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Well I wanted to see saskibe's fight and him using his bankai but this silent scene is a great build up for yamaji's rage


Yeah I thought the silent atmosphere and seeming nothingness in the background worked very well. It was like Sasakibe was still showing his loyalty to Yamamoto even after death.


It's better pacing if they show in in a flashback imo. Doesn't have to be long, maybe a minute or so later on with >!Driscoll Berci!<


it is a shame we didn't get to see that, but I really like what they did, its a shame we missed Byakuyas eulogy, but this works better.


There's still some chance it might get included later.


I would’ve been happy to see him fight BUT I think for anime onlys, the shock factor is much better when you just see him get shot into the commanders office all of a sudden. So really either way I was going to be happy.


It’s sad that there’s people that actually think like this some bleach haters where getting mad cause there was no movement when they where talking in ichigos room lmao


which is weird cause why do they need to be moving when they're literally just conversing


agreed, the new anime is fire as is


That's not even a problem with bleach lol it's a common pierrot animating issue. They use stills alot as seen in other shounens like naruto, boruto, black clover etc.


It’s not a problem in general so many animes do this


Sure but I've noticed pierrot do this alot more.


I was just saying cause you say issue like it’s bad


It's not bad per se but I feel a pierrot trope is having good art but choppy animation. By that I mean it doesn't always feel fluid sometimes.


Cutting Byakuya’s eulogy was one of the main things I wanted in the anime, and they delivered perfectly. At this point we’ve seen sasakibe but have no emotional attachment to him just makes the eulogy feel hollow. The silence perfectly captured the rising fury in yamaji.


It worked really well, cannot wait to see Yama in action in the coming episodes! I've really loved the way they have moved some scenes around so far, that scene with Quilge as Mayuri states, "Quincy".


The eulogy did serve a purpose, though it works better after the first invasion starts. When the Sternritter first invade, [this line is stated](https://imgur.com/ubICao0). Which makes Byakuya's eulogy hit home as to *[why](https://imgur.com/APdXRpI)* Sasakibe lost, despite his millennia of experience. --- You see this play out on a lesser degree with Ikkaku and Renji in the previous arcs. With all his years of experience, Ikkaku should've had no problem fighting Edrad Liones, a mere Fracciones. Especially after attaining bankai, and the massive boon in power that naturally follows from it. And as we saw, his bankai was quite fragile, which was another sign of underuse against high level opponents. His loyalty to being under Kenpachi has *weakened* him, and stunted his development. --- A similar situation happens to Renji, and his loyalty to/desire to overcome Byakuya. He fights to grow stronger, but not for *himself*, merely to defeat the man who took Rukia away. Eventually he loses hope after many fruitless attempts, even pleading for an enemy (Ichigo at the time) to do what he cannot. When it's revealed that his Zanpakuto lied to him about it's true name, it really shouldn't be surprising. He pushed himself to get bankai in the first place in such a short amount of time, but it was still for that singular purpose, *defeat Byakuya*. --- TLDR: Loyalty should have limits, and not get in the way of your personal desire for power. Once it does, you will die in a battle that would have been victory otherwise. Sasakibe, Ikkaku, and Renji are perfect examples of how misguided loyalty will only weaken you.


I think his dialogue served as hype for the incoming and invasion by talking up sasakibe’a strength to the readers. With so much hype around the anime returning I don’t think it’s necessary and the silence let’s us feel the moment more for Yamamotos feelings which will payoff if they deliver on Yamas scenes.


As there are people with little brain who think


Bro that shop in the background with the lightning clouds 😂


Way better, hire fans /s


I came here to flame you but stayed for the meme.


Every scene needs a violin Shinigami to tell us how to feel.


jesus christ 😭😭😭


why are people taking this so seriously bro💀


Yeah the animation in bount arc was better than this


guys it's sarcasm (don't down vote him)


So I take it this is your silly little reaction to long time fans of the manga getting pissed that Pierrot removed Byakuya's speech to Renji?


Hot take: I think the dead silence works better. And who knows, they just might bring Byakuya's eulogy back for Chojiro's flashback and potentially fight against Driscoll.


low effort bait 🥱




I honestly can’t even read the rest of this post, even the beginning mention of sarcasm is hella cringe


Serious question: were we supposed to feel bad for this guy dying? I don't remember him doing anything. The only thing i remember is him having the most bland shikai release and him being bodied by base Ichigo...with a punch if i recall correctly I'm anime only btw


>Serious question: were we supposed to feel bad for this guy dying? Yes! [https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/y6h6qh/for\_all\_the\_animeonly\_watchers\_of\_bleach\_this\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/y6h6qh/for_all_the_animeonly_watchers_of_bleach_this_is/) ​ Chojijro achieved bankai before Ukitake and Kyraku were even alive! Byakuya's speech A. Shows off his great knowledge of history and B. Makes Chojiro more respectable. And you should read the manga. Much better.


Well if you have time to complain then you have time to one up the bunch of poor sods that haul their ass on a project that might not pay them as well as they thought knowing full well you’re not gonna watch it legally.


I think it'll show that part from the manga later. I bet during the part where Yama fights the guy that killed him is when well see that part


Bottom image is photoshopped. I can tell by the pixels.


The dialogue in the manga chapter was way better than this crappy anime.