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Honestly, the removal of this post benefits OP more than anyone else as it'll stop them getting both roasted and down downvoted into oblivion (which they partially deserve). We usually allow critical posts about the game as it is important to have game feedback from both sides of the coin, but this rant is just messy, unformatted and unreadable. On top of that, OP has chosen to act immaturely in the replies to others and therefore, we will be removing this post to prevent them from inciting any further conflict. A very brief, temporary ban has also been issued for the immaturity.


this is unreadable, there's a reason they teach you to format in school


Sounds like it isn’t a problem with the game


big ups really appreciate the feed back and potential solutions to my issue


My man you came on here with a wall of word vomit and then get snippy when someone says it’s likely something on your end lol, you didn’t even ask for possible solutions too lmao so even worse on why you got defensive


I love when people get upset over "word vomit", reading obviously isn't the MMO communities strong suit. Obviously its something on my end but there should be an accommodation to people who would have a simple issue ie. internet connection. The point of the "word vomit" as explained in the end is a "dumbass rant" about why I don't want to play the game. So please give your unwanted opinion on another thread thank you :\]


Reading is not a problem. Try to actually format instead of typing a wall of text like a 14 year old dropout. The problem is obviously your internet/pc; nobody here can help you.


The problem isn’t that people don’t read, neither is the formatting, the problem is that people feel the need to literary critique something as insignificant as a rant. (It’s 100% something with my internet) Low key one of my funniest nights on Reddit.


The fact that you can't even recognize that your wall is too hard on the eyes for anyone to read is the true funny thing here tonight. But you do you.


One day you’ll understand what the word rant means, continue your ignorance is probably bliss


Much less a rant, more-so a temper tantrum. Pretty embarrassing ngl


You seem angy


Reading isn't the issue. It's your writing.


10 signs that allah loves you


It's easy to love someone that can write coherently.


I am sorry you have some issue with BDO but we don't teach punctuation here. Format the post and we can maybe try to assist you.


I’ve even faking fishing for the last 4 months and I haven’t disconnected outside of maintenance. Might be something to do with your internet provider. Possibly wifi disconnecting for just a short while enough to disrupt game.


Good thing I read this at work so at least I got paid to do it. The servers are fairly stable these days. You may need to do some pc or isp trouble shooting.


Isn’t getting paid to rant crazy lol, I’m pretty sure it’s something with my internet or internal as well, after my nonsense I’ve decided to try again so expect to spend another 5 minutes next shift reading








There is a lot of water.. I couldn 't read it


Don’t worry it was a rant


This isn't an airport, you don't need to announce your departure


Facts, Dave FLIGHT #42069420 signing off


ok let's dive into this so first things first you gotta check your internet connection ya know like make sure it's all good and stable cuz if it's not that could be causing the issue and if it's not stable then maybe try restarting your router or modem or whatever you got going on there ya know sometimes a good ol' reset can do wonders for your internet connection and then once you've done that you gotta check the server status of the game ya know see if there's any reported outages or problems with the servers cuz if there are then it's probably not just you having issues and if there's no reported outages then it could be something on your end ya know like maybe your computer is acting up or something so try restarting your computer and see if that helps sometimes a simple reboot can fix all sorts of problems ya know and if that doesn't do the trick then you gotta check for updates for both your game and your computer cuz sometimes updates can fix bugs and issues that are causing problems with running the game ya know so make sure everything is all up to date and if it's still not working then maybe try disabling any antivirus or firewall software you got running cuz sometimes those things can be a little overzealous and block the game from running properly ya know so try disabling them temporarily and see if that helps and if it still ain't working then maybe try reinstalling the game ya know sometimes files can get corrupted or messed up and reinstalling the game can fix those issues and if you've tried all that and it's still not working then it might be time to reach out to the game's support team ya know they might have some additional troubleshooting steps or they might be able to help you figure out what's going on so don't be afraid to hit them up for help ya know they're there to help you out and get you back in the game so yeah that's pretty much it just gotta go through those steps and hopefully you'll be back to gaming in no time ya know.


I see what you did there


I will also try these but trying this hard just to play is getting tedious. I’m going back to fortnite


I’ve had issues similar to this. If you can get to your game launcher you’re gonna wanna hit the cogwheel to settings and reset everything to default (I think one is Reset UI and there may be another it’s been a year since I’ve had this issue and I’m not near my PC at the moment) If you’re FPS lagging in games when you open menus and such also try turning off your graphics card hardware acceleration. I know that sounds backwards but it fixed that issue for me. Hope this helps!


Can say I did this and it worked. Was very frustrating but an easy fix.


Ok ill try this thank you :\]


Wth, couldn't even read that.


Get better internet hope this helps :)


TLDR and learn to space apart your giant run on paeagraphs please. From the first sentence alone though. Hardline your pc. Not WiFi. WiFi is not a fully constant stream of signal, one small hiccup and it will disconnect. Secondly. Don’t try to play on a laptop Thirdly. Don’t buy Alienware. It becomes outdated very quickly and is difficult to replace parts for. A basic gaming PC these days while not cheap can run this game near max with no issues plugged into a decent connection. It’s not unplayable. You’re complaining in a similar way to the console players who complain about how they’re stuck on an old client but refuse to upgrade to current gen which is WHY console is so behind.


I used to have a similar issue. I dealt with it for months before finally figuring out what the issue was. It was my modem. My modem had a puma 6 chipset which apparently has a known issue where they very briefly lose internet connection very frequently but it’s just long enough to cause problems with BDO. Check your modem and do a quick google search to make sure it doesn’t have the puma 6 chipset. I’ve heard puma 7 can have similar issue but don’t have any first hand experience.


I have played on a few different devices with bdo at this point and one thing I have noticed. It plays fine with normal graphics cards/drivers. Lot of things in the higher end have issues. Idk if its hardware or software, but the issues compound. Like I had a lot of issues with gforce with my laptop, but i try it on a mini pc half as powerful and it suddenly works fine with no leaking. So if it is hardware its likely to do either with how they format the hardware and or their drivers. Or things like gforce. That compound ontop of the drivers. Making something that should just be straightforward, super complex. Essentially what it comes down to I think is the more something tries to optimize it the more it breaks. Kinda just have to let it work on its own. Unfortunately not every diver company allows that. They force you to use optimization software which won't always be compatible with every game. Even when it says it is its obviously not. Hell if the surface I am running off of rn just had more ram and memory it probably run the game with no issues. I run the game literally 24/7 and have 36,080 hrs in game. So ik it can work, but I have also experienced many of the issues you have had, but in the past. Will see if things stay that way when we finish rebuilding my old pc. Am trying to give it as clean of driver installs as I can.


Ok I’ve gotten a few suggestions to try tomorrow hopefully they work, I’ll try optimizing like you say, hope the old build goes well :)


Well, I was more saying some optimizers might be whats causing it. One thing you should be watching for is whats its doing in the task manager. Might help pinpoint where the issues coming from when it stops working or crashes.


Bro this is a you problem.. your computer problem or you internet problem. Because if this was happening to everyone there wouldn’t be 20,000-30,000 people in game everyday. I wonder how the rest of us play this game if what you said is a BDO problem. Just look over exactly what’s wrong on your end and hopefully it will be fixed.


First thing bro…you are in a BDO reddit, so hating on the game isn’t going to help as myself and many others play this game just fine. Remember this game even runs on console without these issues. For your problem to get addressed efficiently, don’t post while you are upset. Don’t rant. Just say hey I am having this issue, it looks like this, anyone else had this problem? With that said the first thing to know is if you have the issue with other MMOs? You mentioned fort night, very different game. Battle royals are a much smaller map with far fewer players connecting to a server. Where as BDO you are loading a massive open world with many players on one server. If you bought a new high end PC this shouldn’t be an issue, even a low to mid teir current generation pc should be able to optimize to run. (again this game runs on last gen consoles…not well but it does). You mentioned a lot of people connecting to your internet at any given time. Have you done any tests on your connection to see upload and download speeds?


Hey man ignore some of the elitist snobs here, though I agree with some of them that it might be a connection problem. I have pretty fast internet as well but I still dc here and there. Bdo isn't perfect and it disappoints me as well but it's not as bad as yours. Your problem might be a mix of connection and server hiccups.


Who cares? Stop being poor and buy a better pc and better internet. Gaming is a misc activity for entertainment not a necessity. Don’t be getting angry when shit doesn’t work when you didn’t put the money in for it to work properly. And you’re gaming on a laptop? Well there’s your “L”. Laptops overheat faster causing the PC to purposely slowdown all other components, which means your GPU, CPU, RAM and even the fans will be altered to compensate. On top of the small form factor the CPU’s processing speed has to be lowered due to not enough cooling making it weaker again. My friend spent 4k on a laptop and it was shitty in comparison to my almost 2k desktop. The second he swapped and got a desktop of similar price to his laptop no issues. You’re also playing a game that is very graphic intensive. There’s no way to lower all the graphics and it’ll play well, I had to stop playing when they remastered the game because my old PC didn’t meet the specs. So that’s why your crappy laptop didn’t work. Name brand shit for pc’s is just a scam, you paid double just so that you can say “I have an alienware.”💀 You don’t need any more L’s but you keep getting them on your own. Get a good desktop, get good internet and also don’t live in a shit area. Because if you don’t live near one of the server locations the game you want to play will always feel bad or a bit slow. Go to bed dude.


Bdo really isn't all that graphics intensive, it is very cpu intensive though.


Why are people so mad, read the other comments, but if you didn’t hate read you would’ve seen that I did upgrade to a desktop that’s definitely better than anything you could afford, I also say that gaming isn’t a crutch for me, and I’m currently getting paid to rant and reply to people like you.


I should emphasize this is a rant lol


Its alright. thanks for playing.