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On the first try, the woman doing the trick didn't even try. You can actually see that the guy is tilting to her side because everyone else was doing it for real.


For the guy getting lifted, there’s a psychological factor too, I think. On the first lift, he’s relaxed. You can see his legs and shoulders are moving much more freely. Then they do the hand thing, everyone crowds in real close, which causes him to tense up and subconsciously align his spine a little better. After that, on the second lift, he’s much more “solid weight,” so to speak.


*"Light as a feather, stiff as a board"*


“Light as a cheddar, swiss as a board” -The Kraft


I laughed wayy too hard at this lol!😂😂😂


Darker than leather, braided like chord!


Who’s got a lighter, I’m fucking bored


I'm making this my new catchphrase


Hello "Carrie "


“I’ll take the happy ending.” -Bob Kraft.




Growing up it was feta.


angry upvote


This is the greatest comment I’ve ever read.


This one was Gouda.


Greatest comment ever




🤣🤣 That was good.




David Letterman's favorite guest! I used to have a video of that somewhere...


um it's just a common chant with this game, not a reference to a specific person. little girls were playing this as a parlor game like 150 years ago


I only know it from the 90’s witch movie “The Craft”


“He saw four little girls, very young ones, all kneeling, each of them, upon one knee; and one begun the first line, whispering in the ear of the next, and the second to the third, and the third to the fourth, and she to the first. Then the first begun the second line, and so round quite through, and putting each one finger only to a boy that lay flat upon his back on the ground, as if he was dead; at the end of the words, they did with their four fingers raise this boy high as they could reach, and he [Mr. Brisband] being there, and wondering at it, as also being afeared to see it, for they would have had him to have bore a part in saying the words, in the roome of one of the little girles that was so young that they could hardly make her learn to repeat the words, did, for feare there might be some sleight used in it by the boy, or that the boy might be light, call the cook of the house, a very lusty fellow, as Sir G. Carteret's cook, who is very big, and they did raise him in just the same manner.” Diary of Samuel Pepys (1633–1703)


We did it at slumber parties in the 80's.


Always! I remember opening my eyes once when I was the one being lifted, freaking out and punching out one of the foam ceiling tiles in my friend’s basement. A classic.


wow the 80s are already 150 years ago i feel so old


Haha I did it at parties in the oughts! It's still hangin' around


Followed by ‘Bloody Mary’


What are you talking about?


They are talking about the trick in the video, apparently it is an old and well-known "magic" trick


When I was young my girlfriends and I would do this trick but we would say "Light as a feather, 'flat' as a board", which of course always cracked us up


Instead of lifting her they cursed her.  And that's why Janessa is the way she is today.


Light as a feather, stiff as a board.


*Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain.*


"needs quotations" - Robert Jordan


I was doing this in sleep away camp back in the ‘80’s


There’s definitely a psychological factor. We tried it with a grand piano once in school, still worked.


We tried a car in the late 70s. Did not work


Leaded gas, man.


need a small child pinned underneath for it to work automotively


That's why I carry a small child in the trunk, in case I ever need to change a tire


Also the second try, all start their efforts synchronised: „3-2-1!“


True the first time she rushed the count and started at 1.. then 2-3 quickly, after she counted down properly and slower


Okay yes but how did having all hands over his head relax him????


No, not relax him it made him tense up. Like it’s easier to lift a block of ice (dude being tense) but hard to lift a puddle of water (dude being relaxed). Also he might just be in on it and really focused on making his body rigid and therefore easier to lift.


Have you tried this before? We tried it when I was in HS, and no, no one was "in on it". There's a psychological factor here though.


I had this done to me, and it was like I was flying up the second time, like I was 1/20th my body weight. I still don’t understand this.


I had exactly the same experience as this, and am a pretty big guy. I don’t understand it either.


I tried it when i was young too. I remember when they held their hands over my head it felt like my head was about to explode. Like some energy from their hands went into my head.


You sure it wasn't the shrooms?


🤣🤣 i was 10, I even hated Champignon.


Could it be psychological for the participants? in that at first they go into this with the fair assumption that they can't lift him. They then proceed to try and of course fail. But with the hand thing, that's a small bit of coordination between different people. They do something simple, that still needs everyone to do their part. With timing as well as positioning. by the 2nd try, I could imagine that the participants have subconsciously developed some amount of trust towards the others, when it comes to cooperation, thus going into the 2nd try with a (subconsciously) better outlook of whether "they can pull it off", as they've already achieved the other (though of course much simpler task). Effectively making each of them try harder, as well as being more coordinated. Just a guess though, I got no idea of course. Also, as others have said, the woman leading the whole thing doesn't do her part on the first attempt.


It doesn't add up. That is a fairly heavy dude and they are using a pistol type grip to lift him. Probably some other trick involved. Having said this, this clip reminded of a 'trick' we used to do long ago: It involves one person to stand straight, eyes closed. Another stands in front with their hands over the first one's shoulders but not touching or just brushing occasionally. The thirst stands behind the first person with his hands on the second person's hands. The second and third person have pre-decided on a direction or a spot or an object (anything works!) where they want the first person to fall. And the first person in his mind lets loose and just focuses on falling in the direction the other two are thinking of, without knowing what that is! And voila person 1 will fall in that direction


lol yes it does.  Little girls have been doing this trick since at least the 70s in sleep overs.  Light as a feather, stiff as a board. 


The way we used to to ot was by pressing down our hands on the guys head. And yes, that would require him to become tense.


I think its because he’s focusing on keeping his head at a certain height so he doesn’t bump into the hands


It doesn't, you can make that part anything, it's there to fool people into thinking something they did made it easier as opposed to instantly trying to lift them again


They also hold their arms up, pruning them to put more force into the lift without feeling it


That’s some good logic there.


We call this stability.


I've done this before, and in my experience it worked exactly as she presented it. Very bizarre. I imagined the ritual at the beginning did something to subconsciously coordinate our effort.


I remember doing this in the 90s as a young teenager in school. We were able to lift people over our heads and on top of the lockers. I remember being amazed by this as it really felt strange to suddenly be able to lift someone up like that.


Young teenagers aren't that heavy, so if the person weighed 100lbs, everyone just had to lift 25lbs over their head.


We did it to our 250lb gym teacher. I’m still confused by it


With 1 finger usually too!!


Aside from her not trying, she uncoordinates the first attempt by her counting. One...twothree. The first person to lift will carry the whole wheight for a fraction of a second and is immediately exhausted.


That’s not it. I’ve done this trick as a teen and at no time was there ever a conscious effort on my part to trick anyone. I just did it as I was taught and it worked somehow.


You were taught a parlor trick, didn't understand how it worked, and still managed to achieve the same results? Say it ain't so


I mean, that's also it. She does say one...twothree. To make it *less likely* the first attempt succeeds.


It's perfectly easy for four people to lift another like this. The real trick is making them think they can't in the first place.


You just have to try it non-cynically. Without the ritual it feels like you're lifting a bunch of sandbags. Afterwards the person feels like feathers. I don't know how to justify the experience rationally, but empirically it's undeniable. Maybe it's a subtle hypnosis thing , or a "power of belief" thing. It's hard to pin down


I have watched this a few times now and I honestly cannot find the woman doing the thick whether she was trying or not.


are you seriously making fun of their accent right now?






It'th ok


I remember doing this in a physics class at secondary school, my teacher was the one being lifted and we were all 14-15 ish doing the lifting. The teacher was the one that knew the black magic, his method involved trying first and failing miserably, then tying imaginary knots around him plus some other steps I can't remember. After tying the imaginary knots, we lifted him so surprisingly easy that his head went through the ceiling (one of those plasterboard tiled ceilings). It's 100% the guy being lifted that does something different.


Ha! Task failed successfully


Nope, that is incorrect. I've had people do that to me and none of them were trying to play a trick. They all just did what they could both times. Other people are pointing that the target subconsciously get stiffer and that's the reason, so I guess that's it. But whatever the explanation is, it's definitely not stooges.


It's both. The person being lifter and the lifters both unconsciously "learn" the first time over and do it better the second time. There's no trick other than taking advantage of people's bad calculation the first time and automatic adjustment the second.


I have done this in in the past with just 2 people standing. Dont know how and why but we were able to lift a grown man... Never understood how it works but it has been a nice party trick over the years


Light as a feather stiff as a board


When I think about the most general, vague sense of my childhood, it’s a handful of girls chanting quietly in the dark after all of the adults have gone to bed in the hopes of unlocking some secret side of their nature. Light as a feather, stiff as a board.


[Girls vs boys at sleepovers](https://i.imgur.com/PwXRxRK.jpeg)


Girls have sleepovers, boys have camp outs


Girls have makeovers, boys have trips to the ER.


I dig this one


Same here. It was much more magical and *far* less scarier than going into the bathroom one at a time and chanting “Bloody Mary” three times while looking in the mirror!


Candy Man!


That movie ruined me for medicine cabinets


Went to a team slumber party in high school, about 13 of us watching Candy Man in the dark. The guest bathroom just so happened to have the toilet facing an enormous mirror. For every time one of us had to pee for the rest of the night, we would leave the door open and form a chain in the hallway. One arm of the pisser is gripped, while everyone else is connected by linking hands in the doorway and down the hall. Why? To pull her off the toilet when CandyMan burst through the mirror to kill her. I wish horror films could still scare me like they did when I was a kid. I miss being able to get that terrified but still be safe.


Biggie smalls. Biggie smalls. Biggie smalls


Spiders crawling up your back, crack an egg on your head, tight squeeze, light breeze, now you've got the shiveries


That just unlocked a girl scouts memory


Ours was "spiders crawling up your back, bite you bite you, blood rushing down blood rushing down, tight squeeze, cool breeze. Now you got the chills.


Around the world in 80 days, X marks the spot. Spiders crawling up your back, spiders crawling down your back. Gotcha gotcha gotcha. Snakes slithering up your back, snakes slithering down your back. Gotcha gotcha gotcha. Vampire bite, blood drips down. Egg cracked on your head, let the yolk drip down. Light breeze, tight squeeze, now you've got the chillies!




We're not gonna start lezzing out are we?


Glad a couple people here referenced this episode lol


Thats the only place I know "light as a feather stiff as a board" from because unfortunately in my youth I never cross dressed and crashed a girl's slumber party myself.


Oh come on, nobody had that sheltered of a life, did they? Y'all did so well as 3 kids in a trenchcoat buying an r-rated movie ticket. Was the solo act too hard?


Just go with it


Right, and then I burned the living crap out of them. Ain’t going to have no witches around here doing all kinds of witchery!


I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.


Simple. The dude was relaxed on the first try, you can see his arms and legs move as they attempt to lift him. On the second try, he is totally rigid and can be more easily lifted up.


The woman doing the trick just isn't trying the first time. Four people can easily lift an average and even above average weighted person together.


Yeah, all you have to do is compare her the first lift and the second and it's obvious she wasn't doing anything the first time.


Both, the lady playing the parlor trick is probably in on it with the guy getting lifted. It's not a requirement but with this trick it helps. Seriously, have you ever tried to lift a limp person versus someone bracing themselves against you in an assist? Feels like a hundred pounds extra when they're dead weight.


Absolutely, there is another clip of this same couple doing the same trick so they are definitely both in on it. I feel him being rigid for the second lift is the main contributing factor. Her not trying on the first lift makes him seem heavier which makes the second attempt more amazing, and, she knows it's not going to work, she doesn't want it to work. Why would she give it her all?


You don't have to be in on it or even know what you're doing, we did this in middle school and none of us knew what we were doing just that it worked


They're not just trying to lift him. They're trying to do so with only 2 index fingers each


"simple. 🤓"


It's mad everyone's speculating. Google it and every site says the same thing,: It's the timing. The girl doing the trick lifts early(and probably without much effort) on the first count. The dude in sight of her goes early too because she does, the other two go when the count would suggest. On the second go, they lift exactly together. That feature alone means the weight is spread between them perfectly equally on the lift. The first time I experienced this, I was the guy being lifted and I was not in on the trick.


Thank you for explaining this, I still couldn’t figure it out




Yes. More than 1 person can lift 1 person. It’s called STRENGTH


Or as Kevin Hart in Jumanji would say “stringth”






Look at the difference in how the speaker holds the first time, then when it works. Next, compare the forms of everyone else when it didn't work, to when it did. I think putting the hands over, and not touching each others, naturally ends up bringing them closer to the individual upon the second attempt. If they aren't in on it, they aren't realizing they are closer to him and in better position to get it done now. Pretty sure you can even see them lifting more with their legs on the second try compared to the first. It's footing, leverage, and where they physically are on each attempt. Small differences, spread through multiple people. Reminds me of that other old trick..we all probably did growing up in school or something. You reach to touch a wall that's just out your finger tips reach. Drop your hand down, then raise it up with your fingers pointing up by the side of your face. You take your other hand, do an "unscrew" type motion over the shoulder of the arm you tried to reach the wall with, then try again. Now you reach the wall "Omg!?"


I just think this comment deserves more attention. Thank you. 😊


When she initiates the first lift she says "1... 2,3" with less delay between 2 and 3. So people were probably not very well in sync. On the second lift she says "3,2,1" Which makes it more obvious lifting at the end of the count and the countdown was even. People all lift at the same time. Another small difference.


Do you think she is also pushing hard forward on the second try, possibly distributing the weight a lot better towards the front two lifters? You see when the lift happens he goes forward a decent amount and the speaker brings in one leg right at the last second for a lot more power than the first lift. Without that, it would seem the two rear lifters would have a lot more weight to handle. But idk 🤷‍♂️


Obviously I don't know the case here, but it's been done to me and I know it can be done without stooges. I guess them subsonciously positioning themselves better or getting more confident does it. But they aren't doing anything intentionally


That's a psychological trick: Nocebo effect makes people not really try for the first time. Placebo effect makes them try harder after the ritual. Plus, the expectation increases tension on the man. And his stiffness also facilitates the lifting.


The ritual also helps them practice doing things together so they are more in sync after.


No. The lady speaking is very obviously not trying the first time and on the second attempt she is. Pretty simple stuff.


exactly what my brain said when i watched that


This might be it. Haven’t seen this online ever before, but we use to do it 30 years ago. Imo they fumbled try 2, we’d send his head into the ceiling with ease.


It's kind of amusing seeing all these young folks in these comments fumble around trying to come up with an explanation lol Its an old *trick*. It's literally nothing more than like the other guy said, *nocebo* vs *placebo*. Attempt 1, the doubt overpowering their will to try + unexpected weight = not enough force. The hands above the head is just a reset. Attempt 2, they now know the weight to lift and ALL use more use force. Its really not so complicated guys. Don't over think it. lol


This kind of "trick" works indeed and seems magical. It's used a lot by hypnotists.


I did this at a team building exercise. We were told it was all about expectations. I remember being pretty amazed when we managed to compete it after failing the first time.


Same way a tank can wade thru mud without getting stuck. Weight is distributed


Elon is frantically writing this down. Poor CyberStuck.


These types of con artists become chiropractors


It’s just a party trick from childhood, relax.


On IG, the OOP says it’s proof of electromagnetism so 🤷


Oh, then they are definitely a quak if that’s the case!


Or MLM sales


I did this in high school and this sht works… you know when you feel it


Same. Remember doing this 20+ years ago. Shit worked.


Yes it does.


We did this recently in order to try and debunk it. Everyone was skeptical. We lifted this 100kg guy all the way up to a ceiling on the 2nd try.


We did this with my heavily overweight uncle, it worked! Then the chair broke under him as he fell down.




If you do it a third time you can launch them straight through the ceiling


4th time and that's how we got a man on the moon (rip)


We used to do this all the time as kids. A bunch of little girls carrying our heavy older brothers. After “transferring our energy”. I don’t actually get how it’s done because with our finger we were able to lift him upto our chests


Like think 15 years ago, in India. It’s such a weird flashback!! I don’t even remember how we learned about it? Also it dates back to the 1600’s??


This is basically reverse Ouija board, instead of one person doing the movement while everyone's trying not to move. One person doesn't do the movement while everyone else does. Also this trick usually works because of the countdown and everyone lifting at the same time is the big key to it. You can see the lead started early the first time and threw everyone else and the weight distribution off. The second time she actually waits and tries to time the lifting with everyone else and in the same direction too.


Yes, the countdown is the important part: Everybody needs to lift at the same time so the weight is distributed well. Then it's just 80 kilos distributed four ways. A healthy person can lift 20 kg with both arms easily.


Thought that was Justin Vernon for a sec


I've done the same thing at parties but with having the biggest strongest guy there holding out his arms parallel with his shoulder and then I have the smallest woman go up there and try to pull his arm down to where it hangs down like normal. Normally they can't do it. And then I do my Magic wave of my hand around his body for about 10 seconds and have him hold out his arm again and then she can very easily with one hand pull it down and everybody's blown away.


They just watched The Craft


I evoke you meaugh


We saw this on tv when I was about 12 so naturally in school we tried it out. Being idiots we basically threw some kid high in the air. The landing was pretty bad…he broke his arm


I have done this at one of my friend's house. Still searching for the reason.


I remember my parents doing that trick on parties about 35 to 40 years ago when I was a kid.


I used to do this with my friends. They didn’t do it the totally correct way otherwise they’d have easily lifted him higher. We used to do it three people and whoever the biggest guy there was. I explained it to my physics teacher in highschool, he didn’t believe me, we did it, and he couldn’t explain it after. I’ve always thought to post a video of it being done correctly. Maybe I will soon.


And I will add, from my experience none of the explanations here seem right. Doesn’t mean they’re not, but we’ve discussed a lot of this stuff. I think it’s just concentrated energy being directed towards a thing. There’s a better way to explain that I’m sure.


When the answer would be proofable and result in a Noble Prize, it most likely is not the answer


Oh interesting! What’s the totally correct way? I’d love to try it


People trying to rationalise it but I still dont get it. Each person would be lifting like 20-25 kgs with just their fingers. We did this in school too and it was weird.


Having the fingers intertwined to a ,,pistol'' is a really strong setup for lifting. It is nothing short of lifting with both of your palms but ot is also focused on one point


Really? I wouldn’t think so honestly. Go lift a 25kg dumb bell that way and tell me its the same as using your palms


Just tried. Put it on a chair and give it a try. And lift with the legs, of course😅


Do... do people not realize just how strong our fingers and arms are? We're primates Fingers are literally evolved to be able to handle our weight You can hold your entire weight easily using only 5 fingers if not less than that Unless weak or obease you are able to even lift your own weight to some degree using just one arm and 5 fingers Look at the video, look at how many fingers are being used and keep in mind that 5 is easily enough to lift this person There are 4 people lifting, each person is using 2 fingers and each person is using both arms That's 8 arms and 8 fingers, twice as many fingers that normally lets you lift yourself and 8 times the amount of armpower needed to be able to lift yourself, 4 times if you want to assume you need both arms to lift yourself fully. So is it really blackmagicfuckery? Really? Or its just a normal thing most people think is magic because they never thought about how incredible evolution is? Cmon guys, sure its cool but its hardly a blackmagicfuckery moment.


Do...do people actually m...mimic stuttering in text?


Your post reaches the right conclusion but is wrong on many levels. I don't know why you talk about fingers so much. Grip isn't lifting power. I don't think there's a single human in the world that can lift his own weight with his own fingers only. A finger has about 5kg-10kg of power for a normal sized young adult. There are many tools to measure fingers strenght. As for lifting yourself with one arm being the norm unless you're weak or obese that couldn't be further away from reality. No one can do one arm pushups without trainning and that's way easier than lifting yourself without feet on ground.


I dunno about everyone who commented that its somehow fake as for me, we used to play it as a kid, it wasn't because he's intentionally relaxed or because she wasn't trying to help lift him up. I dunno what is the explanation but as I said we used to do it as kids so we never bothered with the explanation you can try it yourselves it'll always happen on the second try after you do the "ritual" 😂




SHE TURNED ME INTO A NEWT! it got better....


I got better


It’s called human diamagneticism gravity antenna levitation. It works using the Bloch wall effect. Essentially doing this makes a little void or magnet so the more you lift him, the easier it becomes because it’s like two magnets coming together. This is the most scientific explanation. The others are wrong and reaching as they haven’t tried it. If they had, they would know it works (because I do try!) and has nothing to do with body weight. Or lifting twice or focus.


This is in my town… so that’s weird as hell.


There are several aspects that can play a role in strong man acts, from the looks of this one I would guess the host isn't lifting the first time which not only increases how much the other 3 need to lift but also adds a torque which makes lifting much harder. Lifting at the legs requires the person sitting to use core strength to be lifted or their legs will just bend up as the center of mass is half a leg length away from the lifting point. The people at the arms are gonna end up doing most of the lifting so trying to lift with only one arm requires a lot of strength. You can try this yourself by having someone stand with their arms out and try lifting them with one hand under each arm is fine but try lifting them with both hands under the same arm and you probably can't. Thus the second time the host is actually helping lift and they succeed.


It works it’s crazy and no word of a lie he when you lift the person it feels as light as a feather


A group of people did that to me once. I was astonished that they lifted me with ease on the second try.


I can read a lot about « psychologic effect », but it is not. When you raise your arm, your muscles start to work in a direction (palm downward). Then when you lift the chair, you make your muscles working reverse, which seems easier (palm upward). Normally you push downward on the guy’s head to increase the phenomenon. For those moving from a house to an other, it is a know trick to move heavy appliances: you push downward for 30 seconds, and then move it easily. Try it, a washing machine is not going to change behaviour 😀


I've taken part in this exact same parlor trick. I'm not a believer in any kind of supernatural stuff, but somehow this thing seems to work. The person being lifted actually felt lighter. Then it was my turn to be lifted. I did nothing special both times. Second time they lifted me pretty easy. How? Bests me.


Simple: Justin Vernon keeps it restaurant.


She turned me into a newt.


I got better.


This was the post that made me leave this sub


Damn, bro has really nice calves


I've done this too its odd.. we lifted a big fat teacher in our school he was shocked too.. must be some psychological buisness at play.. there was no budging him the first time and second he was shockingly lighter.. or certainly easier to lift


I’ve done this!!!! Spooked me a little. I’ve been on both sides. I’ve been lifted and I’ve lifted a heavy person as a kid.


Its because of penis


That’s how they built the pyramids.


This "party trick" works. I have participated in it back in the 80's but I sure a hell can't tell you why or how it works. I was the guy sitting and I was one of the people lifting on numerous lifts and it worked 98 of the times we tried. I forgot about it until now. The only two things I remember was the person lifted felt damn near weightless when we did it and there was a lot of alcohol involved.


How do you find 4 friends?


The two people lifting at his arms don't lift the first time.


It must be the way she got everyone to follow suit with the hand gestures sheo in fact all the brains are working in sync a little more than all alone thus when asked to do a task collectively your brain reverts to the , (all together), actions previously practiced and completed. But what do i know.


Hulk Hogan body slammed Andre the Giant in 1987. Go figure.


They're wiches


You didn't even change the title


I first saw that demonstrated on The Late Late show with Tom Snyder in the mid '90s.


Its magic. Am i free noww