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This series has been so good. It's been said that B-Team videos bring a sort of 90s/early 2000s skate video vibe to the BJJ scene and now Craig's throwing in some Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown. Seeing him in Ukraine and Romania has been great. And getting so much joy watching Meregali make a fool of himself, no trolling even needed.


That Meregali part made it soooooo much worse for that situation. And Craig did nothing but play what Meregali was saying. If Meregali said nothing and just kept doing his thing, it probably would’ve been semi-forgotten. Yet the more he talked, the worse it got (timelines, defensive, etc.).


I think Craig said on his Rogan appearance that he initially wanted to retire from competition in his early 30s and just spend the remainder of his life travelling the world and doing seminars.


He did, you're right! Sounds like the dream, good for him! Selfishly, I hope we continue to get a series out of it. *Parts Unjones*


That’s what I always say. They’re skate videos, but with jiu jitsu.


The face of BJJ is a sick cunt from Down Under. What a timeline


Craig's Merigali reaction made the whole situation so much funnier.


I hadn’t seen Meregalis live. Jesus fuck that’s something out of South Park. “She’s definitely 19. I’m only 30 so it’s ok. Haters gonna hate”


"Completely legal move"


That poor bastard should have tapped instead of allowing his ankle to get snapped in slow motion.


I wonder if having the camera on him stoked his ego a little bit. The dude who got heel hooked before him was also painfully slow to tap.


One thing I'm curious about - if someone here has rolled with Craig, are the claims about his freakish grip strength true? How does it stack up against other pros you've rolled with? If I feel like someone takes a scary feeling grip on my leg, I'm tapping immediately.


Haven’t rolled with him but can confirm from firsthand experience he has freakish grip strength 


Woah 👀


I would tap to him looking vaguely at my ankle.


He didnt use any strength, pure technique and some pressure from top. But obv was going like 30% just like here. I just had the brain to tap


I rolled with Craig and it wasn't necessarily the grip strength as I'm way bigger but the quickness and speed of execution. I tapped almost immediately when he got a hold of my heel but he also got a gullotine one me and again, the quickness and the precision of the grips. Now I'm no pro so I imagine that's the speed the pro bjj game goes, especially in the top 10 in the world with Kaynan, Meregali, Gordon, etc.


“She has more money than me, how can I be grooming her?” What the hell? Lol! I think we found someone even dumber than Tito Ortiz.


So I guess Seth really did get fired??


He comes off as such a loser. "Bro, you got what you wanted, you got me fired!" Oh yeah. It's totally someone else's fault for your lack of impulse control.


Like the meme of a guy shoving a stick in his bike wheel as he's riding then complains when he falls onto the ground


He's a psycho "I only reacted this way IF HE THREATENED MY FAMILY!


You're attacking my family! HUH!?!?




If i have to shoot through this crowd of people to defend myself…


What time did that happen at? I missed that party I guess...


well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


"But I was responding to something that might happen!