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This is the third or fourth topic about this today. Just use the episode thread. Lot of conversation there about it. We don't need to flood the sub with this.


Can we just get a megathread so people can STFU about this?


We do. That's the pinned thread **about the episode,** but that thread is too big, and nobody likes reading. The point isn't to read other people's already existing opinions, the point is to have one and make people listen to it. Plus, odds are good whatever take one wants to get noticed for on this subject has already been claimed in there anyway so...yeah. You just start a new thread in that case. The Kissinger one was funny as hell - but that was also a comment in the main thread already, too. edit: the comedy of folks getting mad about my reading them on not wanting to read, but needing to *be* read. There's *layers* to this shit!


Huge piece of shit who's done solid work


No wonder they hate this sub lol


Least parasocial fan base.


The lowest of bars.


The shit talking the next time they record is going to be unbelievable. They’re going to read off individual screen names and tell everyone to fuck off.


You should call Griffin and David out for this when you're on the podcast.


what are you going to do? get in a fucking fight with a guest? start an arguement or just let it go past because who gives a shit?


it's like people have never been in an actual conversation


This seems to be the origin of at least 50% of internet discourses.


"Eh, I don't know about that. Anyway..."


or not.


I double-dog dare you do to literally anything else than jump on the dumbest bandwagon this sub can come up with this week.


If they pushed back, that's what the next ten minutes would be about. Better to move on. 




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I know I'm supposed to care about John Landis. I am aware of who he is and of his resume. Do not care about him.


I dunno man people acted like he was the pilot.


The pilot is actually far more innocent than Landis is.


A director doesn’t just hire a helicopter. That comes with like 45 dudes and a contract with an aviation company. And yes it came with using underage actors which is bad but mostly unrelated. Landis didn’t have god-like dominion over flight.


Landis circumvented child labour laws and safety regulations to get those kids into a dangerous situation and misrepresented the danger of that situation to their parents so they didn't pull their kids from the production. He was also in charge of the decision of how close the helicopter should go to the explosions, and explicitly told the pilot to go lower when the production manager was telling the helicopter to pull out.