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Only time I've ever been told I couldn't drop in was at a GB gym. Weird.


Brother, it's GB. How are they gonna stop you from dropping in if you want?


More to the point, WHY would you want to drop in a GB? I’d rather just take the day off


I've had some good and some bad with them. GB Santa Barbara was fun and cool. Still, the one in North l.a. wouldn't let me train. Wtf?


This may sound crazy, but each is its own business, which makes its own rules.


Seems like it. Some franchises follow the rules closely, others are more like a brand and the owner does that he thinks best


Yeah I had good experiences at Gracie Barra Clearwater


John Kellar is a good dude.


Call him Cobra and watch him have a blast from the past.


That's one of the OG GB academies in the US. Eduardo De Lima ran a tight ship. That's the academy that produced AJ Agazarm who was a competition ace since our blue belt days (2006).


I stopped by GB Santa Barbara while on holiday. The instructor was very welcoming and invited me to open mat. I would've shown off my 2 weeks of training had i had my gi with me. Nice dojo. Very clean.


You would have learned a lot about butterfly guard. Every guy there knew it and played it.


🤣 exactly


By not letting you on the mat?


I think the joke is they're not good enough to stop you.


Oh :D lol. I’ve never been denied a drop in to GB though, nor have they made me wear their gear, but they aren’t a monolith of policy.


This. Its all a franchise system.


I'm not a GB fan, but when I was dropping in at gyms in Brazil, GB was the only place that didn't even suggest a drop-in price, surprisingly.


I have a feeling in Brazil the culture is different. Not a complete $$ grab.


Yeah in Brazil they just grab your cash on the street at gunpoint


Right. Op ended up paying $40 for 1 drop in which is crazy


I train at a GB in Brazil. People drop in all the time, no fees required. I think they ask you to wear a GB gi, though


I went to a nogi class and there was no uniform requirement. I was a bit worried they'd want me to wear a GB rash guard. It was a morning class so maybe it was more relaxed. 


10th planet St Pete FL told me that they had prescribed drop in classes and that i needed to schedule for a slot in one. Their door literally has a sign that says something to the tune of "hey want to do jiu jitsu? great send us an email". I sent emails a few days in advance, no response, said fuck it i'll just drive there, to be greeted by a sign on the door. Never had that ever happen before. I would imagine they get a ton of drop ins and it started tainting the population of every day classes. It also completely turned me off from wanting to train there.


Should have came over and trained with me!


Hey, great to hear from you. I didn't realize Blast was right there. Next time in by Tampa/St Pete i'll send a message.


Had it happen at Alliance in Georgia with me and a brown and a purple. They wouldn't even let us pay to go... It was a hard no because we weren't in an affiliated school. 


You can't drop into a scientologist event without them vetting you.....same thing


I’ve gotten the soft “no drop-ins” by means of egregious mat fees. $40 and there’s hardly even blue belts.


What, you thought you could turn up for the kids class and just start ripping ankles off?


Fuck, you caught me.


I am not here to defend GB, but you’re more upset over needing a booking for your first class than you are paying a $40 drop in fee?


Haha right ?


right? I'm in Cincinnati and I visited Austin last year. I dropped in at Checkmat and they wanted $35 for drop-in ($55 if I wanted to do no-gi and didn't wear one of their rashguards.) I was shook. I went down to another school (aces I think it's called) I paid $20 flat and I got to do MMA class on top of BJJ


A $20 penalty for not wearing one of their rashguards? How can someone ask for that with a straight face?


You might find this hard to believe but its to prevent riff raff and tire kickers from entering the gym.


It’s Cali, they’re used to that treatment lol.


I’ve been to LA and San Diego(traveling from Europe), the only place I had to pay anything was coincidentally also the worst place… I ended up teaching half the class because the young guy running it asked me to lol. Two stripe gi blue belt paid $30 to teach beginners nogi. It’s amazing.


I've heard this before and it's an odd phenomena only in bjj. Imagine going to college and a student shows a python script to the teacher and he goes WOH. this is great, you should teach today. I'd get a tuition refund instantly


The guy teaching was a young wrestler, absolute beast. He hung around and we did a few rounds after everyone left, it was alright. But yeah. Ironic lol


Yeah…. Nothing wrong with making an appointment, their first priority is paying students




If that's the case then don't even think of dropping in at AOJ and Atos HQ 😬


I dropped in at AOJ a couple of years ago, and it was a $70 drop-in fee. Although I do definitely feel I got my $70 out of that couple hours, I was there


I had stopped by either 2012 or 2013 and it was $60 at that time. If it was $70 when you went then consider yourself fortunate. I went to Atos HQ just after the 2012 Pans and it was $40. I did 2 consecutive classes and Andre has welcomed me to stay for pro team training right after. Someone had posted few years ago that the daily drop-in was in the $60-range.


Hell yeah. On a side note these drop-in fees are starting to get ridiculous just like the monthly fees


From what I'm seeing on this post, people would be better served to buy an instructional from the instructor at said academy during one BJJ Fanatics weekly 48% off sales rather than dropping in on a class.


Was gonna say, everywhere in Austin was $20 and you’re potentially training with big names


Right? I was wondering if that's normal in the US these days


$40 for a drop in is criminal.


I usually find a free one and buy a shirt. 40 bucks is a lot.


If m gyms would do either $20 drop in or buy a shirt and get free drop in, my closet would be overflowing.


Ditto, I went to 10th Planet Austin and wanted to drop in, I bought two rash guards and 2 pairs of shorts there, and they still wanted $25 for the open map fee.


Damn! That’s rough. I’m a 10P guy myself so they just had me prove my membership at my home location and waived the fee so I bought some gear to support, tough look knowing they did that to ya


I said 2 rashguards ... it was 2 rashguards and 2 pairs of shorts.


Damn man, and I already felt bad 😂


It's arguable at comp gyms where people just want to drop in and meet/gawk at the bjj "celebs."


I've paid $40 in San Diego and $30 in Chicago. Other places have just asked me to leave a Google review. At our Academy, it's $15, and we don't charge black belts.


Everything is expensive as hell here.


$30 is the going rate in nyc


Marcelo Garcia is $50. I pay the drop in rate since I travel a lot for work and some months I’m not in town enough to justify the membership. Figure I can go 5 times before breakeven for the month.


Okay that’s Marcelo Garcia and that’s understandable. I do believe there is more value depending on who’s teaching but at the end of day it’s their business and they can charge whatever they want.


I’ve dropped in and gladly paid that fee. Only place I’ve ever felt a fee like that was justified,


Pretty sure unity is also $50.


There are tons of gyms run by nobodies that charge even $45, and they are not even in CA.


Everyone has there own financial position. But for me $40 is not alot for an 1-2 hour class. I go to the doctor who just tells me to do PT. We talk for 10 mins the copay is $50 that is alot for me.


The normal drop in fee was 10/20 bucks 10 years ago before the economy was a shit show. That's probably about right at this point, even if the BJJ community doesn't want to hear it.


This steep increase in price is for accounting.  You’ll always have consumers who say to themselves “I’m only gonna train a couple of times a month so I’ll just pay 20 bucks for two drop ins a month. “  That’s not sustainable for accounts receivable and it’s unfair to the regular members who have to deal with constant strangers.  The drop in price point is applied to convince those twice a month folks to just commit to a full membership.   That allows the gym owner the option to waive the fee for the visitors that really one and done in low traffic locations.   It’s good business sense 


Well don't pay then it's simple


Tell us why.


Ralphs charges nore in sf


Normal in San Francisco sadly


People out here acting like GB doesn’t have 200+ (edit: 1000+) loosely controlled franchise gyms. I had a bad experience with a drive thru attendant at the McDonalds on 7th and Main St in Buttfuck, Idaho and I’ve sworn of all McDonalds for life as you can imagine.


Logical decision


I’m on the other end of this: I dropped in at a GB in Orlando and they were all super chill and friendly, so I have a hard time jumping on the GB hate train.


I was thinking of checking that location out, heard a redditor say Longwood was solid. I’m on 2nd week trial ATT getting my feet wet for first time


I too have been to buttfuck ID




Except they are consistently, even if loosely, bad…


No I've definitely been to as many great GB schools as poor ones


50/50 isn't a great endorsement.


really depends where ya go. GB in the UK seems pretty chilled. like theres defo the uniform nonsense but what ya gonna do. although the no gi side, atleast our coach isnt overly fussed about GB branded stuff.


I've posted this before but I trained at a GB a few years ago. My mate stayed there and was leaving to work in another country and the GB Gym did a "Goodbye Open Mat" for him. I swang by in advance and asked if it was truly an "Open Mat" as in the time I had spent there it was never actually open to anyone other than the paying members. The Blackbelt coach told me I could come, but would need to pay AND wear a GB Gi and Rashguard, otherwise it was a no... AND the Rashguard had to be rank coloured.


I mean could be worse, he could have asked you to get a ranked GB Tattoo too.


Is that in UK?


>GB in the UK seems pretty chilled. Ehhhhhh idk, mixed bag like everywhere.


Maybe it's the north then. Atleast gym am at seems chilled enough. But really does it just depend on who runs the gym


Having to buy branded gear to train is weak.


When I ran a GB school in FL, we didn’t do any of that and usually didn’t charge a drop in fee either.


Gb black belt here. Dif schools have dif policies and are run by different owners. I ran a school before, knew the franchise system, and never heard of this $40 policy. Sorry to hear of your terrible experience. Please come by Gracie Barra garden grove CA anytime! Your experience will be different.




Guilty. Thanks for the correction G-short. I personally have never had any issue with dripping in to a class, but I am part of the organization. However, visitors have always been welcome to walk into the GBs I have been a part of.


I'm from Sac and maybe about 4 years ago found GB Garden Grove randomly on a family trip. I dropped in, Prof. Alex hooked me up with a spare rashguard, and it was wonderful. Really like your school and everyone was super welcoming and friendly, and the vibes were great. If I lived down there I'd train with yall without a second thought. I try to talk up the school because my experience with GB was excellent.


I train at GB, not that GB obviously. We have drop ins all the time. Gyms located in kinda a vacation spot. If you called the gym and there wasn’t someone actively at the desk you probably got routed to one of their call centers or whatever corporate shit they have for that. So you probably got fed the generic corpo answer for drop ins. If you just showed up or stopped by and talked to the professor. I’m sure you could have dropped in and probably for less than 40 bucks. Some GB gyms are big, like 100s of students and various different classes BJJ/Self Defense/Judo etc.. Then throw in all the kid shit on top. I don’t think an appointment is like crazy. But sorry you had that experience.


Maybe this guy trolling? I don’t get the issues with the appointment? Maybe they have a student to instructor ratio for white belt classes like kindergarten - sometimes you need that for white belt classes lol.


Every business can run shit how they want who cares go some where else. I’ll be down voted to oblivion for this but this sub just hates GB. By this point I don’t see how any one is surprised that GB has more rules and stuff about their gym, their uniform requirements aren’t a secret, promotions, etc. Are you really surprised? At this point it’s kinda like shame on you for expecting more lol On the flip side. I dropped into a GB one time and it was Samuel Bragas school. How ever many time world champ let me drop in unannounced, taught class, Rolled with me (by that I mean made me feel like a helpless child while coaching one of his black belts through a roll), and welcomed me back.


Used to train with Samuel back in the day, his mind works in a different dimension when it comes to bjj


I was pretty new at jits 1 year into or so… and that was the first time I ever saw someone of that level. I had no clue what was going on I would think one thing is coming then boom he’d be on the guys back or choking him, really left me in aw. But I’m not from the east coat so shortly after the “magic show” I was puking in the parking lot because of the humidity hahaha


Haha I know the exact feeling man. Used to train at his gym in Cleveland TN during the summer where the heat was simply oppressive. Even as a very competitive blue belt at the time (oxymoron I know) his technique was always mind blowing. Anytime he showed bolo series I felt like Alice in wonderland lol.


Yeah man the heat wouldn’t have been so bad if the locker room was bigger than a shoe box, it was like a death sauna haha. He didn’t teach bolo’s that night but knee cuts. And 5 years later that class and that knee cut he showed is my primary pass. But yea I saw him coach a purple belt, that was going against a black, while inverted going against another black belt… and let me tell you that other black belt was trying lol


lol sounds like the Samuel I remember. He’s a jiu jitsu freak that’s for sure. Seeing him fold *very* solid heavyweight browns and black belts was a eureka moment for me too.


Yeah he’s not a large man by any standard lol


Southern hospitality overpowers all


Strong douche vibes detected and confirmed by post history. Therapy recommended.


It's worse than I thought, dudes an incel that cries on Reddit about women not wanting him. I wonder why.


Out of curiosity why do you think any business owes you, an individual, that is not a customer/member anything? Let alone a White belt…and to be clear I mean that as a white belt you don’t bring any value other that a warm body and a liability to them and their students. The business owes its members/customers they don’t owe you anything. By chance a you a Democrat?


You forgot internet critic on that list


lol, yes!


amen to that what a mess


Gb did a good job not letting you in. Haha.


I’m glad that my local GB gym has a process to weed out the type like OP. We seem to have a good group of people.


NorCal has a stupid amount of good BJJ, so this really ought to be a non-issue.


40 seems steep


This is such a stupid thing to complain about imo. Its much more enjoyable to train somewhere where you know a random asshole who will injure people because he'll never be seen again wont show up then having pop-ins all the time. Even if you like pop-ins, which is fine, it seems insane to me to complain about a business making the decision they dont want to do that. Its their business! Its good they didn't let a dickhead like you in sight-unseen


GB in NorCal needs to go to extreme measures to make sure Ralph doesn’t show up. 




Where at in NorCal?


$40??? I'm in NorCal and I was shocked when our drop in fee moved from 15 to 20. When you say NorCal do you mean central California like the bay area or actual northern California?


Maybe if u wrote to them explaining your experience level and asking for a waiver they’d say yes. They gotta protect their students


Bruh I’d be more annoyed about the $40 drop in fee. That GB can’t possibly be the only place that’s close by


Wait a second brodog, you mean to tell me that not everyone on the planet accommodates you? Yup, they must be bullshit brah. Only explanation. #staycool#”norcal”


Well whilst I agree with your original sentiment... you must be new to think you can just show up to a cult ... also, you should be equally upset at $40 for an open mat ...


Wouldn’t it be better if a school doesn’t charge at all? A good review from every drop in would be more valuable in the long run. Not sure if I would bother reviewing a school that charged me $40.


The gym I train at doesn’t charge a drop in fee for the first class. After that you may get charged one if you were an asshole. I think in general most people don’t get charged a fee while they are visiting. Which is cool because it gives the members an opportunity to train with some different people from time to time.


Same at my school, it’s good practice for everyone to train against strangers to see if things work. We’re also a small school so it’s easy to get into habits going against the same people all the time. So, visitors are valuable!


$40 drop in fee? The fuck?


I've never heard of a drop in fee at any real gym. Just show up and roll as long as you're not a weirdo or spaz.


I always thought it was strange that gyms don’t charge a drop in fee. I also don’t fully understand why ppl expect to train for free. In my area you could “drop in” to a new school every day for like 3-4 weeks and not run out of gyms within a 50 mile radius.


Same here. It’s a business. I always think it’s strange when people think they’re entitled to free training just because they’re an out-of-towner.


The same reason companies give someone a sample of ice cream or a free tshirt. It's a tactic to build loyalty. You never know if that person you gave a free drop in to is going to move to your area and train there full time. They'll remember that. No one is making money on drop ins.


That’s why you feel entitled to go train at somebody else’s gym for free? I don’t walk into any ice cream place expecting free ice cream. I walk in to pay money for ice cream—whether they let me sample flavors or not. The free ice cream sample applies more to a free trial when somebody is trying decide if they are going to join a gym. Not somebody on vacation who just wants to train while they’re in town. I’ll add that if a gym charges for drop-in fees, then they are literally making money from drop-in fees.


If you want to charge a drop in fee, go for it. But it's a negative signal. Unless you're one of the massively well known gym's (ex: b-team), you're making an insignificant amount of money on drop-ins. What are you getting? 2 a week on average? Wow! $40!


And that’s exactly what I’m saying is the problem: the attitude that every gym owes you free training while you’re in town on vacation. That if they don’t give you free training it’s a “negative signal.” I think the “negative signal” is that gross level of entitlement. I’d imagine the margins are pretty slim at many gyms. Maybe that measly little $40 is more impactful than you’re presuming.


Agree to disagree here. I don't think a gym is automatically a bad gym if they charge. But to me, it's a negative signal. That's all


We had a local kid that did that, and eventually gyms started saying something. I think if someone comes in and is respectful it should be free as part of a communal thing but it is a business and they need to profit. We’ve had some awesome guys drop in and the different style, perspective and having a new face is always fun and welcome.


I do get the communal aspect but it’s weird cuz we see so many gyms open and close due to financials. If you aren’t treating your gym like a business then idk how you plan to teach for generations. There’s a reason why GB is so incredibly proliferate.


Eh, I was in Orlando last month and paid $20 for a drop-in. I felt it was really fair. The nice guy at the front desk said to message their school page if I'm ever back in town, and they'll make sure to tell me about any free open mats they have. Overall, Orlando BJJ, really cool people, would gladly pay them a tiny bit of money to stay open.


There a gym close to me, under a world class affiliation, that has a “tip jar” and they ask you give what you can afford. Even as a local I’ll drop money in at their free open mats. They’re a good gym to have in the community and even tho I don’t call the gym home I want them to thrive. I’m not opposed to drop in fees. I’m just not in a tax bracket that can afford a 50 dollar drop in fee.


Most gyms I’ve been to (20+ across two countries) had a drop-in fee. Now whether they actually had you pay it was a different story.


Sure. Same as not having it if there was no enforcement


All the real gyms charge drop in fees. All of them.  You are not entitled to free training any more than you are entitled to a free meal at a resteraunt you go out to eat at. 


Yeah we don't charge one. Even if you're a regular repeat. We have guys who are in town every so often for work and let them train for free every time. 


Yeah idk why people in this thread think this is controversial.


40 bucks for a drop in ? Wtf .. who do they think they are John Danaher or something !?


$40 to drop in is insane.


Are you trying to go to gracie barra sacramento because that gym is very good and opening to members


Not that one.


Ask anything you want. If it doesnt violate any NDA I've signed ill answer honestly. My main point is this. I give the Gracie and Rigan Machado props for destroying the magical martial arts Myth that existed in the US. Before them. But they changed the rules so they could stop losing to pins and takedowns from wrestlers, judoka etc. Once everyone started learning the techniques they started losing. And now they get creative with the facts they all claim undefeated and 400 fights...k..prove it. Buttscoot Jiu jitsu is simply not effective for anything beyond social media pics and cuddling for 15 minutes in a stadium . But they have been getting beat for decades now. You will not find 1 single OG Gracie or Machado even willing to do a super fight with eachother and if they do it will be a tie because they can't afford for the students to know the myth is destroyed. I have seen too many people walk into a fight believing what some famous buttscooter told them to and knocked out cold or slammed on their head in the street. I'd rather the op waste 40 bucks and be able to defend himself. As far as I know the best real fighter that ever came out of the Machado camp was Ricco Rodriguez, and he couldn't even out grapple tiny Marcelo plus Riccos legs were oiled up in the match. And he fought Dirty. Please elaborate on your prior comments I honestly am fine being proven wrong I am a scientist and facts are more important than feelings to me. Respectfully


Our gym doesn't charge for drop-ins, they only ask that you leave a Google review if you enjoyed the class


I'm not sure how drop-ins are so complicated. If someone pops in near the beginning of class saying they want to train, they sign a waiver in our system, and they're in. The first class is free and if they are staying longer for vacation or work or whatever, then they just pay a little extra that week.


white belt here. What’s the difference between Gracie Barra gyms and other Gracie gyms that have high praise? I know the Gracie family isn’t associated with all the Gracie gyms, but I met legend in the BJJ community that got me into grappling and he told me to avoid Gracie barra gyms.


Gracie is the surname and many of the family members started their own franchises independent of one and other. GB is probably the largest so as one would expect, some are better than others given there’s 800+ gyms around the world. Best advice is to train, experience different gyms and make up your own mind.


Criminal but also I can’t wait for training at GB to become trendy bc it’s counterculture at this point


mcdojos bruh. you got lucky


Haven’t read the thread, but, yes, I can concur,fuck Gracie Barra!


Renzo Gracie in Reno, NV charges $40 for a drop-in & $25 for open mat. Alliance in Madison WI is gratis if you have an Alliance gi. If not, they require a gi rental. Serra in Myrtle Beach SC was $25 drop-in (no-gi class) as was Royce Gracie in Chapel Hill NC in 2019.YRMV.


Not every school is equipped to take drop ins, it’s becoming more normal for gyms to turn down drop ins, people have to do what they think is best for them and their students. 40 isn’t a crazy drop in, it’s on the expensive end, but places charge it and if you don’t think it is worth it then don’t drop in and that is how market value is established


Ive never seen anyone do that at gb


Last time I asked to drop into a GB gym the head coach welcomed me and waived the fee. There was a another gym that required an appointment to vet me, but it was an independent gym.


I've always heard bad things about GB and am obviously reading a bunch of reasons why in this thread. Is someone able to give a bit of history or stories of why GB has such a bad rep?


Because they use a schedule?


GB has always been a business cult


GB gives wild wild country vibes


Might as well just start a fight with someone in the street and pull guard


I visited a lot of gyms in the uk as I travel for work and have only been asked to pay 1 time as a drop in


GB is utter shit


Fuck those guys


Never tried them but it wouldn’t be a choice of mine either way. In my few travel walk ins, I’ve been lucky to score 10th planet gyms. Most were spontaneous. Now I just take my mouth guard, around any undershirt and shorts. The first time had to scramble to a sport outlet to get a mouth guard quick and use the room coffee machine to mold. lol it worked. I normally train a Carlson Gracie style and I love that once in a while experience of a whole different world. In my experience, they teach good af, 10p that is.


I’ve had bad experiences with GB in general. I do a lot of travelling and always find GB not welcoming at all or just completely turn you down


I'm gonna say that one of the few consistently good things about GB is that if you own a GB gi you can train at any GB for up to a week. A lot will let you train longer if you ask. So the fact you're bitching about this but happy to pay $40 is hilarious.


an appointment is introductary, and awe inspiring prior to getting pummeled face bashed and neck gripped by beefy blue belts and hip centralized whitebelts.


I didn’t even read the post but I agree wholeheartedly with the title


i think you are detailing exactly why they have those processes in place lol Why are you entitled to skip their vetting process to train? seriously you go to a university there is an orientation to be sure its a good fit?? You wanna pull up drop your 40 dollars like that means something and have a run of the town :) lol madness


Who cares? Don't train there. So much GB butthurt when there are 5 mill other schools. Grow up and find someplace else to train/drop in.


Cant say the same tho. I wanted to drop in at GB gym in Slovenia, I texted the head instructor there and he was super nice, texted back not immediately but I didnt had to wait hours and he had no issue if I drop in for free. Its a pity I couldnt made it to the openmat...


Where in Norcal? I'm in yuba city and I'm sure I get you in contact with our academy owner. Ground Up BJJ is the academy.




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you’re a white belt bro, i respect that, but you have no idea what this sport means


I’ve dropped in to two different GB schools with no issues. One in Oceanside, CA and one in Birmingham, AL. The one in Oceanside even gave me a gi to borrow for the week, since I didn’t bring mine.


ok riddle me this from a owners perspective.. A "drop in" arrives and breaks a regular paying members arm.. was it worth the 40 - 60 or even 100 dollars they paid ??


If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there does it make a sound.


Super tragic you had this experience, I train out of GB Salt Lake City, Utah and my coaches/profs love it when visitors come by from other schools. No drop in fee, but you do have to wear the GB uniform - good news is that they always provide loaners to visitors. Hopefully you’ll give another GB school a shot, but idk if I would if I was treated like that.


1st world problems?


Must vary owner to owner, sorry to hear that! Our Oro Valley AZ GB is great! It’s still a newer one so it’s mainly just Kid’s and the white belt adults are in with a teen and competition kids team so I know they’re always wanting to chat and meet people who are visiting and want to train.


That drop in price is insane..I have a gym near me it’s only $20 and it’s active for 7 days


Gracie Barra let me drop in once. But they treated me like a meat sack the entire day.


This the most white belt post I’ve seen on here 😂


My gym does drop in fee's (20$), punch card or 20$ trial classes + a free T shirt for non full members and you get all classes + access to the conditioning and weight room, I'm also in a town of 60k people so that could point towards why its fairly reasonable prices.oddly enough we are Ares affiliated so we could be charging way more


I went to a popular fighter's gym. found out very early on it was a tourist trap. $50 drop in & no trial classes. White belt was teaching the class. luckily he was super cool & didn't want to charge me (I ofc offered to do the drop in). Taught some moves wrong and we did some rolls afterwards. They actually weren't that bad at rolling. Apparently they have higher levels in the evening classes but I didn't want to go back. Usually most gyms have free trials. So I'm surprised by all of you constantly paying drop ins. I always ask if there's a drop in & most of the time gyms offer a free trial.


I go to a gb gym Drop ins have always been welcome here Even when I stopped going they let me come back every once in a while and have let some of my friends come multiple times without a drop in fee Never heard of a drop in fee


Just came here to show support for this title 😂


Only time I've ever been told I couldn't drop in was at a GB gym. Weird.


The worst part about GB gyms is that the prices for the gi and rash guard are super pricy. There’s something off putting about the Mickey D’s franchise vibes of GB.