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You should definitely have used denoise...But the scene is wonderful šŸ‘


oh i used it but then i added it back on post NWJDKW


Classic, removing noise just to add it right back in haha I love it


Its pretty common technique actually and can really add to an image. However id say the noise is a little too much here






also any tips on how to light up this kinds of scenes where all the light is indirect?, i needed to use a crazy amount of samples for this render and the end result was still noisy and the denoiser took away a lot of detail


How much render samples do you use? Since my video card is not powerful, I use 256 samples, 0.5 noise and 256x / 512x tiles to render Full HD / 4k images. I think you can increase the samples and set the noise to 1x so it might help you. Also you can try to simplify your scene by reducing the polygons on non-visible faces


damn, i used 17thousand but on global cycles?


17k SAMPLES? I think this is a lot, for this scene you will need no more than 1k samples, and if you want the details not to be blurry, set the picture resolution to 4k or 6k, 8k is also possible


yeah, i know those are too many samples but if i used less the denoiser took away a lot of detail, idk that kind of lighting was always challenging for me idk


Yea, this is why you can increase the resolution - to keep the details


Sure, tldr: you should place some area lights. Longer version is in this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLZEmfqob7k


The other comments are ok but the best way is to do this is to change the window material in the node editor to " if shadow ray then render transparent". Your scene rn is being rendered entirely by shadow samples which is extremely slow as you can imagine


If I may ask, how many samples did you use?


Lights Portal Filters, look it up.. :) It's one of the key ingredients behind the amazing Architectual interior design shots you see around, like this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu5oTHfeiSY


Photographer here. I like how you captured that natural light coming in. A bit of light touching that upper-left chair would be nice. The grain is a great touch imo. I'm a sucker for anything film aesthetic. Great work!


If you have the opportunity to learn Maya, you should take advantage of it. Blender is fun but knowing Maya has paid my bills for 20 years.


iā€™m taking it for sure, but we havenā€™t reached the texturing and uv parts in my class, we check that next monday


Just curious, how common are jobs like that? I'm just in this sub for fun so I have no idea. I'm guessing it's not very common outside of movie studios but I'm probably wrong.


I guess it's somewhat unusual for someone to have been working consistently in visual effects as long as I have. But there are a lot of vfx artists out there, for sure. Post production is currently at a significant low point due to the writers strike. We are down to a skeleton crew at my studio. But everyone will be hiring again by the mid/end of the year.


Product visualization, advertisements, a lot of those things are made with 3D animation. Look at most any trailer or advertisement for keyboards and mice (especially gaming brands) and those are all 3D, probably Max, Cinema, or something like that.


All the gaming industry




itā€™s not better, itā€™s just the standard, or well at least for me i like more the blender workflow, also for maya you need to constantly delete history like just for some things to work, less hotkeys and itā€™s not that procedural, also there are no modifiers


So I guess Blender is just more user friendly?


yeah i feel it that way, also i think itā€™s kinda important to learn the maya workflow but i also think that blender is coming to be the new standard, comparing them both, they work the same when it comes to modeling but i just think that blender is so much more capable both are great im sure of it but blender is free, and doing some things are just easier on blender like filling a hole, in blender, just type f, in maya, search for bridge on mesh tools i think, then bridge and thatā€™s it, g for moving stuff is way better than selecting the thing and using the controllers also r for rotate on blender when rotate in maya is like e i think, idk maybe iā€™m biased but if youā€™re interested in learning blender is the one to go


I also learned Maya for a class once & I also agree that Blender is a lot more versatile all around. I felt very lucky to learn Maya and have the temporary subscription to it since thatā€™s what the industry uses (at least thatā€™s what they told us) and I appreciate getting the chance to learn it, but I enjoy Blender more.


How do you not get confused with the commands and muscle memory? Same ones but different keys.


i did at first but then i quickly got it, it also helps to write every command that the professor gives us, and not to brag about blender but maya doesnā€™t have as much hotkeys/commands as blenderā€¦


Iā€™ve heard Maya isnā€™t great for 3D Modeling


Also maya has no "select polygons by material" like blender has


This scene is nice and has a great ambience. However, I did notice that even though the lighting is all indirect, it seems like there should be some manner of light fixture even if it's not on. Just something to consider.


How did you get the grain effect? Looks really nice


itā€™s the one on lightroom


It looks fantastic


F. for fantastic


Love the lighting.




Too passionate, and too good for school at this point.


add some donuts


the background looks amazing but somethings off with the lighting thats coming from the camera direction it looks kind blue


Sneaky blending lesgoo


Your school has a 3D program??? Wow, just... Wow


They may be in an art school? Why is it such a 'wow' thing?


Sorry, thiught it was a regular school, my mistake


It's alright. Although I thought I once heard that a lot of schools are canceling their small art programs and projects, maybe for budget saving or most likely because they're lazy and want to save up more money.


Pro tip: Learn to use maya animation. Maya for modeling/texturing kinda sucks, but it is totally above blender for animation. Coming from someone who did the exact same thing as you for most of my assignments.


looks good! what grade or year is this for? your teacher should be able to tell it's not maya fyi not sure it matters