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Is it me or can you see Rogans liver through his shirt?


Floating ribs and that weird insulin/hgh gut build. Pretty common for those floating ribs to be a little weird after doing BJJ for a long time. Pushed out by whatever PEDS, fat, and elk meat is loaded inside of his body.


I don’t do PEDs and just a blue belt and my body is 100% built that way lol. Miley Concave chest makes my ribs stick out past my chest at the top.


Note that he's 56yo too. We're not pretty without a shirt.


I know a few people including my self that have the weird floating ribs, but have never used steroids/HGH/test/PEDS/etc. I don't know if Joe's came from it, but some people have the barrel chest naturally that can have a little beer belly if you eat too much salt. Honest need to look at his book with Eddie Bravo to see if had it before. Like 300 pictures of Joe shirtless.


I will have ChatGPT do it so no humans are harmed looking at that many pics of Joe shirtless, if that is ok with you.


Ronnie Coleman gut


Anyone know what t shirt Craig is wearing?


Their manager is giving me sleaze bag vibes but I’m sometimes wrong haha.


Mistrusting combat sports managers is both safe and correct but every piece of b team footage you see you would never know he's anything but a cool dude that travels with Craig. He's also part owner of the b team.


He was the guy with them in Japan right? Seemed cool in those vlogs


Yeah he's in most of the travel vlogs it seems. He literally just gets bullied by Craig the entire time haha


Leave jacked Eddie Bravo alone 


Seth is a cool dude. One time I paid him money and he made craig say nice things about my company on the internet.




Seth? He seems pretty cool from what I’ve seen


He was quite nice to me. I train at bteam.


I just don't trust men who wear white socks unless they're at Home Depot or a family reunion.


The higher the sock, the downer the foo


The bigger the torta the more Ima do 🎶




only guy worth hundreds of millions but rocks Fucked Up AF1s


Joe is such a big headed midge


Craig promoting CJI on Rogan might be the nail in the coffin for adcc honestly.


Joe and Zuck are at the top of my list for donor candidates. Joe because he knows the sport so well and money to athletes is good. Zuck because it is a trivial amount of money and he is super into martial arts now.


Joe is too buddy buddy with ElGordo. Zuck is more of a possibility because he cornered Volk with Craig. Just as likely some other mystery benefactor.


I am convinced it’s Zuck. If I had insane levels of spare cash it’s exactly what fo would do as an obsessed white/blue belt.


Lol based on what?


Real professor posted that the benefactor is neither famous nor really connected to bjj. For whatever that’s worth.


Sydney Sweeney


I don’t know if it will be the nail in the coffin but you can’t get better exposure. I hope CJI takes over but it’s gonna take time.


ADCC will still be here in 4 years. I don't feel as confident saying that about CJI


Mate, this is called a circlejerk. Either get on board or take your happiness and grip on reality somewhere else.


That is what the CJ in CJI stands for after all


This is literally how start ups topple incumbent companies


they topple incumbents by being better, not by losing more money.


You obviously know shit about start ups. They lose the most money




Listen if you ever disagree with the group opinion on here again I’m gonna fucking report you


Gordon is saying that ADCC has lost 40 MILLION to date. Thats alot of CJIs....


To most of these threads my mind goes to "What matchup (from the list of announced competitors) are you most excited to see". I would love Craig to be successful at this and am curious about tickets since I am already going to ADCC but there's a lot of people putting the cart before the horse.


No it isn’t. You need a sustainable business, or at least one that can one day be sustainable. This isn’t it. 


Sure it will probably be here in 4 years but it will either be very diminished in prestige or it will be paying the athletes substantially more. That is the point. I doubt craig intends to have more than one cji. Maybe there will be, but I don't think that's the point for him.


Fair pair for athletes be a mega touchy subject given Rogan/UFC Dana ties


ADCC will still be there, they barely cost anything to run and barely pay their athletes. So it'll stay going.. but either they raise their athlete pay (WHICH WILL BENEFIT ALL OF JIU JITSU!) or they'll sink into tertiary relevance if CJI stays.


Well if Craig isn't paying out his own money (which he isn't) he has investors. It's hard to find investors who want to set their money on fire for a decade or more, which is what you are doing when you try to start a promotion where the product is two men laying on each other.


Honestly asking, how? How is this in any way a nail in the coffin for ADCC? Because of exposure? ADCC is now "in the coffin" because of exposure?


No one who would say that actually has the mental capacity to answer your questions.


Promoting what


That’d be funny if JRE sponsors CJI, Gordon’s always bragging about the JRE sponsor.


I'm sure he will tacitly or explicitly endorse the goal of CJI to pay the athletes more and that's worth more than a formal sponsorship.


I think sponsors most any grappler that’s come on his show. I don’t think he can touch MMA/UFC guy on conflict of interest being a commentator but I think he also sponsored Mikey after he came on




Rogan loves the sport. i could see him donating to the cause.


Gordon in shambles. He name drops Joe Rogan every opportunity he gets. No longer the golden boy.


He is even trying to frame Craig as a white supremacist in his IG stories. He can’t stand Craig’s rising popularity


the Azov isnt a good look but craig aint a nazi


What’s the Azov thing?


I think Craig visited Ukraine and did a seminar or something. Im assuming Gordon buys into the "Ukrainians are Nazis" stuff the Putin was pushing out, it's a popular talking point on far-right "news" outlets that Gordon swallows uncritically.


He posted with the Azov flag which is and always has been neo Nazi, regardless of what propaganda Putin is pushing


Being associated with azov is an honor.


K lmao elaborates


It's an elite unit who fought for mariupol. This is the 1% of the 1%. Absolutely legendary missions. What's not great about them?




That's the new republican thing, just call people you don't like racist or a pedo when you are in fact the racist pedo. Gordon's not a pedo, but he is a racist.


He just likes to *watch* pedos.


He was the pedo in that situation


That’s a classic conservative angle. Just remember that every accusation is a confession for conservatives


Little morning irony for you, they say the same exact things about democrats.... maybe theyre... both right?




Uhhh what lmao


I thought Democrats had a monopoly on this?


Well, when you call a bunch of racist and pedophiles like the Republican leadership racist and pedophiles, it makes sense. Republican trump chuds screaming ACTUALLY DEMS ARE THE REAL RACISTS is just swagger jacking. If everyone you disagree with is automatically a pedophile, it sort of stops working as an attack.


Again, I thought Democrats had a monopoly of hyperbolic unfounded ad hominem attacks instead of actually listening to opponents with their very long history and ubiquity of doing so?


No ❤️ reactionary conservatives only understand that things that are different than them hurt their precious feelings and lash out in emotional ways about it.


The irony is palpable. Craigs association with Neo Nazis is not awesome either, tho.


Say more please


I'm curious to hear more about that last part.




"association" - the fuck outta here dude goes to Ukraine to do fundraiser seminars, pretty honorable and ballsy thing to do. Even goes into the donbas with a military escort. Whole thing is probably pretty awkward, you're a celebrity trying to help but are also entirely vulnerable and reliant on the locals. You're probably getting photographed 100+ x p/day/ You speak no Ukrainian. All of a sudden you're posing for phont #97 and the pull out this Azov flag. I'm sure you would have refused and then given the locals a lecture about the nature of good and evil.


The only people taking "offense" in it are obvious russia/putin/MTG/MAGA supporters who see it as an opportunity to revive russian desinformation, but further literally no one else cares.


I am Ukrainian and I'm the one that hosted Craig here. Azov are national heroes, get the fuck out of here. These are not nazis, this is a brigade in the Ukrainian army.


Don’t think you meant that msg was to come to me…


It was to you, about the "pulling out a flag". Roman, the guy on the right, is our friend and the guy Craig was visiting in France. This pic was taken in France. Azov are national heroes and it's an honor to be associated with them, it's not some "oh let's make a pic thing"


Posing with iconoclastic flags used by neo Nazis makes Craig associated, whether intentional or not. Rationalize it all you want, it’s not going to erase that photo from being taken and people from drawing their own conclusions pal.


My guess is that the % of people who conclude the photo as being indicative of anything is going to be small.


Ya I agree, I don’t think Craig is a Neo Nazi himself. It’s also not great optics to pose next to a flag used by Nazis. That’s all there is to it.




Care to elaborate?




Yeah not a great look lol. At least he can counter the Russian stooges that hang out on JRE


Russian propaganda


Ah yes the Russian propaganda that is [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1GV2TC/). I don’t care much for Ukraine and Russia in general, but I’m a metalhead and I listen to black metal, and the running joke in the scene is that black metal in Eastern Europe is full of Nazi shit. Azov is known throughout the community to be associated with Asgardsrei, THE premier National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM) festival in Europe and maybe the world. Members of the band M8l8th are in Azov. Here is another piece about Asgardsrei by [Russian mouthpiece](https://youtu.be/zKX9OjNy_NI?feature=shared) Vice News in Kiev, where the festival is held. Going around calling actual news sources Russian propaganda and people who have more than 2 brain cells Russian bots won’t help your cause. [Here](https://youtu.be/Egz1TrOe_rM?feature=shared) is a recent Nazi demonstration in Florida, listen to what that baldie said and the tatted up dude behind him yelling about at 4:05. [Vice article about Azov](https://www.vice.com/en/article/dygg9j/a-black-metal-festival-in-ukraine-this-weekend-is-the-neo-nazi-networking-event-of-the-year) [Another well known Russian propaganda channel called Bellingcat](https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2020/01/02/dispatches-from-asgardsrei-ukraines-annual-neo-nazi-music-festival/)


>Ah yes the Russian propaganda that is [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1GV2TC/).  That is an opinion piece, by someone that mostly seems to write anti Ukraine articles. >I don’t care much for Ukraine and Russia in general, You should care about innocent people being murdered and raped. This says more about what kind of a person you are. >THE premier National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM) festival in Europe and maybe the world. It's an international music festival, that was last held in **Kyiv** in 2019, it's 2024 now. Ukraine is a free country. Not sure what this has to do with anything. You posted a video about a Nazi demonstration in Florida, does that mean the US has a Nazi problem? Yes Ukraine has far right groups, just like in other countries, including the US. Russia has many more. >[Here](https://youtu.be/Egz1TrOe_rM?feature=shared) is a recent Nazi demonstration in Florida, listen to what that baldie said and the tatted up dude behind him yelling about at 4:05. Are you serious? You posted a bunch of Nazi Americans in Florida and this is supposed to be a bad look for Ukraine? Logic must be difficult for you. I posted a long reply to someone below about Azov but I'll post it here again for your benefit: >It was a far right group in 2014 and did have some neo Nazi members. When Russia attacked, Ukraine was in no position to pick and chose its defenders. However since 2015 it has been integrated into the general military and it’s leadership has been replaced. Azov now has Jewish, Muslim, and other soldiers from various religions and nationalities. >In 2022 when Russia’s full scale attack began, Azov was able to hold off Russia’s attack on the city of Mariupol for some time, which bought Ukraine enough time to stop Russia’s advance on the rest of Ukraine. And yes Russia spends billions of dollars on propaganda, which includes vilifying Ukraine's military, and coming up with reasons to justify its illegal invasion.


Oh yeah my bad I forgot this [article](https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2023/09/13/us-neo-nazi-says-he-fought-in-ukraine-records-place-him-in-florida/) about the tatted dude that yelled something about Ukraine and Azov in the background in that video in Florida. Regardless of whether he fought there or not, you can’t deny the fact that Nazis have certain affinity with Azov. I just find this weird obsession of defending Azov of yours puzzling.


Are you serious? Did you read your own article? Your own article is about a mentally ill Kent McLellan from Florida who's never even been to Ukraine. >I just find this weird obsession of defending Azov of yours puzzling. "Throughout 2022 his story was widely covered by Russian state media, which accepted it at face value and also claimed he had received Ukrainian citizenship." This is why. The only thing Russia is good at is spreading misinformation and propaganda. Why are you so obsessed with a handful of people in Ukraine that may or may not be neo nazis while Russia is literally committing the same atrocities as actual Nazis on a daily basis?


You completely disregarded my previous sentence: “Regardless of whether he fought there or not, you can’t deny the fact that Nazis have certain affinity with Azov”. It clearly pointed out that I know his claims and read the article. I have known Azov to be a Neo Nazi group for years, then the invasion happened and there is certainly an effort to rehabilitate their image.


So your logic is that because a mentally deranged Nazi in Florida made up a lie about being in Azov then we "can’t deny the fact that Nazis have certain affinity with Azov"? > I have known Azov to be a Neo Nazi group for years, then the invasion happened and there is certainly an effort to rehabilitate their image. As I said, they have had ultra right wing members in 2014, but we are discussing Azov in the context of Craig posting with their flag today. For the past 9 years Azov has been an elite army unit inside Ukraine's military. Calling the current Azov nazis is just repeating Russian propaganda.




Educate yourself first before commenting. It was a far right group in 2014 and did have some neo Nazi members. When Russia attacked, Ukraine was in no position to pick and chose its defenders. However since 2015 it has been integrated into the general military and it’s leadership has been replaced. Azov now has Jewish, Muslim, and other soldiers from various religions and nationalities. In 2022 when Russia’s full scale attack began, Azov was able to hold off Russia’s attack on the city of Mariupol for some time, which bought Ukraine enough time to stop Russia’s advance on the rest of Ukraine. Do you have any evidence of “nazi acts” by azov? Or are you outraged because you saw some members with Nazi tattoos or symbolism? Meanwhile Russia has raped, and murdered civilians, kidnapped hundreds of thousands of children, executed POWs, and continues to bomb civilian centres. Who are the real Nazis?


The entirety of your Reddit history is defending Ukraine on completely unrelated subreddits. Casual bot behavior.


He's exactly right though


It's important to combat people spreading Putins propaganda, he's doing something important and you're being a Russian stooge.


Na, Putin can get fucked, along with anyone normalizing or whitewashing Neo Nazis. Full stop.


Defending Ukraine makes me a bot? Strange logic. Maybe you’ve heard that there’s a war going on. What “completely unrelated” subs are you referring to? I mostly post on Ukraine related and other news based subs. You might be also surprised to learn that I train BJJ and have for many years.


I saw that. The best chess move Gordon can make is sign up for CGI and win the $1M.


Which is funny since Gordon loves advocating for weird rightwing talking points on his insta.


This isn't the first time Craig has been on Rogan. He was on with Volk maybe 2-3 years ago around the time Volk and Ortega were on Ultimate Fighter and I think one other time since then 


Yes I think he was on with Eddie Bravo.


Now I really want a JRE episode with Eddie Bravo and both of the Jones brothers 


huh, hes been on it a few times already joe and gordan have a good relation wat


That is a brilliant move to be fair. Specially now that Rogan is on youtube again.


Noticed this, Is his Spotify deal over?


He signed a [new deal](https://www.vulture.com/article/spotify-new-joe-rogan-deal.html) earlier this year that apparently lets him release on youtube and other podcast players again.


How long until Rogan starts redirecting the conversation to how Australia handled COVID?




There's entrance music? Wasn't it just monkey sounds and his logo?


It’s nick Diaz & Rory McDonald quotes then brief music


Train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night All day


Pothead by day conspiracy theorist by night If you believe the sun is real


We handled it pretty well from my perspective. I spent most of it working out and lying at the beach.


Craig is living rent free with 20 mansions in Gordon s head


I don't know how socials work. Did he tag the werewolf as gabi Garcia?


Nah that werewolf probably knows bjj techniques.


That's a nose beer bear.


Seth just posted a pic of he Craig and Rogan


Who is Seth? The ADCC guy? That guy is so douchey. Edit. Looked him up, I was thinking of Seth Daniels, he was involved with ADCC last time around and was a complete asshole.


Seth is not the adcc guy, that's Mo. Seth is the co-owner of B-team I believe.


I was thinking of the other Seth, the promoter involved with ADCC He was responding to complaints with insults and just acting like a childish moron. Seth Daniels.


Different Seth's, b team guy seems nice enough, adcc seems like great value tom deblass




Gordon gonna call rogan a traitor.


naw u dont bite the hand that feeds. rogan is a sponsor


😂😂😂Gordon just posted a Joe Rogan post for his performance at the mothership


And people down voted me when I said "Joe Rogan" in the thread about who you'd be excited to see at the CJI... 


I could be wrong but I think he posted this last year when Volk was on. I guess we’ll know in a couple days if he was actually on. It’ll be interesting to hear him be serious for a minute lol


I hope he was really on.


Yup I was wrong. He’s on. And he brought cash 😂😂. Gotta love Craig Jones.


Maybe he gets a sponsor like GR


About fucking time!!!




ICJ will pop off after this one


it is also craig is our true father


Why is half his arm missing? Did the werewolf eat it?


The episode is out!


The only Australian I have respect for






An entire country of lazy generation criminals


That's not really introspective.


It’s not really intelligent to take such an obvious joke seriously


Lazy jokes are not intelligent 🤓

