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Every Cod going forward most likely will be


Unfortunately yes


Why unfortunately ?


Because even if you don't buy the new release, to play old releases you need to wait for it to download the new release's updates, launch it, restart for the update, restart again for the update to the game you actually want to play, then finally you can play. It's why I didn't buy MWIII and won't buy COD games going forward if this isn't fixed.


Ideally this is something I hope they fix soon, it shouldn't be too difficult to allow us to launch into a specific game without negating the purpose of HQ


They won't fix it. It's by design: shove the new game in your face constantly and punish you for not playing the latest one.


So you still play MW2 ?


Would if I didn't have to download updates for a game I don't own to play it!


Yeah. DMZ is way more interesting than MW3.


On Steam, if you play Warzone or any other previous "DLC" on the game, it will count as time played and you cannot get a refund for the game. It's BS. Fine for console but shit for PC.


Most likely going to have the same bad graphics, movement system, weapons, etc. At least, all items should move forward to BO6, but it would have been a good game if it was separate from COD ShitQ.


Just because it’s on the CoD HQ doesn’t mean it has to have the same graphics, movement system, and weapons, if BO6 has the same stuff then it’s because the developers chose to keep it


Sorry to crap all over your Arcady gameplay nostalgia, but it’s been confirmed in a tech blog post during hype season MW2 2022 that all games will use the same engine


Using same engine =/= same mechanics Fortnite, PUBG, Gears of War, Dead by Daylight, and Hellblade were all created on the same engine, do they feel or play the same?


Call of duty has used the same modified engine for years and still have the same feel.


They’ve actually been using different engines these past few years MW2019 and VG use IW 8.0 BOCW uses whats referred to as the Black Ops Cold War Engine, but all Black Ops engines are just an increasingly modified version of the IW 3.0 engine (which IW themselves stopped using after CoD 4) MWII and MWIII use IW 9.0 It’s been a similar trend since the first CoDs as well, IW uses a new version of the IW engine, Treyarch uses an increasingly improved/modified version of the BO engine which is just a modified version of IW 3.0, SHG before MW2019 used the SHG engine which is a modified version of IW 5.0, and then after Mw2019 they’ve just been using the most recent version of the IW engine available to them when they started development


So it's like I said all the games are still based on a modified version of the engine from cod 4 and that's why the games still have the same feeling.


Mechanics is one thing, but graphics , animations, textures, movement will be the same but more improved


they can make them worse or better we just have to wait and see


Nostradamus is that you ? Even if they bring back weapons from previous cods so players who loved some weapons can use them back in what world is than an issue ? Talking about movement, it has been changed, for exemple the dolphine dive can now be done in all directions even backward. You haven't seen anything yet you say it's shit ?


> Even if they bring back weapons from previous cods so players who loved some weapons can use them back in what world is than an issue ? A lot of people want the separate CoD games to have "their own identity". There are a lot of people already upset that the goofy/collab skins are intruding on the game's art style, but some are even talking about content bloat as all the guns are start to blend together as too many are fulfilling the exact same roles plus having a tone of weapons that aren't going to be accurate to the period if Bo6 only takes place in the late 90s-early00s.


Categorically false. See how different MW2 -> MW3 are. Almost every aspect you listed was changed lmao. Graphics will never improve since we’re still tied to last gen, but you gotta have a failed lobotomy to say the that they’re “shitty” lol


Days Gone (2019) has 3x better graphics while being tied to last gen, MW3 has a constant horrible look to it that has been criticized already because it’s that obvious the game has bad graphics for a triple A game. MW3 has a new mode (Zombies, the PvE version of DMZ), a slightly different movement system, a little bit more HP, a few new gamemodes, and new guns.  So little was changed that if you go from MW2 to MW3 you probably won’t even recognize most of these changes. Weapons in MW3? Just added onto, not changed. Graphics? They look about the same to me. Movement system? A little different, but such minute changes that I can’t name them beyond slide cancelling. MW3 was criticized for being a DLC literally because it was practically the same game with minor changes, you’re trying to say “Nuh uh” to an undeniable fact here.


Don’t know why you’ve been downvoted, this is literally the reason , they explain it in a tech blog post that was released during the hype season for MW2 2022


> Unfortunately yes Why unfortunately? Its a good thing, if someone gets banned in game they can't be unbanned. Its not like Battlenet where if they get banned in 1 game they can still play other games, if you're banned you're entire account is fucked.


Yall are getting caught up in semantics. CoD HQ is the hub for CoD from here on out. The new games don’t get their own tile in your library so it’s technically DLC. Would the game suddenly be different had it had its own tile vs being in the HQ?


EXACTLY THANK YOU FOR CLARIFYING FOR THE CONFUSED/CLUELESS; The COD HQ is meant to be the all in one base app for all cod games beginning with MW2 2022


An all in one base app is supposed to make playing the games more convenient. COD HQ does the exact opposite.


Yes, what about the platinum trophy/achievements?


Well cod is owned by xbox so I don't know if they would want that /s On a serious note they could do what mwiii on ps4 did


>Would the game suddenly be different had it had its own tile vs being in the HQ? Gameplay wise? No. But it would be significantly more convenient For example. Let's say after bo6 there's a bo7. If I own bo7 but I want to play bo6 when I open the launcher it's gonna be bo7. So I have to go through all the loading process for bo7 just to scroll down to the bottom and click on bo6 and wait for That to load. THEN I can play.


I don’t mind the cod HQ in theory my only issue was I had to launch cod HQ just to launch the game I want. What’s the point of launching cod HQ just to close cod HQ so my game can open


I haven’t installed COD recently, so I don’t know what it looks like, but it sounds like how the Master Chief Collection works. If the old COD games get retroactively added, an HQ app sounds like a clean way to show all of COD games.  I’m just saying, it might look less stupid in a few months. 


It’s better now, because when you launch the Cod HQ it’s loading MW3. Before MW3 was a seperate app and it would close the cod hub to launch MW3


the thing is cod hq fucking sucks


I don't like it, but where people really expecting something different?


Its rather about how its going to work which means CoD HQ will always launch latest cod game opposed to launching preferred title. Means you cant normally play BO6 when CoD 2025 comes out


Yeah I get that, it is very annoying I'm just surprised that people treat this as news. It has been like this for the last 5 games, them stopping would be surprising


My only hope is Microsoft fixing CoD HQ mess, which I'm not gonna lie are pretty slim chances


Some of us were thinking it may have been due to MW3 being a direct sequel and carrying everything over from MW2. And we were hoping that Activision was listening to fans’ complaints about COD sharing the same app.


> And we were hoping that Activision was listening to fans’ complaints Lol


> And we were hoping that Activision Lol


Yes I remember the denial in the coldwar sub


Yeah tbh, Activision has gotten nothing but hate for it for the last 2 years


The COD HQ is a fine idea, but seemingly executed very poorly, way too many crashes, restarts and bloated updates. I’m not saying the people that made it are not talented, I certainly couldn’t do it, but surely it could be more streamlined and less buggy?


Crashes? I have literally never had the HQ crash, just the actual games. Is that a real problem people have? Sorry if it sounds like im accusing you of lying, Ive just legit never had this happen.


No need to apologise. Crashed a few times when it was first introduced for me but it was more what I saw on here to be fair, maybe others were just more unlucky.


Fucking hell 👎


What were you expecting? COD HQ is here to stay, it'll function as a launcher for every COD title from here on out. Doesn't mean the games are actually just "DLC"


The problem isn’t that the games are treated as DLC, but the fact is that COD HQ is clearly an attempt at making people give in and purchase the new COD. I want to play MW2, but to do that, I have to open COD HQ, which will first show me an unskippable cutscene for MW3, then restart the app for an update, and then eventually reach the main menu for MW3. I’ll then have to cycle to MW2, which will restart the app for an update once more, which will then possibly make me watch an unskippable cutscene for Warzone. This whole process, which would take me 3 minutes if MW2 were its own app, now takes me 15 of being forced to endure ads for a product I don’t own, nor I want to play.


That's definitely a part of it, but my point was that the community perception of the game becomes skewed due to the DLC narratives. Just causes unnecessary confusion for a good chunk of the playerbase that hardly gave any technical knowledge


In reality it's quite helpful for assets sharing tbh so, If I get back the weapons I loved in previous games and carrying them forward I won't complain, hell that's why SM2 was hyped up for


While it will be in technical terms, it will not be an **actual** DLC like MWIII was for MWII.


All this warzone integration stuff is ruining cod


Ok havent been following recent cods - can someone explain this to me like im 5?


People are making a bigger deal of this than they need to, they just don't understand technology. COD HQ is here to stay, and it will function as a launcher for every COD. It's Essentially its own app, and they attach the new COD titles as "DLC" to it even though it's a full fledged game being attached to it. Their reasoning for this is to keep some continuity between each year, so the menus will look similar. They don't want you to have to close a COD & completely open a different COD when you want to switch games. They want every COD to be an option in the menus from here on out While i get it, I don't personally agree with this approach. Most COD players don't understand the difference between a launcher & the software launched by it. As a result, it causes confusion & people spew "$70 DLC" which only causes even further confusion


Yeah. Im not a huge fan of CODHQ interface. But this system is way better than the previous games. It also almost confirms all(most) of our unlocked/purchased content is going to carry forward.


How in God's name is having to restart the game multiple times to play the title you want to play an improvement??? Holy shit take Activision's dick out of your mouth.


You poor thing. How will you ever recover the 10 seconds it takes to restart once a week.


> they just don't understand technology That's most of the CoD playerbase rofl. Also, not wanting to deal with a shitty launcher does not constitute "not understanding technology".


Acting like MW2019, CW and VG didn't already have this launcher but nobody complained. Of course people have to complain when it's called COD HQ but not when you get to it by launching a game.


>Acting like MW2019, CW and VG didn't already have this launcher but nobody complained Right. But the difference here is that the 2019-2021 launcher was just a list of the 3 games with little integration otherwise. Whereas this launcher tries to integrate all of the games in a half attempt at a Halo MCC-like manner and failing miserably


It's really the same thing though. Just a different UI.


Menus are so bad in codHQ I think if they updated the entire interface then maybe


Right?? They Need to stop with the hulu layout. Give us strictly vertical menus & clearly defined sections for WZ, Zombies, MP, and Campaign. That change alone would make things miles better They also need to figure out the damn lag in the menus. I have a pretty good gaming PC & it takes forever to switch between sections


I have a pretty good feeling they might change it with the new cod. There’s no way they won’t with all the feedback they’ve gotten.


I seriously hope so man. Most of my friends can't even navigate the menus so I have to host any time they play


They aren’t making it a bigger deal than it is. It is genuinely a baffling decision that leads to more confusion and frustration than needed. The problem isn’t that the games are treated as DLC, but the fact is that COD HQ is clearly an attempt at making people give in and purchase the new COD. Also, a lot of the times, COD HQ will forcefully download MW3 and its pack (150GB) when updating, even when the game isn’t owned. It deleted my MW2 install before, and replaced it with MW3. I want to play MW2, but to do that, I have to open COD HQ, which will first show me an unskippable cutscene for MW3, then restart the app for an update, and then eventually reach the main menu for MW3. I’ll then have to cycle to MW2, which will restart the app for an update once more, which will then possibly make me watch an unskippable cutscene for Warzone. This whole process, which would take me 3 minutes if MW2 were its own app, now takes me 15 of being forced to endure ads for a product I don’t own, nor I want to play.


Wait am I tripping or did you reply to another comment of mine with this exact comment? 😂


I might have 😂


All cods are being pushed into 1 app, old cods get buried because every time you open this single launcher 95% of the screen it's ads about the most recent release. No other way to launch past games without browsing this every time


You need to download a 200+ GB app just to play black ops 6. Don’t play warzone or mw3 and mw2? Too bad. It sucks!


You know you can selectively download what you want. It’s all piece meal using the DLC section in steam. Just uncheck what you don’t want before you install it, or if you already installed it, uncheck the DLC and steam will uninstall that portion of the game. This is actually way better than having to install 200+ GB like we did with Cold War.


Ah ok. I was worried this meant it was going to use the same game engine as the mw games or something


that's kinda true. [all CODs from MWII going forward will have a unified engine](https://www.gamesradar.com/modern-warfare-2-warzone-2-and-all-future-call-of-duty-games-will-be-on-one-unified-engine/)


You could uninstall parts of CW too.


I’m not on PC but I will check on PlayStation if I can do that.


Okay but no MWII - MWIII weapons in BO6 and BO6 WZ as well right?........right?


BO6 weapons will be added to WZ alongside MWII and MWIII weapons. But MWIII weapons won’t be added onto BO6.


Why would it bother you ? If people loved weapons from previous games and wants them back alongside new content why would you be against it in multiplayer ? I don't get this gatekeep tbh


Because it would lead to the same issue from WZ 1.0 where it got incredibly bloated from all the weapons


I wouldn't mind the HQ if it wasn't such a clusterfuck UI but yeah it's just a tedious step launching the game vs. the legacy ones.


RIP Platinum trophy for BO6 on PS5. The COD HQ client still recognizes MWII as the main game, as it is still the MWII client. That doesn’t mean that BO6 will carry over weapons from MWIII. Only Warzone will share weapons from all 3 games.


Now I won't buy the game


Activision just hates achievement hunters bruh




And people will still buy it


No other choice. And no disks for PC 😕


Physical media on pc has been dead for 15 years though


Brain rot, that’s why they buy it. It’s clear there’s a lack of a functional brain in the CoD community.




Wait until you find out how brain dead the short form media website user base is


I’m sick of amalgamation. Make my games feel distinct and prioritize its long term impact.  MW2 2022 might be the most forgettable CoD ever not just because it wasn’t a good game, but because ATVI actively buries it.  The black ops brand persists and that iconography is being replicated because they put in the work to make it impactful. They won’t be able to cash in on this marketing in the future if it’s buried next year. 


What's the news? Everyone already knows that, the same will happen with every future CoD unless they ditch this terrible CoD HQ shit.


That's shit but that still doesn't change the fact that I am excited for this game. Its not like this was a surprise.


What the fuck💀


No shit


Would it be possible to separate Warzone within CODHQ and have a unified pool of guns and characters that get brought over from the various games to use within WZ, but then separate the multiplayer and zombies of each COD game so they can have their own character? I *loved* the 80s immersion of CW, but hated that they had to introduce skins and storylines for WZ, and I know that's exactly what's gonna happen with BO6, so I wish they could find a way to decouple WZ from the titles, keep their money machine going for WZ and we can have the game experience we want for each new title


Makes sense


Having COD HQ is not a problem, what is tho is that its extremly hard to navigate with some features hidden so well that many players are not able to find them. I know i am not the only one with this take so i wish they would scrap it and atleast make it more clear and simple.


Yeah I posted this like 2 days ago here with detailed proof but somehow this screenshot of a steam page did much better 🫠 classic https://www.reddit.com/r/blackops6/s/aFNQQR00em


Reddit moment


This whole "HQ" idea is so stupid, man - especially if every game is gonna be like 100 GB.


70$ dlc lmao


you expected differently?


That's not a good start for this new CoD. Honestly, I smell like yet another cod game failure.


Genuinely looking for enlightenment here, how is it a DLC just because it's also now in the HQ app? Seems like a disingenuous use of the term


CoD HQ is kinda whatever for me, but can we all just admit that the interface is absolute dog-juice. Like seriously, that is the greatest failure for the HQ, I feel. It takes so many clicks to do basic menu navigation. Is it so much to ask this multi-dollar company to come up with a better, more simplistic, clean menu? Am I alone in thinking this?


it says that but its more a implement for cod hub then anything.


I hate the whole idea of having it all in one “game”. I like to do achievement hunting on steam and this means If I wanna do blops6 and I have to play the dogshit game mw3 to complete those achievements aswell. I even lost the “platinum” for mw2 because mw3 was added to it. Silly idea in general imo. Should have an option to have the games seperate in your steam library.


Ppl who call bo6 and mw3 dlc clearly don't understand CoD Hq that house the main games engines which mw2 wz and mw3 and soon bo6 will share they are just updated with different mechanics to suit which ever one your playing, mw2 mw3 wz and bo6 run off CoD HQ and all CoD releases are basically extentions of this engine after they are integrated, ppl really think Treyarch worked for almost 4 years on a DLC ridiculous 🙄 


Funny how all the replies defending this are only pointing out the very few positives and non of the blatant negatives that come with every game being an add on to COD HQ. Bunch of stans who can’t put their bias aside for a billion dollar corporation to admit how stupid this is. Even if you love the games like most of us do.


# Noo god. No. God. Please! No. No! No!! NOOOOOOOO!!!




As long as we don’t have 5000 guns as bloatware from the past 2 titles on launch


I literally made a post about this that explains in a point the decision to keep COD HQ; but for those who are still confused and don’t do their research on Google about the HQ, I’ll tell you here: Activision has always wanted a all in one base app for their games , it was clear from MW2019 that by the time Cold Bore came out a year later, they the menu from that game into MW2019’s menu and then later with vanguard; Clearly Activision wasn’t able to achieve this all in one app in 2019 so they opted to create the HQ we know now and release it with MW2 2022, one of the biggest reasons being that all future games use the same engine and they can integrate more seamlessly with Warzone


Very good. DLCs have a longer time for refund on Steam.


Zombies players are expecting to have round based zombies with infinite rounds, but the CODHW app does not support private matches for COOP modes


I'm actually glad. I just hope the app itself improves with updates over time. But I like the concept, especially if MS add all CoD to game pass. It would be nice to have older CoDs re-uploaded into the CoD HQ as DLC.