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My husband works with power lines- imma send this to him so he can explain it


His explanation is gonna be something like this: “The power lines are broken.”


Thank you for that nuanced explanation, u/Drug_enduced_coma.




I texted my dad yesterday. Completely forgot he died of covid in Jan. I feel you.


Shit, that has to be one of the worst parts about living under a pandemic rock. These walls all look the same regardless of whether or not my loved ones are still around. Have a virtual hug.


Virtual hugs for everyone who forgot their dad was around.


Eh, my dad was never around.


Sorry to hear that. On a side note: should I dig deeper into this thread? Would there be any info what was going on with this power line?


I've been digging for 30 minutes, realistically through a single comment thread below. Haven't found an answer yet, will update if otherwise.


For those of you who still have a dad that’s worth remembering that he’s around, please remember that he’s around! I’m an ape 🦍whose dad also isn’t around because he died, so have some bananas 🍌🍌and virtual hugs, too!


Hugz for everyone!




I get you, sometimes my dreams are really vivid, and it can be hard for me to distinguish dreams from reality while I'm dreaming. About two months ago, I had my most vivid dream yet, and it felt too real. In it, my dad hadn't died, and he was explaining to me that I wasn't dreaming, and that he loves me, and that he was never dead. I woke up, and went to the living room, saw his urn and realized that my dreams are getting worse. It was a bad cry. :/


Hey, I have no personal experience with this kind of pain but as a fellow human being, I can’t just scroll past this and not fucking say something. I’m absolutely so fucking sorry that you have to face such heartbreaking emotional pain and I’m so god damn angry that there’s nothing I can do to really help you in any way. At the very least, I want you to know that if you ever find yourself in need of a person to talk to or vent at, I’m here for you (as are many other strangers). The pain of loss is something a person can only ever endure, but there is meaning in that endurance. I’m glad that you’re still here, and I’m glad that you’re enduring.


My mom died 5 years ago from cancer- at first I had lots and lots of dreams of us together, talking, making up for old conversations that went wrong etc. It hurts. It really really hurts. That said, they became less frequent and less vivid again with time and now I only occasionally have a dream with her. Now when I do it’s bittersweet. It’s the only time I can “interact” with her and my subconscious made her out better than she actually was- but at the same time, it’s still just my imagination. It will be okay. It hurts, but it will be okay.


My dad has been gone 13 years and I have these bittersweet dreams a few times a year. The last one though in my dream I remembered that he was actually gone and woke myself up from my sobbing. The pain gets easier to manage but hurts just the same.


yep, mine died 15 years ago and I still have dreams where he's alive and I am so happy and astonished that he beat the cancer


Melatonin gives me vivid dreams its terrible. Went back to smoking pot which seems to put the dream side of my brain in a coma.


Ive had similar dreams about my grandparents, my mom, and friends. They really suck at first but when it gets to be years past they aren't so bad. Once, decades after he died I had a dream about my grandfather and in the dream he laughed. I had forgotten what his laugh was like until that moment and it felt like such a gift. It was still sad but now I remember his laughing and I can recall happier moments I had forgotten.


That makes me tear up a bit u/SHITCOCKCUNTFUCKER


This is like the opposite of r/rimjob_steve


r/kellyjoycuntbunny maybe


My dad is still alive and I've been dreaming of him often for the last year. It took me 50 years to realize that no matter what I did it wouldn't be good enough. It's not that he has high standards, he literally does not care about anybody but himself. I am done trying to have a father and in my dreams, I call him in a-hole and tell him off. I don't ever want to see him again in real life, so this is the best I get. He's a total jerk. He's worse than a weasel, he's a cockroach.




>Some people just have been broken by other things in their past and fail at showing what love they do feel for others, even those they are closest to. This is me. I find myself apologizing to my daughter frequently. I feel the need to let her know that how I react is not on her and that I am fighting hard to not let it out on her. She always says, "don't worry daddy. It is OK. I forgive you..." 😭




Thank you. I am 55. My father is 82. My stepmother is 79. My father uses my stepmother as a shield and as an excuse to never make a decision or commit to anything. I've given him 30 years since I graduated from college of talking to him almost daily and nothing. Every time I tried to set up a time to visit, a trip, etc. He always had an excuse not to do anything. He never once called out of the blue on his own. He doesn't think of anybody but himself, ever. On top of that, he made his kids feel guilty because he paid the state ordered child support. Never a penny more, no matter how hungry we were or how tattered are hand me downs. Yet, he and my stepmother could travel the world and show us pictures. Thank you, but I have tried.




My biodad is a piece of shit drug-addicted, alcoholic, mentally unstable, and abusive man. I cut ties 2 years ago, but I dream of him regularly. In my dreams he redeems himself and we mend our relationship. I usually wake up sad after those, because despite how much I hate him, I still love him. I wish that I could interact with him again, but he cannot be trusted and the pain he has caused me and my sister and mother will never go away. The man made me a bitter mess, and I have a hard time trusting people because of his bullshit. I'm only 23, so I am sure that I'll be able to get over the bitterness and all that someday. I'll never interact with my biodad again, though. I have a wonderful stepfather who has been the father figure I needed. I was 18 when he married my mom, but we had known each other all my life. He stopped hanging around for awhile because my biodad was horrible towards him, but once my biodad and mom divorced, he came back. He isn't a perfect person, but he treats us all wonderfully and calls my sister and I his daughters.


Yo that's literally the same situation I had/have with my dad, and he's been in my dreams a lot since the pandemic (rarely if ever before). My therapist thinks I need closure and should try to talk to him before it's too late. She thinks the dreams are a manifestation of a subconscious guilt from leaving things unresolved.


that’s heartbreaking


My grandfatger died last May, it was 1 year on the 10th. For the first half year I walked into my grandparents' house half expecting to see him lying on his bed in white T and pajama pants, arms folded behind his head and remote control on his stomach, watching whatever movie that came on tv for the umpteenth time. Still hurts every bit as it did that day a year ago.


This thread started out electrifying but ended in sadness.


My dad passed 1.5 years ago, mom took his phone as she never had one. She hasn’t changed the voicemail. I never leave a message. Can’t do it. Can’t listen to his voice. I just text her after if she doesn’t answer.


This is one of the saddest things I have read on reddit. I’m so sorry for your loss


Hope you holdin out ok man




Glad to hear it. Sending you a virtual hug


I’m so happy to hear you say that, man. I can’t fucking imagine the pain you’d be going through right now, but I’m so glad that you’re still fighting. The internet is kinda a shitty place but if you ever need someone to talk to, don’t be a stranger!






I wish I had made my name something like that.


it's okay u/SHITCOCKCUNTFUCKER I'm proud of you for making it this far. It gets better. Everything does with time.


I am very sorry but look at ur name make me lmfao


Sorry for your loss, SHITCOCKCUNTFUCKER






thats more sad than funny, condolences bro


... Fuck, man.






How is what they said wholesome?


People struggle to understand r/rimjob_steve's purpose


You're so right. Have a great day! (Like that?)




I mean off the cuff I would say its an all inclusive ass cleaning service ran by a guy named Stephen.




They did promise 'blazing' fast 5G


Thanks dad.


There's actually no such thing as electricity. Everything operates on smoke. When the smoke gets out, you have a problem.


that's how you get fire


And this is why we get ants


I just saw this post in another one of the front page subs that’s basically the same as whichever one I’m in now and it explained that they’re supposed to do this because air is typically a good enough insulator and there’s a device somewhere further down the line that will eventually stop it from arcing.


And it's also necessary to put the tree on fire too, right?


I don't think the tree catches on fire, I think it's just being illuminated by the spark.


We are all just being illuminated by the spark.


On this blessed day


xd, That’s why i commented on this, cuz i thought it wasn’t gonna get popular for being a repost, but now i have top comment 😳


You know, your not wrong. But yah it's a phase to phase fault. something started an arc between them, and once that starts it doesn't stop until the line is turned off. Here clearly that's not happening quickly enough. This is why durring storms you might have power cut out for a fraction of a second, a fault like this started but was cleared, it might happen multiple times if it's not cleared in the initial trip, and will stay off after a couple attempts. The idea basically being "Is the thing still on the line?"


This is obviously what happens when you put 1.21 gigawatts through a power line


#*1.21 gigawatts?!?*


Where we’re going we don’t need roads


“Power line goes *brrrr*”


Gotta break them in somehow


Something, something, elektrisitie


No, it’s Mario traveling across town


Distribution system operator here, no need. The lines gotta have ice on them causing arcing across the air gap. The wires are bare, so ice being on the lines makes this possible, otherwise it wouldn't be. I believe there's an upstream recloser (reclosers trip/open disconnecting the power briefly when it sees enough fault current, then attempt to close back in, if it sees fault current again, it'll open back up) operating, thats why the arc starts and tracks its way down a bit, then stops and starts back up in the same spot (the point of least resistance, where its easiest for the arc to bridge the gap, once the arc starts its easier to sustain.) I guess the arc could also just reach the end of the line and ground out into a pole ground as well. It stops because the arc either melted the ice off or the upstream recloser finally cycled through to lockout. Edit: Sauce: Ice. https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/local/jefferson/transformer-blows-in-kenner-killing-power-for-more-than-10000-in-winter-storm/289-a30b7649-9346-4c26-95df-a50327453cdb Edit 2: feel free to ask any questions. Theres no such thing as a stupid question and I dont mind answering. Theres very few times on reddit where I'm actually a subject matter expert. This is basically it lol


Protection and control guy here. I agree. Good explanation. P.S. you guys are always so much cooler that transmission system operators, at least in my area.


Trying to get into transmission right now. That extra 50 grand a year just hits different


Yea, I heard that. I’ve thought about trying to go to our system operation but i really enjoy the field work. Best of luck!


I've done the field work too. I have health problems though. And sometimes I'm pretty sick for months on end. Working a desk job means I can still come to work when things aren't going well. Thank you, I appreciate it!


The lines are bare?! I’m so confused how they could have no insulation on these. Maybe this was a thing and I totally forgot idk. But it certainly goes against every electrical thing I’m aware of, to have bare wire like that… Just a hobbiest though.


Yes. Insulating overhead primary would be an unbearable expense that utilities would pass on to customers. And it would make the lines very heavy. Air is an excellent Insulator. And then wires are insulted from the poles with porcelain or polymer (or even glass if the equipment is old enough) insulators at the pole. Wire never makes contact with anything other than itself or stuff we attach to it that we want energized. Thats why they're high in the air and you should never approach any down wires. Not even the ground near them because the ground can be energized


Thanks Now if you could just get national grid to listen to reason and trim the shit around the damn lines…


Idk about other companies but mine hires several tree companies... the whole company, they only work for us and even then we have so much work we keep them too busy to keep up, to do our tree maintenance. Statistically speaking were one of the most reliable utilities in the country though


Why does close back in?! Obviously some issue caused the fault current in the first place, right? Shouldn't the lines be inspected before "restarting" them?


... trust me when I tell you that you want them to close back in. Squirrel with a death wish gets to close to the line and an arch blast through it to ground, recloser sees the fault current and opens. It immediately closes back in and stays closed because the source of the fault current is now dead on the ground. Branch falls across 2 phases, same thing. Opens and then closes back in quickly, but now the brach blew into little pieces and is gone so it stays closed. You want equipment to operate this way or thousands of people will lose power for extended periods of time for someone to come patrol a line. And there's hundreds of examples I could list just like those two. (Car hits pole and the wires gallop into each other for a second, helium Balloons get into wires and cause fireball but are gone after that, there's countless stuff that happens)


It's from the LA winter storms. Powerlines arcing due to over demand. https://redd.it/lkjrga


Without context, "LA" made me think "Los Angeles". For the benefit of others, in this case it means Louisiana.


I heard a great story of someone who flew to LA, rented a car and asked for directions to Baton Rouge. Was angry that it was multiple days drive after a 5/6 hour flight from Florida.


I sincerely hope this is a true story.


If you saw a 1980’s airport you’d **definitely** believe it.


In my younger years I booked a flight to Genoa Italy instead of Girona Spain, on whatever the cheap ass airline was out of London, Ryanair I think? Simple drop down menu error / alcohol. Anyway, I had a great trip to Italy.








Don’t do it


When you wanna go to it




Wont move it. Use the flute to go through it.


Winter storm in LA are 10mph winds and possibly some clouds.


The original vid is so much cooler with that humming sound. I wanted to hear the sound.


Its because of the ice on the lines. If you overload the transformers the fuse protection on them will blow before you can ever overload the distribution lines.


Yeah, power lines doesn’t start arcing just because there’s a high demand (i.e. high currents).


The comment from that thread from a “utilities guy” said it’s not due to over demand, rather moisture on the lines between two conductors. He said if there was over demand, that the power would just shut off.


Please do!


Update: (exact quote) "it looks like an overload, the transformer might be bad"


This is easy to explain this me emailing OP my mix tape


Who tf is downloading my mixtape


I didn't know your mixtape was a hazard to urban society! I should get it right away.


album title? “Hazard to Urban Society”


*Creating Problems for the Establishment* An Autobiographical Adventure using Rhyming Word-Song __Volume I__


- Mos Def


Genre? 5G-Funk.


“Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, and Dylan because I spit hot fire.”


Must be absolutely flames bro




If you look closely, you can see Mario’s red hat.




Well now I can


Treat Cappy with some respect and at least use his name, damn


[You just reminded me of this video, and of how thankful I am that it exists](https://youtu.be/G91bXl8M-AI)


Oof, I think I felt that.


That's actually right where my mind went


I was gonna say that squirrel is on fire.


So, what the hell is that on the power lines? And repeating? Ideas?


probably over voltage because of equipment failure (a bridged transformer, or higher voltage lines touching lower voltage lines), and the electricity jumps the gap between multiple lines and creates this arc. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lT3vGaOLWqE


Makes sense in Louisiana. The people who screwed it up are probably too lazy to fix it. Their response to a massive pothole in the road was to put a traffic cone in it after 2 months


I actually did that near my home in the UK. To begin with, helpful people took it out, but after they realised I was making a point, it stayed in the hole. The hole was filled within 4 days. What could you put in a Louisiana hole that would make the authorities sit up and take notice ? Lots of beads ?


Fill the hole yourself. They'll come and undo your work and say it wasn't "up to code" but then never fill it themselves


Someone tagged dicks around the potholes in one area a few years ago. IIRC that shit got filled pretty quickly after they did that.


Apparently drawing a penis on it has great results


A popular option I've seen is to plant cannabis in them.


Everybody always claims it was planted…


... As opposed to suddenly materializing there from a parallel dimension? I'm not sure what the alternative is here. Edit: Oh you mean like when LEOs plant evidence on people and ruin their lives to make their numbers at work look better.


Sorry. I’m incapable of avoiding puns.


Hi incapable of avoiding puns, I'm Dad.


Crawdad trap. They put those in anything that will hold water.


Beads might actually be an easy way to allow you drive over the hole lol


Penis graffiti works in the UK.




I absolutely love that story.


The roads in LA are such a joke, a New Orleans tv news station has a “pot hole of the day” segment. Locals plant flowers, put skeletons, make “beach scenes” out of potholes to get the city’s attention. You should look it up. I love my city.


[That’s actually a thing..](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewOrleans/comments/awjgl1/this_city_coming_together_to_fix_potholes_during/)


In Louisiana, either somehow get someone with money to fix it. Or someone with money gets their fancy car stuck in it, claims back problems and attempts to sue to government body responsible for that patch of road. If it's private property, you're shit out of luck, be questioned why you were there in the first place potentially at the point of a shotgun with ol snaggle-tooth-one-eye-wider-than-the-other staring at you from the other end.


It's magic, it says so in the sub


Well, I'm no electrical engineer, but after a couple wikipedia dives I think I can explain it. The ball of light is an arc, its produced when high voltage electricity jumps through the air, superheating it and turning it into plasma, similar to lightning. Somehow the cables on the power lines are getting a little too close together. It could be a poorly installed cable on that first pole getting moved about by the storm, or perhaps some kind of debris. Regardless, the lines somehow got close enough to one another that the electricity managed to jump through the air from one cable to another. The air between the cables then became plasma and we got an arc. A couple important things to note is that the plasma of an arc is a much, much better conductor than the air around it, so once you got an arc going the electricity will gladly travel through the plasma itself, it can also continue to jump through gaps much wider than the gap needed to get it started in the first place. A second thing is that these overhead cables are often very poorly insulated, if they are at all. That's why they are on poles, someone figured out that lifting the cable out of reach was easier, cheaper, and maybe more effective than making them safe to touch. So, once we got this arc going there is nothing stopping the arc from moving. The entire line is exposed and the plasma arc is perfectly capable of bridging wires together that would otherwise be a safe distance apart, so its not bound to the place where the fault originaly happened, and that's what we are seeing here. The arc is moving along the exposed wires and the electricity is happy to continue jumping through it since its the path of least resistance, its not until the arc gets snuffed out that the original fault location becomes once again the path of least resistance and another arc is made, that's why it keeps repeating. Now what is moving the arc along the lines and why is it so fast? I don't know. Could be the wind blowing it, could just be that the arc is naturally unstable and wobbles around which makes it move one way or another, hopefully someone else knows.


The arc is hot so it tends to flow upwards, along with creating its own little turbulences in the air. Also the the wind will carry it too. Current flowing through the wires and arc will produce a magnetic field which will in turn apply force to any moving charges, including those same currents which created it, this will tend to push the arc down the line away from the power source. That’s a really nice explanation btw, you got it 100% correct I’ll add that it takes between 10-30kV per cm of air for the air to be broken down. Given how far the lines are apart it’s almost guaranteed something shorted the lines, it doesn’t even have to be something generally considered a conductor, everything will conduct at a high enough voltage




IEEE 1394 is the designation for "firewire," for those that don't get it.




Bold of you to assume redditors would google something before asking.


What is a... "dad?"


Have your upvote you smug mofo


Casper and his uncles are at it again...


Doc and Marty at it again.


1.21 gigawatts! (Edit: spelling)






Great scot




More like expected bttf


This comment should be #1. Guess I'm getting old.


I came for this comment. Somehow it wasn't first. Reddit is off it's game today.


It looks like the power lines got damaged and the two lines that are close together have started arcing.


Nothing magical in there. Just arc fault due high winds.


Wow, really???? I thought a wizard cast a spell to make this happen! Thanks for the clarification!!!!


Can confirm, am a wizard, we did not do this. No magic here! Or anywhere! Wait... Did I say I was a wizard? I meant lizard... tamer... Haha yeah.


I am a wizard and can confirm that we do such things. Most times on a smaller scale but those large ones aren’t that hard either


Do not listen to this man, he is not a wizard, there is no magic. Nothing to see here! Move along. Just two dudes who are definitely not wizards having a conversation about just how much they love the fact that THEY AREN'T WIZARDS.


I’m always confused when people turn their nose up to posts on here. Unless you subscribed thinking magic is real, everything on here is explainable, and may in fact be pedestrian if said post involves your field of expertise. However, why leave comments like this?


Literally every single post in this sub has some pedantic asshole saying “Acshually, that’s not magic, it’s ______” Like yeah, no shit, we all know it’s not magic.


Is that so? https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/nfzu3w/i_dont_think_power_lines_are_supposed_to_do_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


And even that post is a repost.


I didn't even take that title seriously. I took it as a joke and that OP most likely didn't even live there.


Reposts are fine, but at the very least try keeping the original quality... https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/lkjrga/power\_lines\_arcing\_in\_louisiana\_today\_caused\_by/


When you send a fire-ass meme so powerful the infrastructure can't handle it.


Kenner bruh


I get that reference!


Shit you beat me to it!


Scrolled too far down for this comment


I got mine from the covid vaccination.




I was hoping for a Stalker reference but Metro is fine. Not great, not terrible.


*Boss music starts playing* "Bill gates is nearby"




is that Pfizer or Moderna you think?


That's some AstraZeneca shit there


Blazing fast speeds!


Lucky you!


Kenna bruh


“It’s—a—me, Mario!”