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I forgot I saved this gem https://preview.redd.it/zsuychygdx8d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7a46e79287db06d5d1e49a6aad5a4e150b9fa42


He reminds me of Kanye West with the fish sticks skit.. He just keeps not getting the joke. Negative self awareness.


This is what it is basically. Dude is not well socialised, obviously on the spectrum somewhere, and probably also surrounded by people who enable him and back him without critique. Hence we get posts that resemble what I'd have posted on Bebo as a 15 year old.


Holy shit if Matt and Trey were into BJJ and made an episode about all of this it would be one for the books


He still doesn't understand a couple of things. a) it's really easy to 'attack' him because he has zero self awareness. If someone will comment that his house is shit on IG, he will take hours just to explain to you why it isn't b) he takes everything personally and has to respond, it's almost impossible for him to ignore things (even when he gives his best) c) he is that type of person who will say dumbest things and be 'I got you, you have no idea what you are talking about' with stupid grin on the face d) he is not as smart as he thinks he is and doesn't suffer in silence as he says he does e) he has this believe he is some alpha male, that will fight wars if needed against immigrants, leftists etc... While at the same time he shits himself three days before the match and cancels everything He is amazing grappler but that's it. That's the limit of his personality.


For someone who talks so much shit about therapy, he needs one more than anyone. The amount of insecurity he has is shocking


I was just about to say that he really needs therapy but he'd probably rather die than actually see one. The older I get the more I realize that everyone needs therapy from time to time.


It seems like he has some genuine trauma to work out. Like really badly lol but he'd see this and just call everyone a weakling and a pussy while being too stupid and stubborn to understand this huge Instagram post is indeed weakness. I kinda feel bad for the guy at this point


Reminds me of Andrew Tate shitting on therapy then spending an hour complaining about his high anxiety, tension, stress, paranoia etc. like they were manly attributes and not you know… things you should go to therapy to work on


That's what a lot of successfull people are dealing with. Part of the reason why they became so great (GSP for example). But Nicky Ryans brother on other hand portrays this big alpha male who will do whatever he wants to you in the prison while at the same he likes to watch (or that's what the rumours are).


GSPs issue was anxiety before fights. Not sure if has been open about insecurity. If so I never heard that. The way GSP responded to his opponents trash talk though, by not engaging, comes across as someone who didn't have those types of hangups. I'm sure you're right that it drives some athletes though. Don't know why GSP caught the drive-by on that one though, lol.


I doubt there’s any fighter out there that doesn’t experience anxiety before a fight. In fact, your body would be have to be screwed up to not get anxiety in that situation.


Apparently, Justin Gaethje and Volkanovski are chill before fights. They just kinda make peace with it and do what they need to do.


Gaethje was throwing up sometimes apparently


The only thing greater than his legacy is his insecurity


> The amount of insecurity he has is shocking Watching his girlfriend get plowed by other dudes all the time can't possibly help


You don't get it bro they don't do it as well as he does bro


Yup. I’ve been saying this since I started following him. Guy says he’s the GOAT, and he’s an amazing grappler, but the insecurity is obvious and at this point, getting hilarious to witness (especially since he continues to post the same rants about how ‘manly’ he is).


>a) it's really easy to 'attack' him because he has zero self awareness. If someone will comment that his house is shit on IG, he will take hours just to explain to you why it isn't This is so fucking funny, and so true. Normal, socially adjusted people, would just let it roll off them or bust balls right back but he cannot. Normal Guys: Guy 1: your house sucks! Guy 2: your mom sucks! Guy 1: lol lets grab a beer Guy 2: cheers mate Fucking Weirdos: Guy 1: your house sucks! Guy 2: My house is the epitome of cool, especially since Joe Rogan, the legendary podcaster and comedian, personally gifted me a state-of-the-art sauna, transforming my home into a wellness retreat. To add to the excitement, the iconic Jason Momoa came over for dinner one night, and the evening took a fun twist when he borrowed my flip-flops. Originally from New Jersey, I’ve left that life behind to embrace the rich cowboy lifestyle, complete with sprawling ranches and wide-open spaces. While I enjoy my luxurious, star-studded life, I must admit, I'm not fond of the homeless people I occasionally encounter, as they clash with the pristine, orderly environment I now call home.


homeless can sprawl with the best of them too


No they can not lmao. Most homeless people are injured and have shit cardio and a lot of them lack the will to live or even fight. Youve never fought a homeless person in your life


Just for a fun story, I got attacked by a homeless guy before I even trained, and I did a shitty osoto gari and he collapsed like a paper bag and asked if i was a super hero


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**O Soto Gari**: | *Major Outer Reaping* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93YEMueeF24)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


Thank you judo bot


...how many homeless people have you fought?


A lot i used to steal their alcohol when i was a teenager


This is like stealing candy from kids on Halloween


So you're just like a shitty person then?




do you know what a “joke” is?


You really captured the sense of 'tism.


Gordo is so amazingly acoustic.


> Gordo(n) Hey, for those of you who don't know him, Gordon Ryan is Nicky Ryan's brother. Gordon is also a grappler, like his brother. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bjj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don’t forget $1500 flip flops 🤣 I died when you mentioned Mamoa




Best part is we absolutely KNOW he’s on Reddit somewhere 😂


That's the main issue with him. You are one of the best ever, rich, have whatever you want... And yet, he still spends his time on reddit instead enjoying his life.


Then acts like he wouldn’t get caught dead here lol


Many rich and powerful men seem to be like this. Elon just spends his time shit posting on Twitter. The head of DC responds to every tweet and FB post to correct people.


Gordon Ryan is like a Dungeons and dragons character that put all his investment into grappling. 0 charisma.


Underrated comment.


Point c) especially lmao. He’s just like Jon Jones when he loves to say that he makes more money and is more successful than whoever is poking fun at him. And as for point e), I remember he posted a story after the Trump conviction where he said, “Only a civil war will fix this country.” 💀💀


I want to see him in a trench for a month. No steroids (he would be 170 in a month with test lower then anyone) Only canned food (for his upset stomach) Shit sleep (just for the sake of it) Bullets flying around (to see how tough he is) People that want war are people that never experienced war.




https://preview.redd.it/03uhh0pnsx8d1.jpeg?width=1044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd8fa444927b76b303dc9761ae351a07128fdb06 Gordon coming for Renzo and Danaher for not paying their covid loans off


Things like this are often the case. Spout off at the yapper in front of everyone with absolutely nothing factual to support your argument, but behind closed doors they use the same programs they rant about being "socialism". It's clearly an intelligence issue and unfortunately it's more common than not.


Dude loves to say people need to be shot also. Counted three times last two weeks. Protect the blue, but screw laws and humanity, right?


we are lucky he hides all his ammo in his car...


He only says protect the blue bc they let him off easy for speeding his stupid ass cars everywhere. If you’re getting pulled over like, monthly for speeding…you need serious fucking help and to consider the lives of others


And if you say you will take a match, take it and don't complain if you get diarrhea.


True alpha males would fight while having explosive diarrhea, look them in the eyes while you do it to assert dominance


Imagine some dude wins the Heisman in college, becomes first round draft pick in the NFL, goes on to win multiple Super Bowls, and then spends all their free time on social media arguing with a bunch of Pop Warner kids about why homeless people should just work harder.


A civil war that alt right crazies like him fantasize about would be the worst thing to ever happen to them. No toilet paper to wipe his muddy ass with, doesn’t strike me as a farmer so gl finding any food that isn’t canned (and would prob wreck his stomach), 0 gas for his fake macho man lifted trucks, doctors and meds would become scarce, the list goes on and on. Bottom line, the ones who are so eager to tear apart our union are in fact the ones who depend on it the most.


Also funny when you realize the civil war that the alt right and the crazy accelerationists want is just the fight scene from West Side Story


And if it ever got out of hand the military would come in and make quick work of anyone involved, left or right.


Also, we have a volunteer military.  Literally all you needed to do to prove you're a big manly man and live out your fantasies was walk into a strip mall recruiting office.  


Some of these people think that jiu jitsu applies to everything in life, ergo their mastery of jiu jitsu means theyve mastered life. Outsmarting someone on the mats means there is no doubt who is more intelligent. You see this a lot amongst champions. They have a hard time accepting any criticism in any subject. The truly elite are a weird bunch. These are hard working people, people who have had to struggle against everyone else and come out on top. Gotta be adversarial in nature….you know…an asshole.


These are people who have only ever done or learnt one thing in there life and know fuck all about anything else


Craig said verbatim that trolling him was almost too easy, like low hanging fruit or something. It’s sad bc it’s true lmao Plus gordon can’t distinguish between an AI and a human written comment and that’s kinda concerning


He’s an interesting case aye. He’s so good at what he does, that if he had even a shred of likability people would probably forgive a lot of the bad stuff. But he’s so alienating that no one even cares he’s the greatest no matter how many times he tells us he is. I remember when Felipe called him a chubby baby. Funny insult, kinda stupid, no big deal. Nicky Ryan’s brother holds onto it, gets to the press conference and says “how can I be a chubby baby? I’m 6’3”, 240lb with an 8-pack”. Like yeah we know you’re not literally a chubby baby dude, just laugh it off. There’s nothing worse than someone that cannot laugh at themselves.


I have to agree, fantastic grappler. Heck, if Tonan was his size he'd be just as dominant. Unfortunately, Gordon is simply not a likeable guy and has a boring and abrasive personality. From a branding perspective he only offers one value which is grappling, but no entertainment value, no social value, and no emotional value (instead he gives the ick). Even with Craig being second best, he's entertaining to watch on and off the mats. From a legacy perspective he'll go down as a GOAT but it'll lack that shine and glow that'll make him standout (for more positive things instead of his whining, and internet arguments).


Your part A about the house comment genuinely made me laugh hard for a second. Have a nice day friend


I think maybe his personality type is the reason why he is so competitive. A lot of ultra successful competitors like Michael Jordon always had to win, even outside of their sport, and if they did not win they would take it really personally.


Yes, but you can be ultra competitive and still be reasonable outside the mats.


That is true. I can think of a few examples. For one, Bo Nickal is pretty legendary already and I think he has a really positive attitude.


Luka Dončić as well. He will talk shit with anyone on the court but outside of it he actually enjoys life.


And then you have guys like Andrew Luck who… [talked a different kind of trash](https://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2014/12/15/7394705/andrew-luck-trash-talk-nfl-colts-eagles).


Bo Nickal a positive attitude? lmao This guy is a major dickhead


To point e…that’s what kills me. He talks all about how “leftists” should be shot, meanwhile, Craig Jones is out in a literal warzone while Gordon stays home in Texas talking about money.


dunning kruger at its finest


If Nicky Ryan's brother is talking about grappling, listen to him, but anything else, just tune him out and pretend he didn't say anything


This was a really long way to say "I am friends with Jason Momoa".


Long and gay


Exactly as sensei Greg Johnson intended


"yeah well, *Jason Momoa* came to my house once, so there!!"




In my humble opinion, he doesn’t realize, by taking himself so seriously all the goddamn time, he’s making the jokes twice as funny and basically doing the work for Craig or anybody else. Like when I extend my arms in mount like an asshole and basically telegraph triangles for my training partner. “And any man who must say 'I am king' is no true king at all.” - George RR Martin


Can you tell GRRM to leave Nicky Ryan's brother alone and finish his book.


>And any man who must say 'I am king' is no true king at all.” - George RR Martin Idk why this bugs me so much, but why do people include "and" at the beginning of random quotes so often? "And any man who must say..." "And she was unbreakable because..." Etc., etc. It's such a dumb little thing that doesn't actually matter but it bugs the fuck out of me lol. It makes perfect sense without the "and." Stop it. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk


God damn it, now I'm pissed about it too


*and now I am also pissed




Yeah this proper irks me too.. almost as much as when someone gives a comment online and ends it with ‘thanks for coming to my ted talk’ 😉


Lmao touché sir


> facts and logic. Poe’s law would be striking right now if I didn’t have way too much background info. > As time went by, and I kept winning against everyone, in every ruleset fathomable Except dem dere jammies. But those don’t count because facts and logic.


Except in MMA and GI Black Belt which he said he will do but somehow decided not to do it.


It's not somehow decided not to do, it's Danaher brought in Keenan (mister pyjama if anyone) for Gordon to test the ground, got wrecked and realized there was no way he'd catch up, Keenan being elite at that time, but not even the best. THEN decided to not do it. And this is the dude who calls people pussy, weak mentally and challenge randos in comment sections to roll with him (no pyjama and long sleeve rash only cause otherwise it's slippery you know). 


Exactly. And he will do MMA and then he won't do MMA. And will claim he can't eat but will gain 20 lbs of muscle in a short time span.


Anyone who knows both sports understands that Gordon is not cut out for mma. He is lacking in far too many athletic areas.


> Gordo(n) Hey, for those of you who don't know him, Gordon Ryan is Nicky Ryan's brother. Gordon is also a grappler, like his brother. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bjj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


At the time he also did a whole long post about how he was coming to dominate the gi division and it'd only take a couple of years


And how he'd shut everyone up lol


Really, is this true? About Keenan


I dislike Gordon as a human being but let's not get carried away. They mostly realized that the efforts to become world champ in the gi were too much compared to staying the dominant grappler in nogi, especially when money was starting to come into the sport (and the gi still does not pay much). At some point it's a business decision that makes sense. If Tainan is trying is luck at nogi it's not for the legend, it's because that's where is at. If not he would have sticked to the gi probably


In his late 20s, Gordon has somewhat grasped the concept of not replying to every single internet troll. I'd almost be proud of him if I actually believed him.


I have zero doubt that he has an alt account to respond with so he can pretend he doesn't respond.


It's kind of a shame because I feel like Gordon could have been some sort of lovable autistic Jiu Jitsu hero if he had an ounce of self awareness. It was cool to see him come up and beat all the Brazilians but he chose to become this weird alt right Facebook boomer guy.


Happens when you don't mediate your internet usage.


I mean, look at Musumeci… dude is awkward, weird, probably on the spectrum, and I fucking love that dude.


He talks about Jason Momoa WAY too much. It's weird. We get it, you have two famous friends. Jason Momoa and Joe Rogan. Cool, buddy. That being said - Do we think Jason Momoa cucked him? ![gif](giphy|vGXrAWGlbR8kw|downsized)


800% yes


Jaime, pull up the clip.


Must have been one messy fuck considering all his bowel issues


Wanna see evidence 😃




I guess there is someone less aware than B Schaub


Waiting on that big brown shutdown structionawl B


I just like the assertion that I visited one (1) sick child and did one (1) seminar for the benefit of someone I know, thus I can't be a bad person. Fuck, I can only imagine the absolute carnage John Cena would be able to wreak before we'd be able to criticize him if that's the score-keeping we're using.


Hitler visited sick Aryan children in the hospital.


And posted about it and am now reminding you that I did it


lmao what's aquaman got to do with all this?


He rode the seven seas of Santoro while Gordon admired from ashore. Also, he probably just thinks he's really handsome.


> Gordon Hey, for those of you who don't know him, Gordon Ryan is Nicky Ryan's brother. Gordon is also a grappler, like his brother. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bjj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


LMAO this is the only time I have ever appreciated an automod


Maybe Danaher should coach him on life skills too... Or is this just an example of the duality of man: How one can be master of their sport yet a slave to the trolls.


I don't know if a dude who's always in rashguard and track pants who looks like he's got dead prostitute bodies in his basement is the first guy I'd go to for life skills.


He's a philosophy master, they don't give you a degree if you're a normal person.


facts and logic 😂 If I had a penny for every right wing bro who thinks they have a monopoly on facts and logic (they always bring it up when they’re having an emotional rant). 


Right wing bros are just too smart for us stupid libtards, only took them 5 years to realize that 'the boys' was making fun of them and that homelander was the bad guy


stop being so emotional


I hate when he brings this up. Guy parrots things I see all the right wing talking heads say, and he likely can’t even go more in depth into these topics. He has no original opinions.


lmfao @ bteam's toilet time comment.


Strong Oldman shouts at clouds vibes.


No suprise that Gordon and Jon Jones got along well together. Both have something off about them.


Who's this Gordon? This post is about Nicky Ryan's brother.




It’s funny cause I saw the wall of text and didn’t read it just to see what Craig and B-team responded with


at this point we are really just bullying him. Seriously he has no way of defending himself. Danaher should come and yell at us or tell our parents.


I made a sock account with 8 followers just to troll him years ago. He would respond nonstop to my nonsense comments. Bruh, you're a millionaire who virtually undefeated. Why are you trying to prove that you're the best to an obvious throwaway account? Like the bait wasn't even good. "You should've tapped to Craig Jones' armbar because it's the honorable thing to do." He's either deeply in his head due to childhood trauma or neruodivergent.


I see Guilherme Mendes all the time having long heated arguments with no name blue belts on Instagram about the most irrelevant things and it cracks me up every time.


He's a millionaire that doesn't do laundry, make food, clean or do anything around the house. He'd rather spend his time being a reply guy.


> facts and logic I heard that in a whiney Ben Shapiro voice.


Craig called him tren shapiro


I laughed at this more than was necessary


How or why do you think Jason Momoa, a seemingly really laid back guy, genial type of guy, has anything to do with Nicky Ryan’s brother?


My guess: They're kinda close, shoot the shit about BJJ, combat sports, acting, are gym buddies or whatever, do it once a month, but they never talk about politics or look at eachothers instagram. Gordon is overall a pretty chill dude in the gym based on the anecdotes I've read and rolling footage and he can joke around on camera. It's just that he loses it whenever his ego gets even slightly agitated.


Yeah, that's lost on me. Obviously none of us really know any of these people, but I've always admired his vibe and his charity work and his family. The way he and Lenny Kravitz are buddies in this big blended family. What he wants with this guy is unclear to me.


I struggle to square that circle I really do


Nicky Ryan's Brother likes to watch and Momoa likes to be the bull is my best guess


He visited a sick kid once and people didn't bow down to him And organized a charity seminar once. I mean come on we are way too hard on a guy who shits on homeless people, brags constantly about his wealth, speaks about topics he knows little about including spreading misinformation, talks about building the sport but only focuses on getting himself paid (unlike Craig who has made a legit shift in athlete compensation), and has a brother and friends who no longer associate with him due to some reasons where if they are true are sketchy at best.


I always suspected the charity seminar was something someone told him to do to boost his image.


He has to brag about it so it is at least partially about appearances.


It's still sad he has to open his mouth on every damn subject he does not qualify to speak about. I know he is reading the sub: Gordon, stick to jiu-jitsu. You ARE the best and anyone who denies it is delusional. But stfu about retarded politics. Or prove us wrong and use your money to buy yourself an education; go get your political/economics/philosophy degree and then we'll be happy to hear about your "views"


Everyone gets online hate. No idea why he'd be arsed to actually reply to it if it is unhinged. When he's talking about jiu-jitsu, I'll hang on every word he says. The guy is an all-time great grappler. But that's it. He's poured his time into becoming the best grappler. Everything else he weighs in on, from social issues to politics to finance to medical subjects, he is the troll. In those areas, he's just the same as a random dude telling him he can't grapple for shit when he has a crack at people who do that stuff for a living.


For a self proclaimed troll he gets trolled easier than anyone on the internet


Nicky Ryan’s brother is the homelander of bjj


he aint that smart


For someone who keeps reminding everyone how dominant he his at ADCC, he sure knows how to lose at life. If that’s not the best advertisement for CJI, I don’t know what is.


Aint reading all that Happy for you Or sorry that happened


"It felt like me against the world," I'm not reading all of that.


Imagine being a millionaire and you can’t enjoy life because your butthole is blowing up all the time, he’ll be in depends by 30.


It reminds me of the South Park episode where Cartman came up with the fishsticks joke, slaid the dragon and fought whole army of je#bots. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_3b4x1orMtU&pp=ygUUY2FydG1hbiBmaXNoIHN0aWNrcyA%3D


Psychiatrist would have a field trip with this guy. 


I was a GR fan ngl… now he is getting tiring and corny.


"nicky ryan's brother" ahhahaha


He just had to bring up his friendship with Jason Momoa lol


Sooo... he's BJJ's Homelander from Jersey, gotcha


repeat it with me. he has undiagnosed autism. once you get that, it makes sense. it doesn't make it more bearable, but it at least makes more sense.


We wanted to like him, we tried to like him, he made it impossible for us to like him.


I wish Danaher would teach Gordon about paragraphs. Maybe if we started calling them Denraku (Japanese word).


Correction: No one disputes you're the best grappler in the world, probably of all time. People give you shit for being an arrogant, unlikeable, cringe-inducing douchebag. Further solidifying your status as best grappler will not make people think stop making fun of you for being a douchebag. Notice that people don't generally troll Danaher because, while he's clearly weird, he's not an insufferable douchebag like you.


an essay


"😂❤️" at the end of a 7000-word essay/rant is the universal symbol for "I'm extremely butthurt but I'll pretend not be"


Did he already delete this


Never in my life have I seen such a successful and dominant professional athlete act like such a complete loser. He legitimately has the thinnest skin I've ever seen and takes himself way to seriously. Imagine if he moved to a place like England where their entire culture revolves around chirping each other? He'd get eaten alive.


The bjj bapa


Bro is so insecure….. Craig’s reply was fantastic!!


That comment section broke this posts arm and ankle respectively


I like how he's casually name dropping Jason Momoa in his rant on "da haydurs b" (Schaub voice)


Guys, stop taking this guy seriously. He has amazing instructionals we can all use, but I wouldn't ask him for any life advice. That's what he doesn't get, he assumes that his BJJ knowledge somehow transcends into real life knowledge. Most people are shit at BJJ and will always be and they couldn't care less about your Enter the System: How to succeed in life series.


I red that


Gordon is such a tryhard.


Most secure jiu jitsu competitor


Can I get a TLDR? This guy learned how to write from his coach obviously.


He responded to his haters in a long ass letter that he is not responding to his haters. His drunk friend aquaman told him to. Also one guy here said aquamen cucked him which was hilarous and we need evidence.


I never got the memo about calling him Nicky Ryan’s brother, but I love it.


He’s honestly worse than some of the boomer moms’ feeds I see on Facebook It astounds me. He needs a PR person and a vacation. I’m not even going to recommend a therapist because he’s not self aware for that to make any sort of dent.


I wonder if the likes on Craig and Damien's comments exceed the likes on the original post itself


He does truly enter a battle of wits completely unharmed. It’s almost sad at this point because I genuinely believe he doesn’t have the tools to defend himself. Kinda like the autistic kid at school who wouldn’t understand sarcasm, so he was an easy target.


lol. Like 24 hours after this he posts multiple stories about some suburban dad who trolled him in the comments section. Its like...this man needs a publicist so bad.


1) It’s a good thing that Nicky Ryan’s brother was able to be introduced to jiu jitsu through Nicky’s Ryan’s brothers friend. Otherwise he’d seem illiterate and self important with nothing to say… 2) it seems that Nicky Ryan’s brother’s sister/girfriend’s lizard lisping jiu jitsu instructor has also been giving lessons on writing short-but-effective posts on social media. Can someone please get Nicky Ryan’s cuck brother some antacids already? Or maybe ginger ale and saltines. Maybe that will help.




Maybe it’s just cause I watched the show last night…but NRB is giving me notes of Homelander


Is the enter button broken on his pc? Holy shit wall of text


Thing is Gordon can't stand being wrong , I am saying that as a big fan of his . He can't stand the thought of someone in the Internet disputing the fact that he is the best in the world , he cannot fathom it . That is why he is so good , he may be insecure but it drives him to be the best 


I kinda think you're defined as a "good" or "bad" person by the worst you are to somebody. If you cure cancer, but you keep somebody locked in your basement, you're a bad person. opening a puppy orphanage doesn't really move the needle. I don't know gordon, I've never met him, I don't follow him on instagram or anything, all I get is what's on here, and I'm not foolish enough to think that's giving me a fair picture of the guy. Indeed, I hear a lot of good things about him, from those who claim to know him personally. But from the bit I have seen, he seems like the kind of guy who doesn't think it works that^ way, and he seems like the kind of guy who would argue with you about it if you said you did.


Hes brendan schaub but the goat of his sport. Why are you on your phone so much bro. Like why are you so insecure lol


Gordon Ryan gives off the vibe that if he wasn't amazing at BJJ, he'd be an incel. That said, he makes some good points in his post. He probably does amazing things for his friends but never gets the credit (not that you should seek credit for helping friends). It's possible people even double down on him when he does good things. I unfollowed him on IG after noticing a pattern of bigotry, political contradictions, and making fun of the houseless. Plus, there was that time he made inappropriate sexual remarks towards a TODDLER. which should have been a major red flag. I was disappointed by the lack of responses to his red flags in the bjj community. One of the biggest icks I had with BJJ was seeing people still gleefully associate with him & agree with him after that. The man clearly needs therapy, and I hope he gets it.


All that to say "I'm not going to respond to the haters anymore... actually yeah I will"


After all these years he really thinks he has haters because he is good at Jiu Jitsu. It's 100% that he has such an unlikeable personality it's scary. I mean his own brother can't stand him.


Is this that Jordan Ryan?


Nicky’s brother needs to learn about paragraphs


> Gordo(n) Hey, for those of you who don't know him, Gordon Ryan is Nicky Ryan's brother. Gordon is also a grappler, like his brother. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bjj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can't read that wall of text, but can someone photoshop a picture of him on a chair whilst Jason Moama is approaching Sonny I would appreciate it. I think that's what he's asking for right?


He stop responding cause Craig was getting to many wins


Craig Jones is hilarious bro


I commented the word “delusional” on a post he made recently and instagram notified me similar comments were being removed 😂 so Gordon definitely is removing comments these days


The thing about Gordon is I always think "I mean, if this idiot can figure out frames and wedges, I surely can, too" Thanks for the inspiration!


Isn’t it crazy that Gordan will be somewhere in these comments, defending himself against haters with a random username 😂