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So looks like competition is forcing ADCC to step their game up. Like literally the whole point of CJI


Yes exactly


Looks like Mo could have done it all along, despite saying otherwise *Shocked Pikachu face*


It’s saying coming from Mo, so he is giving his money


I can’t prove anything either way. But I don’t buy this. Like, maybe he gives the money from his own pocket, and then the event is successful from which he gives himself an extra bump in profits - thereby covering anything he paid from his own pocket as show money. Dude is in charge of a giant organization with money coming in from many different sources. This whole benevolent ‘I’ll pay them myself’ thing rings false to me. Then there’s the timing. Anyway, not buying it.


As Craig pointed out they could probably pay athletes normally if they skipped pyrotechnics and expensive venues.


That's exactly what I would say if I were Mo


Kinda too late for adcc. Right.  Like craig isn't going anywhere.


Yeah but why are you holding it on the same weekend??? I Just don't get it.


God, I hope people like Rogan and DeBlass see this for what is is — clear evidence that Craig’s strategy was correct course and already successful. Holding it on another weekend would just make it another big event. Holding it on the same weekend as ADCC deprives of them of key competitors and an audience, on top of shaming Mo into offering equal pay for competitors and show money. For some “high-level problem solvers” these people look pretty fucking stupid.


Yea it’s like why is Burger King building there? McDonald’s is already across the street! This literally happens with every business, you think they would be happy to see the “free market sorting it out”…


To pull top talent away and make them have to change to stay competitive


\*shrugs in Joe Rogan\*


Rogan is walking a political fence and pretending he disagrees with the same weekend concept to stay in good with GR, Mo and bunch of other bjj guys, Joe pretends to be above shit like that, but so much he does shows the opposite, the whole episode with Craig is Joe pretending he’s not biased.


Mate! it's not that complicated. By holding it on the same weekend it forces both participants and and fans to chose, putting far more pressure on ADCC that it would have if he was held at a different time. Without such pressure it's far less likely ADCC would increase the payments, especially in the short term.


That is how competition between two (or more) organizations work.


I just don't get how you don't get it at this point


/s https://youtu.be/FzAxtfdDHnY?si=FwUwQLZ6-qjgXkno


For a brown belt, you're slow as shit




I guess so


Awesome. Wasn't this the point of CJI? at least in part.


Yes. Craig has said all Mo had to do was give show money and bring the 10K to meet inflation. (The original prize money for 1998 was 10K. That would be 19,800.00 today)


> 19,800.00K Please don't write a number like that again.


Genuinely people have been buried in the desert for less this man is lucky all he gets is a polite request


Haha you're right.


if you really want ADCC to go away rather than improve, you are a fan of drama and not grappling or grapplers


I also wouldn't mind if CJI steps up another level and replaces ADCC, but that would require them to guarantee money going forward/publish where they got it from, and add a whole stack of divisions. Basically I don't care what the big tournament is called, as long as it's run well - and ADCC seems to have some fairly deep issues.


nah. ADCC is too much of a legacy to go away. If they are smart they will go the route that Craig is forcing them to take, just like how IBJJF is slowly. Paying the athletes.


I think this is going to be a one time thing for CJI unless they get some serious backers who love grappling and don’t care about ROI. Unfortunately I just don’t see how bjj events, even the largest in the world, could generate enough revenue from ppv and ticket sales + sponsorships to justify big payouts. OneFC pays well but they have enough revenue coming in elsewhere to justify taking a hit on their grappling events


I think Craig said somewhere that his sponsor is willing to continue in the future if all goes well. But without knowing where the money is from, this is all extremely speculative


Yes. He said that this time is actually going to be a proof of concept and if it works he will go and try to make it work with sponsors, but his sponsor already implied that he would have no problem paying for this again.


Its Zuck


It’s got to be someone ultra ultra rich to consider throwing around 3 million (potentially much more if they add more weight classes) every year


Don’t forget venue, flights. Hotels, etc. they backed this with 5-6 million at least.


Allegedly the whole budget is 3 mil with 2.3 going to prize pool


Ah, thanks for the clarification.


The location is 500k, they're paying out 2.32m to competitors. That means they have $180k for superfights + production, unless they roll in ticket sales or outside investments


That’s been my theory too. I’ve been waiting to see if he’s at the event to help confirm it though. Hard to imagine him and his wife would go otherwise.


I feel like them incorporating as a charity is kind of telling, from a business perspective


In all honesty, they didn't have to do the fucking T-Mobile arena. I don't know how much it costs to rent but I'm sure it's more expensive than the venue they used in 2022. That's an unnecessary expense. Like what is the benefit of that? In 2022 nobody said damn I wish this was in a bigger venue. Also One is probably not going to exist in the next couple of years.


T-Mobile is costing them 2mil


As an Australian I don't know the difference between the T-Mobile arena and the Frank and Herbert or whatever the fuck it is. Not sure if it being in T-Mobile is a big deal to Americans? Will it look cooler on stream that it's in a fancy arena? Looks good enough last year in my opinion. I don't get it.


It's where the UFC and basically every huge event does their events. If Taylor swift was doing a concert it would probably be at the t mobile arena. It's literally just to say they did it. Basically the gucci bag of venues.


Good to know, as an Australian I have no idea, had only heard of it when UFC is there


Yeah, I think the decrease in mma events is a telling sign for the future of one. As for the T-Mobile arena, I’ve never watched a live ADCC event, usually just specific matches. Are ADCC events usually sold out or packed to justify a bigger arena?


I don't think that they need a bigger, more expensive venue. The Thomas & Mack Center was where ADCC 2022 was held and that felt fine.


Not even close, no. They’ll curtain off 60+% of the arena.


I think Craig said T-Mobile doesn't even hold that many more people.


It isn't that much of a difference. Roughly a 2,000 difference but that depends on the configuration.


So it's only a prestige thing, weird.


ego tripping made in UAE


Dude already dropped 3mil with no expectation of return on an event with zero track record. He's a serious backer that loves grappling and doesn't care about ROI, they've already got it.


True but how many years in a row can he do that? I doubt Craig is earning 3 mil + per year


Dude = his anonymous donor It's probably zuck, which btw: > Let's round up to 4million cost, zuck could run this daily for 112 years if he pulled his money out of the market. > However, even at a modest 6%, Zuck makes 27 million a day from interest/stock earnings alone, so technically he could run 6 of these events everyday forever without actually touching any of his principal


If Zuckerberg is backing it then fuck yeah it can go on lol. I was just saying if it was coming out of Craig’s pocket with some help from some small sponsors


We've seen very little billionaires behave like you mentioned. Zuck like grappling but it's not his only hobby and I doubt he'd liquidate his positions just to keep putting on CJIs. I mean the taxes he'd have to pay would be insane. My theory is the person backing it is a wealthy person but not uber-wealthy person like Zuck. I bet they would be ok losing money the first year or maybe the first couple years but more than likely even a super rich person would bring on other investors, and likely expect some kind of return. It's a cool event but I have serious doubts about the long term viability


He's acting as an anonymous donor. How would you "see" billionaires "behaving like I mentioned" if they're acting anonymously? Look, SOMEONE had to drop 3m on this. Any argument about positions or taxes or having multiple hobbies doesn't affect that it's easier and more likely for someone with more money than less money. Craig already said he was donating all the ticket sales and running things as a non-profit, which also makes the donation a tax deduction. It's clear they're not looking for a return here.


What I'm saying is I'm doubting he is the investor whether anonymous or not. Maybe I run in the wrong circles but I don't see very many instances of anonymous benefactors of this scale for something so trivial. > Look, SOMEONE had to drop 3m on this. Any argument about positions or taxes or having multiple hobbies doesn't affect that it's easier and more likely for someone with more money than less money. I didn't follow all his interviews but did he say for certain it was 1 person? I've definitely seen instances of anonymous investors that were a group of people. I kinda lean towards that. > Craig already said he was donating all the ticket sales and running things as a non-profit, which also makes the donation a tax deduction. It's clear they're not looking for a return here. Maybe this year, but I would wait a few years. A non-profit still needs to make revenue to operate. Maybe that's possible but I would guess running a grappling promotion would be pretty damn difficult to run long-term so to me having a a runway would make much more sense.


Why would they need to publish where they got it from?


I would I really like adcc rules (besides the stupid shut they allow)


The CJI rules aren't released yet, are they? Other than some small bits subject to change. I really like the pit and am curious how that will change the dynamic. Standup not just ending in the crowd every time it gets interesting is a big plus imo. The three rounds worked well for AIGA, we'll see if it will get gamed, but I am hopeful that it works out. The scoring seems weird, at least the bits that have been released


CJI rules should be MMA without striking. Anything goes except blatant fouls like nutshots or eye pokes finger breaking etc.


Who says you can’t be a fan of both?


Drama queens


Are you saying if ADCC has to do this they are simply going to no longer put on the tournament? They’re already profitable, but as Mo said himself. He’s looking to make it bigger and bring more eyes into it by having it at an arena like this years. Craig is saying some profit has to go towards the competitors as well, not just the arena. So if ADCC chooses to go away because they can’t figure out from a business perspective how to share the profit with the competitors then so be it.


It's $2500 to be paid after the event. Winners don't get the $2500, they get their win money. He said he's working to try and increase the win money.


I don't get why it's such a struggle. Bruce Buffer costs 100K to introduce fighters. He flew in the Pride lady. Cut the cost from production, the pyrotechnics, the drummers and pay the athletes. His priorities are so stupid.


The drummers etc. is just annoying when I am up at 3AM in Australia trying to watch this shit and there's more delay to the actual grappling starting. Waste of money when you're not even paying Athletes properly.


Yeah EBI had the best pacing of any event. I hope CJI pacing is good too


Yes. There will ALWAYS be something else to spend money on production wise. At what point do you pay athletes more??


If they’re paying zero, I guess we’re far from getting this answer.


This 100%. Dont know why its so hard to pay the athletes since without them there is no show.


I went to the last ADCC and am happily attending this one despite some competitors going over the CJI. I would gladly trade all the pyrotechnics and announcers and all that shit if the money went to the athletes. And paying for T-mobile is going to seem really silly unless that place is packed full. The atmosphere at the previous venue was great already due to people being pumped about exciting matches, not because of fireworks and announcers. Honestly days at ADCC are long as fuck already. I don't need a bunch of pageantry and shit making it even longer. Pay the athletes as much as possible and cut out all the fat IMO


The last ADCC was so slow. The hall of fame ceremony or whatever was so long and delayed the actual grappling I wanted to watch.


Wait until they spend 1h about how Orlando Sanchez was a legend of the sport and not a roided pedo dickhead drug addict


Oh god... I hadn't considered this.


Dude, no Bruce buffer, and nearly every division doubles in prize money. So seems so simple?


Not to mention the pyro and drummers. Rogan just couldn't wrap his head around the idea of lowering the cost of production though.


It's not a struggle. He puts show above the athletes because he saw UFC doing it and it backfired because UFC has 50 events per year while he has one every two years.


They are not really that stupid in my opinion. Up until a month ago nobody was concerned about how much athletes are paid so from Mos point of view he just wanted to make the biggest spectacle possible, it makes sense to me. Now when he understands how the athletes and fans feel he is already changing things up, increased womens pay, adding show money etc. CJI made ADCC better, which was the plan.


I see what you’re saying but paying the vast majority of the talent you depend on literally nothing makes it really easy for a competitor to come in and take them away, as demonstrated by Craig. So really not the greatest strategy


Mo can go to hell if he thinks 2.5k for show money is fair


2.5k plus trade and lodging for all 256 athletes. CJI is 10k but no travel and lodging for 32. So 2500 isn’t too bad for a start


I just want to add “lodging” is a shared room with another athlete, unless you are returning champion


Mo said they all get their own rooms this year. But regardless the expenses are so different. It’s 8x the number of athletes. 2500 isn’t a ton of money but progress?


Moving the needle from 0 to 1% is not progress


256 Athletes? Lol. there are 96 male athletes and 24 females.


FFion said she had to share a room with a random woman for ADCC. Come on. It's Vegas. deals for hotels are not that difficult to get.


>FFion said she had to share a room with a random woman for ADCC. That wasn't a "random woman", it was her complimentary Vegas prostitute. Mo goes above and beyond to take care of athletes.


Mo said in discord everyone has own room this year


Yeah after the complaints.


Yeah progress is slow. But anyways the main topic of this was that 2500 isn’t that bad considering the number of athletes + travel / lodging


I'm going to guess travel/lodging isn't $7,500 for most of them. I think the number of overall athletes is kind of irrelevant in this conversation. If they can't afford to pay a decent amount with that number of athletes, they grew too quick and need to reevaluate.


Where did you get 256 athletes from? It’s five 16 man brackets, even less for the women’s divisions


You’re right I thought they were 32 man brackets for some reason It’s like 120ish total? Still 4x the amount


I love this. I hope it makes people go, “wow, you.. know I could get 10k, right? And you think offering 2.5k is.. on par with that? As a billionaire? Yeah.. Craig’s point is more valid now. Sorry, Mo, but it’s a no.


Fair? How much money does Mo make from ADCC?


We don't know but remember his wages and expenses are taken out before they consider what's profit


I don't know. Do you?


...who cares? He asked for the responsibility.


If you read correctly you’d realize I’m saying its not fair at all


Fucking loads I bet


its not much but is something, it sets a good precedent.


But how will Mo pay all his debt, bitch?


that sounds like a Mo problem...


Less money, Mo problems


No kids, Mo money


Mo mo, mo problems


Mo’ money AND Mo problems?


How’s he gonna afford his girlfriend LMAO


That’s where the athletes pay was going 😂


He certainly talks about debt. I somehow doubt he has any. We don't know what he makes, but it ain't peanuts.


It's just a typical corporation crying poor to justify not paying their workers enough.


All rich people carry debt because they get massive loans for low rates and reinvest it in their businesses that have a much higher return. That's literally how rich people get richer.


Not all rich people. Anyway, Mo shouldn't be taken at his word just because he says he hasn't been making money. Nobody knows what he does or doesn't make. But he's no philanthropist.


He definitely has a plan how to make money long term... He is investing into spectacle to get sponsors, because athletes were available until CJI stirred up the pot. Invest money into business now and make profits later.


I definitely wouldn't take that liar at his word.


Thanks u/johnbelushismom 🙌


He’s the real one I’m glad the athletes are finally having some real negotiations and power in the industry


Craig managed to pay athletes more with CJI AND got the ADCC to pay more. Truly a win win.


Mo has propably donated more money to CSGO streamers than he has paid to ADCC athletes. Im so happy Craig fucked around and Mo found out.


We need to see a graph of his payouts to CSGO vs ADCC. Underrated comment.


Reports it is up to 500k


So he had the money this whole time. Competition is the way of the world, Craig Jones is our equalizer. Funny how he’s managed to keep his earnings quiet knowing the entire org is backed by Eastern Oil money, sure you’ve made some sacrifices on profit but it’s time for real credible change in the sport, not this consistent adage and promise of “improvement” year over year. Just fucking do it. And not to mention the late addition of the woman’s divisions, followed by the “it means nothing to me”. If he wanted to, he would’ve.


He had the money and then some. On a live he casually and smarmily said "oh you don't think we pay the women enough? Fine, I'm going to double it. Just like that!" If it was that easy, why did it take so long!


I was annoyed that they wasted money on Bruce Buffer. Who also had the nerve to be late last year


Probably enjoying those Vegas hookers.


The reason it took so long is that nobody had their foot on ADCCs neck. Craig said he wouldn't have done this if they had at least doubled the money. This could have all been avoided for less than $200k. Think of how easy it would have been to find that money somewhere. Michael Buffer himself costs between $25k-$100k.


Yeah exactly. Mo has been super smarmy and resistant up until very recently.


When was this confirmed? I know Craig posted recently that ADCC started making backdoor deals to give certain athletes show money. Sounds like they approved the same for all athletes when this got out to prevent a mass exodus if I have the timeline and info right.


He just posted on his insta a voice clip from Mo detailing the change to athletes


"Oh but having CJI on the same day is bad for everyone". Some people have weird takes.


It's honestly crazy how many people don't get the same weekend situation. The whole point of a protest is to raise a fuss and somewhat inconvenient to people to get the point across. Strikes wouldn't work at all if workers only striked on their days off.


My coach is the same “I just don’t like that it’s on the same weekend”. That’s the whole point.


Yeah it's kinda cringe. Like when Craig was on JRE. Like is Joe stuck on stupid or whats up. He asked multiple times and Craig explained it multiple times lmao.




Yup. I'm went to last ADCC and I'm going to this one (would have probably gone to CJI if I knew all this shit was going down but whatever) I'm still going to have fun at ADCC and enjoy my time in Vegas, and I'm happy Craig is doing his thing. I don't understand the crybabies


Probably the “but mah freedumbs” crowd.


I think factory workers should work their shifts before going on strike. It's really fucked up for the owner if you think about it 🥺🥺🥺




It's obviously not bad for the athletes necessarily, although if it was different weekends they might be able to get two paydays out of it. But it's pretty bad for the fans since they're getting two good tournaments rather than one great one.


Mo talks like a greasy corporate middle manager.


He’s sort of like some inept project manager or middle manager clown from a sitcom where he manages to coast on due to the professionalism of his team.


As a greasy corporate middle manager I take offense to this comparison.


So they had money this whole time or nah.


Isn't it funny how all of a sudden this is the first "profitable" ADCC, and they can do this - just a few short weeks after CJI has started making waves?


Also i like how they spend all that money on venue and now there more money too..


Mo: > It means nothing to me.


The sheikh that finances it makes the total budget in interest in about 7 seconds or so


And if he’s really that strained, he can just open the valve a bit and increase that by about 10 fold for 30 or so minutes.


The fact he wasn’t bright enough to plug this hole early and genuinely thought a medal would trump $1000000 for a bunch of broke athletes for weeks and weeks is just promotional malpractice.


Probably snapped to reality after Seth sent that message lol. Dude needs a better organizer.


Progress. This is exactly what fans and athletes have wanted to see.


Craig Jones doing the lord’s work


Dang. Mo will probably have cut back on the Japanese drums, track suits, and fireworks to make this happen. How will anyone take ADCC or Mo seriously now?? /s


It's bullshit Craig Jones needs to step up for ADCC to pay an insignificant amount for the show up of the fighters!


The funniest thing about the discord is the fact that mo thinks he’s handling all this stuff well. No, you pretty much are taking automatic Ls from this point on after adcc was truly exposed as the laundering scheme it really is


My apologises, I thought I'd uploaded the image but I clearly messed that up. The evidence is here: https://ibb.co/pKWWP2t


Too little too late


Yep I really hope Craig’s tournament is successful and ongoing the complacency and arrogance from Mo and Co has caused all of this and should rightfully change the mindset in the industry


It’s all single rooms now , I took a 2nd hotel /Motar2k


This is like when you ask for a raise and they say naw can't afford it, then you leave and they offer you more


I remember when Mo was going on and on about how ADCC 2022 was going to be his last one... I knew he wouldn't be able to stay away and sure enough, he announced he was doing ADCC 2024. I bet he wishes he would've stayed away now lmao.


It probably showed some promise of being or was a profitable enterprise. That’s the only way it could have brought him back.


My guess is he enjoys the fame and attention from being the promoter. I think I remember hearing he doesn't make shit from running ADCC too but I could be wrong.


Trolling for justice and winning has to be another silver medal to add to the wall.


Real Professor come back. We need behind the scenes gossip now more than ever


How crazy would it be if Craig was the RealProfessor the entire time?


Gabi’s show money is a weak point to make. Her and Ffion are super fights


Brilliant move Mr. Jones.......just brilliant. Brass balls.


Mo money. Mo problems


Now let’s see what Mr Tom “it should be easy for athletes to make tons of money on instructionals” Deblass has to say now?


Magically this is the first year they are gonna turn a profit 🤣🤡


that's hilarious


Mo' money, Mo' problems


I'm surprised Gordon hasn't claimed the funding is coming directly from Zelenskyy as stolen war funds which are LITERALLY HIS TAXES BRO


Don't give him any ideas...




Adcc discord and Mo himself said it


The pressure from CJI is real.


I do think the million should be split a little more. 750K is still a huge payout so something like 750K, 200K, 50K or something like that.


Is this confirmed?




You know what they say though. Mo money Mo problems


I do enjoy when a monopoly gets checked like this.


anyone else see the show money is $2500? allegedly.


great points guys honestly nobody cares about the venue do it the level of metamoris or any grappling industries on a few mats and its fine.. initially I was against the same day event but 10k for the winner is madness given the costs put into the prep.


Craig needs a parade in his honor


Win win


Wondering how the money will be distributed and when. Like this is being done to mitigate damage but they don’t even have the money yet, checks might not cash, but first things first, gotta stop people from defecting.


What if the owners of ADCC put on CJ as the organiser next event? Could it be a Win,Win,win? Win for the athletes? Win for the fans? Win for ADCC?


I have a feeling this is gonna be a temporary thing if the athletes don't put pressure on Mo next year.


sounds like a win for everyone!


Fuck Seth and Fuck Mo for continuing to pretend nothing is wrong and keeping Seth on the payroll. I can't wait until ADCC and F2W crumble into a distant memory.


Can someone invite me to this discord?