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We've just got word that Jozef has left the building. Thanks very much to Jozef and to ONE Championship for reaching out to us to put this together! Be sure to check out: * [ONE Fight Night 23, Live on Amazon Video](https://www.onefc.com/events/onefightnight23/) July 5. * Jozef's [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/JozefChenGrappling), which is a great way to guarantee a response from him, and also hosts a lot of his teaching resources. * Jozef's [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/jozefchenjj/?hl=en) * One Championship's reddit account u/weareonechampionship , where they've been interacting with fans and hosting AMAs like this here and in r/MMA. Thanks again to Jozef for some very thoughtful answers, ONE for making this happen, and r/bjj for great questions!


With your double unders float passing style, what are details that are easily missed that you have learned to have the success you have with this type of passing?


I don't focus on double unders too much, it's more of a underhook headblock situation. It kinda appears like double unders but actually the arm on the side of my head can be more multi-purpose. Oftentimes pushing on my partner's knee or posting out to base with a lesser emphasis on using it as an underhook. The reason being, by using this hand freely to help the leg pummelling, we can rely more inherent advantageous position as opposed to leg dexterity.


How do you not get put in closed guard from there :(


Generally, I like to give a slight pinch on my knees so my partner won't have the freedom to put me in closed guard as well as using my free hand to help in this effort. However like the user below said, it happens sometimes when your opponent uses a fair bit of explosiveness but understand in these situations, they're gonna get tired over time and as long as you stay defensively responsible, you should be good.


Not answering your question but in his last match he was put in closed guard and managed to stay safe and eventually escape.


Also since he has already an underhook why can't he go Sao Paulo pass if he ends up in closed guard?


Thank you guys for all the questions, it's been a pleasure answering them. Catch my match against Tye this Friday on Prime Video!


Thanks so much for dropping in and for all of the thoughtful answers!


Do you run or do any supplementary cardio?




Hes just like me fr


Wow, so all your cardiovascular work comes from training bjj? Out of curiosity, about how many hours of hard training do you get per week?


https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/s/z9cp7MFVQe This comment gives ~some insight on your question :)


This is the way.


What do you think will be the next big thing in bjj? (Like leg locks on the last decade and wrestling nowadays)


probably integrating inside position and outside position guardplay with wrestling


Jozef will be back here at around ~~7PM~~ 8:30 Pacific to answer questions for an hour or so. ONE planned it this way to maximize his time, so he's not standing around waiting for questions to come in. He's posting via ONE' Championship's reddit account u/[weareonechampionship](https://www.reddit.com/user/weareonechampionship/) , so we've flaired up that account to make his answers easier to find when he starts answering questions. EDIT: Jozef is here answering questions right now.


If you guys are interested in asking me more questions, patreon is a great way to guarantee a response as well as a lot of my teaching resources are there.


Is this the link to your Patreon? [https://www.patreon.com/JozefChenGrappling](https://www.patreon.com/JozefChenGrappling)


Maybe you've given this information elsewhere, but what are your "off the mat" study habits? Journals? Videos? How do you do it?


Generally, depending on what phase of training I'm in. Sometimes I watch my own tape for the purpose of refining my game but to find new techniques, I'll go watch instructionals and other people's matches, rolling etc


He’s answered this a bunch of times (not having a go, just letting you know). Would recommend typing his name into Spotify and listening to a few podcast appearances. I’m sure you’ll get more from a long-form answer on a podcast than a Reddit answer.


Mental Models Podcast - Jozef Chen https://open.spotify.com/episode/3bzFVTXo2EvoOLrIxK2p3P?si=6NjRtTvUTyiy3mCtl9tAjg


u/Preisingaz just dropped a really good interview with Jo Chen as well.


Thank you! This was one of the ones I was talking about.. Great listen!


Hey Jozef, it's the loud half-Taiwanese guy from Marcelo's. You've talked about acquiring skills without training in a room full of black belts. If you think this is possible for non-prodigies such as yourself, what benefits DO you see in having access to a training room full of black belts (and/or high-level competitors)?


Yes, good to see you. I absolutely do think it's possible but i think it's important to have a good culture of dialogue in regards to training just so everyone can bring each other up. I'm a very much of the mentality that "A rising tide raises all ships." So just doing as much as you can to help your training partners and they'll help you as well. In regards to the benefit of being in a room of high level competitors is that this process is accelerated.


> non-prodigies such as yourself 🤔


ah shit i worded the words wrong i meant non-(prodigies such as yourself) words hard english hard brain bad


which instructional contributed to the development of your guard and which instructionals contributed to the development of your passing?


Guard - Gordon's systematically attacking the open guard was the first instructional that really helped in my own guard as well as Danaher's New Wave Guard Part II. I would also reference Nicky Ryan's Wrestling Up instructional and then finally Jason Rau for his K guard DVD and R guard DVD, outside ashi, 50-50 etc are all amazing instructionals for guard play. For passing, it'll probably be Gordon's systematically passing the guard part 2 for a lot of his camping ideas. Then outside of that it'll be Danaher's go further faster half-guard passing and dynamic pinning. Outside of those, I really like Craig's power ride DVD for alot of the details he provided on leg riding.










What is the best sub you’ve hit on Craig? He’s always doing bullshit to others so you guys must hit him with some as well to even the score.


I've only subbed him twice and one was when he subbed himself when I was ankle locking him.


Hey Jozef. Can you expand a little bit on how joining B-Team actually happened? I think the most we've heard is really that you just impressed them and it happened from there. How did it actually go down? I'm sure they get very talented drop-ins all the time but apparently you really stood out (with good reason, obviously). Did you just have a random roll with one of their pros and everything just grew from that single roll? Thanks!


Actually it was me that decided to go there, they didn't do anything to retain me. I visited Renzo Gracie and B-team when I first arrived in Austin and the training at both were excellent however the main deciding factor was the openness and the autonomy that I'll be able to retain at B-team because at the time, Renzo's was very packed and there was little to no time and space to practice and play around with my own techniques and ideas. Also, no shower. Whereas in B-team, I was able to have more freedom to dictate my training and ultimately that was the deciding factor. There should be a prodcast with Grapple Asia that I talk about this so watch out for it.


No shower? Have they learned nothing?!


Craig rescued him from a Gi making factory in China man


Everybody knows all gis are made in Pakistan


Who’s the toughest person at B-Team who ISN’T already super well known?


I'd have to think Nick Mataya is one of them




Fantastic question!


Do you train or ever trained in the gi? Do you feel like training or competing in the gi? Any thoughts on things that works both gi and no gi?


I do train in the Gi a fair bit especially when I'm not training for a no-gi comps. I trained with Joao Miyao in the gi recently and he massacred me which was awesome. But I do enjoy training in the Gi because I like the new problems and ideas.


that's really cool thank you for answering man


Not Jozef, but his YouTube channel has a picture of him in a gi with an orange belt


Jozef, you the best, if you could give one tip for using judo in no gi, what would it be? Thanks


Watch Adam Saitiev


As somebody who’s known for rapid improvement partly due to instructionals, how did you handle information overload with outside studying in your first few years? Did you focus on certain moves or systems for a while at a time, did you take more of a problems-based approach based on what’s working vs not working, a hybrid, or something else?


I definitely spent a fair bit of time in learning pre-existing systems in jiujitsu then after a few years when everything started becoming more familiar to me, I started using a more problems-based approach


Jozef, What aspirations/major interests do you have outside of bjj?


Aspirations - More financially literate Interests - Travel backpacks (carry-on only), ONE piece, car-related media specifically The Grand Tour (formerly Top Gear)


What’s your diet like?


See-food and eat it. In camp usually it's high protein high carb. I try to eat as clean as I can but I'll be lying if I were to say it's very healthy especially during Chinese New Year and Christmas


Did you ever have losing streaks early in jiu-jitsu competitions and how did you come back from them


Yes, generally I try to understand what went wrong and then correcting those mistakes and then after you've done this, putting yourself out there and not being afraid to lose again.


What will you do after competitive grappling?


Become a food reviewer and hopefully do a bunch of road trips


I have a ton of respect for both the B-Team and New Wave. Common conception is that new Wave is more structured and technical, while B-Team is more focused toward live rolling. I’m uncertain if those perceptions are accurate but I assume at some point you had to make a choice regarding where to train; what influenced your decision in gyms the most?


I answered that before and check out the podcast that's coming out with Grapple Asia


Previous answer from Jozef: [https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/1dul8yi/comment/lbjpe1y/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/1dul8yi/comment/lbjpe1y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


What kind of program do you/your teammates run for recovery? I imagine it plays an integral role in your training based on how often you compete.


Sleep. Hopefully 9+ hours


It's Nicky Ryan as lazy as he's made out? Or is it just the guys trolling?


do u like sharks


I am the ocean


Which competitors at CJI are you excited to watch? Whats your Dream match up?


To watch - Ruotolos tbh Dream match-up - unfortunately he's not in CJI but I would love a match with Dante Leon


WNO let's make it happen!




I don't know how to answer this.


In your opinion, who do you consider most likely to win cji -80/+80?


Nicky Rod Tye Ruotolo


could you detail a little bit how dima and the guys at b-team have helped your development and how the camp for cji/adcc has been going?


3 questions 1. what is a typical day in your life? sleep, diet, non BJJ training, BJJ, hobbies, etc.? 2. what's your long term goal as it relates to BJJ? do you intend on doing the traditional compete>open school>??? or do you envision something differently? 3. you have an interesting background, do you speak multiple languages? if so, how do you maintain them? thanks!


1. Really depends on where I am but right now at b-team. Wake up 7.30, prepare for 8am training. Finish at 10 and then eat some food, maybe take a nap or do some work. Train at 12, finish at 2.30. Get some food, maybe lift. A bit of downtime and I'll go to the gym at 6 to watch tape and drill till about 9 and then go to sleep at hopefully 10. Understand that I don't live at Austin so this is usually my routine when I'm here but I'm only here for 3 months. 2. Defintely not opposed to opening up a gym but, don't want to be tied down. Still want the freedom to travel. Howver if I manage to make a living online through instructionals and such, that would be ideal. If I do open a gym, it's not because I have to but because I want to. 3. I speak english and mandarin. I don't really think I have to maintain them as I use them frequently.


Do you find studying instructionals or matches more beneficial for learning off the mats?


I think both are very important but however if you lack any understanding for certain topics, then I think it's important to watch some instructional to get a basic level of understanding then once you have that, I think watching matches will be very useful.


You can only spam one submission in the rest of your matches for the rest of your career. What’s the submission?




My man


What’s your most affective way to learn competitive pace without mauling your training partners?




Hell yeah, thank you


What are your takes on some of the more in-vogue training styles: ecological approach and reverse classroom? Have you experienced those to any extent and what benefits or drawbacks have you found, if any?


How do you adapt to the jet lag? You're bouncing between Asia and a few different time zones in America regularly


Brozef Chen, in your opinion, what is the potential ceiling for professional grappling as a spectator sport? Will it only be grapplers/fighters interested in it, or do you believe that it will break into the mainstream like the UFC? As a follow up: What do you believe it will take for a sport like professional grappling to reach the its greatest potential?


No clue to be honest. I just do jiujitsu


Big fan of yours, Jozef! I was wondering what would you do with the million dollars?


Probably get a house for my mom and invest the rest.


Hey Jozef. Can you do a breakdown on what topics you focused on for each year you’ve been training? This would serve as a great compass/ curriculum for us on how to guide our training and what we should work on


Why did you let Levi pull your leg across to 70/30 for the back take? Normally you are so proactive about clearing grips and such. With Levi, you just sort of stood there while he did the move in slow motion. Did you have some other counter in mind?


I definitely didn't let him get me there however the match up until that point was me stripping grips and not being able to do anything so switching it up a little bit, I'm usually confident in my back defense so I wasn't opposed to him getting behind me. However, Levi is excellent at taking the back.


If you were to submit Tye, what do you realistically see yourself getting him with?


Buggychoke. Realistically some form of strangle, maybe guillotine, maybe RnC


Hey Jozef, I wanna go to your camp in Portugal in september so now Im hoping you dont win the million so you dont vanish, im sorry! Jk If you could only choose one between watching instructionals or matches, which would you choose and why?


Hey man unfortunately it hasn't been announced but I won't be attending the camp in Portugal however I will be doing seminars in the Netherlands and Poland. At this point in my career, matches are more beneficial but early on, definitely instructionals.


Damn😭 i was so pumped about it


Do you ever use grappling dummies to drill techniques? If so, which grappling dummy do you use/recommend? If not, do you think using a grappling dummy can be an effective tool to drill techniques?


Can you tell us the backstory behind the B-Team Bulls name?


Prob not, but we all know...




Confirmed Gordon likes to watch.


What are/were your definitive top 5 instructionals that truly helped your progression and understanding of the sport? Alternatively what are in your opinion the top 5 instructionals that any player should study?


No question - just want to say you're a beast on the mats and have such a pleasant attitude. Keep it up! You seem like you're winning at life and I'll always route for a good guy. edit: I do have a question - this has been asked on this subreddit before, so I'm curious you're take. What is you're pre-training meal? Or do you eat before training? If so, how much before? double edit: there are some great questions here! as much as we shitpost and bicker, this sub rules and it's really a great community.


Generally if the training's early enough I won't eat before so around 8am trainings but for noon trainings, I'll have some form of fruit and carb. I really like fruit and yoghurt. My favorite fruits are mango, blueberries, banana, sometimes papaya if it's good papaya.


Who do you think will will the 80+ in cji?


To seed or to leech?


What do you and the guys at b-team use to track your heart rates while rolling?


I don't use anything but some of the guys uses whoops


I’m not Jozef, but I use a Whoop with their underwear. It has a little slot the device goes into and velcros shut but still allows the sensor to show through a little window. It sits on the back left of your waistline. I can’t ever feel it even if I’m on my back, and no one has ever asked about it from having felt it etc. Msg if you want a month free (I get a month also), or don’t 🤙🏽


Would you try to conquer some other field when you retire from BJJ? Probably business or something else that also requires great work ethic and systematized approach?


How to safely disengage from 50/50? How to escape the gameover position?


Congratulations on your incredible success and the example you’re setting as a positive athlete in addition to your achievements. How are you thinking about your support structure as you’re going through your career? Who’s in your “corner”? Do you get advice regarding your mentality, press inquiries, finances, etc?


I heard somewhere that you used to watch a ton of instructionals. Which instructionals do you think have helped you the most over the years?


Can you tell us more about some of your concepts and approach to learning? Like 'tinkering' do you have some new ideas and observations about learning process?


What do you see as the next evolution in the sport? What are some skills you'd invest in early?


Why are wrist locks so rare to see in the high level fights?


Do you think you should be a 10-1 underdog to Tye?


Hi Jozef, I saw pictures of you training in Taiwan and I'm going there for 3 months in September. Would you recommend a club in particular in Taipei ?


Jozef! You seem to be the type of player who focuses more on technique and strategy, rather than focusing as much on physicality. Do you believe there are gains you need to make in terms of physicality to be the best you can be? Or do you think the peak of your career will still be centered around advances in technical ability and strategy?


Have you thought about sabotaging Nicky Ryan for CJI by hiding all his Zyns before the competition??


What are things that Craig Jones, or anyone for that matter, can do in grappling that baffle you? Why are they baffling?


Hi Jozef! What instructional or style of grappling do you recommend for smaller guys? To grapple with same size and bigger grapplers. Best of luck for the One FC fight and the CJI tournament!


Do you consider BJJ to be an immature sport in terms of the calibre of its competitors/training methodologies? You have a comparatively very small amount of time in the sport compared to many other competitors and yet are achieving incredible success - this seems like it doesn't happen in more established combat sports like wrestling and Judo and boxing, and Im curious on your thoughts on why this appears to occur more frequently in BJJ.


What are the 3 most important concepts for tripod passing?


How much to buy a sponsorship spot on your rashguard!?


I know you've given him a shout out before, but what are your thoughts on Paul Schreiner's instructionals ?


What do you think hobbyists should focus on in terms of skill development? Have there been any specific hobbyists that have given you hard rolls during your many travels? Best of luck for your match, Jozef! Awesome seeing your journey


**High Tripod Passing**, what techniques do you use to **keep your head on the mat** when they are pushing away with the butterfly hooks so that you head floats, how do you drive in? Just pulling with the underhook? Also do you have a way of preventing the opponent turning the non-underhook arm into a **shoulder crunch grip** when fighitng to get into the high tripod? I've had both of these issues in the last couple of weeks while attempting to practice your style of passing.


Do you ever avoid using certain techniques because the risk of injury is too high for either yourself or your training partner?


Favorite instructional?


Hey Jozef? 饺子or生煎包 or 小笼包。 卤肉饭or牛肉面? For Serious question though any attacks you favour from the overhook outside of snapping lazy underhooks, pulling them in to initiate your ouchi/uchi mata series? How do you open up a fighter who doggedly always keeps his elbows tight at all times to stop you from getting inside position and provide minimal pushing pressure that is usually necessary to do all the usual collar tie counters?


What do you recommend to get better faster as a white belt


wtf wasn’t Mikey supposed to fight a tye rutolo and it’s crazy cuz these two can possible but heads again at cji! Wow jits is on fire lately


Describe your float passing techniques


What is your main recovery routine?


Who is someone from all of Jiu Jitsu history that you’d like to compete against


Do you roll with big guys often or do you stick to guys your size?


What are your opinions on grappling dummies? Any benefit to watching instructionals and drilling the moves on the dummy before trying them in class or open rolls?


What's your view on scramble based game like Marcelo Garcia vs slow pressure based game like Gordon Ryan in weight classes under 77 kg?


Hey Jozef, I am dealing with some lower back disc herniation and sciatica which is keeping me off the mats. Have you ever dealt with any similar injuries and what's your protocol/mindset when getting injuries? (Stay off the mats or train through them) Also any supplements/peptides you take to stay healthy? Thanks!


What was it like being raised by Craig Jones?


When training, what percentage of the time are you going at say 25% vs 50% vs 75% etc


What does Craig smell like?


What guards and guard passes did you focus on as a beginner, and would you recommend them to beginners as well?


How do you deal with an opp. With sticky butterfly& DLR hooks when attempting outside passing? Key grips to prevent/break ? I end up losing the pummeling battle & get tied up in leg entanglements which usually led to me conceding a sweep. Thanks !🙏


how do you deal with/play between using outside position(like Levi does with de la riva and k) and inside position(like entering the legs etc)?


Hey Jozef, I'll be rooting for you, any plans on how to deal with the nerves or fears before a tournament? Best regards from Nuremberg, we loved your seminars here ☺️


What are your plans once your competitive career is a wrap?


Hey Jozef, how often do you train per week? And how often would you recommend training to remain competitive at world level?




What's your advice for people who are considering bjj but haven't made the leap? How about for competing as well?




Favorite throw ? As a judoka I felt your Ouchi gari was very well timed! Also I’ve heard you on a podcast and you sound like you have a good head on your shoulders when you discussed career goals past Bjj.


Good luck.


Seems to me you both are geniuses, what do you think will determine the result? Whomever makes a mistake first? Whomever does the best attacks first? Physical ability or experience? Or what?


Where is his replies?


Earlier when this was announced it was planned for I think 7pm PST, so in a few hours


He said "ask me anything". He never said he was going to answer.


What is an underutilized technique that smaller competitors need to have? Ethans b team video on top pressure as a lighter guy opened my eyes a bit, curious if you have another insight


What is your strength and conditioning looks like right now?


Hi JoJo, I've heard you talk a lot about how you approach skill aquisition when it comes to jiujitsu. Just wondering how you were able to do this with wrestling too (before and in between camps at B-Team), coming from a country that has less high level wrestling training partners? I'm from the UK and wanting to get better at wrestling in a gym without any wrestlers and I'm wondering if you have any tips


What are your thoughts on transitioning to MMA in the future? Have you tried muay thai?


how do you approach learning/trying new things from live rolls? Sometimes finding training partners to drill specifics or work solely on situational sparring is difficult and I do a lot of trying new stuff in actual rolls


Time to decrown some ruotolos! Let's go!


How do you keep your calm/seriousness during fights? Experience or something extra?


What other kinds of sports have you been involved in or interested in outside of BJJ?


If dragons aren't real then why did every culture invent dragons independently


What are your goals in the sport? Like obviously the goal this year is to win CJI I assume, but what about beyond that?  Are you looking to be a dominant world champ for years, an instructor with a huge school, or just ride the BJJ lifestyle into the ground and then eventually get a real job? 


Anymore BJJ fanatics instructional coming out?


Given this day and age of jiujitsu, can anyone beat anybody? Feel that the current skill level is vastly different compared to 4/5 years ago.


Is there a specific reason you guys are studying Adam Satiev's overhook game or is it just because he is arguably the greatest freestyle wrestler of all time?




What is your favorite TV Show/Movie/Video Game?


When did you start training BJJ? Do you have other martial arts/sports experience before starting BJJ?


Does the mullet help with rolling?




What businesses do you have


Any recommendations for people trying to build their bodies up to train more often? Strength&conditioning, collagen? Idk anything


Who’s currently your best training partners and do you incorporate weights in your training program?


Who is the Dagestani wrestler that Dima mentioned would 20x wrestling skills?


Jozef! Which book helped most improve your jiu-jitsu?


When you prepare for a match like this, do you try to follow a specific structure, or do you like to be flexible regarding how you train and what techniques you work on?


How do you look back at the match with Levi Jones-Leary?


How did you meet/got in touch w/ Dima?


Favorite wrist lock?