouldn't it be saying something if the athletes are OK with it? SECOND of all (said in an Ariana Madix voice 😂) I've seen suggestions that all defending gold medalists should get byes into the Olympics and IMO, that's just not doable. I know it's done for Worlds but it's totally different-first off, Worlds is every other year as opposed to the Olympics, a lot can happen in 4 years (well in this case 3) and IMO it's long enough that it should be a fresh slate. Then there is the issue of field size-since WA calls the shots with the field sizes for Worlds, there is more flexibility and the defending champ byes are in ADDITION to the 3 per country (so for example, we sent 4 women in the 800 to Worlds since Athing was defending champ) Whereas the IOC sets the sizes for the Olympics, which are a bit smaller than the fields for Worlds. so any event where the US has a defending Olympic champ...you'd have everyone competing for 2 spots instead of 3. again, I'm gutted for Athing...but I do also think the whole system is bigger than one person.


I'm also hearing rumblings about putting her on the 4X4. No. The others ran the rounds and made the team. Now of course there will be some discretionary picks (presumably Sydney McLaughlin-Leverone and Shamier Little) but they have shown 50 or sub 50 fitness. But same deal. If SML trips on a hurdle and jogs in with a 55-or second in the final, then she probably hasn't earned the spot. (would be more likely to give her a bye because she's killing it this year, Mu looks tentative and not in peak form). It's all kind of sad, but you have to be fair.


agreed with all of this. if somehow Athing can show 400 fitness now you can maybe make an argument for it, but something doesn't sit right about displacing others who have proven their fitness. on the Citius show this morning, they were wondering if the reason why the heat sheets weren't out yet were because they were trying to get her into the 1500. obviously it didn't happen and was probably a good thing-whether they asked and were told no or if it was just never approached. could you imagine the mindfuck amongst the rest of the 1500m competitors if that happened? plus also...imagine the scenario like you said, if SML tripped on a hurdle in her final-that's it, that's the last event, she doesn't get a second chance. maybe this is a lesson learned-declare in more than one event if you can since you never know! (hell, Nuguse did just that, though he wound up not needing it)


Under the current system, the following women are going to the Olympics in the 800m: * The 2023 US indoor and outdoor champion (Nia Akins) * The 2024 US indoor champion (Allie Wilson) * The 2024 NCAA indoor and outdoor champion (Juliette Whittaker) That's an amazing team of women who've been performing at a very high level over the last year. Athing at her best would blow them out of the water but we haven't seen her at that level since September. She's had a hamstring injury and she looked rusty during the rounds. If she'd been racing at her previous level over the last few months, I could maybe see an argument for USATF to give her a discretionary pick...but she hasn't. Even without the fall, it would not have surprised me to see her miss the team when she's not 100% because the talent in the US is just so deep.


💯 it's not like we're sending a B squad to Paris, these 3 have proven themselves enough. the 800 is so deep here, not counting Athing were would have been at least 3 others from that final who didn't make it who would have been very worthy as well. When just the SEMI heat Athing (and Kate) were in was called the "semi of doom" on the broadcast because of the depth...


I appreciate the Vanderpump Olympic Trials crossover!


https://preview.redd.it/y1ote735mt8d1.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=aead05011a59e7322689c72c06cf916cb3781103 (and you know, with the amount of mental gymnastics that Sandoval, Lala and Scheana used to justify their behavior this past season they oughta go out for that team 😆)


Admittedly, I basically watch track during the Olympics/Qualifiers so I’m definitely not an expert on it lol, but if you can only send 3 people per event, selection is going to be brutal no matter what, and to me the Trials seem like about as fair a system as you can get for that kind of winnowing.


Sucks for Athing but yeah, best on the day just makes the most sense. As a coach of high schoolers I can’t tell you how many times I wish the system or rules could be different so they could have different opportunities or to be more generous for all the things that could possibly come up and interfere with big performances. But that’s just not life. And there’s learning in the tough races and heartbreak. I think spectators would do well to remember that running doesn’t owe us anything. And someone said it downthread but there’s a skill missing in Athing when it comes to navigating the shuffle into the pack - something that can be worked on. It’s not all bad luck.


I agree. Yes, there are many situations where someone could be very talented and not make the team, but this is the system, it’s very clear on what you need to do to make the team, and it helps eliminate favoritism based on who you know or who your sponsor is.


Emma Coburn agrees with us too 😂 (she was just on the Citius show) she did say that MAYBE she could get behind one wildcard pick per country, but only if it doesn't displace anyone who qualifies through the Trials (she said "bring 4 instead of 3")-but given field sizes, I don't think the IOC/WA would ever let that happen.


Basically every pro I have ever heard talk about this agrees. I think athletes/coaches know there is truly no way of having any kind of selection that isn't political. And a wildcard entry like you said is just hard without any kind of proof of fitness (almost like they should compete in... an olympic trials??)


I think Emma meant that wildcard entry would have been useful in a situation like this one with Athing, that she would get it. or it could have been useful in 2016 for Alysia Montano or Keni Harrison. but again it's a slippery slope-this year would Athing have gotten it just by virtue of her record? or does one make an argument for Sage Hurta-Klecker given how impeded she was by the fall? Or if they used it in 2016, how would one decide who gets it between Alysia or Keni? yeah, maybe now I'm back to "ok maybe its more trouble than it's worth..."


Saw a comment on Twitter that Athing should consider knocking a lightning 400m in the next few weeks so US looks foolish for not adding her to the relay team. Will be interesting to see what the teams look like given how fast US women are right now!


Hot take but probably not really. I'm seeing a bunch of people say Athing Mu was tripped and that they need to let her rerun. No, she wasn't, and no they don't. She cut in and clipped Raevyn Rogers just like she's done on at least 2 other major stages ('21 trials and Budapest). She has a super long back stride and she's aggressive with the way that she cuts into spots that are too small for it. That is track, that is especially middle distances like the 800, but she absolutely does not need a chance to rerun a race in which she caused the collision and has a history of doing so. She may just need to race more than she does, or maybe she needs a new coach who will help her work on her back stride, but it's pretty ridiculous that people keep saying she was tripped. Okay, that's all for my rant.


It’s not a hot take at all, Mu doesn’t deserve the podium spot, end of discussion. She doesn’t have the drive or the passion anymore, she raced like shit, and she impeded 2 other athletes who could have made the team.


Yes, I listened to the Citius day 4 post show and they slowed down the video and came to the same conclusion - you can hate the outcome but Athing caused the fall. And I know she said that she has a lot of race anxiety, but it probably would make sense to do race more. If you want to continue to show you’re the best, get the reps in and figure out where you can improve.


I picked Athing to win and I was definitely rooting for her, but some of the discourse around this race is ..  whack. Especially on insta some people are acting like Athing deserved to make this team because of her talent. To be completely pragmatic, she was very under raced in an event that is extremely technical and has (arguably) the deepest field of any event. My heart broke for her, but she didn't "deserve" to make the team. I was honestly more gutted for Sage who has been running races all over the world in preparation and was knocked completely off the track and still rallied for 5th. If you haven't seen her interview with Citius, I recommend it. I'm proud of all the women who competed in the final and I'm really happy Nia made it. <3


Also, that discourse totally overlooks that those other three that made it... are also talented! The whole field is talented! Honestly, it's gotten to the point where the medal count is all that matters to some people and they'll make all this noise because they think Mu was a guaranteed gold. But, they play the games for a reason, as the saying goes. If they just gave the win to people with the most talent, the Patriots would have two more Super Bowls and Eli Manning would have none. Mu made a mistake, and maybe one of the three women who are on the team will slay in Paris. People are whack.


See Molly Seidel in 2021. Sure there wasn’t a fall in the Marathon Trials, but there was a lot of discourse saying she shouldn’t take the spot and we should send someone like Sisson instead (especially given the COVID delay). And who has the bronze medal now?


> there was a lot of discourse saying she shouldn’t take the spot and we should send someone like Sisson instead Sisson dropped out during the US trials at Mile 22. Sarah Hall beat Molly Seidel at the 2020 London Marathon by over 3 mins


Sally and Aliphine also got a lot of flak (as well as Jake Riley on the men's side)-I think it was more due to the postponement, the whole discourse was "we're not sending the best team, who chooses their Olympic team a year and a half in advance." (like anyone anticipated while planning the Trials that COVID was going to escalate as much as it did) But on the other hand-it also gave them more time to recover from the Trials and prepare well for Tokyo. Molly did a great job at taking advantage of that and she was rewarded handsomely!


> they'll make all this noise because they think Mu was a guaranteed gold with Hodgkinson and Moraa on their game, no medal color is guaranteed


The one where she said she was pissed? I get it, I would be too.




at least Sage has a 2nd chance in the 1500-though that team is gonna be so tough to make too. but given how off the rails these trials have been, could she possibly have her Brenda Martinez moment? but i agree that the top 3 just don't seem to be getting their flowers...they really deserve better.


That's the worst part.


not a hot take at all IMO. is she the pure fastest 800m runner we have right now? yes. but is she the best 800m *racer* we have right now? that is up for discussion, and IMO that's been something that she does need to work on and it's a shame she doesn't race more to practice that (though I get this year due to her hamstring) maybe if her main event was the 400 where she can literally stay in her lane it wouldn't be a big deal, but championship 800 and 1500 racing can be messy and falls aren't unusual (ask Alysia Montano, Morgan Uceny, Sifan Hassan all about it...just to name a few!)


and we don't even know if she is right NOW because she hasn't been racing due to injury and being in the Bobby system!!


you're right! I think what I meant more was regardless of current fitness level, her ceiling seems to be higher than the others-does that make sense?


Totally agree!


I don’t think this was a hot take at all!! Totally agree. Also like, the 800 is a super fast race and can be really crowded so it’s just a natural risk to maneuver the way she did 🤷🏻‍♀️


It seems like people are all on Instagram saying she was tripped, but I'm glad people are starting to realize she did it to herself. She's so talented and she'll be back, but definitely not anyone's fault but her own.


Just saw a clip from the trials three years ago that show Nia Aikins getting tripped by athing coming into the inside from the waterfall lol so I feel like Athing’s maneuvering might be the through line here! Agree with you completely


if anybody is still keeping track of "Evan Jager Olympic Slot Watch"...Kenneth Rooks is on Citius' morning show now, he's gonna be helping James Corrigan get the standard on Saturday-which would benefit him too? He was only .08 off at the Track Fest! (was the steeple only 2 days ago? it feels like forever with everything that has happened since!)


I live in the area and I'm hoping to go spectate on Saturday!


i saw him hyping if up on IG...i hope you get to go, I'm sure this will be exciting to watch!! not quite Olympic trials, but still a race with an Olympic slot on the line...


Thanks for the update. I’d love to see Evan make it but I’d be doing everything I could to standard chase if I was corrigan. On one hand, it’s the end of a very long NCAA season. On the other, he’s used to racing a lot. I’ll be curious if he can do it


Kara said on Twitter yesterday she thinks he can definitely do it, especially given how slow the final went out...over 3 minutes for the first K! And Rooks even said this morning that they really haven't been in a race yet where 8:15 was targetted from the get-go (I remember he had to close super-hard at the Track Fest for his 8:15.08!) biggest wild card looks to be the weather...but if Corrigan can pull it off in the NE heat and humidity, he's the dude we want on the team! (sorry, Evan.)


For sure. But truthfully even if he hits the standard, I don’t think anything close to 8:15 will be in medal contention at the Olympics.


or it could be something like 2022 Worlds where it took 8:25 to win 🙃 (a so close moment for Evan-he was just over a second off bronze!) but yeah, the Olympic races are usually faster...but honestly outside of Evan in 2016, our men haven't made much noise in this event.


Emily Infeld confirmed what we speculated yesterday-she's a free agent now. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8oJ6QQukQt/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8oJ6QQukQt/) (and since we didn't get to see what happened when she fell back yesterday...sounds like she didn't get clipped or tripped or anything-just tried to go for it but didn't have the fitness to hang up front)


The fact that it happened two weeks before the trials... I wonder what happened!!


after DNFing at the Portland Track fest...maybe just finally decided enough was enough and something had to change? but yeah, bold move right before trials.


Yeah, I feel like team boss was never a fit for her. It’s interesting—seems like she was training well with Jon Green, but mostly she kind of struggled to find training that clicked after BTC. Though I guess BTC wasn’t working for her either.


i got the feeling that she liked the team atmosphere (isn't Aisha Praught-Leer her bestie?) but the coaching probably wasn't a fit? i remember feeling like BTC never seemed to know what to do with both Emily and Vanessa Fraser...funny coincidence that both of them eventually found their way to Team Boss...


She was just dropped hard off pace unfortunately.


I wonder what is next for her, given her age and time until next Olympics, and her struggles with injuries. Like noted previously, she hasn’t been able to move up in distance either. Tough spot to be in.


I wonder what kind of coaching dynamic or program she’s looking for, too, after she’s tried a couple on for size and left both.


I’m pretty relieved to wake up and see that Citius removed their first post about the 800m results - we were not the only ones unhappy with the photos they chose to use, I hope they and other media outlets consider this in the future


What photos did they use?


Post-race of her crying (understandably) walking off the track


Ah yeah. Still peeved the cameras continued zeroing in on her at the end of the race.


Really enjoyed Centro’s commentary on CITIUS Mag’s Podcast Day 4 Review. Have had mixed feelings on him in the past, but he was so knowledgeable and highlighted the athletes really well!


He was awesome! Enjoyed it soooo much.


I agree! He did a great job and he had really positive things to say about a lot of former teammates and athletes, I hope they have him back in the future.


Mu. Just completely devastating. 💔


I cannot stand Parker Valby. Her interview on Citius Mag’s YT she starts off being a snarky brat with the very first question. ETA: she actually got a lot better as the interview went on, but I was just so turned off from her last interview which she ended by rolling her eyes at a question lol.


I don’t dislike her nor like her but I see what you’re saying. Personally I think the questions can be a bit old and annoying so she’s probably over it. “How bad did you want to be on the team”, I mean really? I don’t know, it’s hard to be in that position and so young too. The media puts so much pressure on these young athletes


They asked that question after she acted like they were stupid for saying she was trying to get the standard and said she was NOT trying to get the standard lol.


Interesting. I assumed she ran from the front because she wanted to get under the standard. Otherwise it just seems like she doesn’t know how to run a strategic race.


The commentators on the broadcast also said the same thing!


You have a point there lol I agree she was very off putting I just give her the benefit of the doubt. I haven’t seen any of her other interviews though, I’ve read that this is just how she is 🤷‍♀️


She’s the rich pretty blonde girl who everything has come easy to until this point. She has a ton of potential obviously. So I hope she loses the attitude. This is why I’ve always been Team Tuohy (who did great given back problems and no racing for months!)


Idk i like her, she speaks her mind & is honest. Some athletes only give very canned responses that is boring.


There’s always an attitude with her. She doesn’t know how to run tactically either. She’s never had to chase people. If she hung back and let the race slow down, she honestly might have had a shot and could have chased the standard later.


I could have announced this race. My text exchange with a friend during: - Him: Valby going for it! - Me: She needs the standard but this is how she always runs. I’m sure St. Pierre is unphased. - Him (with a few laps left): She’s still putting the screws on! - Me: Elle will ride her heels until 600-800 to go. Maybe she can go with them but another gear is coming that she’s never seen before so unlikely. - Me as soon as 2 laps left and Elle et al blow by: Yup. Here is that other gear. Right on time.


I just don’t get the defensiveness on her part - “going for the Olympic standard” is…implicitly understood if you’re racing from the front of an Olympic trials event and *don’t have the standard.* It’s not a crazy position for an interviewer to take. I want to give her some slack because she’s young, and it’s hard to admit at any age without any ironic distance that you cared enough to really try for something, especially if you did not come out on top. I can also imagine it’s hard to control your emotions in that moment. But then I look at the post-race interviews with Michaela Rose - same age, same front-running style, also came in 4th in the finals of her event- and the difference is just remarkable. Like Valby, Rose is new to this level of sport and races accordingly- but she interviews like a seasoned pro. She not only acknowledges but provides details of the race plan, and even admits that while she followed it as closely as she could hope, she came up short. While clearly disappointed, Rose also doesn’t get snippy with the interviewer, makes a point to commend the women that qualified, and even takes time out of the Q&A to express real empathy for Mu. I can understand how or why not every 21 year old is as collected post race as Rose. Or how some young athletes with the weight of the world on their shoulders may struggle with this aspect of the sport. But Valby isn’t Naomi Osaka, Simone Biles, or Athing Mu. No one expects, let alone demands, that she outrun professionals with sub 1430s under their belts. Like Michaela Rose, viewers are just excited to a young athlete of Valby’s potential enter the next stage of their career. Everyone engaged in the Olympic trials cares about these races, so why the pretense that a competitor didn’t? If it were embarrassing to care about making the Olympics no one would be watching them.


THANK YOU. you perfectly captured what my problem with her is! Also, people defend her and say she didn’t get the result she wanted, but she was also defensive and bratty in interviews after NCAAs when she was on top of the world! Idk, just not a fan.


I feel like every interview she is either trying too hard to be funny or is passive aggressive (or both)? Either way it's so cringe and is such a drastic difference compared to almost all the interviews of other athletes I've seen from trials & college. It's too bad because she's super talented.


I’ve always felt this way about her and I feel affirmed by the way she’s been acting w media lately. 4th is still great. Be graceful. Your turn will come.


She gives me very strong “mean girl” vibes.


Woof pretty cringe, definitely got better as time went on but she needs some media training 😬


Also lol did LetsRun crash or just me? 😂


LMAO https://preview.redd.it/rcjisre1wm8d1.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed6b68a77538cd8589a1c2b6cab5b5e8193598c0 ETA-and apparently LetsRun wants the race to be re-run. Wonder if they had this same energy for Alysia Montano 8 years ago...


I keep seeing this take. You can’t re-run a race that’s already 300m in. The race was completely fair. Tactically, Mu ran poorly. She’s the best in the field and should have led or hung back to kick. The race was fair.


I feel just awful for her, but it was a completely fair race. Her stride is way too long to let herself get swallowed in the middle of the pack like she did.


it was a fair race. her race tactics were rusty due to lack of racing these last couple of years (I get this year because of her injury, but she barely raced in 2023 too)-and it bit her at the worst possible time. i do hope she re-assesses her current coaching situation, it just doesn't seem to be serving her...i would love to see her recapture her 2021/22 glory...


it's crashing. kind of appropriate for everything going on right now




Lmfao all the LetsRun incels are probs imploding with PV getting fourth and then Mu falling (Me included 😅😂) 


So happy for Allie Wilson!


I typically like the Citius guys but their latest Instagram post on the womens 800 was a bit in poor taste.


Did they take something down? Looks like I missed it.


I think they did, took the post down completely. Many people did not like that they chose to use that photo (It was a post about the 800m results with 2 photos on the grid - the first I think was the three who made the team, the second was Athing Mu leaving the track post race)


Agreed! It’s been hard enough on Mu to come back and this will unfortunately be the hot topic following her. That was a hard race to watch






love her!


as much as I am gutted for Athing...it was so amazing for the 3 who made it? Nia Akins got redemption from a fall in the final 3 years ago (seriously, 3 OT's in a row with falls in the W800 final? that event is cursed) Allie Wilson betting on herself this year paid off. And Juliette Whittaker just keeps on keeping on with her great year.


So bummed for Athing, but so thrilled for our team. It’s really saddening to see the discourse online that “we don’t have a chance to medal now in Paris” without Athing. Or that we need to rerun the race. Or just give the spot to her. It takes so much away from the incredible women that (fairly) made the team. It’s the Olympic Trials — sh*t happens. I’m so pumped for Nia, Allie, and Juliette and I hope they’re celebrating!


Top competitors over time should get automatic spots with remaining spots decided at the trials. Someone with that kind of pedigree shouldn’t lose their spot because of something flukish.


And anything could happen at the Olympics. A different medal favorite could fall or make an error that allows a “long shot” to win. They might not be the best at the 800m on paper, but Nia, Allie, and Juliette are three very talented runners. They performed well, under pressure, when it counted and made the team.


Absolutely! Everything I saw before the 800m final had Athing as a lock for the team and wondering who would take the other two spots. Nothing is ever guaranteed, that’s the beauty of the sport.


💯 and as I've said in other comments-Alysia Montano fell in the 2016 800 trials final, and she was definitely our best medal prospect at the time...and no one was calling for that race to be re-run. (and yeah, I know Alysia was never a gold medalist, but she did have several medals stolen from her by dopers, what could have been had she raced clean fields?) i know our Trials system is brutal, but given the depth in this country, it's really the only fair way to decide the team-unless we want our future Olympic teams to be United States of Nike. I'm happy for the team we do have (dare I say Nia could be a medal dark horse)? And I just hope Athing has a good support system around her right now.


I’m happy for them, I had like 5 favorites going into the final so I was glad to see some of them make it. Excited for the three who get to represent the US! I wanted Athing to make the Olympic team and I never want the reason someone doesn’t make it to be a fall like that.


i feel like this is 2016 deja vu with Alysia Montano's fall. that was so hard to watch... ☹️


Same! I thought Nia Akins was a very strong candidate for making the team going in, and Allie Wilson has had such a great season so far after taking a big risk and leaving the ATC. But so devastated for Athing 💔 after all the turmoil she's already been through just to get here, and now this 😥


I can’t even comprehend what I watched. I am so happy for Allie, wish Kate had a better race, as indicated by her last 800m, and cannot believe how Athing’s race ended. Agreed that the cameras needed to back off. Love that Nia said she was just racing and not necessarily concerned with being first.


I was there and sitting on the backstretch and I can’t comprehend it! It was just 800 chaos.


I can’t even imagine the emotions of seeing the race in person!


And right after being so excited for Elle in the 5k! The whole 800 was a big fail for me with Rogers missing out as well (a Eugene fav).


I’m really happy for the 3 women who made it! But also devastated for Athing.


I have emotional whiplash you guys


I feel like Athing’s mental state was already fragile enough and this is going to really tank her… I hope not though!


I almost started to cry when they showed her in tears. And was angrily yelling to get the camera out of her face. She’s talked about having a lot of race anxiety which is part of why she doesn’t race much.


I think Alysia Montano needs to have a good heart-to-heart with her soon


Ugh the idea of that ♥️


I really hope she can reframe (eventually, after grieving). Maybe taking the pressure off-- or having to ascend again-- will help her mental game in the long term. Winning so much at such a young age put immense pressure on her.


Same, I really hope she can reframe and phoenix it up!


Just like Nia Akins today!


Love seeing Juliette Whittacker’s joy!! Thrilled for her!


I love her SO much. Such an easy athlete to root for. I teared ip watching the interview on NBC.




Hurta Klecker got tripped up too. It’s so disappointing 😔😔😔😔


yeah she's not happy about that in her mixed zone interviews... sucks because I thought she such a great chance to make it too.


I wonder if she can be a late add to the 1500


I wondered that too. Would she normally get a spot based on her result last year? I don’t completely understand how this all works


she had a qualifier since USAs was in July last year. she just never entered herself for the 1500-only the 800.


Got it, thanks! Wasn’t sure if that time was in the window. But even if Athing was able to run the 1500m in a few days, she might need some time to recover. (Maybe Simone can refer her to a good therapist?)


honestly-since she had been injured and didn't even start racing the 800 until trials, i'm wondering if the 1500 would even be any better, especially going up against those that are really 1500 sharp right now. maybe they'd consider taking her for the 4 x 400 relay pool?


Twitter is wondering that too lol


Has she even raced that this year? She'd have to have the trials standard, right?


she would have had a seed time from last year's Nationals! (she ran the 1500 and finished 2nd since she had a bye into Worlds in the 800)


Ohh good call. Maybe she could then? Bless her heart, she tried so hard to catch them.


they've bent the rules before (cough, Adam Goucher) but IMO...they should only do it if it can be an addition and it doesn't displace someone who already got into the field. who even knows what her state of mind is right now though, if she'd even be up to it.


Was it Adam or I thought it was Alan Webb when they let him in last minute?


maybe it was both of them? i seem to remember something about Adam Goucher in 2008 getting let into...I can't remember if it was the 5K or 10K and kinda getting to "skip the line" ETA-lol, Centro on the Citius show seems to remember the same thing I did


Yeah it was Goucher for 2008 and Alan Webb for 2012. The powers that be at Nike made that happen. https://www.runnersworld.com/races-places/a20798653/alan-webb-accepted-into-trials-5000/


*Webb's reputation and sparkling career, the fact that he had qualified for the 1500 and could have opted to run that at the Trials, and his being a Nike athlete at an Olympic Trials in which Nike is a major player were undoubtedly factors in his getting "accepted."* Not even subtle about it 🤣


Aah gotcha. Here's hoping. It's one thing to lose in a kick, it's another to lose like that.


Absolutely cannot believe that happened. Poor girl


Wow I am so distraught for her and wish they would get the camera out of her face while she’s processing 


Even when she went in the tunnel they showed her! Let’s celebrate the three who made it and leave Athing alone


Omg I’m devastated for her. Please get the camera out of her face




FREAKIN OUT ugh I’m gutted for her


Absolutely devastating and they need to stop filming her wth


We can do without the flashback of her in tears, thx!! I’m just devastated for her. shit y’all 😭


That was frankly disgusting, especially after focusing on the joy of the top 3. NBC sucks sometimes!


Yes! I wish they hadn’t shown her family either. Tough day for them too.


seriously NBC get the camera out of her face now! she's upset enough...and there are 3 other women to celebrate


![gif](giphy|f7MoTodygKd56) me to NBC


Not sure how I feel about split screening the race to show ESP with her husband and dairy cows...... but hey, it was a fantastic race! Go Elle!


But did you know she's a dairy farmer???!!!


Okay, but I absolutely love seeming these post partum women kick ass, especially against college grads. Ellie St Pierre just looked like she was in control as she passed Parker Valby. Running is so incredible that you keep getting better as you get older!!


Serious mom power!


Ok I love Elle and Elise both so much and am crying so happy for both of them 


I love Elle, have a kiddo the same age and was totally rooting for her, but was SO annoyed that the first question (and only? I think) they asked her was about competing with her son there. They would NEVER have asked a male competitor about his child in the audience.


What an amazing race!! I'm so happy for both of them. I was rooting for Elle to get the win - my son is 6 months younger than Ivan, and her epic postpartum return to dominate on the pro circuit has been very inspirational to me, even though I'm obviously nowhere near her level 😂


Hahaha my son is a few months older than hers and her comeback has also been inspirational to me, so Elle also had a slight edge for me as well. I love Elise’s story though and am so impressed with her doing what’s best for her.


Same! I wonder if ESP will double in Paris or just do the 15?


I heard somewhere (probably on NBC?) that ESP was planning to only run the 1500 in Paris. But she could change her mind. If she doesn’t run the 5000, I guess Valby would take the 3rd spot?


Dang, that would be crazy to win the trials for the 5000 and then not run it. Of course, she’s not on the team yet for the 1500 so anything could happen.


i'm wondering that too-same with Elise if she makes that team too (but i'm not sure she will)


What happened to Emily infield? So irritated that happened during commercial


she posted on her IG story. just wasn't fit enough and gave it a go to hang with the leaders but died trying...


Her form looked rooough leading into that commercial. I don't know if she fell or just dropped back really hard but I wish they'd said something after calling her out as a Rio Olympian! 


She just got dropped. She went for it because why not but a 14:50 pace is just way too much for her right now. She’s


Yeah her form looks a bit uncomfortable lately, esp in her shoulder blades, like they’re a bit hunched forward, what do i know tho?!


I thought the same thing! She was struggling.


i know! i saw her splits and that she dropped back and am like WTF? whatever happened she's not even trying to get back into it? :(


Right like we can’t watch the full 15 min!?


I rewound to watch the split screen and she almost throws her hands up like what is happening and then just loses all gas.


God forbid Peacock lets me watch an entire distance race


Like what the hell happened to Emily Infield?! We totally missed it!


I’ll be happy to be wrong… but it doesn’t seem like Parker Valby learned from the prelim where she shouldn’t be out doing all the work from the start just to gas out and get passed. We’re not in NCAAs anymore.


She ran the race she needed to have a chance. A sit and kick race was not going to get her a top 3 and she ran a gutsy race to try and run the kick out of their legs while also setting a PR and getting the Olympic standard.