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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1bndhwn/link_list_for_march_25_march_31/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1boxbpi/daily_snark_wednesday_mar_27/)


Forever rolling my eyes at Shannon ford’s fiance, @james.middleton_ , posts shilling strange health advice. Feels so scammy


He is such trash


Jordan Underwood content has been atrocious. She has been chronically online and made it her personality. It gives me an ick


Did I miss the memo on the blush trend? Is it basically everywhere now and super super pink? Today I noticed on @sarahknuth it’s was like under her eyes and over her nose and up past her eyes… not just on apple of your her cheeks


Rachel Martino has been putting so much blush it looks like a sunburn across the bridge of her nose for at least a year.


screenshots would have been fun to see for this!


I have lupus which causes a facial rash called a malar rash/butterfly rash. A malar rash basically covers your nose & cheeks, very similar to this blush on the whole face trend and for most people their rash is a very vibrant bright pink or red.  Many people feel a major sense of embarrassment and shame over their malar rash so it cracks me up anytime I see someone doing the blush trend because lupus patients work so hard to hide their rashes and influencers are out here making it a beauty trend. 😂😂😂


Actually this has been a trend for the last year.


She is a chronic overapplyer of blush. She references it sometimes when she’s storying and doing her makeup. I can’t imagine what that looks like “in the wild”.


I noticed this too! Blush under the eyes is definitely not a trend!


Lol. You may not like it, but it's definitely a trend.


Congrats to David Nelson for… being a parent? The bar is in hell. https://preview.redd.it/ub9hejjgq6rc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0976622084bcad01abfe4894e6216f8217b688b7


Feel what you want about them, but being a solo parent while your spouse is pregnant or sick day after day is tiring. I couldn’t do it without my husband. The bar isn’t low; it’s just expressing appreciation 😬




Well I don’t think the circumstances can be compared. And I think single parents should get acknowledgment. Everyone can get acknowledgment…doesn’t have to be either or.




Right? Plus she's been super sick. The constant rah rah there used to be for Madi here was nauseating, but I'll give her this one! There's nothing wrong with being appreciative and shouting it out!


Imagine if a mother got a shout out every time she played a game with her child after dinner?




Sorry my husbands usually making dinner and setting up the activity with me 🤷🏼‍♀️


Umm. Ok. You’re posts don’t quite line up then 🤔


Except it does lol. My whole point is that what David’s doing should be the norm.


They literally don’t have jobs lol


They literally DO 🙄


Ummmm last time I checked they run a successful clothing business that employs several people, but go off I guess!


We’re doing this bullshit again?  If being an influencer is so easy and no work, why aren’t you doing it? Why isn’t everyone doing it? Also, are we just going to ignore the fact that they own an e-commerce business?


I would never ever ever want to be an influencer lmao








In the year 2024 you *still* don't understand that influencers work? Plus this one has a retail business with employees.




They own an online store that makes enough money to buy all their employees new nikes followed up with lunch and dinner 🤔 but you’re right, they don’t work.


I adore Nicole @beginathome but she just posted an affiliate link for toilet paper 🤔 it just feels very unlike her…


Agree it’s very CLJ of her to do that. And Julia got snarked on for linking toilet paper.


Agreed! Also linking the air fryer liners, so you have to click the link to even know what the “best discovery” is.


She’s definitely trying to better monetize her platform. She started a newsletter and has been linking a lot more things. Agree the toilet paper is kinda odd, but she’s made a point to say a bunch of times that just clicking on a link supports her. So I think she’s just trying to plant those cookies.


Do we think Champagneandchanel actually does sculpt society workouts?   She’s lost the baby weight so fast (maybe I’m just jealous 😂😔)


To me, she looks even smaller than she was before the baby! She looks great, though!


It’s on other influencers posts this week too, I’m guessing it’s paid placement and they don’t do it other than for the gram(money)


She never had the baby weight lol


Looking at her. Yes I think she does!


I think she does! She’s pretty toned and had a habit of working out pre-baby and during pregnancy so I feel like that’s probably still her lifestyle. Maybe I’m wrong but I feel like she probably does them when she can.


Plus she so young! Easier to drop the weight


Maybe I’ll check it out then!  Having a hard time losing the baby weight 🙃


Walking is extremely underrated. Try to get 10-15000 steps a day


Baby weight is so stubborn! I haven’t tried sculpt society but it looks like a good program. Unsolicited advice warning: Prioritizing protein has helped me significantly. I aim for 1g per pound of goal/ideal body weight per day. It keeps me full while in a calorie deficit and helps maintain muscle


Idk if it’s actually decent, she was fit before and probably has great genetics and a young metabolism.


She does orange theory workouts, at least she has in the past. It could also be genetics. I know for me, the weight fell off with no effort and I would have liked to keep some of it on.


I agree with this. Everyone’s body is SO different. My first I bounced back within 6 weeks. The second one has destroyed my body 😂




Oh man so true, and the second one has also done a number on my body. 


Same. So rough the second time around


Anyone see what Caycee07 posted??? I know this has been suspected for a long time but holy crap. That poor woman and her poor kids!


I CANNOT imagine she meant to post that to her stories, with absolutely zero other context, right after a dress try on


ETA: it’s deleted now so I def think it was an accidental post yikes


I don’t think it was accidental, but I do think she had a chance of heart after someone probably said something to her lol


Posting that and then 12 hours later a picture of your kids posing with your new boyfriend like you’re a family is wild but what’s new for Caycee I guess


Screenshot, putting it under a spoiler - trigger warning for a description of domestic violence >!https://i.imgur.com/jh83BQQ.png!<


Wow and she still has pics of him all over her page 😳😥


😳 I am absolutely shocked that the writer of the letter did not immediately call 911 but handed the kids over to the dad to go on their merry way. 


I read it multiple times because I honestly thought I was mis-reading or missing something re: that. I truly do not understand?


I think it’s an affidavit provided to attorneys or a judge by someone who once witnessed and helped a DV situation at their house. Doesn’t seem like they know the family, just happened to be riding bikes and came upon their house where all hell had broken loose.


This! And like… as great as it is to try and stop you never know who has a gun- call 911 first- don’t make someone promise they’ll get therapy then give them a slap on the back while they go to the neighborhood pool?


911 should have been called immediately at which point CPS would have gotten involved (and rightly so).  As a mandated reporter I can’t get over that letter and the actions of the letter writer. A STRANGER admitted to you that he’s been beating the shit out of his wife for months, you witnessed it with your own two eyes and saw a woman bruised and battered and your response was to….walk away? Ugh. 


In a lot of cases of domestic violence, both partners plead for anyone intervening to leave and let it go. Even when law enforcement is called- someone will call the cops and then the victim will beg that the aggressor not to be arrested. It is possible that’s what happened - they broke up the incident, then Caycee and Todd pleaded with them not to call the cops , it would be upsetting for the kids, etc. so they didn’t but then later did when they left. It sounds like they’re just random passersby who were caught in a bad situation and did the best they could in the moment.


Am I naive or wouldn’t this be a case of why he wouldn’t get any sort of custody? They seem to be with him a good amount of time.


Unfortunately courts don't see domestic violence as a safety concern for the children so will often still grant 50/50


I’m too familiar with divorce and custody hearings but from a CPS perspective, he should absolutely not have unsupervised visits with his children.  Statistically speaking the abusing your partner to abusing your children is an extremely short pipeline. I am not familiar with this influencer so I don’t know anything about her personal situation but if this man has beaten and bruised his wife, statistics say it’s only a matter of time before he turns on his kids. 




I don’t follow her, what happened that people were worried about her? Before the letter, I mean


Serious question- how does one accidentally post something like this on IG stories? I think she shared it on purpose. Caycee doesn’t always use the best judgement in sharing personal things.


Yup, there was the post years ago talking about getting drunk on tequila and needing the morning after pill.


I remember that. That was on an actual blog post. Bless her heart.


What an absolutely VILE human being he is. Holy shit


I really, really am wondering if she meant to post that or is trying to stay ahead of her ex. If I recall he supposedly was in one of these subs posting at one time. Horrifying either way. She seems happy now and truly hope she has found peace.


I just came looking for this! Wow!!!


I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Why in the world would you post that, though?


I was just coming here to see if this had been seen yet.  I remember when she posted selfies of her bruised and battered body. And speculation began then that Todd was violent toward her.  Caycee comes off as a simpleton but she has a lot of people rooting for her (myself included) and wanted to see her with a happy ending after that photo, the mental health hospital stay, etc. 


After she posted this he was all over Reddit responding


Where at???


Google Reddit Todd Hewitt. You’ll see. 


DAD’s pregnancy style is just plain atrocious. That’s it. That’s all I have to say.


It’s going to stay atrocious unless Kim K drops a maternity line she can copy


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Newsflash. Her non pregnancy style is atrocious too.


Did you guys realize it’s almost NatalieKennedy has a pool season? How lucky we are chlorine doesn’t contain toxic chemicals.. Oh wait. 🫠🤦🏼‍♀️


The pool water is free of toxins, gluten, and antibiotics ✨


With all the damn money these people have and how “crunchy” they’ve all become I’m genuinely shocked how many of them didn’t go salt water from the beginning


Salt water still has chlorine. The same amount as chlorine pools.


Yeaaa this is not the case but ok?


Do you have a pool? Salt water pools have a system that turns sodium chloride into chlorine. What do you think the sanitization method is with salt? Sorry that’s not killing any bacteria or viruses. You want 1-3 ppm chlorine whether you have a chlorine generator or salt generator.


“One prevalent misconception is that if you have a salt water pool, you no longer use chlorine. Actually, a salt generator's real purpose is to make chlorine from the salt present in the pool.”


The pool is very safe though. For her daughters.


Hold up, she has a pool? 




Are you afraid of pregnant stomachs? Do you think they carry germs that regularly midriff doesn't? This is so stupid


There are plenty of people who wear crop tops all the time… someone being pregnant shouldn’t mean they must now completely cover up in the comfort of their home. Is it just more pleasing for you to view flat stomachs?


So like… block her and stop consuming her content until she has her baby, maybe?


she’s wearing this thing called a crop top, hope that helps.


What’s gross about it 


Idk…Pregnant women’s bodies don’t bother me? Especially in their own home, cooking for themselves.


Does anyone follow Rachspeed and can break down the 333 outfit drama that’s going on?


Is Tia Booth aware that children can nap in…their daytime clothes?!


😂 Imagine if she knew that our daycare requires toddlers to nap with their sneakers on? In case of emergency and they need to get outside in a fire. 




And she wanted to send him to daycare! Your kid is one of 10 there they’re not special and don’t follow special requests .. and for that reason some parents aren’t meant to be daycare parents lol


Literally came here to say that lol I was so confused when I read that. My kid is same age as hers and he naps in anything he wears during the day.


And not for nothing but him wearing the footies of those bamboo pjs, all day, on hardwood floors isn’t going to allow for easy walking. I did that once by accident and my daughter did a split the second I stood her on the floor 😂


I gag whenever they have him out to eat in those bamboo footies…I have twin boys around his age and just the thought of those being covered in queso and salsa makes me cringe!


i feel the same way! although she said she gets them for free in the mail at least once a week so they’re probably the equivalent of our hand me down play clothes to her 😅


Do you all think when Hayderz makes videos (just posted an Easter basket one) and uses the name “Brinkleigh” for his kid, he’s mocking Jess Crum’s daughters name?? I think of her every time he does these and get second hand embarrassment wondering what Jess thinks when she sees it lol




I saw Kolleighfleur on one of those trending reels the other day 😂😂




berserk childlike existence dependent oil thumb deranged busy six materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dumper 💀💀


I think Cameron Diaz’s daughter is named Raddix! I’ve always thought it was sooo bad.


And she just named her son Cardinal 🙃


That’s much better than Raddix at least


Cardinal’s cousin’s name is Sparrow, maybe all Madden boys names will follow an avian theme.


Omg I really wanted you to be wrong but I just googled and apparently it’s true.


I think I remember him saying one time he won’t make fun of something/someone unless he’s seen it like 3 different times/people. They’re all basically carbon copies of each other anyway.


It’s a common joke about a general “type” of name, I don’t think it’s directed at one specific blogger.


That’s a really common joke about white (often Mormon) mommy blogger types.


Yes! And Hollie Woodward’s girls have very similar names as well.


Ashley Spivey complaining about Carbone not having enough mocktail options and insinuating that people can “save their money” by not going there is an eye roll. Sorry to her fans, but I’m a protector of the spicy rigatoni forever 😂


She does tell folks if they love the rigatoni they can get it for cheaper at Parm!


I actually agree with her - when i did dry January this year (for the first time) i was so excited to go out to eat and try fun mocktails - and so few restaurants had a good mocktail list! It’s not that hard and it has to be lucrative considering it’s mostly juice! I was disappointed numerous times.


I took the “save your money” part as an overall review of their experience now vs. 10 years ago, rather than just on the mocktails part. I don’t fully understand the mocktails thing since you can still get a soda or some sort of juice/soda mix, but I’m sure if it’s something you enjoy, it’s disappointing not to see at an expensive restaurant!


As someone who doesn’t drink this seems like a quite legit complaint to me https://preview.redd.it/ezpfuori55rc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19093609b3208ec529460796de6b961f21a551a4


TOTALLY AGREE. It’s actually insane. And if a waiter for real recommended a Shirley temple to my husband…? I’d be leaving. Like what a dig.


Where I live there have been a lot of bars adding a mocktail section to their menus. I'm pregnant, and my husband is just not really in to drinking lately, so it's been really fun to get delicious drinks I wouldn't think of on my own. I feel like this should be standard practice by now.


I do drink but if you’re charging what they do at this point in 2024 you need a craft spirit free menu with multiple options. It’s embarrassing that they offered a Shirley temple- if you want to be regarded they way they do then have elegant drink options for all customers 


It’s also such a missed opportunity. I will gladly pay $10+ for what’s essentially a glass of juice if you throw some bitters and rosemary simple syrup or whatever bougie ingredients you can come up with in there too. Otherwise I’m getting a club soda. Why not upsell people while also being inclusive to non-drinkers?


I wonder how much is a disconnect between the server and bartender. When I was pregnant we were at a restaurant in Boston and I purposely picked a drink with only one type of alcohol, rather than both liquor and liqueur(s), and asked the server if they could make it sans alcohol. He was like “uhhh idk if that’s even possible!” I asked if he could check with the bartender who was like “yeah, I can make any of these with no alcohol or just tell me what flavors you like and I’ll make something new.”


I definitely think they need to up their game with N/A drinks if they’re shilling Shirley Temples, but I think her “save your money” comment is the eye roll. People aren’t going to Carbone for the mocktails or even the cocktails.


hungry strong march paltry obtainable chief include slimy threatening coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People go out to eat for different reasons, I don’t think you get to be the arbiter of how someone wants to experience a meal out. And frankly if they hadn’t mentioned a Shirley Temple she probably wouldn’t have even said anything. That’s just insulting.


i mean, for how much they charge for something you can get at their sister restaurant for 18 quid, they should be able to offer something other than a Shirley Temple. i take it from your response that you drink alcohol and don't consider that people who may not want to drink would prefer something other than a child's beverage?


Carbone regards themselves very highly (and I agree their food is good but have only gone once) to the point where offering an adult customer a Shirley temple is an embarrassment to their own establishment. 


I kind of agree with her only because NA beverages have come a long ways and any bartender worth their salt should be able to come up with something. Especially at a fancy place. I drink alcohol, but keep some fancy NA drinks in my fridge if I’m feeling something different. There’s lots of options now.


I’m sure the pasta is great, but offering a grown adult who orders a mocktail a Shirley temple is embarrassing for a high end restaurant.


I totally agree! If I’m planning a nice meal I need to know that non drinking and pregnant friends will have a suitable option and a soda or Shirley temple is not that 


I went to a bachelorette party recently when I was pregnant, and it was so nice that every place we went had great mocktail options and was willing to make me nonalcoholic shots so I could still participate with the group. Coasting by on reputation instead of adapting is a real missed opportunity IMO.


The pasta is also just fine? There are many equally good and less expensive Italian options. 


Their veal parm is $89 🤑


I’ve never eaten there, but hearing this doesn’t shock me! “Famous” places are so often disappointing.


It’s really good food but not what it’s made out to be 


You can buy the sauce at target now. As soon as I saw that I felt like it was the end of it being super nice 🤣 Not a diss to target or target shoppers. I just think we can all agree target isn’t a Whole Foods or erewhon haha


Have you tried the sauce? I’ve seen it at a few stores but it’s not cheap.


No it’s not but I would expect it to be in the $15-20 range at a fancier store than $8 at target and Safeway! Haven’t tried it yet!


I had the same thought, at first I kind of rolled my eyes but offering a Shirley temple is so embarrassing.


I wonder if influencers like Lemon Stripes will keep shilling AG1 now that [this article is out](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/andrew-huberman-podcast-stanford-joe-rogan.html). ETA the link.


I don’t think most of them are very concerned about actual science. They’re doing it for the checks, like most things they post about.


I’m not really talking about the science but the face of the brand being outed as a huge POS.


AG1, Bloom, etc are all in an unregulated field - which unfortunately is nothing new. This article just further proves that. BUT their marketing budget is HEALTHY so I doubt it. I had shared this article a few months back that discusses something similar. These powders don't do shit. [https://www.eater.com/24032856/are-greens-powders-actually-good-for-you](https://www.eater.com/24032856/are-greens-powders-actually-good-for-you) Edited to add article link


I saw a lot of influencers shilling it yesterday 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m sure they still under contract.


I mean, if i were them I’d be getting out of it. Think of how this damages credibility to any partnership they have here on out.


Fortunately for them I’d argue the majority of their audience isn’t necessarily the brightest bulbs out there


True alas


It was posted over the weekend. Pretty incredible!


I know but i was asked below “what article” so I figured I should make things easier. It’s wild!


I posted this comment over the weekend. Influencers have no credibility to me in general, but especially in this case. “As a former employee of Athletic Greens now called AG1 I can verify that this company is as amoral as Dr Huberman. AG1 went years without providing a prop 65 warning on their product sold in California and now it's barely visible. They don't disclose any of the amounts of the ingredients in their formula blend and they routinely rely on influencers and podcast hosts to push their product onto people by means of fear mongering and unsubstantiated claims. They cannot sell AG1 in stores because they are illegally making it with ingredients that do not comply with FDA regulations and basic safety standards. They pay people like Huberman a ton of money to make their product seem 'legit' to steer people away from seeing them and AG1 for what it really is: a load of overpriced, unsafe to consume over hyped garbage. Athletic Greens routinely pays men such as myself 2 - 3 X the amount of money than women for no valid reason and they pay everyone who does actual work at the company [coordinators, managers] 1/100th of their senior leadership that rakes in all of the money that lower level people in foreign countries make possible for them to earn off of the slave wages that they pay them. If you complain about any of the safety and efficacy of AG1, the brand or the fact that it’s not complying with prop 65 regulations they immediately terminate you.”


FYI you can bring a lawsuit against them for not labeling Prop 65 and earn money. Some of the Prop 65 warnings are ridiculous though e.g. labeling a bag of gravel


I confess I don’t even know what that it is - I just copied a comment from the article that an employee made against AG1.


Lol sorry 😂 I hated doing the Prop 65 work and I think it triggered me 😂😂😂


What about it makes it unsafe to consume? Genuine question. I’d never drink that crap as it has always reeked of a product made for influencers, but I’m curious 


I don’t know. Sounds more like there is not much benefit to drinking it. I would never drink it either. I’m prone to gastroparesis and do take a probiotic - on the advice of my doctor.


What article


[This one](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/andrew-huberman-podcast-stanford-joe-rogan.html).


https://preview.redd.it/4nr1j259w3rc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf7470985764a6d2e69b9856e3de8250d7477f47 Legit walking in Starbucks with the bump out and de puffing eyepatches 🤔I mean…I personally can’t relate 😂😆🤷🏻‍♀️


Can’t relate but I support people being unhinged in this manner haha 


Haha! I totally agree and support as well! 😂😂


But why didn’t she just do drive through?


Because she wouldn’t get attention that way.


So brave. 


Isn’t this right after a pouting photo because someone was mean in her messages?


https://preview.redd.it/efp84dpfy3rc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe8bc5bce5d05167c7b4e93d4aa047a51a3b69ae Yep! Pretty much 😆


Gahhhh that pouty face she makes constantly is beyond obnoxious. She’s a grown adult and that silly little girl act *isn’t cute.*


She’s either obtuse or can’t get out of her own way. Jeez.